Сколько разлагается пластиковая чашка tinker island

Обновлено: 05.07.2024


Загадка 1.


Сможешь ли ты предсказать, что покажет следующая кость?

Ответ: 1

Загадка 2.


Скажи мне, кто этот монстр?


Загадка 3.

Скажи мне, что принадлежит тебе, но другие люди используют его чаще тебя?

Ответ: ИМЯ

Загадка 4.

Не то, чтобы загадка, просто делаем сэндвич для Злой Ведьмы.

Мясо я не ем, но я не веган. И пожалуйста, постарайся положить помидоры подальше от хлеба, чтобы он не стал серым.

И нельзя, чтобы майонез оказался на овощах, это будет ужасно.

Загадка 5.


Я вижу тотем с тремя головами. Ты видишь его? Какие цвета у этих голов, начиная с нижней?


Загадка 6.


Видение продолжается. Я вижу выжившего, Джонатана. Какая у него профессия?


Загадка 7.


Он разговаривает с Вилли. Чем он занимался раньше?


Загадка 8.

Песчаная яма, полная костей и черепов. Ты знаешь о такой?


Загадка 9.

Да, именно эта. Они гадают, куда же она ведет? У тебя есть предположения?


Загадка 10.

Что остается в углу, но путешествует по всему свету?

Ответ: ШТАМП

Загадка 11.

Что становится больше, чем больше ты оттуда берешь?

Ответ: ЯМА

Загадка 12.

Какое число в два раза суммы его цифр?

Ответ: 18

Загадка 13.

Что бывает черным, когда чистое, и белым, когда грязное?

Ответ: ДОСКА

Загадка 14.

Что не является живым, но может расти? Легких у него нет, но ему нужен воздух для выживания?

Ответ: ОГОНЬ

Загадка 15.

Две руны жизни имеют силу 120 молний.

Руны жизни и смерти вместе имеют эквивалент энергии 70 молний.

Руны жизни, разума и смерти обладают мощью 120 молний.

Какова сила одной руны жизни?

Ответ: 60 МОЛНИЙ

А какая сила у одной руны смерти?

Ответ: 10 МОЛНИЙ

А руны разума? Какая у нее мощь?

Ответ: 50 МОЛНИЙ

Ну вот и все. Это была последняя часть загадок Злой Ведьмы в Tinker Island, чтобы спасти принцессу. Сразу после того как закончите эту часть, направляйтесь за наградой!


Перед вами встанет выбор, кого получить себе в команду: Принцессу или Ведьму. Скидывайте скриншот своего выбора в комментариях! Очень интересно, что выбрали вы)))

Я пишу эти советы на Гаджетплей только тогда, когда сам прошел испытание!


Ответы на загадки Злой Ведьмы в Tinker Island. Часть 4

Сегодня мы разберем четвертую часть загадок Злой Ведьмы в Tinker Island. И восстановим очередную часть Замка.


Первая загадка.

Ответ: ЛЮСИ

Вторая загадка.


Ответ: 3

Третья загадка.

Вы начинаете у основания огромной и старой лестницы.

Четвертая загадка.

Ты достиг вершины этой проклятой лестницы!

Перед тобой три двери.

Ответ: ДВЕРЬ 2

Пятая загадка.

Ответ: КОМОД 2

Шестая загадка.


Земля за пределами времени населена множеством неприятных существ. Ты должен быстро реагировать на их появление.

Скажи мне, кто этот монстр?


Седьмая загадка.

Кто был вашим первым противником на Острове?

Ответ: ЗМЕЯ

Восьмая загадка.

Как ты попал на остров?


Девятая загадка.

Какая профессия у Мэри?


Десятая загадка.

А теперь, постарайся вспомнить, какой цвет у камня в первой пещере, в которую вы попали?

Ответ: СЕРЫЙ

Одиннадцатая загадка.

Чтобы разгадать меня, тебе потребуется ключ:

Но слесарь не смог этот ключ создавать, его только я могу разобрать.


