Сколько лет лестеру из гта 5

Обновлено: 09.05.2024

Лестер «Арни» Арнольд - невидимый персонаж в серии Grand Theft Auto . Его имя появляется в информационной базе данных LCPD в Grand Theft Auto IV, и он упоминается в The Lost and Damned и Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars .




Из-за недостатка игрового времени личность Брэда раскрывается только через Тревора.

В процессе игры становится понятно, что Тревор и Брэд были близкими друзьями. Тревор не раз признавался в
разговоре, что скучает по другу и вытащит его из тюрьмы. В то же время в разговоре с Франклином он называет Брэда придурком, а также признается,
что рано или поздно убил бы его.

Майкл особо не говорил о Брэде. Со слов Тревора они всегда недолюбливали друг друга, и Брэд планировал
убить Майкла однажды. Лестер открыто выражал неприязнь к Брэду, называя его «ленивым, забывчивым, тупым
куском дерьма».

Появления в миссиях

Лестер Крест

Лестер является профессиональным преступником и долгое время союзником Майкла и Тревора. Будучи постоянным членом в их ограблениях, работает в основном в качестве планировщика и разведчика. Лестер страдает от изнурительной болезни, которая на протяжении всей его жизни постепенно износила двигательные функции.

Из-за ограниченной подвижности у Лестера значительно вырос избыточный вес. Тем не менее, он восполняет недостаток физических навыков уровнем интеллекта, опытом в технологиях и вычислительной технике и резким вниманием на детали, что и делает его отличным планировщиком для различных краж.

Лестер также очень хорошо информирован о мировой политике и деталях корпоративных махинаций. Используя эту информацию, он был связан с биржевым мошенничеством и корпоративными убийствами как до, так и во время игры.

Обновление «Судный день»

В этом обновлении Лестер вместе с Агентом 14 связывается с людьми из IAA для спасения Лос-Сантоса. В этом им потребуется помощь протагонистов GTA Online. Он будет выдавать некоторые подготовительные задания игрокам и указывать, что им предстоит сделать.


Несмотря на проблемы со здоровьем, Лестер может спланировать даже самое крупное ограбление, не выходя из
дома. Также стоит отметить его внимание к деталям, что позволяет проводить ограбления гладко и без
фокусов. У него всегда есть запасной план, что делает его, по сути, самым важным кадром в команде

Лестер превосходно владеет всеми технологиями в IT-сфере. В свободное время играет в видеоигры, особенно
ему нравится Righteous Slaughter 7.

Лестер — типичный социопат, в чем он сам признается игроку в GTA Online
во время ограбления Fleeca Job, когда заявляет, что мало
общается с людьми лично. Все общение происходит в сети, где Лестер чувствует себя свободно и может
пригласить кого-то на встречу. Но в итоге, на самой встрече он не решается подойти и просто наблюдает
издалека. Иногда он плоско шутит и сам же смеется над своими шутками, одна из причин, почему у него
почти нет друзей вне бизнеса.

Лестер в курсе всех последних новостей, которые происходят в мире, что позволяет ему быть всегда на шаг
впереди и неплохо на этом зарабатывать.

Вполне возможно, что Лестер является бисексуалом. На его компьютере можно найти папку Gay
Porn, хотя, это может быть обычный троллинг.

В его комнате висит плакат с изображением глаза, который используется в образах иллюминатов. Это может
означать, что Лестер не исключает их существование, и более того, верит, что за ним всегда следят. Не
удивительно, что все окна и входная дверь в его доме всегда закрыты, а по всему периметру расставлены



Lester suffers from a wasting disease which has gradually worn down his motor skills during his life and left him wheelchair-bound, though he is able to walk short distances with the use of a cane. Due to his limited mobility, Lester has grown considerably overweight, and he also suffers from asthma. It is implied that Lester was bullied in high school, as he posted on Bleeter that "getting revenge" on his old high school class "never seemed to get old".

At an unknown point in time, Lester met and became affiliated with Michael Townley and Trevor Philips, becoming a regular member of their heist crews since the start of their partnership, working mostly as a planner and information scout. It is stated by Michael during The Merryweather Heist that Lester went against doing the heist depicted in the Prologue, possibly having an idea of what eventually happened.

Events of GTA Online

Meeting the player

Lester is one of the several mission givers the player can interact with in Grand Theft Auto Online. He can be found at his house. The player is introduced to Lester upon reaching rank 10; Lester phone calls the player and asks him to meet up at his house in El Burro Heights. At Lester's place, he informs the player of their growing reputation and suggests that they invest their money in real estate in order to protect it from being robbed.

Before the player leaves, Lester tells him/her that he is able to put a bounty on other players by calling Lester. If the player sets a bounty on another player, Lester will take a cut of $1,000.

After the 1.15 Patch, the player can receive messages from Lester who requires a target eliminated for easy cash.

