There are chairs in the room что вставить

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Underline the correct item.
1 . There are any/some desks in the classroom.
2 . There aren’t some/any children in the garden.
3 . There aren’t some/any books on the desk.
4 . Are there any/some chairs in the living room?
5 . There’s a/some table in the living room.
6 . Is there some/a cat under the table?
7 . There are some/any students in the classroom.
8 . Is there some/an armchair in the living room?


Перевод задания
Подчеркните правильное слово.
1 . В классе есть any/some парты.
2 . В саду нет some/any детей.
3 . На столе нет some/any книг.
4 . Есть ли в гостиной any/some стулья?
5 . В гостиной есть a/some стол.
6 . Есть ли some/a кошка под столом?
7 . В классе есть some/any ученики.
8 . Есть ли в гостиной some/an кресло?

1 . There are any/ some desks in the classroom. ( some )
2 . There aren’t some/ any children in the garden. ( any )
3 . There aren’t some/ any books on the desk. ( any )
4 . Are there any /some chairs in the living room? ( any )
5 . There’s a /some table in the living room. ( a )
6 . Is there some/ a cat under the table? ( a )
7 . There are some /any students in the classroom. ( some )
8 . Is there some/ an armchair in the living room? ( an )

Перевод ответа
1 . В классе есть парты.
2 . В саду нет детей.
3 . На столе нет книг.
4 . Есть ли в гостиной стулья?
5 . В гостиной стол.
6 . Есть ли под столом кошка?
7 . В классе несколько учеников.
8 . Есть ли в гостиной кресло?

Помогите вставить правильное There are any / no chairs in the room. There is some / any bread on the table. Are there some / any birds in the tree? There are some / any children in the park.There is not somebody / anybody at home. There is something / nothing wrong with your radio. It is fine. Is there anything /nothing you want to tell me?


Описать друга письменно, отвечая на вопросы: 1. What does he/she look like? What is he/she like? What does he/she like doing? What does he/she like to … do?

раскройте скобки и запишите глаголы в утвердительной форме Present Simple1) We_________our dog(to call)2)Emma________in the lesson (to dream)3)They___ … _______at birds (to look)4)John________hom from school(to come)5)I_______my friends (to meet)6)He________the laptop(to repair)​

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences 1 go/he/to/town/did/yesterday? 2. she/from/did /France/come? 3. rucksack/her/was/red. 4. they/yes … terday/left/home. 5. Peter/in/did /Scotland/live? 6. granny/to/the/listened last night /radio. 7. swam/in/my/big/swimming pool/brother/thes 8. attend/you/that/did/school?​

7 предложений с этими словамиbreak down - сломаться break in - ворватьсяbreak out - разрядиться/начаться внезапноbreak off - отломить кусок break up - … расстаться/поссоритьсяbring out - стало причиной возникновения bring sb round - привести в сознанияbring up - воспитыватьпж срочно ​

4 Think of a hero from your country. Write a short text about him/her. Present it to the class. Write: who he/she is - what he/she is famous for - wha … t he/she did (60 words). город Нұр-Султан пж помогите ​

Упражнение 1. Вставьте is или are. (расскажите по какому принципу идет выбор) 1. There __ chairs in the room. 2. There __ a picture on the wall. 3. There _____ a rack in the hall. 4. There _____ an armchair in the sitting room. 5. There _____ bedside-tables near the bed. 6. There ______ a wooden chair at the table. 7. There __ a table, chairs, a TV-set and a cupboard in the kitchen. 8. There _____ an armchair, ten tables and nine desks in the classroom. 9. There _____pictures and a poster on the wall. 10. There _____ three rooms in our flat. 11. _____ there books on the coffee table? 12. ____ there a carpet on the floor? 13. There _____ no bathroom in the cottage. 14. There_____ a bedroom, a bathroom, a toilet room and a sitting room in the mansion. 15. There_____ no elevators in this block of flats. 16. There _____ a cup on the table. 17. _____ there a bathroom near the kitchen? 18. _____ there four rooms in the house? 19. _____ there a carpet on the floor?


7. There IS a table, chairs, a TV-set and a cupboard in the kitchen.

8. There IS an armchair, ten tables and nine desks in the classroom.

9. There ARE pictures and a poster on the wall.

10. There ARE three rooms in our flat.

11. ARE there books on the coffee table?

12. IS there a carpet on the floor?

13. There IS no bathroom in the cottage.

14. There IS a bedroom, a bathroom, a toilet room and a sitting room in the mansion.

15. There ARE no elevators in this block of flats.

16. There IS a cup on the table.

17. IS there a bathroom near the kitchen?

18. ARE there four rooms in the house? 19. IS there a carpet on the floor?

Вставить is there or Are there. Then, answer the questions 1) is there a chair in the room? Yes, there is. 2) . theree armochairs in the room? . 3) . a carpet on the floor? . 4) . any flowers on the table? . 5) . any books on the floor? . 6) . a desk next to an armchair? . 7) . any pillows on the sofa? . 8) . a window next to the table? .

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Вставить is there or Are there. Then, answer the questions 1) is there a chair in the room? Yes, there is. 2) . theree armochairs in the . » по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

10 пунктов что бы вы сделали в школе мечты (на русском и на английском)

Перекласти в Present Simple Нам кажуть правду. ЦІ БУдинки будуть з дерева.

Задайте 5 типов вопросов к предложению (общий, альтернативный, к подлежащему, разделительный, к обстоятельству места My friend is watching TV in the living-room now.

Главная » ⭐️ Английский язык » Вставить is there or Are there. Then, answer the questions 1) is there a chair in the room? Yes, there is. 2) . theree armochairs in the room? . 3) . a carpet on the floor? . 4) . any flowers on the table? . 5) .

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