  • The brush leads you onto a dark path. The sun's rays have trouble penetrating the leaves of this part of the thicket. This place is pure horror.
  1. [ONWARD]
    • You push deeper into the thicket. It gets darker still.
    1. [ENDURE]
      • The leaves close in on you, it gets darker with every step.
      1. [KEEP CALM]
        • You seem to walk for hours, the shadows creep closer and closer until you feel suffocated by the darkness.
        1. [REST]
          • You sit down in the blackness to catch your breath. The air is damp and heavy. As you look around the forest becomes a blurry mess. Are you even on the right track?
          1. [ONWARDS]: you try continue. You have trouble finding the path forward.
            1. [TRY HARDER]: a path seems a bit familiar, but you aren't sure. Do you go down that path?
              1. [TAKE PATH]
                1. [CLIMB 15 ]: You use your rope and try to climb the steep cliff wall. You do your best, but the rope fails to hold your weight. Your landing is hard [ABANDON QUEST]. The circumstances leave you with little options. You go back home [<-END]
                2. [<- RETURN LATER]
                • You double check all the possibilities and confirm that your first choice was wrong. You find the correct path forward.
                • [PROCEED]
                • You are on the edge of sanity until you notice the vegetation slowly backing away.
                1. [GO ON]
                  • You can now almost see the sun when you enter a small clearing. It seems to be a home for someone.
                  • [CONTINUE]
                  • In the middle of the clearing stands a monkey. But you can tell it's no ordinary monkey. It holds a metal staff.
                  • It is a beautiful polished silver rod, definitely made by human hands.
                  • The monkey takes up a fighting stance.
                  • [FIGHT]
                  • Surprisingly, the monkey lowers the staff. It seems your perseverance has impressed it.
                  • [YAY]
                  • With great dignity the monkey hands you the staff and disappears into the jungle.
                  • What a well mannered monkey.
                  • You get Silver Rod.
                  • [THANKS]
                  • The rod is heavy and you wonder how the monkey could wield it.
                  • You don't know what the rod could be used for, maybe you will find out later.
                  • [<- OKAY]
                  • [<- RUN AWAY]
                2. [IT'S A TRAP]
                • You are on the edge of sanity until you notice the vegetation slowly backing away.
                  1. [GO ON]
                  • You can now almost see the sun when you enter a small clearing. It seems to be a home for someone.
                    1. [GO ON]:
                      • In the middle of the clearing stands a monkey. But you can tell it's no ordinary monkey. It holds a metal staff.
                      • It is a beautiful polished silver rod, definitely made by human hands.
                      • The monkey takes up a fighting stance.
                      • [FIGHT]
                      • Surprisingly, the monkey lowers the staff. It seems your perseverance has impressed it.
                      • [YAY]
                      • With great dignity the monkey hands you the staff and disappears into the jungle.
                      • What a well mannered monkey.
                      • You get Silver Rod.
                      • [THANKS]
                      • The rod is heavy and you wonder how the monkey could wield it.
                      • You don't know what the rod could be used for, maybe you will find out later.
                      • [<- OKAY]
                      1. [IT'S A TRAP]
                      1. [GO BACK]
                      • You chicken out and return to camp.

                      (TIP: if you didn't get the Silver Rod, It can be bought in the build menu for 200 , when you need it)

                      Trap Story [ ]

                      (Triggered: 951


                      • The thicket goes on and on without ever ending. You are forced to make another stop.
                      • This time you prepare a huge net trap to secure a safer rest.
                      • [CONTINUE]
                      • Making the trap is hard work, but with everyone helping out, it is soon finished.
                      • You all hide in a cave in front of the trap and wait to see what happens.
                      • [WAIT]
                      • You wait.
                      • [WAIT]
                      • It is incredibly hot, you sweat through all your pores.
                      • [WAIT]
                      • You wait.
                      • [WAIT]
                      • A bird screeches in the bushes, the survivors hold their breaths.
                      • Then the bird flies off. Everybody exhales.
                      • [WAIT]
                      • You wait.
                      • [WAIT]
                      • From the tree crown some leaves fall down. All is silent.
                      • A survivor suggest that you use bait.
                      • [BAIT]
                      • You slowly exit the cave and carefully step on the net trap as not to trigger it.
                      • Then you stand perfectly still. And wait.
                      • [WAIT]
                      • And then.
                      • [THEN]
                      • There is nothing. Whatever has been tracking you, must have lost interest.
                      • You head back to the cave to the others.
                      • [FINE]
                      • Then you hear a creepy clicking sound.
                      • And the trap triggers!
                      • [WHOA]
                      • The others run out of hiding to catch whatever triggered the trap.
                      • But again, you find nothing. The net is empty. You don't get it.
                      • Yes, there is something strangely glowing on the.
                      1. [ROCKS]
                        • No, there was nothing on the rocks, you missed it.
                        • Frustrated, you leave the thicket and head back home. You wonder what it was that was following you.
                      2. [LEAVES]
                        • There is yellow goo on the leaves. It looks like blood of some kind.
                        • The trap must have injured something and made it bleed.
                        • You feel the terrible urge to utter a one-liner, but bite your tongue.
                        • Something WAS following you. The experience has taught you all to be more vigilant and that there are still hidden things on this island.
                        • Survivors get +3 .
                        • [<- GOOD]
                      3. [GROUND]
                        • No, there was nothing on the ground, you missed it.
                        • Frustrated, you leave the thicket and head back home.
                        • You wonder what it was that was following you.

