Teso loot tracker как пользоваться

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Yet another loot tracker? Yes. Why? Because it has a lot of new functionalities I've missed in similar addons and finally decided to put one together on my own that has basically everything I've ever wanted to. And more is coming.

[Pictures coming soon!]

  • Unlock the Loot tracker window without having to go to the addon settings.
  • Clear the loot list directly from the Loot tracker window.
  • Click on the loot row to import the loot and who looted it to the chat: You're able to link the item in chat or whisper to the player who looted something you're interested in. Temporary fix which will be changed in the future to be more intuitive and smarter.
  • Change between Loot tracker window and chat.
  • Resize the Loot tracker window.
  • Account wide settings
  • Addon settings page: More intuitive way to change the settings than writing chat commands.
  • Own seperate window for loot tracking: Easier to keep track of your loot without sacrificing the chat.
  • And much, much more.
  • "Drag and drop" the Loot tracker window wherever you want to.
  • Filter the loot by keyword or quality: Only selected and higher quality items will be shown.
  • Keep track of your gold with "Money update interval" feature.
  • Change the visibility of traits and filter the loot by a specific trait: Armor, weapon and jewelry traits has their own filter options.
  • Disable group loot if you care about yours only.
  • Open your addon settings page to filter different options.
  • You can clear the Loot tracker window by writing "/loot clear" in your chat window.
  • You're not able to link the item directly from the Loot tracker window to chat. I'm aware of this and I struggled finding a good solution to it. But I'm working on it and it's one of the most important things I'm focusing on at the moment.
  • Also you're not able to whisper to the players from Loot tracker window. I know about this issue as well and like I mentioned above I'm working on a solution. So be patient.
  • The Loot tracker window is visible when you open a map, settings, inventory, . and it's an issue. API allows you to automatically hide the UI if you have cursor mode enabled but there's an issue that you're not able to access to it in anyway then. I'm looking into this and will update it as soon as I can find a reasonable solution to it.
  • If you resize the window to be small enough so the text goes to multiple rows it overlaps with other loot texts. I'm looking into this and hopefully will find a solution as soon as possible.
  • Seperate filter options for you and your group.
  • Possibility to change the Loot tracker window's position to its own tab in chat window.
  • Filter the loot afterwards.
  • Get a notification after completing a dungeon or trial, or immediately when someone in your group loots a specific item you're looking for.
  • More filtering options.
  • Keybinding to quickly show and hide the Loot tracker window.
  • Ignore list to hide certain items from the loot list.

* Fixed few errors.

* Removed "/loot CLEAR" command.

* Added "Clear history" function to the Loot tracker window.
* Added "Unlock / Lock window" function to the Loot tracker window.
* Added more functionalities to the Loot tracker window.

* Fixed the quality filtering.

* Added an option to change between Loot tracker window and chat.
* Added the resize option for Loot tracker window.

* Removed all the excisting commands.
* Removed Tel var stones, writ vouchers and alliance points from currency tracking.

* Added "/loot CLEAR" command.
* Added addon settings page (UI).
* Added automatic account wide settings.

* Changed Loot tracker window from chat window to its own.

(And much, much more. )

I had a "small" break and just got back into this game. I might update this addon with at least some, if not all, suggested improvements. Nothing is guaranteed, though, as I have a lot going on.

So please be patient, and I'll give some updates whatever is going to happen with this.

Just say this. Maybe add for loot tracker (in game window) hide or move to background. Or how mini clock addon work. Thanks.

Hi everybody.
As this addon was really out of date and i hate my chat getting clogged of loots, just added the so much wanted auto hide feature when you open any menu. As i don't plan uploading a new addon with this, i will just tell you how to do it. Just open the lua file from the addon folder, search for the CreateLootTable function and after this line:
local mainWindow = CreateWindow ( )
add this:
local fragment = ZO_HUDFadeSceneFragment:New( mainWindow )
HUD_SCENE:AddFragment( fragment )
HUD_UI_SCENE:AddFragment( fragment )

I'm requesting an update, please.
Lum1on hasn't been since 06/27/2017. Lum1on, can you give someone permission to take over if you don't plan on updating, please? Could you plzzzzz add an option in the settings to display people's usernames instead of their character names? When I click on the name of someone that I want to PM, it does starts a whisper with their toon name as their username, which will not be successful.

Would it be possible to add the option to specify a chat tab for the chat version of this addon?

Love this addon otherwise!

