Сколько лет riot geometry dash

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

Geometry Dash gamer who went viral with videos called "Geometry Dash | Bloodbath Verification | On Stream" and "Geometry Dash | Cataclysm | Demon 10 | On Stream." He would total more than 1 million YouTube views to his channel.

Before Fame

He uploaded a first video in April of 2014 called "Geometry Dash | yStep | Demon 10★ | By: TheRealDarnoc |."


  • "Oh my god. Oh my god. AAAAAAAAAUGHHHHH! (silence) Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" (His reaction to completing Ice Carbon Diablo X)
  • "OH MY GOD HUH HU HUH HU HUH HU HUH HUH HUH!" (His reaction to verifying Bloodbath)
  • "HOLY F**K!" (His reaction to beating Sonic Wave)



Weoweoteo (0-10%). Первый этап уровня – корабль на минимальных значениях скорости, где требуются маневры. После пары кликов по кубу начинается стрейт, в котором преобладает постоянная смена скорости и гравитации. Заканчивается первая часть мини-шаром. Игроку достаточно сделать нескольких нажатий в определенной последовательности, чтобы пройти этап. Для декораций использовали элементы версий 1.4 и 1.7.


Vermilion (10-23%). Следующий сегмент образован двумя формами: быстрый мини-корабль с огромным количеством порталов и структур с шипами, где игроку придется «увиливать» от препятствий, и медленный шар с таймингами. Пройти второй этап по сравнению с предыдущим легче. Дизайн состоит из 1.5 блоков, неона и фоновых объектов.


Michigun (24-34%). Открывается третий этап с тихого музыкального сопровождения, зато прохождение будет самым тяжелым и сложным в демоне. Постоянные тайминги не дадут игроку расслабиться. Имеется несколько режимов: куб, прямой пролет на корабле, НЛО, снова куб и волна. Больше всего проблем возникнут на 2 и 4. Дизайн оформлен красиво и просто – коридор с мрачными красно-черными декорациями.


Evasium (33-43%). Этот фрагмент заметно легче предыдущего, что даёт игроку неплохую передышку. Двойной клик на дуале кубов, далее медленный этап с кораблем, лёгкая, меняющая форму волна, возвращение к обычной скорости и прохождение НЛО со сферами и кучей таймингов. Дизайн участка выполнен в серых тонах, изобилует большим количеством пил и разными воздушными структурами.


Crack (43-53%). Самая, пожалуй, трудная часть уровня. Состоит из мини-корабля. Игроку придется лететь сквозь узкие пространства с порталами, где главная трудность – постоянная смена скоростей. Именно из-за существования Crack Bloodbath считают стрейт-уровнем, который трудно пройти на 60 Hz мониторах. После корабля идёт куб с простым таймингом. Визуальная составляющая – 1.9 декорации.


ASonkMen (54-67%). Главное отличие фрагмента – лёгкость в прохождении. Есть два режима игры. Первый – НЛО со сменой размеров и гравитации; второй – уменьшенный шар, где преобладают сферы без таймингов и спам в конце. Игрок должен запомнить только последовательность кликов, чтобы пройти этап. Дизайн отрезка ничем не выделяется, сделан из блоков с «крестами».


Etzer (67-79%). Один из популярных фрагментов уровня, который отличается неплохим дизайном (чему не мешает простота в детализации блоков) и раздражающим геймплеем. Состоит из четырех этапов, повторяющих друг друга: первые два – НЛО и корабль, которые игрок может пройти относительно легко; последние два – те же НЛО и корабль, схожие по форме, но очень трудные в прохождении, хотя и длятся всего лишь 3%. Можно сказать, типичный кансер.

Havok (80-84%). Простая и короткая часть уровня. Два этапа – мини-шар, напоминающий по дизайну Vermilion и схожий с ним по сложности, и элементарный НЛО с декором блоков как в первой версии игры.