                      Apple Pie [ ]

                      • You came across a juicy-looking apple pie. It just sits there in the middle of the leafy forest floor.
                      • Someone must have lost it here. It would be a shame to leave it, right?
                      1. [Yummy]
                      2. [Hmm]

                      Yummy [ ]

                      • You pick up the sweet smelling pie, when suddenly the ground beneath your feet disappears in a cloud of leaves. You pass out.
                      • You wake up, trapped, in a pit, with the taste of dirt in your mouth. Options to get out:
                      1. [Leaves]
                      2. [Pie]
                      3. [Rope]
                      4. [Shovel]
                      5. [Throw Gems at problem 200 ]
                      Leaves [ ]
                      • [Throw]
                        • [Air]: You throw the leaves high into the air. Is it already autumn?
                        • [Survivor]: You throw leaves into a fellow survivor. The survivor retaliates with a fistful of leaves of their own. The result is a leaf battle of epic proportions. When everyone catches their breath, you realize that you aren't any closer to escaping the trap.
                        Pie [ ]
                        • [Eat]: You eat a piece of it. It is incredibly sweet and juicy, you haven't had such good food for a while.
                          • [More]: You eat another piece. It is so good. But your tunny can't really take so much sweetness, it starts to hurt, you must stop.
                          • [Put away]: You leave the pie alone, lest you devour it in one sitting.
                          • [Hmm]
                          • As you sit in the pie filled pool of filth, you hear a sound coming out of the forest. It is a bear, the smashed pie smell has drawn it to you! It's a huge monster of a bear, you get scared, what do you do, what do you do?
                          • [Shoo away]: You start to scream and shout and to your surprise the huge bear is scared away. That was close.
                          • [Rope]:[Noose] > [Throw] > [Bear] > Quickly, What's next?
                            • [Insult]: You throw insults at the bear while it runs away. You feel pretty good about yourself. But you are still in the trap.
                            • [Grab]: You grab the rope and are pulled out of the pit trap with incredible speed. You managed to get out of the trap. But you have the feeling like you forgot something. You turn around and see the bear. It is not very happy. [Fight]
                            • You manage to defeat the bear, although you are kinda sad about it. The animal helped you out of the trap, after all. The sweet pie will maybe help you overcome the sadness. You get Sweet Pie.
                            Rope [ ]
                            • [Bunny Ears]: Wow, your bunny ears are perfect. You are probably very good at tying your shoes. Right now, this doesn't help you in the slightest.
                            • [Noose]: You make a lovely noose.
                              • [Do tricks]: While entertaining for a short while, this doesn't help you very much.
                              • [Throw]
                                • [Tree]: You throw the loose at the nearest tree outside the pit trap. Good thinking, but all the trees are too far away for your throw. The spot for the trap has been picked with care.
                                • [Survivor]: You throw the noose at the nearest survivor. The rope hits the survivor right in the face and the survivor starts to cry because of the pain. Well, that didn't go well.
                                Shovel [ ]
                                • It is a lucky coincidence you brought your shovel with you. Where do you apply it?
                                • [Ground]: You start digging into the ground. Soon you have a reasonable crater to show for your effort. What do you want to dig out exactly?
                                  • [Treasure]: You dig around for hours in hopes to get lucky and find some random treasure, but you find nothing. Maybe you should focus on getting out of the trap first.
                                  • [Way out]: You try to dig your way out, you dig and dig but the other side of the planet is just too far away. You stop right before reaching the molten core of the planet, you think.

                                  Hmm [ ]

                                  • There's something fishy about all this. You examine the vicinity of the pie. The ground looks too perfect to be natural. [Examine]
                                  • The leaves on the ground are a cover for a nasty pit trap underneath. You managed to evade a possibly deadly trap, way to go.
                                  • Pie: The pie would have to stay, sadly. Unless you want to experience falling into a pit trap.
                                  1. [I want pie] (go to yummy)
                                  2. [<--Go away]


                                  You unlock Bramble after you explore the Village.

                                  Wild Almonds [ ]