GTA Online: Heists Update

Lester sends a text message to the player, asking to meet him in his factory, to talk about a great opportunity. Lester then introduces the player to the online Heists. He and Paige Harris help the player in the execution of a heist, targeting a safety deposit box at the Chumash branch of the Fleeca Bank.

Afterwards, he'll be referring the players into other jobs he's definitely not interested in, but he might still get a finder's fee for the referral.

Finally, after the heists he didn't want to be involved in, Lester is once again leading a final heist into the Pacific Standard Public Depository Bank along with the players.

Lester also requests the online player to distract the cops occasionally to allow his contact to safely escape.

GTA Online: Bikers
With my vast knowledge and your time, effort and bank, we'll be unstoppable. ” — Lester as "Long John Teabag" introduces the player to Open Road Network.

Events of GTA V

After Michael faked his death with the assistance of FIB agent Dave Norton, Lester left North Yankton and relocated to San Andreas, eventually discovering that Michael had indeed faked his death and had relocated to Los Santos with the help of Dave Norton. Nonetheless, since Michael told Dave nothing about Lester's involvement with his team, Lester told nobody about Michael's ruse.

Lester and Michael reunite after nearly a decade when Michael finds himself in need of a new heist after unintentionally angering Cartel boss Martin Madrazo by pulling his mistress' house down a hill (believing it to be the home of Kyle Chavis, the tennis coach who'd slept with his wife). Lester agrees to help, but only after Michael helps assassinate Lifeinvader CEO Jay Norris (he had long since became enraged that he relied on child labor and was annoyed at the messiah complex he developed) so that Lester can make a profit by buying Lifeinvader shares at minimal price, only to sell them at inflated ones later. Once the assassination is taken care of, Lester helps Michael, and his new associate Franklin Clinton, pull off a robbery at the Vangelico jewel store in Portola Drive.

Later on during the game, Lester hires Franklin several times to pull off other similar assassinations in order to amass a fortune in the stock market. Lester buys up large amounts of stock in the rival companies of his targets when their share prices are low, so that their share prices will rise significantly following the assassinations and Lester can sell his shares at a profit. Other victims included: Brett Lowrey, the CEO of Bilkinton Research who recently came under fire for manufacturing faulty erectile dysfunction medication; 4 corrupt jurors who planned to throw out a lawsuit against Redwood Cigarettes; Jackson Skinner, the Head of Product Development at Facade currently at the center of a data mining scandal; Isaac Penny, a venture capitalist who planned to acquire a majority share of Vapid Motor Company simply to outsource most of the jobs; and Enzo Bonelli, a mobster turned real estate developer who blackmailed his way into several construction contracts for Los Santos.

Lester's main role in the game is in helping the protagonists set-up various heists and operations. He helps them plan out a robbery on a County Bank to finance an FIB operation (despite initially not seeing the point of the heist); he helps Franklin rescue Michael after he's captured by Wei Cheng's triad due to his connection with Trevor; he helps Michael and Franklin carry out a break-in on the FIB Headquarters to delete incriminating files about the team and Agent Steve Haines; he helps the three protagonists find and rescue Franklin's friend Lamar Davis after Franklin's former friend Stretch betrayed him to the Ballas; and ultimately he helps the trio pull off the biggest score of their careers: a robbery on the Union Depository. If the player chooses the Obvious approach to The Big Score, Lester will travel as a passenger in Trevor's helicopter and shoot down pursuing Merryweather helicopters with a Rocket Launcher.


By the end of the game, Franklin is given separate orders by Steve Haines and Devin Weston to kill one of his friends. Haines wants him to kill Trevor and Weston wants him to kill Michael. The player then has to choose between carrying out Haines' instructions, carrying out Weston's, or disregarding them both and getting together with both Trevor and Michael to take out their enemies.

Franklin contacts Lester and asks him for help on figuring out what to do. Lester initially suggests killing both Trevor and Michael, but eventually comes up with a better way to solve the problem. He lures Haines' corrupt FIB allies and Weston's private Merryweather battalion to a foundry where the three protagonists ambush and kill all of them, stripping both Haines and Weston of their brute force power. Afterwards, Lester acquires the locations of all of the protagonists' enemies (after Franklin explains to him that Stretch's real name is Harold Joseph), allowing them to take out their enemies once and for all. Michael kills Stretch, Franklin kills Wei Cheng and Trevor kills Steve Haines before going to Devin Weston's mansion to kidnap him. Trevor takes Weston to a cliff in Blaine County where he meets up with Michael and Franklin and all three protagonists proceed to mock a terrified Weston before pushing the car he's in off the cliff, killing him. After the assassinations are carried out, Lester sends all three protagonists their respective shares from the UD job and congratulates them on a job well done.

