Сколько стоит darkest dungeon в стиме

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Mr Pepper’s Vestal Rework by Mr.Pepper

This rework aims to make Vestal able to run different builds rather than the same 4 skills, whether it is range support or a more offensive role in the frontline.
Vestal’s base stats have not been changed, she however now has access to 2 new skills which replace Hands of Light and Illuminate; Banishment and Light’s Blessing. Divine Comfort is now limited use and gets refreshed between each wave in Endless.

The Rudiment by Lafos, ouroboros-art, CLeo1714

The Rudiment is a man-made monster with a human’s soul, who almost lost all of its memories except for one, an old song. A warrior in life and a protector in death, the Rudiment is waiting for a chance to meet its Creator, its Father, whose voice summoned it to Hamlet. Maybe it’s to protect him as Rudiment… or as a human, to get revenge for its painful transformation. Because of its past, The Rudiment can still behave like any other humans, even though it sometimes leads to some… misunderstandings.
Depending on the task, the Rudiment can be a nice melee damage dealer or a great tank and supporter who is capable of protecting one ally during a whole battle and wreak havoc on the ranks of enemies. However, if the Rudiment is on guard, its strength is not the same as if its task is only to eliminate enemies. And remember, the Rudiment is still a monster and a huge threat, therefore it can also damage allies and put stress on them.

Thank you creators for their hard work and talent and thank you to our fans for your dedication and continued support! We love and highly appreciate you!

If you would like to suggest mods for us to showcase, you can join our Discord here and message our moderator LolExxDee:

My Shieldbreaker had a unique SB trinket equipped when she took Pounder's cannonball to the face and departed this realm of existence. I had to retreat and abandon the mission. After beating the boss a few weeks later, I figured he'd just drop her trinket, yet I got nada. Did I permanently lose a unique SB trinket. In this guide you can find out about all kinds of curios in Darkest Dungeon. You can save this guide and use it whenever you need, when you forgot something about curios. ”The cost of preparedness - measured now in gold, later in blood.”

Casual Provisions and Common Enemies by Kevkas

Shows provisions suggestions on the right side of the expedition preparation screen based on a bunch of different guides/wikis and other mods.
This is for people who come back to the game every few months and can't remember how many of the provision items they should take with them.
Please - treat these values as a guide/suggestion, feel free to adjust the amount to your liking if you feel you're taking too much or too little with you.

Mafe’s Vanilla Refactor: Hellion by Mafe

This mod is aimed to bring a new breath to the Hellion class, based on Mafe's personal vision for her.

A) General aspects and mechanics:
-New Mechanic: Berserker Rage: When Hellion gets below 50% of her total life, she enters a state of pure rage where she deals and receives 20% more DMG. In this state, all of her skills get additional effects.
-However, after Hellion gets above 50% of her life again, she will hinder her rage and return to normal, with a 4 rounds and incurable -2 SPD and -20% healing received debuff.
-At combat's end, no matter health, she will return to her normal state without penalties.
-As a consequence of this, her entire skillset was revisited to fit this behaviour
-An unique Riposte that cannot miss or deal DMG but that buffs her allies
-New barks and some hidden references on those
-Lifesteal! After using Adrenaline Surge, all of her skills will heal her for a % of DMG done (on skill that deal DMG, of course)

Thank you creators for their hard work and talent and thank you to our fans for your dedication and continued support! We love and highly appreciate you!

If you would like to suggest mods for us to showcase, you can join our Discord here and message our moderator LolExxDee:

Я уже говорил тебе, что такое безумие, а? Безумие — это точное повторение одного и того же действия. Раз за разом, в надежде на изменение. Это есть безумие. Субъективное мнение человека с игровым опытом > 20 лет. Желаете адекватно подискутировать - добро пожаловать в комментарии. Неадекватно тоже можете писать - я и в "быдло" умею.

Чтобы понять, нужно вам покупать эту игру или нет, нужно спросить себя как вы отнесетесь к подобной ситуации:

«Ваши герои слегка измотаны, но не при смерти. Чудовище имеет лишь 10 единиц здоровья из 150. Ваша очередь ходить – шанс попадания 94%, урона должны нанести 17-24, вы бьете и….промах! Остальные 3 героя имеют точно такие же высокие шансы добить супостата, но боги рандома не благосклонны к вам и вы вновь промахиваетесь! Чудище бьет один раз и тут… «критический урон»: вы получаете минус 29 очков к полосочке здоровья, вдобавок ваш герой изрядно стресует и вгоняет в глубокую депрессию остальных членов отряда, из-за этого у одного из них случается «разрыв сердца», отчего все остальные тоже ловят дикий баттхерт и отправляются в вальхаллу. Злобный оскал чудища так и шепчет: «всосал, мразина?»
*возведите подобную ситуацию в абсолют и ответьте.

