Snowrunner как изменить параметры машины

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Работа энтузиаста по воспроизведению более реалистичного опыта посредством множества модификаций в физике игры, а именно:

- Отрегулировано сцепление между поверхностью шины и грунта до реальных сопоставимых уровней.
- Увеличена максимальная скорость всех транспортных средств и тщательно скорректированы их ускорения, чтобы попытаться соответствовать ускорению транспортных средств, когда они пусты (хотя при загрузке разница едва заметна, и я не могу ее изменить). Из-за реальной физической модели игры мне постоянно приходилось выбирать между тем, что будет более реалистичным, поскольку другие вещи становятся еще хуже, поэтому я решил, что более важные аспекты «смоделированы» для большего реализма за счет другие аспекты, которые я считал менее важными, позволили им стать еще более загадочным побочным эффектом из-за очень ограниченной физической модели игры. Примером является грязь, которая действует как липкий клей. Даже если вы приедете на максимальной скорости, вы мгновенно остановитесь. Я не мог найти способ изменить это странное грязное поведение. Для того, чтобы транспортные средства могли достигать более реальной максимальной скорости (где условия позволяют это), я был вынужден приложить немного больше крутящего момента, чем требуется для двигателя каждого грузовика. Это немного перегружает автомобили с точки зрения ускорения, но я полагаю, что с некоторыми изменениями я нашел хороший баланс для уменьшения наименьшего реализма.
- Лучше какой длины. Реальная, длина которой для водителей грузовиков может достигать более 150 футов (> 45 м), но чтобы это не выглядело как мошенничество, я ограничил длину лебедки по умолчанию 30, электрическую - 20 и только более дорогую. до 50м.

Этот мод работает со всеми транспортными средствами и картами. Он только изменяет глобальную физику, поэтому он должен работать с любым транспортным средством, которое использует игровые шины, коробки передач, двигатели, лебедки и т. Д. Или карты.

Posted by SnowRunner_Support on Jul 2nd, 2020 (updated 302d ago)

Unfortunately, we have issues with updating the web version of this guide due to the large size of our guides (we have reached the max limit for pictures for an account, etc). Sorry for that.

Or, you can open the folder with the documentation package directly from SnowRunner™ Editor, by selecting Help > Guides in its main menu.

Quick links to parts of this guide:

    - Introduction to SnowRunner™ Editor: First Launch, UI, File Paths (Chapters 1 to 4) - Creation of a Map, beginning (Chapter 5, from 5.1 to 5.11) that covers:
    • Terrain
    • “Geometry” Brushes
    • PBR Materials
    • Snow and Ice
    • Models
    • Plants
    • Distributions
    • Overlays
    • Rivers and Water Objects
    • References
    • Trucks
    • Sounds
    • Sound Domains
    • Zones
    • Objectives

    If you want an offline copy, you can download the full guide in the PDF format here.

    1. Introduction

    This guide provides an overview of basic operations necessary to create a map mod with SnowRunner™ Editor. Along with it, brief instructions on viewing trucks are also provided.

    SnowRunner "Скорость вращения и возврата колес"

    Мод изменяет скорость вращения и скорость возврата колёс.

    1. Распаковать
    2. Скопировать “initial.pak” в папку “SnowRunner\en_us\preload\paks\client” согласиться с заменой.

    SnowRunner "Вилочный погрузчик v0.0 (v15.0)"

    SnowRunner "Pak - DON v1.0.0 (v15.0)"

    SnowRunner "PogTrailers - Mule v1.0.0 (v15.0)"

    Работает на пиратке от ХАТАБА версии 4.7, сохраняйте оригинал перед началом тестов этого мода.

    Тут менять для каждой машины индивидуально надо. Путь: initial.pak\[media]\classes\trucks в файлах машин .xml найти строки BackSteerSpeed - скорость возврата колёс и SteerSpeed - скорость поворота руля. Вдруг кому то пригодится, если не знаете. А кто знает, тем это не надо. ))

    Grindest Не подскажешь, как размер баков увеличить?

    Hog2012 Да, в .xml файле, в папке truck. Там поиском или просто крутни вниз, далеко не нужно мотать, там близко. найди строчку FuelCapacity="350" (350 - это и есть. За пример взял с азова 64131, бак у него на 350л.)

    Grindest спс

    в игре теперь чёрный экран! ИСПРАВЬТЕ ЭТО!

    Наверное было бы правильно уменьшить, а не увеличить. По дэфолту и так быстра настроено. А теперь колеса стали поворачиваться еще быстрее)))) как в ралли. Никакой риалистичности, только хуже стало.

