Slay the spire где лежат сохранения

Обновлено: 25.06.2024

13 янв. 2018 в 14:11 Thinking of picking this up, but would like some idea of how this game handles Saves. I have a less-than-stable older-ish computer that tends to crash on occasion, and it would obviously be a bummer to say, get most of the way through a run and then lose all that progress. So is there some kind of save checkpoint system or a manual save option, or what? Thanks. 13 янв. 2018 в 16:12 The game autosaves at the beginning of every encounter I think. I know I've been able to quit a game and resume right where I left off 14 янв. 2018 в 4:11 The game autosaves, so you can never load anywhere else than where you just left off. Any mistakes/deaths are permanent until the next run. 14 янв. 2018 в 12:22

If you want to save scum just backup the save file.

22 фев. 2018 в 5:03

Alt+f4 and the built in functionality "save and exit" does the same thing. If you load the save, you start at the beginning of the match. The card draw is the same though, so you will not magically beat the boss if you are using a unsuited deck.

A friend told me all of the above by the way, I play super fair. Never save scums at all. Nope. Nunca. Never happens.

Slay the Spire

Путь до сохранений Slay the Spire в Windows:

  • [папка с установленной игрой]\saves\
  • D:\games\[папка с установленной игрой]\saves\

Путь до сейвов Slay the Spire в STEAM на Windows:

  • [Папка со Steam]\userdata\[id пользователя]\646570\remote\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[id пользователя]\646570\remote\

Путь к сейвам Slay the Spire в Microsoft Store на Windows:

  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\HumbleBundle.SlayTheSpire_q2mcdwmzx4qja\LocalCache\Local\Microsoft\WritablePackageRoot\saves\
  • C:\Users\[имя пользователя]\AppData\Local\Packages\HumbleBundle.SlayTheSpire_q2mcdwmzx4qja\LocalCache\Local\Microsoft\WritablePackageRoot\saves\

Сохранения в macOS (OS X)

Путь к сейвам Slay the Spire в macOS (OS X):

Один комментарий

Фигня. ДЛя стима: заходим в сам стим. Правой кнопкой по slay the spire/управление/локальные файлы. Откроется окно с файлами игры. ТУда переносим папку preferences

Slay the spire где лежат сохранения

15 янв. 2018 в 0:15 I bought a new pc and had to reinstall Slay the Spire, and none of my save data transferred over through steam cloud.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'd rather not unlock everything again, I also have access to my other computers steam folder if that is needed, I can copy whatever files that are needed. 15 янв. 2018 в 0:36 I've already tried a multitude of possible solutions, yet no success in obtaining the data. 15 янв. 2018 в 10:18 Make a new save,search it. Replace that file with the old save. Profit? This usually works with most games. Hope it works out for ya 15 янв. 2018 в 10:42

I was looking around for a similar post and found something sort of relevant regarding the STS files in preferences and what-not but replacing them simply resulted in the crash bug where I had to solve it by deleting the preferences while steam cloud sync was disabled, and then re-enabling it.

Hopefully by the time I wake up there'll be a couple more replies, I'd prefer to keep my progress, and my stats.

Slay the spire где лежат сохранения

Никита Русанов

Никита Русанов ответил Шинре

Шинра Белоглазова

Никита Русанов

Никита Русанов ответил Шинре

Никита Русанов

Никита Русанов ответил Шинре

Никита Русанов

Никита Русанов ответил Шинре

Сергей, крч, кидаешь эти папки в новую версию с заменой, и всё- прогресс сохранен

Шинра Белоглазова

Никита Русанов

Никита Русанов ответил Шинре

Никита Русанов

Никита Русанов ответил Шинре

Сергей, 3 папки кидаешь в корневую папку с новой версией и делаешь замену,
Кстати, у меня старая версия игры тоже есть) на всякий)

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