- вам пофиг и вы воскликнете: «Во неприятность то! Ну ничего, попробую еще раз!» = покупайте, вам зайдет.
- вы впадаете в исступление и долбите Alt+F4 c криком: «Да что за х*ня то такая?! Как можно 4 раза промахнуться при практически 100% шансе попадания? Где ваша стрессоустойчивость ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥и изнеженные? А ты еще ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ лыбишься, бл*дина? И т.д» - пройдите мимо.

➜ Аудиовизуал. Притягательная мрачная рисовка с простыми, но добротными анимациями. Все это дополняется мрачной, нагоняющей саспенс музыкой, а так же идеально подходящие для каждого действа звуки.
➜ Атмосфера. Тягучая, мрачная и депрессивная. После погружения в нее, хочется почитать Лавкрафта (даже если вы его до этого старательно избегали).
➜ Боссы. Их много, они разнообразны и к каждому нужно искать свою тактику.

➜ Геймплей. Прост в освоении и после десятка часов ничего нового уже не увидите, но есть в нем что-то притягательное, что МОЖЕТ заставить вас провести в ней уйму времени. Но может случиться и обратное – вы заскучаете от однообразия и игра уйдет пылиться в недра библиотеки.
Персонажей предостаточно, но поиграв всеми по нескольку раз, вы поймете кем играть более комфортно и сделаете парочку групп, которые будут по очереди рейдить / чиллить. На этом все.
➜ DLC. Игра прекрасно играется и без них. Рекомендую сначала купить «голую» версию, а поиграв решить, нужен ли вам этот доп. контент или нет. А если все же возьмете весь пак сразу (как это сделал я), то прислушайтесь к совету, который дает игра в самом начале и отключите «Crimson court» для первого прохождения.

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“Darkest Dungeon is an incredible take on the classic dungeon crawl.”
9.25 – Game Informer

“I can't say enough nice things about Darkest Dungeon.”
90 – US Gamer

“Darkest Dungeon is an awesome game of tactics, management, and pushing your luck”
91 – IGN

Поддерживаемые языки

(На данный момент игрой поддерживаются только следующие языки: английский, немецкий, французский, русский, польский, чешский, испанский, итальянский и бразильский вариант португальского.)

Об этой игре

Darkest Dungeon — сложная пошаговая ролевая roguelike-игра с готической атмосферой, в которой приключения персонажей сказываются на их душевном здоровье.

Вам предстоит собрать, обучить и возглавить команду героев, у каждого из которых есть свои недостатки. Команду нужно будет провести по жутким лесам, опустевшим заповедникам, обрушенным склепам и другим опасным местам. Сражаться придётся не только с немыслимыми врагами, но и со стрессом, голодом, болезнями и непроглядной тьмой. Раскрывайте странные тайны и отправляйте героев в бой со страшными монстрами при помощи новой стратегической пошаговой системы боя.

Купить Darkest Dungeon®: Ancestral Edition НАБОР (?)

The Ancestral Edition contains the base game, the original soundtrack, and all DLC! Buy together and save.

Steam Workshop

Добавлена поддержка Steam Workshop! Загружайте пользовательские модификации, созданные сообществом игроков, или создавайте собственные, чтобы изменить игру в соответствии со своими предпочтениями. Модификации привносят в игру новые классы героев, монстров, сокровища, улучшения интерфейса и другие изменения!

Купить Darkest Dungeon®: Ancestral Edition НАБОР (?)

Copyright 2015-2017, Red Hook Studios. "Darkest Dungeon" is a registered trademark of Red Hook Studios. All rights reserved.

Похожие товары

Подробнее о комплекте

Название: Darkest Dungeon®: Ancestral Edition
Жанр: Инди, Ролевые игры, Стратегии
Разработчик: Red Hook Studios, Stuart Chatwood
Издатель: Red Hook Studios
Серия игр: Darkest Dungeon
Языки: английский, французский, немецкий, испанский, чешский, польский, бр. португальский, русский, итальянский, китайский (упр.), корейский, японский
Языки из списка могут быть недоступны для некоторых игр в этом комплекте. Чтобы узнать подробности, просмотрите страницу каждой игры.