    Buzzi2000 Увеличивает манёвренность, если играешь с клавиатуры или геймпада

    Аааа, ну я с клавы. Гляну, спасибо.

    Buzzi2000 у меня этот мод сломал карту на Дамбе, только жёстко пришлось выходить из игры вобще.

    AVEDALOR да я его уже поставил, проблема в самой игре, как выяснилось, после нескольких переустановок, когда она копирует технику и подгружает с точкой перед Дамбой каждый раз! Если сначала такую скопированную технику не прогнать через Гараж, а сразу открыть Карту, то и получится по факту только Жёсткий Выход из Игры. Карта становится Чёрной, а все надписи, что слева наложены одна на другую вверху, и всё, игра не реагирует ни на какие клавиши после этого.

    2. Installation and First Launch

    The Editor is installed along with the game itself. You can find it in the folder of the installed game, typically at the following (or similar) directory:
    C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner\en_us\Sources\BinEditor\

    NOTE: If you have installed the Public Test Server (PTS) version of the game, then paths to all files of this version will be similar to the ones shown in this guide. However, these paths will have SnowRunnerBeta in them instead of SnowRunner.

    To open the Editor, you need to launch SnowRunnerEditor.exe in this folder:

    editor exe file

    No configuration is necessary, you can just launch it.

    IMPORTANT: Currently, if you open the Editor, you will not be able to open the game at the same time. If you need to open the game, you will need to close the Editor first.

    3. UI Overview

    UI 1

    UI 2

    The UI of the editor consists of the following:

    1. The main panel (scene window) - displays the part of your scene. Here you perform the main operations with the content of the scene: add new objects, move and rotate them, paint the terrain using various brushes, and so on.
    2. File view panel - this panel works as a library that contains all maps and references. Double-click on the file in the panel will load the corresponding map.
    3. Scene View panel (upper part) - displays the list of objects on the scene, both physical and auxiliary. Objects can be selected both in the main panel (scene window) and using the Scene View list, after expanding its hierarchy. Along with objects, this hierarchy contains a set of various brushes in the Scene > Terrain > Geometry section (see below).
    4. Lower part of the Scene View panel (properties of a selected object) - this panel displays and allows you to modify the properties of a selected object.
    5. Minimap (the upper part of the Terrain panel) - displays the current view of the level minimap.
    6. Visible blocks section (the lower part of the Terrain panel) - displays visible blocks of the terrain, depending on the direction of the camera on the scene.
    7. Log (the Output panel) - All system messages and editor errors are displayed here.
    8. Above all these panels, the menu bar and toolbar are displayed.

    3.1. Toolbar buttons

    1 toolbar


    Shows/hides the graphics statistics of the level:
    camera position, camera direction vector, amount
    of Draw Indexed Primitives (DIPs, “drawcalls”),
    faces, models, and so on.

    TIP: You can use values displayed for camera
    position and camera direction vector when setting
    up cameraPos. and cameraDir. vectors for
    Watchtowers and Gateways. See "" for details.

    Pauses/enables the default animations that may
    exist for the models in the Editor. For example,
    if you add the windmill model, and then disable
    and enable this option and Rebuild the level, you
    will see the animated windmill:

    It can be also used when viewing Trucks
    (see "11.3. Viewing XML file of the Class").

    Pack terrain

    Zone settings

    Region settings

    3.2. Camera Controls

    • Left-click – select an object
    • Left-double-click – fly to an object
    • Right-click – context menu
    • Mouse wheel – zoom in/out relative to the object under cursor
    • Left mouse drag – rotate around the object under cursor
    • Ctrl + Left mouse drag – strafe the camera
    • Shift + Left mouse drag – pan the camera
    • Alt + Left mouse drag – rotate around the center of the selected object

    NOTE: However, when a brush is selected, the left-click and right-click behavior is different, see below.

    3.3. Typical Brush dialog

    Brushes of various types are frequently used in the Editor. They allow you to add the mud, snow, paint layers of the materials, paint distribution maps for plants, and so on. When you will be painting with a brush, the Brush dialog will appear within the main panel of the scene. The particular properties (modes of the brush, etc.) displayed in this dialog depend on the particular brush. However, most of the brushes look pretty similar:

    05 brush dialog

    Painting with the brush is typically performed by pressing and holding the right mouse button while moving the mouse. By pressing the left mouse button, you can apply the changes.