Giron (85-92%). В плане трудности похож на Etzer. Первое, с чем сталкивается игрок, на этом участке – волна с простым спамом. Дальше идёт корабль с изобилием порталов, сфер и стрейтов. Элементы располагаются в таком порядке, что игроку не удастся просто так натренироваться и пройти участок. Замыкает фрагмент – раздвоенный куб, для прохождения которого нужно трижды нажать в определенное время. Визуальные эффекты оформлены в виде мерцаний.


Ggboy (92-98%). Главная прелесть отрезка – превосходный для версии 1.9 дизайн. Фон и блоки детально проработаны, используются разного рода объекты. Да и сам геймплей не уступает по качеству и представлен в виде таймингово шара на запоминание и коротких НЛО и корабля, где высока вероятность смерти. Так же во фрагменте присутствует пасхалка. Игрок перепрыгивает через голубой батут, и если ему удастся приземлиться на вершину надписи «GG», всплывет надпись «Michigun».


Сколько лет riot geometry dash

Also known as


Number of levels

Global position

Years Active

YouTube channel

Twitch channel

Twitter account

Riot is a renowned and experienced North American player in Geometry Dash. He is best known for verifying the former hardest Demon Bloodbath, and being the host of Tartarus. He has completed several of (what used to be) the game's hardest levels, with the most notable being Ice Carbon Diablo X, Cataclysm, Crimson Clutter, A Bizarre Phantasm, and Retention. On October 31, 2020, Riot posted a video of him completing Sonic Wave, (his current hardest Demon) thus returning to Geometry Dash after a over 2-year long absence from the game, this time using 300fps bypass. About 5 months after this, he posted a video of him achieving 42% and a run of 56-97% on Zodiac. He recently completed Sakupen Hell, Aftermath, Phobos and Athanatos in the span of a few days.


This is Riot's notable achievements by date order. Keep in mind that this list will mostly be composed of Insane and Extreme Demons.


Unrated levels

Demon levels

Extreme Demons
    (featured) - A 1.9 hell themed mega-collaboration by ASonicMen, Hinds, Vermillion, and many others. It was the hardest level in Geometry Dash for several months. This was Riot's first featured level, and it took him almost 22,000+ attempts to verify it. (featured) - A slightly buffed remake of the original Red World by Neptune and SaRy. Decorated by Findexi, Viprin, and Hinds, and verified by Riot himself. It is his second featured level to date. (featured) - A remake of Blast Processing with several buffs and harder gameplay. It was started over two years ago and finally verified by Rampage in Update 2.1.

Upcoming levels

  • Quantum Dynamix - An old, unfinished Quantum Processing sequel. The level was given to Icedcave by Riot to finish the layout. For now, the only decorated parts are the first cube and the last ship section.
  • Descent Into Exile (often referred as D.I.E.) - An Extreme Demon mega-collaboration hosted by Riot and similar to Quantum Dynamix, was given to Icedcave to finish the layout. This level was supposed to be the next GeoStorm megacollab after Yatagarasu.
    - An upcoming Tartarus-inspired level using DJ Nate - Thermodynamix as the song. The level has similar gameplay to Tartarus, but is more difficult all around and is set to be verified by Wolvez.

Cancelled/deleted levels

  • Dab reto xdddd: A short level with 346 objects with easy UFO, Ship, Wave and Robot gameplay. It was removed a few hours after it was released.
  • GS One Space Fly v2: An Insane Tiny level by Riot. The level includes no more than an extremely difficult and very tight (1 block between floor spikes and overhead spikes) ship sequence. However, this level had been ruined due to Anaban hacking his account (thus leaking Sonic Wave Infinity, Quantum Processing and Riot's version of Yatagarasu without Manix's part), so Riot deleted the level.
  • Retention 144Hz Ver: A simple copy of Retention, it was made for 144Hz monitor users due to bugs, but it was later removed after he retired from Geometry Dash.
  • Riot Madness: The first level in the Riot Level Series, his first level ever created.
  • Riot on Track: The second level in the Riot Level Series.
  • Riotgeist: The third and final level in the Riot Level Series.
  • Cosmic Cyclone: The official sequel to Sonic Wave, it was cancelled but Zimnior12 got the permission from Riot to continue it.