Сколько стоит darkest dungeon в стиме

Mr Pepper’s Vestal Rework by Mr.Pepper

This rework aims to make Vestal able to run different builds rather than the same 4 skills, whether it is range support or a more offensive role in the frontline.
Vestal’s base stats have not been changed, she however now has access to 2 new skills which replace Hands of Light and Illuminate; Banishment and Light’s Blessing. Divine Comfort is now limited use and gets refreshed between each wave in Endless.

The Rudiment by Lafos, ouroboros-art, CLeo1714

The Rudiment is a man-made monster with a human’s soul, who almost lost all of its memories except for one, an old song. A warrior in life and a protector in death, the Rudiment is waiting for a chance to meet its Creator, its Father, whose voice summoned it to Hamlet. Maybe it’s to protect him as Rudiment… or as a human, to get revenge for its painful transformation. Because of its past, The Rudiment can still behave like any other humans, even though it sometimes leads to some… misunderstandings.
Depending on the task, the Rudiment can be a nice melee damage dealer or a great tank and supporter who is capable of protecting one ally during a whole battle and wreak havoc on the ranks of enemies. However, if the Rudiment is on guard, its strength is not the same as if its task is only to eliminate enemies. And remember, the Rudiment is still a monster and a huge threat, therefore it can also damage allies and put stress on them.

Thank you creators for their hard work and talent and thank you to our fans for your dedication and continued support! We love and highly appreciate you!

If you would like to suggest mods for us to showcase, you can join our Discord here and message our moderator LolExxDee:

”The cost of preparedness - measured now in gold, later in blood.”

Casual Provisions and Common Enemies by Kevkas

Shows provisions suggestions on the right side of the expedition preparation screen based on a bunch of different guides/wikis and other mods.
This is for people who come back to the game every few months and can't remember how many of the provision items they should take with them.
Please - treat these values as a guide/suggestion, feel free to adjust the amount to your liking if you feel you're taking too much or too little with you.

Mafe’s Vanilla Refactor: Hellion by Mafe

This mod is aimed to bring a new breath to the Hellion class, based on Mafe's personal vision for her.

A) General aspects and mechanics:
-New Mechanic: Berserker Rage: When Hellion gets below 50% of her total life, she enters a state of pure rage where she deals and receives 20% more DMG. In this state, all of her skills get additional effects.
-However, after Hellion gets above 50% of her life again, she will hinder her rage and return to normal, with a 4 rounds and incurable -2 SPD and -20% healing received debuff.
-At combat's end, no matter health, she will return to her normal state without penalties.
-As a consequence of this, her entire skillset was revisited to fit this behaviour
-An unique Riposte that cannot miss or deal DMG but that buffs her allies
-New barks and some hidden references on those
-Lifesteal! After using Adrenaline Surge, all of her skills will heal her for a % of DMG done (on skill that deal DMG, of course)

Thank you creators for their hard work and talent and thank you to our fans for your dedication and continued support! We love and highly appreciate you!

If you would like to suggest mods for us to showcase, you can join our Discord here and message our moderator LolExxDee:

”A moment of valor shines brightest against a backdrop of despair.”

The Land Dweller by Snorlaxxo, Hestrir

It is unclear where she comes from. It is unknown what brought her to existence. Perhaps it was the ever-spreading corruption, or something else entirely. But in the end, nothing changes the fact that she is here.
Even if her body oozes adhesives, is being a monster truly that abhorrent?

Lego Caltrops by Karyuen

Lego has come to our family.

Crimson Cult Plague Doctor by polenya

Turns your PD into a Bloodthirsty grumpy old lady. You’re welcome.

Here Be Monsters - The New Shadow by Shay, Cryptix, Mafe, Chogex, Wellington McSkellington , MetalGy, Uncanny Gemstar, Zap, Jol Balrok, MoonKanin, Adon, Neostalk , 54NBB

"As evidence of your heroes' exploits begins to spread, dread behemoths, championed through might and malice, heed the urge to hunt them down. "

Here Be Monsters is a series of mods that will add new enemies to Darkest Dungeon. This instalment introduces four new regular monsters and one new miniboss. These are part of The New Shadow, a larger expansion to HBM that will be releasing soon. The regular monsters are exclusive to Champion level dungeons, while the miniboss is a roaming encounter, much like Thing From The Stars, providing greater challenges and new unexpected encounters to your endgame missions!