That would be a GREAT addition. I much rather have the info go to a chat tab then being constantly displayed in my already cluttered screen. It would be really good if you could separate it away from System messages, so a dedicated chat tab could be used. Perhaps use a not commonly used chat type, such as Yell or maybe one of the non-English ones. (More thought should be given.) Not sure if that is even possible with the API, but it would be cool.

I like to export my loot to a text file, then eventually to an Excel spreadsheet so I can keep track of what I've looted/farmed each day, or for a particular session.

Currently I do this by using pChat to copy the chat text, paste it into a text file, then adjust it into comma separated values to export into Excel.

Teso loot tracker как пользоваться

28 сен. 2018 в 21:48 I'm what I'd call a reasonably seasoned mmo player (and solo games) and was gifted this game the other day as I'm a great fan of Skyrim.
However just starting out I've found the game rather abysmal when it comes to loot dropping from kills - there is none .. the odd bit of gold maybe . but unlike other mmo's i've played this one is really dire . I'll give it a little more time in case it's me but this amongst other issues are gradually cumulating to make me think this game is around 20 years out of date on nearly everything. 28 сен. 2018 в 22:17

I've only got about 120ish hours in this divided between a handful of toons (so some of this may be inaccurate, maybe someone who has actually CPed can give more insight) and it seems loot drops everywhere but the mobs you see every 20 feet. Do Dolmens, always give gear, at least one being in a set. Go do delves and kill the boss, set gear drops often enough but not every time. Both of these take about 5 minutes so can be helpful for finding that 5th item for that sweet set bonus. Of course there are quests that give some good set pieces. Their are world bosses which take a bit longer, maybe 10-15 minutes, and give good loot but you def need a handful of players so not soloable (might be able to do some by min-maxing but I think quite a few of them have mechanics that makes soloing very tricky). do group/public dungeons. Do trials. I have not done PvP yet but I imagine that an hour or two in cyridill will provide some decent stuff.

I think this game might be less of having a baby carrot in every enemy and more of tying a carrot to a stick and pointing it in the direction of bosses unlike what other games you may have played.

28 сен. 2018 в 23:22

I would give it time. I get lots of drops, but not from random mods- although they still do drop occasional goodies. As stated above, unique and elites drop set gear.

It may also be that you are in the starting area still? You won't find much until you leave, thanks to bots and other such cheating changing how things work. As soon as you get to your first major city, there will be two trainers: one at the Mages Guild, and one at the Fighters Guild. They will show you the crafting system. You will then have the power to make the items you're looking for.

Better yet. Join a guild and explain that you need a basic starting set to get you on your feet. After you progress from the beginning area, you will find chests and have quests that will give you lots to equip yourself with.

28 сен. 2018 в 23:35

"I'll give it a little more time in case it's me but this amongst other issues are gradually cumulating to make me think this game is around 20 years out of date on nearly everything."

You smell that? It's the smell of a troll.

You state one issue: that is loot. Which if you just started out, you won't get much until you progress a bit.

So what is the 'nearly everything' part exactly?

Also, if this game isn't for you, then it isn't for you. Do not force it to be something it is not.

Teso loot tracker как пользоваться

Yet another loot tracker? Yes. Why? Because it has a lot of new functionalities I've missed in similar addons and finally decided to put one together on my own that has basically everything I've ever wanted to. And more is coming.

[Pictures coming soon!]

  • Unlock the Loot tracker window without having to go to the addon settings.
  • Clear the loot list directly from the Loot tracker window.
  • Click on the loot row to import the loot and who looted it to the chat: You're able to link the item in chat or whisper to the player who looted something you're interested in. Temporary fix which will be changed in the future to be more intuitive and smarter.
  • Change between Loot tracker window and chat.
  • Resize the Loot tracker window.
  • Account wide settings
  • Addon settings page: More intuitive way to change the settings than writing chat commands.
  • Own seperate window for loot tracking: Easier to keep track of your loot without sacrificing the chat.
  • And much, much more.
  • "Drag and drop" the Loot tracker window wherever you want to.
  • Filter the loot by keyword or quality: Only selected and higher quality items will be shown.
  • Keep track of your gold with "Money update interval" feature.
  • Change the visibility of traits and filter the loot by a specific trait: Armor, weapon and jewelry traits has their own filter options.
  • Disable group loot if you care about yours only.
  • Open your addon settings page to filter different options.
  • You can clear the Loot tracker window by writing "/loot clear" in your chat window.
  • You're not able to link the item directly from the Loot tracker window to chat. I'm aware of this and I struggled finding a good solution to it. But I'm working on it and it's one of the most important things I'm focusing on at the moment.
  • Also you're not able to whisper to the players from Loot tracker window. I know about this issue as well and like I mentioned above I'm working on a solution. So be patient.
  • The Loot tracker window is visible when you open a map, settings, inventory, . and it's an issue. API allows you to automatically hide the UI if you have cursor mode enabled but there's an issue that you're not able to access to it in anyway then. I'm looking into this and will update it as soon as I can find a reasonable solution to it.
  • If you resize the window to be small enough so the text goes to multiple rows it overlaps with other loot texts. I'm looking into this and hopefully will find a solution as soon as possible.
  • Seperate filter options for you and your group.
  • Possibility to change the Loot tracker window's position to its own tab in chat window.
  • Filter the loot afterwards.
  • Get a notification after completing a dungeon or trial, or immediately when someone in your group loots a specific item you're looking for.
  • More filtering options.
  • Keybinding to quickly show and hide the Loot tracker window.
  • Ignore list to hide certain items from the loot list.

