The selected path already exists mysql что это

Обновлено: 19.05.2024

But as you can see the path I set is "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld" but not "c:\Program Files\MySQL\mysqld" So no doubt when I type:

How to change the strange wrong directory? I've never set this wrong directory before. My platform is Windows 7 Enterprise

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2 Answers 2

It's true, I also faced the same problem and messed my system for two days. But later I could figure out the problem. Actually there was a previous installation of MySQL through Xampp Server. this new installation was unable to cope up with the Xampp MySQL which resulted in all the mistakes. Uninstall the XAMPP or their equivalents first and all MySQL if exists and reinstall it. I hope it will work fine

Ручная установка MySQL на Windows

Когда автоматическая установка дает сбой, на помощь приходит ручной режим.

Приступаем к установке:

Для Win 32 выбираем дистрибутив: Windows (x86, 32-bit), Zip-Archive.

Для Win 64: Windows (x86, 64-bit), Zip-Archive.

2. Создаем папку установки. Например C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5. И распаковываем в нее содержание архива таким образом, чтобы папки bin, data, docs и прочие были в корне папки установки.

3. Переходим к созданию конфигурационного файла (my.ini). За основу берем один из типовых файлов:

В этом примере за основу я выбрал my-medium.ini. Переименовываем его в my.ini и размещаем в корне папки установки (C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5).

Открываем для редактирования (в обычном Блокноте) и сразу после строчки [mysqld] дописываем два параметра:

Обратите внимание, что в путях используется прямой слэш (/), а не обратный (\).

На всякий случай привожу фрагмент конфигурационного файла, после внесения изменений:

Обратите внимание, что пути разделяются точкой с запятой. Убедитесь, что в начале и в конце вашего пути точка с запятой поставлена.

5. Перед тем как осуществить пробный пуск, открываем входящий порт TCP 3306 в брандмауэре Windows:

Открываем порт TCP 3306

Открываем порт TCP 3306

Если в системе установлен дополнительный брандмауэр, то в нем также необходимо открыть порт TCP 3306 для входящих подключений.

6. Теперь осуществляем тестовый запуск. В командной строке, запущенной от имени администратора (это обязательно, если на Семерке или Висте включен UAC), выполняем:

На экран будет выведено несколько строк. Если запуск прошел успешно, то последняя строка будет выглядеть примерно так:

Оставляем это окно открытым, и открываем еще одно окно командной строки, в котором вводим:

Если подключение прошло без ошибок, вы увидите приглашение командной строки: mysql>

Посмотрим какие базы у нас есть:

Точка с запятой в конце SQL-запроса ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНА!

Командная строка MySQL

Командная строка MySQL

Теперь мы окончательно убеждены, что сервер работает.

Таблица users

Таблица users

Как видно на скриншоте колонка password заполнена, значит пароль установлен.

Перед выходом выполняем команду:

Теперь при подключении необходимо вводить пароль. Для этого используем ключ -p:

Для завершения работы MySQL выполняем:

Убедитесь, что в системе нет активных процессов MySQL.

В командной строке, запущенной от имени администратора, выполняем:

Путь к mysqld необходимо указывать полностью (даже если он прописан в PATH)!

Запуск службы MySQL

Запуск службы MySQL

Choosing a Setup Type

During the initial setup, you are prompted to select the MySQL products to be installed on the host. One alternative is to use a predetermined setup type that matches your setup requirements. By default, both GA and pre-release products are included in the download and installation with the Developer Default , Client only , and Full setup types. Select the Only install GA products option to restrict the product set to include GA products only when using these setup types.

Choosing one of the following setup types determines the initial installation only and does not limit your ability to install or update MySQL products for Windows later:

Developer Default : Install the following products that compliment application development with MySQL:

MySQL Server (Installs the version that you selected when you downloaded MySQL Installer.)

MySQL Samples and Examples

Server only : Only install the MySQL server. This setup type installs the general availability (GA) or development release server that you selected when you downloaded MySQL Installer. It uses the default installation and data paths.