Thank you creators for their hard work and talent and thank you to our fans for your dedication and continued support! We love and highly appreciate you!

If you would like to suggest mods for us to showcase, you can join our Discord here and message our moderator LolExxDee:

Mr Pepper’s Jester Rework by Mr.Pepper

This Rework aims to transform the rank 3 dependent Jester into a Dancer. He will bring support through buffs, debuffs and shuffles but is also a real offensive power!

Jester’s base stats have not been changed, but some of his gimmicks have been tweaked. Final buffs are now bigger (60% instead of 30%) but only last for 3 rounds instead of 7, this means this move should be considered even for non boss fights (especially since it stress heal allies on kill). Jester also now has a unique riposte that inflicts no damage, but buffs finale each time he is targeted. In endless all the battle limited skills refresh each wave.

Anemone’s Blighted Grave Robber by Anemone, Adon

Anemone's Blighted Grave Robber: a mode-shifting rogue, building up for one grand attack, while decaying enemy ranks with an array of supportive ranged attacks!
If she is injured or at risk, she can force an ally to guard her and hide them from sight temporarily, giving both a chance to breathe!
And of course, she herself can fade from the frontlines to prepare an even stronger attack!
Using a reworked Toxin Trickery, that is a free action and usable three times a round, she can swap between her blighting Cloak mode, and her armor piercing Dagger mode!
Swap through modes with a stiff drink, to plan for the perfect attack. Distract your foes, fade out of sight, and get ready for the kill!
But beware! Too much of a good thing could have. long term effects.

Thank you creators for their hard work and talent and thank you to our fans for your dedication and continued support! We love and highly appreciate you!

If you would like to suggest mods for us to showcase, you can join our Discord here and message our moderator LolExxDee:

”We fall so that we may learn to pick ourselves up once again.”

The Shinobi by Badger, ooh ah, Cat

The Shinobi is a mobile damage dealer who is expert at stealth and applying status effects.
Coming with 10 trinkets of their own, they make a powerful ally.

The Meister by EngineerBean, TrijE, ShallowIris

"A marvel of technology!"

A weak boy at a glance, Meister is a master technician from the east. He was once a beloved retainer of the Emperor, but mysterious crews took everything from him. From the arcane relic of his country, his companions, to his majesty, his dearest friend. Instead of indulging on his blood-stained past, he stepped into the abyss to avenge the fallen ones, with only vendetta on his mind.

Meister destroys whatever stops him from his vengeance, using the mechanical beast made with his masterful craftsmanship. Moreover, he can support companions by spraying gunpowder to expose enemies to critical strikes, or utilize his prosthetic arm to stun them. Medicine is also not a field he lacks; his skill in acupuncture can revitalize even a hero on the verge of their demise.

Mafe Refactor for the Fanatic by Mafe

This mod reworks the fight of the Fanatic boss added with the Crimson Court DLC.
-Fanatic is now always alone, as his Pyre was removed. His own custom audio stuff and his background got also removed.
-He now behaves like a Zealous Berserker: Forcing you to pick which heroes will be marked for Retribution, and fighting you with unmatched brutality the closer he is to death, and the more he gets hit.
-Fanatic no longer depends on Infestation level to spawn.
-Fanatic is eternal! Killing Countess wont stop him from showing with this mod enabled.
-On death, Fanatic may drop one of four new trinkets unique to him, plus some Crimson Court trinkets set.
-New skills and some hidden interactions has been given to him.

Ashen Warrior by O'Nightmare!, LokiLaufey, Hooded_Lay

Ashen Warrior class is based on Kratos from God of War series. Being experienced at wars he excels at dealing indirect damage and tanking. He offers a unique way of dealing damage via reflecting, transfering DoTs, AoE dmg on crits and just increasing damage with Enrage debuffs. Not to mention his insane survivability, thanks to high hp and strong heal.

Thank you creators for their hard work and talent and thank you to our fans for your dedication and continued support! We love and highly appreciate you!

If you would like to suggest mods for us to showcase, you can join our Discord here and message our moderator LolExxDee:

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Недавно в игру был добавлен новый режим «СВЕТ». В этом режиме время, необходимое для прохождения игры, уменьшается почти вдвое. Теперь к вашим услугам целых три полноценных игровых режима на любой вкус!

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