One of Riot's old profile pictures.


Над созданием Bloodbath трудились 11 человек: Weoweoteo, Vermillion, Michigun, Evasium, Crack, ASonicMen, Etzer, Havok, Giron, Ggb0y. Значительную роль в процессе сыграл Riot. Команда использовала все свои навыки декорирования, существовавшие в версии 1.9, благодаря чему игру признали шедевром того времени. Адский стиль Bloodbath был достигнут с помощью оттенков красного и серого цветов. Дизайны отдельных этапов значительно отличаются друг от друга, например, в Havok все предельно просто, а в Ggboy, напротив, каждая деталь проработана.

Длительность демона составляет 1 минута 53 секунды и находится в пределах среднего значения по меркам экстремальных демонов. В качестве саундтрека в игре использовано произведение «At the Speed of Light» композитора Dimrain47, и что интересно, композиция начинается именно там, где заканчивается часть трека из Cataclysm. Можно проследить в Bloodbath логическое продолжение Cataclysm, но если присмотреться, дизайн и геймплей этих уровней сильно разнятся.

Именно из-за узких проходов на этапах корабля, волны и НЛО уровень считается труднопроходимым. Отличительная особенность Bloodbath в его «стрейтах», однако не на всех этапах присутствуют прямые пролеты. Из-за частых препятствий и других сложностей на кораблях, которыми изобилует демон, пройти игру на мониторах с низкой частотой обновления или на мобильных устройствах практически невозможно. Однако чуть позже игрок под ником ThunderBT проходит таки уровень на телефоне, что позволяет Bloodbath выйти на шестое место в мобильном топе.

Касательно геймплея, он не выходит за рамки среднего качества и не лишен банальностей. И все же участники коллаба внесли много нового, и большая часть этапов игры смертоносна даже при хорошей подготовке.

У Bloodbath свыше 30 миллионов загрузок и полутора миллионов лайков, что сделало уровень популярным среди комьюнити и непосредственно внутри самой игры. Знакомство с экстремальными демонами у многих начинается как раз с него.

По сложности игра не уступает ни Atmosphere, ни Epsilon, ни ATMarbl, но лишь в том случае, если используются мониторы с высокой частотой обновления. На частоте в 60 Hz уровень можно приравнять к SubSonic, который считается труднее Hatred и Black Blizzard.

Сколько лет riot geometry dash

This is a high-faith article! Do not edit this article unless something needs to be absolutely changed!


Creator Points


Global or Creator Rank

YouTube Channel

GD Profile


На этапе Evasium игроки, проходящие Bloodbath на мониторах с частотой кадров в 240FPS и выше, замечали одну ошибку – каждый раз, когда требовалось преодолеть нижний куб, тот по какой причине подпрыгивал чересчур высоко, из-за чего фрагмент не удавалось пройти. Исправили баг 12 августа 2020 года.


Geometry Dash - Red World Rebirth - -DEMON- - Published by- Riot - (On Stream)

The verification of Red World Rebirth. Credits to Riot.

Geometry Dash - Cataclysm Coin Update - By Ggb0y (On Stream)

The verification of updated Cataclysm. Credits to Riot.

Geometry Dash - Bloodbath Verification - On Stream - Published By- Riot -


Обзор экстремального демона Bloodbath [Резня]

Bloodbath или Резня – экстремальный 1.9 демон-мегаколлаб, который был организован и проверен игроком под ником Riot. Игра стала легендарной и получила широкую известность.