Client only : Only install the most recent MySQL applications and MySQL connectors. This setup type is similar to the Developer Default type, except that it does not include MySQL server or the client programs typically bundled with the server, such as mysql or mysqladmin .

Full : Install all available MySQL products.

Custom : The custom setup type enables you to filter and select individual MySQL products from the MySQL Installer catalog.

For MySQL Server versions 8.0.20 (and earlier), 5.7, and 5.6, the account you use to run MySQL Installer may not have adequate permission to install the server data files and this can interrupt the installation because the ExecSecureObjects MSI action cannot be executed. To proceed, deselect the Server data files feature before attempting to install the server again. For help, see Product Features To Install).

The Server data files check box was removed from the feature tree for MySQL Server 8.0.21 (and higher).

Use the Custom setup type to install:

A product or product version that is not available from the usual download locations. The catalog contains all product releases, including the other releases between pre-release (or development) and GA.

An instance of MySQL server using an alternative installation path, data path, or both. For instructions on how to adjust the paths, see Chapter 3, Setting Alternative Server Paths with MySQL Installer.

Two or more MySQL server versions on the same host at the same time (for example, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0).

A specific combination of products and features not offered as a predetermine setup type. For example, you can install a single product, such as MySQL Workbench, instead of installing all client applications for Windows.

Check Requirements

MySQL Installer uses entries in the package-rules.xml file to determine whether the prerequisite software for each product is installed on the host. When the requirements check fails, MySQL Installer displays the Check Requirements step to help you update the host. Requirements are evaluated each time you download a new product (or version) for installation. The following figure identifies and describes the key areas of this step.

Figure 2.2 Check Requirements

MySQL Installer check-requirements before any requirements are downloaded and installed.

Description of Check Requirements Elements

Shows the current step in the initial setup. Steps in this list may change slightly depending on the products already installed on the host, the availability of prerequisite software, and the products to be installed on the host.

Lists all pending installation requirements by product and indicates the status as follows:

A blank space in the Status column means that MySQL Installer can attempt to download and install the required software for you.

The word Manual in the Status column means that you must satisfy the requirement manually. Select each product in the list to see its requirement details.

Describes the requirement in detail to assist you with each manual resolution. When possible, a download URL is provided. After you download and install the required software, click Check to verify that the requirement has been met.

Provides the following set operations to proceed:

Back – Return to the previous step. This action enables you to select a different the setup type.

Execute – Have MySQL Installer attempt to download and install the required software for all items without a manual status. Manual requirements are resolved by you and verified by clicking Check .

Next – Do not execute the request to apply the requirements automatically and proceed to the installation without including the products that fail the check requirements step.

Cancel – Stop the installation of MySQL products. Because MySQL Installer is already installed, the initial setup begins again when you open MySQL Installer from the Start menu and click Add from the dashboard. For a description of the available management operations, see Product Catalog.

The selected path already exists mysql что это

У меня возникла проблема при установке MySQL Server Configuration Wizard

Вот такую ошибку выдаёт:
The security settings could not be applied to the database because the connection has failed with the following error.

Error Nr. 1045
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

If a personal firewall is running on your machine, please make sure you have opened the TCP port 3306 for connections. Otherwise no client application can connect to the server. After you have opened the port please press [Retry] to apply the security settings.

If you are re-installing after you just uninstalled the MySQL server please note that the data directory was not removed automatically. Therefore the old password from your last installation is still needed to connect to the server. In this case please select skip now and re-run the Configuration Wizard from the start menu.
Как с этим боротся? Заранее благодарен.

Chapter 2 MySQL Installer Initial Setup

When you download MySQL Installer for the first time, a setup wizard guides you through the initial installation of MySQL products. As the following figure shows, the initial setup is a one-time activity in the overall process. MySQL Installer detects existing MySQL products installed on the host during its initial setup and adds them to the list of products to be managed.