    Typically, brushes have some universal settings:

    • Size - the size of the brush in meters.
    • Value - the force of the brush and the direction vector for changes after painting. It can be set to a negative value. For example, for a brush of heights, positive values will raise the terrain up, negative values will lower it.
    • Falloff - specifies the softness of the border of the brush. For example, 0 - a brush with absolutely hard edges, 1 - changes from the brush begin to fade immediately from the center of the circle of the brush.
    • Autofade - the automatic attenuation mode of the brush, that depends on the direction of the drawn line. Useful for drawing ruts and working with mud.
    • Randomize - random spread of brush values in a given range. That is, the brush will randomly change the values of force and direction. Useful for creating chaotic unevenness.

    NOTE: For some brushes, the range of the Value slider is from 0 to 1. Typically, in this case, the brush will paint its content when the Value > 0.50 and remove its content when the Value < 0.50. However, the default value for such brushes is typically 0.50 and the brush will not do anything until you change this value.

    Typically, to apply your changes after using the brush, you left-click the terrain (or deselect the selected section in the Scene View panel) and rebuild the terrain. You can either enable the autorebuild terrain option (see "3.1. Toolbar buttons" above) or manually rebuild the terrain. To manually rebuild the terrain, right-click the scene window and select Rebuild Terrain or Rebuild visible / Selection (to rebuild only visible or selected areas).

    Undo Current Changes in the Brush dialog - discards the current changes during painting, reverts all changes made after the most recent right-click.

    The Geometry section with the Scene View panel contains a lot of brushes. For their descriptions, see "5.2. “Geometry” Brushes for Terrain" below and its subsections.

    3.4. Selection of Multiple Objects

    The Editor supports the selection of the multiple objects of the same type (e.g. Models, Plants, etc.).
    To select multiple objects, hold CTRL while clicking on them (either in the main window or in the Scene View panel). Objects will be displayed as selected in the Scene View panel, and names of the selected objects will be displayed in the main window next to the pivot, which is common for the selected objects:

    06 multiselect

    To select adjacent objects in the Scene View panel, hold SHIFT while selecting them.

    3.5. Groups & Copying Them Between Maps

    When you are working with objects in the Editor, you can use Groups as categories for them in the hierarchy of objects. These groups can contain only objects of the same type (e.g. only models, or only plants, etc.).

    For example, you can add a group for a set of buildings:

    07 multiselect

    To add a group and assign an object to it:

    1. Right-click the necessary section in the Scene View hierarchy (e.g. Models) and select Add Group from the context menu.
    2. After doing this, the group with the few digits as a name will appear in the hierarchy.
    3. If necessary, you can change the name of the group in its Name field (at the lower part of the Scene View panel, while the group object is selected).
    4. Now, to assign necessary objects for a group, for each such object:
      1. Select it in the Scene View panel.
      2. In the object properties, in the Group field, select the group you have created.
      3. After doing this, the object will be moved to the group.

      The main goal of groups is to help you organize objects.
      However, when objects are in the group it is easier to select multiple objects from them (see "3.2. Selection of Multiple Objects" above).

      Moreover, after the creation of the group and assigning objects to it, you can copy all the objects from this group to another map.
      This is possible because information about objects added to the group are saved to a separate file in the subgroups directory with the folder of the level (see "4. File Paths and Naming" below).

      subgroups folder

      So, you can copy the file corresponding to your group from this directory to the subgroups directory of another level. After that, the objects from this group will appear at this level, when you open it in the Editor.

      NOTE: Objects from the copied group will appear in the new map at the same positions they have on the initial map.

      3.6. Typical Context Menu

      Right-clicking the main window of the scene or right-clicking the section/object in the Scene View panel will open the context menu.

      NOTE: However, when a brush is selected, the right-click behavior is different, see "3.3. Typical Brush dialog" above.

      The list of commands within a context menu depends on where particularly you have performed a right-click. If you have right-clicked an object, the commands related to this object will be displayed in the upper part of the menu, with the name of this object as a prefix (e.g. “country_building_01_c” in the picture below). If this object belongs to a group, then below them the operations related to groups will be displayed, with the name of this group as a prefix (e.g. “455” in the picture below). If you have clicked the particular object or a section of the particular type in the Scene View panel, then the operations related to this type of object will be listed, with the name of this object type as a prefix (e.g. “Models” in the picture below). And, also, the list will contain the list of general context commands (e.g. Reload, Rebuild Terrain, etc.) below all other commands.

