Swtor birthright mainhand weapon construction kit где его взять

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

You are awarded 1-Inheritance Mainhand Weapon Construction Kit at the completion of Chapter 1.

Construction Kits for other pieces of gear, be it armor or offhand weapon or whatever, are purchased via Daily Commendations. You must be level 50 and run daily missions that reward the Daily Commendations to receive these. The kits also drop as loot from random mobs, they're considerably rare.

But what can you do with it ? :(:(

Send it to a lower level alt who can redeem it in Coruscant/Dromond Kass for a low level Prototype weapon (blue). It is better than most items of its level, but you will soon outgrow it.

These give level 14, non-upgradeable weapons of very high quality. When you're leveling a toon this should carry you from your capital planet well into Taris/Balmorra.

You trade the construction kits for these with new Legacy vendors in the capital planets. There's a group on Dromund Kaas on the right wall of the city's main thoroughfare (between the city gates and the Citadel), and a group on Coruscant at the top of the stairs in the Senate plaza leading down to the galactic market.

Send it to a lower level alt who can redeem it in Coruscant/Dromond Kass for a low level Prototype weapon (blue). It is better than most items of its level, but you will soon outgrow it.

Send it to an alt and then what? My alt seems just as incapable of opening it as my main.

It's not "openable". It's like a commendation or currency that you can use at the alt's class Legacy vendor on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.

These give level 14, non-upgradeable weapons of very high quality. When you're leveling a toon this should carry you from your capital planet well into Taris/Balmorra.

Wait a minute, completing the starter planet at level 10 already gave me a fully moddable mainhand weapon that should carry me through the end of the game or until I find another fully moddable mainhand weapon that looks nicer. It seems to me that there is no reason to give us a mainhand weapon. Any other slot would be beneficial, but not that one.

Inheritance items are an absolute waste of time IMO. FWIW, the inheritance item is better than an orange item kitted out in level 13/14 blues. So it's an upgrade for two, maybe four levels.

I've handed in my item (i'm a level 10) to the Legacy Vendor but I did not receive anything in return?

Do I have to wait until i'm level 14 or something? :(

I've gotten at least three construction kits from treasure hunting crits. Got a glove yesterday, forget what the others were. Wasn't even max level TH, grade 4 I think. A couple things. It's silly for a level 50 to gear farm for a level 14 alt by doing dailies. Equally silly, if they were going to introduce legacy items, why didn't they copy wow? those upgrade automatically every level up to 80. At that point, you hand them off to a level 1 and start again with them. To me, that is what the definition of legacy is. Not something that is useful for 4-5 levels and only on 1 toon.

A couple things. It's silly for a level 50 to gear farm for a level 14 alt by doing dailies. Equally silly, if they were going to introduce legacy items, why didn't they copy wow? those upgrade automatically every level up to 80. At that point, you hand them off to a level 1 and start again with them. To me, that is what the definition of legacy is. Not something that is useful for 4-5 levels and only on 1 toon.

Fully agree. The whole legacy system is half-baked. They released the legacy system WELL AFTER all my alts are beyond the ability to use these low-level items. These are completely worthless items to me and yet another reason I'm glad I cancelled my sub to this game. I'm just sorry I paid for 6 months up front and bought the CE edition. It's better than SWG, but still has a long way to go.

I kind of wish that the kit we get in the mail was anything *but* mainhand weapon. I got a drop somewhere for a boots kit and I actually used it, and it was good! But all the mainhand kits I have are gathering dust

These give level 14, non-upgradeable weapons of very high quality. When you're leveling a toon this should carry you from your capital planet well into Taris/Balmorra.

Every character gets a modable Orange weapon as part of their class specilization quest or in quests on the starter planets. So the non-upgradable weapon is at best a temporary replacement.

A couple things. It's silly for a level 50 to gear farm for a level 14 alt by doing dailies. Equally silly, if they were going to introduce legacy items, why didn't they copy wow? those upgrade automatically every level up to 80. At that point, you hand them off to a level 1 and start again with them. To me, that is what the definition of legacy is. Not something that is useful for 4-5 levels and only on 1 toon.

The whole idea is stupid. They hope people will do the 2 most short lived activity for an endgame :
Solo grinding quests (lots of people dislike it, and it's solo)
leveling an alt.
That's not the endgame we expect from a MMO this days.

It is not worth the time it takes to go to the vendor and exchange the item.

It is not worth the time it takes to go to the vendor and exchange the item.

Who thought this was a good idea, Bioware? Fire that person.

Don't be too harsh guys, Yes you all make good points but look at it like this. Wow didn't start with Heirlooms they came in in Wrath of the lich king 2 expansions later. I agree whole heartedly that Legacy Items should be multi character usable and modifiable but give them time this game is still rather young and they only just recently released 1.2

Updates for Legacy need to be:
Bind to Account Items: Head, Chest, Weap (Main and Off-Hand) and Throw in some pets. Throwing in a full set of BOA Legacy gear would over power ppl and would kill the fun in War Zones. Throw in a few Legacy Quests to get your BOA Legacy gear to make it interesting instead of just doing the Age old "You can buy this item for 200,000,000,000 creds per item" - it's boring and limits the fun people have with the whole experience.
Also add in some gear that lvl's up with the character not just gear that we are going to replace. So every lvl the stats increase along with armour and defence ect:

It is not worth the time it takes to go to the vendor and exchange the item.

Since the weapon is basically free, yes, it is worth the time it takes to purchase. It's not like you don't run past the vendor at least 5-6 times while on Dromund Kaas, anyway.