Figure 2.1 MySQL Installer Process Overview

MySQL Installer process. Non-repeating steps: download MySQL Installer; perform the initial setup. Repeating steps: install products (download products, run .msi files, configuration, and install complete); manage products and update the MySQL Installer catalog.

MySQL Installer extracts configuration files (described later) to the hard drive of the host during the initial setup. Although MySQL Installer is a 32-bit application, it can install both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries.

The initial setup adds a link to the Start menu under the MySQL group. Click Start , All Programs , MySQL , MySQL Installer to open MySQL Installer.

3 Answers 3

Open registry editör (regedit.exe) then find mysql service (HKLM --> SYSTEM --> CurrentControlSet --> Services --> MySQL) and correct the ImagePath setting.

Updating the path to MySQL in regedit in Windows 10

Alternatively you can search for c:\Program Files\MySQL\mysqld in registry and change to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin

Then run in cmd (admin mode)

  1. cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin
  2. mysqld.exe --initialize
  3. open services and start mysql service OR run: net start mysql
3,229 4 4 gold badges 29 29 silver badges 48 48 bronze badges

2,053 1 1 gold badge 17 17 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges

This error may happen as you install Window recently and didn't to any updates of something. What I took is as follows

  1. Run "regedit.exe" from start button.
  2. From within "Registry Editor" Edit --> Find (Ctrl + F)
  3. Use "mysql" as the "search key"
  4. Now, you would find the following window

enter image description here

  1. Right click [ImagePath] icon and choose "Modify".
  2. Enter your 'mysqld.exe' full pathname there as shown in the above image.

After I did above procedure, no "System error 2" occurred when I execute following command.

DOS> net start mysql

Is this question more appropriate for SuperUser or DBA site?

--install try to run mysql as Windows service. If you only supply --install, it will use the default service name which is MySQL. The error message indicates there is already a Windows service called MySQL so you can't install another service with the same name.

You can first remove the existing service:(Admin command line)

Then run your install command. But before that you have to be sure MySQL service is really deleted, since the service only will be removed after the process ends. If not, then you can kill that mysql process in Task Manager.

The seconde way is leave the existing MySQL service there and create another one:

MySQL Installer Configuration Files

All MySQL Installer files are located within the C:\Program Files (x86) and C:\ProgramData folders. The following table describes the files and folders that define MySQL Installer as a standalone application.

Installed MySQL products are neither altered nor removed when you update or uninstall MySQL Installer.

Table 2.1 MySQL Installer Configuration Files

This file contains the prerequisites for every product to be installed.

The products file (or product catalog) contains a list of all products available for download.

The Product Cache folder contains all standalone .msi files bundled with the full package or downloaded afterward.

”Windows service for the name MySQL already exists”.How to remove MySQL service name which is already there in my pc

I have been using windows 7 and I installed MySQL in my system. But I am unable to access using MySQL client or command prompt. I tried installing and uninstalling but at after installing three check points it is getting stopped. It says MySQL is already installed. I tried using "sc delete MySQL" which couldn't help me anymore. Divyanshu will be very pleased to have an answer!! Thank you.

Path Conflicts

When the default installation or data folder (required by MySQL server) for a product to be installed already exists on the host, the wizard displays the Path Conflict step to identify each conflict and enable you to take action to avoid having files in the existing folder overwritten by the new installation. You see this step in the initial setup only when MySQL Installer detects a conflict.

To resolve the path conflict, do one of the following:

Select a product from the list to display the conflict options. A warning symbol indicates which path is in conflict. Use the browse button to choose a new path and then click Next .

Click Back to choose a different setup type or product version, if applicable. The Custom setup type enables you to select individual product versions.

Click Next to ignore the conflict and overwrite files in the existing folder.

Delete the existing product. Click Cancel to stop the initial setup and close MySQL Installer. Open MySQL Installer again from the Start menu and delete the installed product from the host using the Delete operation from the MySQL Installer dashboard.

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