Super hot как начать новую игру

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

7 апр. 2018 в 12:46

If even that dosent work then I guess you'll have to wait untill they implament a reset feature. And that dosen't sound especialy important so it might be a while.

Though it sounds like they are overhauling the progresstion system soon, I'm sure that everyone's progress will be reset then. Be patient.

10 апр. 2018 в 4:16

Also in the folder options make sure that the hidden files are visible.

10 апр. 2018 в 9:05

Also in the folder options make sure that the hidden files are visible.

5 июн. 2018 в 15:02 i have deleted all of my folders there, and the save still wasnt deleted. help? 7 июн. 2018 в 3:49 i have deleted all of my folders there, and the save still wasnt deleted. help?

When you are deleting the saves make sure the game is off.

25 дек. 2020 в 17:58 Hello. I have this game installed on Linux with SteamOS. Would you which file(s) to delete to reset the game? I've completed it all, and all that's left are the infinite levels which are pretty good, but I wanted to go through it all again. I don't mind repetition in a game!
I've tried cutting the file "superhotmcd" which would seem to be a data file, but no reset. 31 мар в 3:42 i have deleted all of my folders there, and the save still wasnt deleted. help?

When you are deleting the saves make sure the game is off.

Ok so I have tried both things you mentioned and still nothing. I even went as far as to reinstall the game and still nothing

бесконечная загрузка в superhot

запускаю игру, выбираю superhot.exe (типо начать игру) начинается загрузка и зависает когда на экране помехи, картинка остонавливается, а шипящий звук бесконечно шипит и ничего не происходит, что делать?

Ты первый раз запускаешь?
Если нет, то я знаю как тебе помочь

Тимур Мыслитель (5416) Попробуй подвигаться, на каком-то уровне можно ходить в загрузке

нажимаю мышкой и экран светлеет, появляется окно с выбором подождать и закрыть

Super hot как начать новую игру


13 июн. 2017 в 14:01 Is there a way to erase my saved progress? I'd like to play through the campaign from the beginning again like new. 13 июн. 2017 в 17:39

i believe in the %appdata% region there should be a save file, i could have the location wrong though.

edit also might have to whipe your cloud save too if you got the enabled in steam settings.

13 июн. 2017 в 22:09

If you have beaten the game you can reset by using the floppy disk on the top of the computer monitor to the right.

If you can't find that you can just deleat your saved game file at C:\Users\(user_name_here)\AppData\LocalLow\SUPERHOT_Team\SUPERHOT_VR

14 июн. 2017 в 7:42 17 июн. 2017 в 16:43 I removed the SUPERHOT_VR file and it did reset the game. However after the committed part where you shoot yourself and go to the room, the game crashes after insertion the floppy. Anybody else experience this? 26 дек. 2018 в 18:38

If you have beaten the game you can reset by using the floppy disk on the top of the computer monitor to the right.

If you can't find that you can just deleat your saved game file at C:\Users\(user_name_here)\AppData\LocalLow\SUPERHOT_Team\SUPERHOT_VR

27 дек. 2018 в 13:33

The path listed above should have a file "" in it, this looks like the saved game. The folder "Unity" Looks to have some identification, and settings info.

If you wan't to backup / deleat you saved game just copy or empty the "SUPERHOT_VR" That has thoes files in it

Oculus Community community


Ok so i bought this yesterday and before i could play it i had to go to work and my son decided to play it first.
When i play it the game just starts without giving me the option to start a new game.
It starts me in an all white environment with a pistol in front of me and when i touch it i am in a market with a bad guy right in front and off we go!

for the love of me i cannot figure out how to start a new game rather than continue from where my son left off

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