* Fixed few errors.

* Removed "/loot CLEAR" command.

* Added "Clear history" function to the Loot tracker window.
* Added "Unlock / Lock window" function to the Loot tracker window.
* Added more functionalities to the Loot tracker window.

* Fixed the quality filtering.

* Added an option to change between Loot tracker window and chat.
* Added the resize option for Loot tracker window.

* Removed all the excisting commands.
* Removed Tel var stones, writ vouchers and alliance points from currency tracking.

* Added "/loot CLEAR" command.
* Added addon settings page (UI).
* Added automatic account wide settings.

* Changed Loot tracker window from chat window to its own.

(And much, much more. )

I had a "small" break and just got back into this game. I might update this addon with at least some, if not all, suggested improvements. Nothing is guaranteed, though, as I have a lot going on.

So please be patient, and I'll give some updates whatever is going to happen with this.

Just say this. Maybe add for loot tracker (in game window) hide or move to background. Or how mini clock addon work. Thanks.

Hi everybody.
As this addon was really out of date and i hate my chat getting clogged of loots, just added the so much wanted auto hide feature when you open any menu. As i don't plan uploading a new addon with this, i will just tell you how to do it. Just open the lua file from the addon folder, search for the CreateLootTable function and after this line:
local mainWindow = CreateWindow ( )
add this:
local fragment = ZO_HUDFadeSceneFragment:New( mainWindow )
HUD_SCENE:AddFragment( fragment )
HUD_UI_SCENE:AddFragment( fragment )

I'm requesting an update, please.
Lum1on hasn't been since 06/27/2017. Lum1on, can you give someone permission to take over if you don't plan on updating, please? Could you plzzzzz add an option in the settings to display people's usernames instead of their character names? When I click on the name of someone that I want to PM, it does starts a whisper with their toon name as their username, which will not be successful.

Would it be possible to add the option to specify a chat tab for the chat version of this addon?

Love this addon otherwise!

That would be a GREAT addition. I much rather have the info go to a chat tab then being constantly displayed in my already cluttered screen. It would be really good if you could separate it away from System messages, so a dedicated chat tab could be used. Perhaps use a not commonly used chat type, such as Yell or maybe one of the non-English ones. (More thought should be given.) Not sure if that is even possible with the API, but it would be cool.

I like to export my loot to a text file, then eventually to an Excel spreadsheet so I can keep track of what I've looted/farmed each day, or for a particular session.

Currently I do this by using pChat to copy the chat text, paste it into a text file, then adjust it into comma separated values to export into Excel.

Teso loot tracker как пользоваться

Welcome to Loot Tracker v1.1! This mod is designed to gather data while you're stealing so that we can do statistical analysis on ESO theft drop-rates. ESO has been out for quite a while but there aren't any firm numbers on theft, so I think it's time to fix that.

Be warned! I'm not a professional developer. Right now the mod accurately collects and stores data on stolen goods, but that requires it to AUTO-LOOT STOLEN GOODS. This is a little inconvenient, but it's explained in the ReadMe file. Also, data is presently stored on your computer alone and not automatically submitted to a central source, so large sample sizes can only be achieved by a lot of personal dedication or working with other players.

If you're interested in finally finding out the secrets of theft drop and are experienced in mod development, please contact me (even if you're reading this far in the future)! Any help you can provide will make this mod better and hopefully save future players hours upon hours of time.

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