      12 context menu

      The list of most frequently used commands is shown below:

      Command Description
      Reload Reloads the terrain. Any unsaved changes will be lost.
      Rebuild Terrain Rebuilds all terrain of the map, applies all changes that
      you have done to its properties (heights, references, etc.),
      and refreshes the appearance of the level in the Editor.
      Rebuild Selection Similar to Rebuild Terrain, but rebuilds only selected
      terrain blocks, which is faster. You can select multiple terrain
      blocks by holding CTRL and left-clicking the terrain in the
      main window of the scene.
      Rebuild Visible Similar to Rebuild Terrain, but rebuilds only terrain blocks
      currently visible in the main window of the scene, which is faster.
      Add Pbr Material Adds a new PBR Material, see "5.3. Assigning PBR Materials
      to Terrain".
      Add Model Adds a new Model, see "5.5. Adding Models".
      Add Plant Adds a new standalone Plant, see "5.6. Adding Plants".
      Add Distribution Adds a new Distribution (e.g. massively planted trees, rocks,
      etc.), see "5.7. Adding Multiple Objects via Distribution".
      Add Overlay Adds a new Overlay (e.g. a road, wires, etc.), see
      "5.8. Adding Overlays".
      Add River Adds a new River object, see "5.9. Adding Rivers and
      Water Objects".
      Add River Markup Add a new River Markup object (a sound area for the river),
      see "5.9.2. Adding River Sounds via “RiverMarkup”".
      Add Reference Adds a new Reference, see "5.10. Adding References".
      Add Truck Adds a new Truck, see "5.11. Adding Trucks".
      Add Sound Adds a new Sound, see "5.12. Adding Sounds".
      Add … Sound Domain Adds a new Sound Domain of the particular type,
      see "5.13. Adding Sound Domains".
      … - Fly To Moves the camera to the right-clicked object, zooms it,
      and selects it.
      … - Delete Deletes the right-clicked object from the map. You cannot
      undelete it after that.
      … - Duplicate Duplicates the selected object.
      … - Replace Replaces the right-clicked object with another object.

      3.7. Main Menu

      The File menu:

      • Close File - the system prompts you whether or not the changes should be saved, saves them if you select so, and then closes the opened file.
      • Reload File From Backup - allows you to reload your scene from automatically created backup (you can select it in the appearing dialog). Please note that backup contains only the XML file of the level, files of textures are not backed up.
      • Unpack references - allows you to unpack the set of in-game references provided with the Editor. For details, see "5.10.5" below.
      • Save - saves your changes (CTRL + S).
      • <list of recently opened files> - allows you to open them.
      • Exit - exits from the Editor.

      The Settings menu:

      • Ignore Warnings - enabling this option will hide warnings and errors that are generated while working with the Editor. If this option is enabled, the “CAUTION! Error messages are disabled.” label is displayed at the top of the main window of the scene. If it is disabled, errors and warnings will be displayed as new dialog windows. Even if they are hidden, you can find them in the log, which is displayed in the Output panel.
      • Show Snow By Up Vector - this option enables the snow cover effect for models and plants on the scene, according to their texture settings.

      The Help menu:

      • Guides - opens the folder with PDF files of guides for SnowRunner™.

      Инструкция к редактору SnowRunner Editor Guide на Русском v1.1 для SnowRunner (v10.1)

      Инструкция к редактору SnowRunner Editor Guide на Русском v1.1 для SnowRunner (v10.1)

      Более качественный перевод под версию редактора игры 10.1.

      Внесённый изменения по редактору такие как:
      Создание регионов, возможность создание переходов между картами и поддержка в мультиплеере.

      В новом архиве присутствуют оригинальные файлы в виде Pdf и Wodr.
      И так же на русском языке в виде Pdf и Wodr.

      4. File Paths and Naming

      4.1. File Paths

      Source files of levels and references are stored in the Media\prebuild folder, which is created in the Documents\My Games\SnowRunner\ folder.

      NOTE: If you have installed the Public Test Server (PTS) or Closed Beta Testing version of the game, then paths to all files of this version will be similar to the ones shown in this guide. However, these paths will have SnowRunnerPublicTest or SnowRunnerBeta in them instead of SnowRunner. I.e., your particular paths will depend on the version of the game you are using.

      Full path to it is typically similar to the following:
      C:\Users\<name_of_user>\Documents\My Games\SnowRunner\Media\prebuild

      media prebuild

      NOTE: The prebuild folder will be filled with folders and files of levels after you create these levels. At the first launch of the Editor, this folder is empty. Files and folders in the screenshot above (and in the similar screenshots that follow) are shown for illustrative purposes only.

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