Career Start

Best Geometry Dash Player

Riot started to develop RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) on his finger from playing so many demons, so Riot started to play with his other finger. He started making progress on Sonic Wave, the hardest Nine Circles level of all time even now. People had been asking him to do this ever since he beat all the rated 1.9 Nine Circles Levels and Cyclic, who had returned to Geometry Dash, fully supported Riot on practicing Sonic Wave.

Sonic Wave and 2.0

Riot started to drop progress on Sonic Wave, which led the community to believe that Riot had officially quit Sonic Wave. However, it turned out he had been working on something else.

After a little while, nearly all of the 23 creators participating had uploaded their parts and Riot occasionally streamed the level for practice, showing the community pretty much all of the level. However, Riot was working on another level - Sonic Wave Infinity by Cyclic, Viprin, and Riot himself. It was a redesign of Sonic Wave that Riot asked Viprin to make due to him not liking the original level's decorations. When Riot focused his attention to this, Riot started dropping progress on Yatagarasu.

After the 96% fail on Sonic Wave, Riot decided to practice Artificial Ideology, getting a record of 26-88% and 44-100%. On December 2, 2016, Riot beat Dem Travel by Serponge, a Medium Demon as of now. Riot then beat FusionX, but he then became inactive from Geometry Dash for a few months after that.

End of Career

Riot officially quit Geometry Dash after that, but he returned to the game three months later to beat Quest for Perfection by LazerBlitz, Hate War by Stormfly, and The Ultimate Phase by Andromeda and more, all of which are Extreme Demons.

After Allegiance, Riot beat Event Horizon and Warhead, but he didn't beat many more levels after that. About one month later, Riot uploaded a video called "Major Announcements and Updates!", which showed that firstly, Riot would be bringing his Discord server back so friends could communicate together on there and socalize online. Secondly, Riot explained why he has been quitting Geometry Dash and coming back out of nowhere due to his finger pains, which would hurt more if he played too much Geometry Dash. So he noted that he wouldn't be recording any more extreme demons. He said that he would pass on the rest of his projects to Rampage and Sunix, Quantum Processing and Descent into Exile for Rampage, and Necromancer/Sonic Wave Infinity for Sunix. After these four were uploaded, Riot stated that he would likely officially quit Geometry Dash and delete his account. But he's still planning what to do with his channel once he quits, as Sonic Wave Infinity is still not verified by Sunix.

Eventually, NoctaFly confessed to hacking all his major achievements, including Bausha Vortex, Zaphkiel, Black Blizzard, and Deception Dive, making this the first successful exposal Riot has done so far. About a week after NoctaFly's confession, Riot released a preview of Cosmic Cyclone - the supposed sequel to the legendary level Sonic Wave.

On December 9th, 2017, Riot beat Clubstep Nightmares by Zobros - a somewhat difficult Clubstep-styled Hard Demon. About a month and a half later on January 26, 2018, Riot released the highly anticipated level Tartarus, which he used NoClip to verify. Mullsy beat Tartarus on Feburary 8, 2020.

Meanwhile, Riot was getting hate comments on his videos (as his fanbase doesn’t really like Fortnite), several of them attempting to force him to go back playing Geometry Dash, despite Riot gaining several more fans from the Fortnite community. This was solved by an unknown person around July 21-23 when his YouTube channel got taken down due to “multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.” The termination also destroyed all his then-unlisted videos of him playing Geometry Dash in the process. However, it is unknown whether Riot's videos will be uploaded back onto YouTube again.


История создания

В течении лета Riot занят прохождением игры, его стримы собирают все больше и больше зрителей. Наконец 12 августа 2015 года игра считается пройденной, выкладывается в общий доступ и моментально получает звезды и Featured, чему не мешает тот факт, что во время финальной попытки проверяющий умирает на 94%. Это, по сути, худший его слив.