I used one on my Sith Sorcerer, and didn't have to get mods until I could get the level 19 blue mods on Balmorra which was a tidy savings, to be honest. Ultimately, 10 measly credits saved me a lot more credits/commendations from being used on the weapon, and could be used on something else instead, like armor mods. I just did the same with my Sniper, and won't have to deal with upgrading her weapon until at least level 19 which is 5 levels of not having to upgrade my weapon, again.

inheritance mainhand weapon construction kit

The vendors are indeed in Kaas City and Coruscant for the republic, however you should send that weapon kit to one of your low level alts because the weapon itself is good for a character in a 14-20 level range if i remember correctly, otherwise it's pretty much worthless.

This is the segment of the game that needs to be reworked because it's not very good and useful in it's current state, to say the least.

Telcontar Legacy The right side of the main walkway there are 3 or 4 vendors. They take your inheritance item as payment for your choice of several items. Use your map, look for lagacy vendors. I generally would recommend destroying these objects when you get them. The level 14 gun isn't worth the trip to dromund kaas. It's not even moddable, so it may be worse than what you have at that level from quests anyway. Member of Bane Fleet
I generally would recommend destroying these objects when you get them. The level 14 gun isn't worth the trip to dromund kaas. It's not even moddable, so it may be worse than what you have at that level from quests anyway.

Yes, it's bad for the character that gets the kit. It's meant to be, because it's not made for them. It's made for future characters.

When you make a second character, you use the mail system to send the construction kit to them. When they reach 14th level, they can go to one of the legacy vendors on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant and trade it for a weapon of the type appropriate for their class. The weapon is EXCELLENT for 14th level characters, and will likely serve well until the character is in their 20s.

As an aside, as play further with your first character, you may find other inheritance an birthright gear, including armors and off-hands. The same deal applies. Inheritance gear is 14th level, birthright is 31st.

I generally would recommend destroying these objects when you get them. The level 14 gun isn't worth the trip to dromund kaas. It's not even moddable, so it may be worse than what you have at that level from quests anyway. Wrong.
It's better than anything you can run across in a 14-20 level range, and why the hell should he destroy it?
I'm fairly certain you haven't destroyed yours once you got it, but if you have done so it's solely your problem.Just because you are clueless it doesn't mean you should misinform the OP who asked for help regarding inheritance kit, if he wanted to destroy it i doubt that he would make this thread. Telcontar Legacy Quote: Originally Posted by SleepyKing

Yes, it's bad for the character that gets the kit. It's meant to be, because it's not made for them. It's made for future characters.

When you make a second character, you use the mail system to send the construction kit to them. When they reach 14th level, they can go to one of the legacy vendors on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant and trade it for a weapon of the type appropriate for their class. The weapon is EXCELLENT for 14th level characters, and will likely serve well until the character is in their 20s.

As an aside, as play further with your first character, you may find other inheritance an birthright gear, including armors and off-hands. The same deal applies. Inheritance gear is 14th level, birthright is 31st.

What Suzine is trying to tell you is that you might already have a better weapon on the character you're leveling by the time you hit 14 and can use the inheritance weapon.

Although I think that it's the best weapon you can have at 14, the fact it's not moddable makes it obsolete in 1-2 levels.
Sure, the stats can and will get you to your early twenties but especially with those cartel market crystals, after 1-2 levels there will be better things you can mod your weapon with, but you won't be able because it's not moddable.

This is a very interesting subject though. I don't even remember how many of these useless birthright/inheritance items I have.
I would like to see Bioware either making those weapons and armor orange (even if they're only shells, like the rest of the legacy gear) or at least to give us a way to sell them for a good amount of money. Once you have 2+ characters and a lot of credits, these items are absolutely worthless.

Are birthright construction kits still available?

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The Birthright kits no longer drop, but the weapon model is used for some other assault cannons.

There are a couple crafted cannons that use the model, but their stats are static.

Thanks, that’s sucks it’s not a thing anymore

You can turn in old ones you might have, but they are no longer part of the loot tables.

How do I obtain a inheritance mainhand weapon construction kit as the trooper class?

I’m trying to obtain a blaster rifle from the legacy vendor on Coruscant.

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They were taken out of the game a long time ago - the vendor has the weapons listed because some people have leftover tokens still.

Thanks for the info. I’m looking to get the Trooper’s Inheritance Blaster Rifle. Its the only weapon in game I’ve found that has the same model as the blaster used by the Republic forces. I haven’t been able to find any on the Galactic Market or any vendors. If you know of anywhere else I can get a blaster rifle with that model I’d appreciate it.

you cant get the kits anymore so i looked up similar looking weapons, the closest ones you can get are

S-311 Fusion Saboteur (random drop so check the gtn)

H-411 Battle Saboteur (pvp vendor so you will need to level up your valor)

hope this helps

edit: changed the pvp one as i named the imp version

Do you have fleet commendations? I seem to recall a vendor in the gtn section that might still sell the item for these commendations.

In the section on the Republic Fleet where the Galactic Market terminals are?

Edit: I checked the vendor and it only has wrist, glove, and belt construction kits. Thanks for your help though.

The legacy vendors are right next to the stairs that lead down to all of the shops in front of the Senate building on Coruscant. Not sure about where it is for the filthy Imperials. I suppose the kit and the items you can get with it bind to your character? If not I’d be overwhelmingly grateful if you could mail it to my character. I’ve been playing the game on and off for like 4 years and I’ve been searching for that blaster for my trooper the entire time.

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