Целый год Bloodbath занимает первую строчку среди сложных демонов в игре, и только в августе 2016 года, когда появляется Sakupen Hell, уровень сдает позиции. Пятью месяцами ранее игру честно проходит еще один игрок – Quasar. Bloodbath такой сложный, что игроки начинают массово скупать 144 Hz-мониторы вместо 60 Hz, на которых прохождение игры почти невозможно. В конце концов, такое явление становится нормальным среди опытных игроков.

Начиная с 2017 года, Bloodbath постепенно покидает топы. В 2019 он уже находится в топ-100, а в 2021 даже не входит в топ-150. И все же известности игра не теряет. Нельзя недооценивать так же ее влияния на многих игроков, которые создавали карьеру в игровой индустрии.


He was a live streamer on Twitch, where he would earn more than 30,000 followers on his llriotll account.


By far, the level completion that propelled him into the ranks of the best players was being the verifier of the Extreme Demon Bloodbath, which at that time became the hardest Demon ever beaten/verified.

Riot's account is mostly filled with challenges, but even so he has indeed shown himself to be a creator. The only two serious levels though is one known as "Sparks", which is an old level he created back in the 1.6 days and Quantum Processing, an Extreme Demon remake of Blast Processing that he built some of the gameplay for.

On August 12, 2015, he verified Bloodbath, a level at one point considered by the whole community as one of the hardest in the game at that time. Riot's popularity exploded after the verification of this level.

Due to hacking accusations, on September 12 that year, Riot announced that he would be leaving the community, but returned within hours. A few months later, in December, he announced that he was getting bored of Geometry Dash and would play less of it. This was a video that caused people to think Riot was quitting forever. However, he uploaded a video of him practicing The Hell Factory and stated that he did not quit and was simply playing less at the time because he did not feel like playing. He later made a brief return by uploading a video of Rearmed.

A while back, Riot started trying to verify a mega-collaboration by the name of Yatagarasu, set to be one of the hardest possible levels in the game. However, Riot got bored, along with not wanting to further injure his hand. He has since given the level to Surv to verify it, which has been passed on to TrusTa, who infamously nerfed and verified the level. He was also trying to verify a version of Sonic Wave that was redecorated by Viprin, dubbed Sonic Wave Infinity which he gave to Sunix to verify, (who has now dropped the verification). He also tried to verify an insanely buffed version of Blast Processing known as Quantum Processing, which was later verified by Rampage.

On May 22, 2016, he verified his third Extreme Demon: Red World Rebirth, which is a redecorated version of the notorious 1.8 collaboration by Neptune and SaRy. This level would also mark the beginning of a significant break Riot took from Geometry Dash. Months after taking a break from the game, he made a brief return by getting 73% on the original Sonic Wave and finishing Audio Excursion by GoodSmile. A few days later, he also achieved a new best of 96% on Sonic Wave. (which would ultimately end up being Riot's best achievement)

On January 4, 2017, Riot said on his Twitter page that he is retiring from Geometry Dash and that he is going to make a video about it. This video has never come to be, however, it is unknown if this video is still in progress or cancelled. Cancellation seems to be a viable thought, as on July 14, 2017, Riot returned by beating Saturn V by Nasgubb, and after that, has beaten a whole bunch of demons varying in difficulty: from Easy demons like Universal Remote by Rustam, to Extreme Demons such as Allegiance by NikroPlays.

On September 14, 2017, Riot released an announcement video, stating that he would be retiring from Geometry Dash, presumably for the final time, due to returning finger pain that plagued him almost a year prior. He stated that his active projects are finished and the verification videos would most likely be the last Geometry Dash related videos on his channel: Sonic Wave Infinity and Necromancer (set to be verified by Sunix) along with Quantum Processing and Descent into Exile (set to be verified by Rampage).

On November 14, 2017, Riot released a video exposing Noctalium for hacking certain demons. Six days later, he responded to Noctalium's video, and then the day after, he released a video saying Noctalium had confessed. On November 29, 2017, Riot verified Galactic Machine by Komp, saying he "ended up nerfing the level from what it was when he got it."


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