Note: The GTA Online: The Diamond Casino & Resort DLC mission "Casino - Strong Arm Tactics" confirms that these are not the canon endings to the storyline. In this ending, Lester only appears again through an email he sends to the two surviving protagonists. If Trevor is killed, he sends Franklin and Michael their share of the Union Depository job as well as half of Trevor's to each of them, as well as claiming to be rather disappointed that things had to end as they did. If Michael is killed, Lester sends Franklin and Trevor their shares of the Union Depository job and sends Michael's share to his family, while at the same time stating in his email that he hopes neither Franklin or Trevor were involved in Michael's murder.

GTA Online: The Doomsday Heist

For all I know, you're bugged all to high hell and you don't even know the bugs exist!

In 2017, Lester contacts the Online Protagonist, saying he's found opportunities more lucrative than the traditional bank heists, which can be utilized under a SecuroServ VIP contract, a SecuroServ CEO organization, or a registered Motorcycle Club. The player begins by purchasing an ex-government facility, where Lester meets them along with a billionaire named Avon Hertz and his AI neural network named Cliffford. Avon claims that he and Cliffford have unfolded a doomsday plot from an unknown foreign entity and is looking to hire some people for taking on extremely dangerous missions, such as infiltrating the NOOSE building or stealing an Avenger from Merryweather. Thus Lester and the protagonist agree to become hired guns for Avon.

In the mission The Data Breaches, conclusion of Act 1, Avon sends the protagonist to a secret IAA facility beneath the Satellite Relay Station which is under attack by Merryweather Security. Avon claims that Merryweather was hired by an "unknown" client and that it is the protagonist's job to clear the facility of hostile activity and rescue any IAA agents still alive.

After the attack is foiled, Agent 14 and Phoenicia Rackman reluctantly team up with Avon on behalf of the International Affairs Agency. The three of them offer to hire Lester and the protagonist to find the "unknown" client who paid off Merryweather and uncover their intentions. The trail eventually leads to the Ramius, a Russian submarine off the coast of Paleto Bay, and a rogue Russian special ops unit led by a mysterious Russian agent called Bogdan.

In the mission The Bogdan Problem, the conclusion of Act 2, the protagonist infiltrates the Ramius and eliminates anyone who stands in their way. After Avon orders them to upload Cliffford into the sub's mainframe, Bogdan reveals himself by bursting into the room and pleading with the protagonist not to shoot him immediately and instead hear him out. After lighting a cigarette, Bogdan tells them that he and his men are traitors in Russia and are working independently. His true mission to prevent Avon and Cliffford from triggering nuclear armageddon because they're bad and are secretly manipulating everybody to achieve their own ends. Nobody believes Bogdan until Avon suddenly decides to take matters into his own hands and reveal his true colors. Avon and Cliffford are now "in charge" because the protagonist's work has created a pathway for Cliffford to not only hack all systems aboard the Ramius, but also the IAA and the entire San Andreas defense network.

Cliffford initiates the sub's self-destruct sequence to destroy all "evidence." Lester orders the protagonist to jump ship and Bogdan willingly provides them with some scuba gear before taking flight in an escape pod. Within 30 seconds, the Ramius explodes and sinks to the bottom of the ocean, killing anyone still on board. After escaping, the protagonist regroups with Lester, Rackman, and Agent 14 at Los Santos International Airport and everyone is beside themselves at how easily Avon tricked them. Lester is so angry that he swears revenge and tells the protagonist that he'll be in touch.

Avon is the real fucking bad guy? Not the Russians? What? Hey, who saw that coming? I don't know what to say. Just take your hard earn government cash and run! You go back to robbing banks, running gun smuggling Cargo or whatever the cool crooks are doing these days. I'll just need to see how this plays out. In the meantime, I'll try and contact the Russian captain, um, Bogdan, to see what he knows. We're gonna make Avon pay, oh just wait for my call.

After killing Avon and destroying Cliffford in the mission The Doomsday Scenario, the protagonist reconvenes with Lester, Agent 14, and Rackman at the Galileo Observatory and is congratulated on their success and for "saving the world." Lester, speaking for the protagonist and himself, tells Rackman that they'll settle for their fat paycheck and Rackman agrees to pay. A socially awkward Lester then tries to initiate "small talk" with the protagonist before giving up and saying "Well, this has been. horrifying. really, really horrifying but. also pretty fun. So, bye bye.".

At the conclusion of The Doomsday Heist, Lester calls the protagonist and happily informs them that Avon's hair plugs were all that the IAA was able to recover. Meanwhile, Cliffford has vanished without a trace and probably won't be coming back.

GTA Online: The Diamond Casino Heist

In 2019, Lester unexpectedly contacts the Online Protagonist, asking them to meet him at Mirror Park for a new opportunity. After the protagonist arrives, Lester starts complaining that he's already pulled off enough scores to not get dragged back into another one and tells them to "dick off", which reveals that he is under the impression that the protagonist texted him. When the protagonist shows Lester that he messaged them, Lester gets confused until he realizes that his phone was hacked.

The hacker, Georgina Cheng, then immediately shows up with her associate Huang on behalf of Cheng Family Holdings. She claims that she wants the two of them to rob the The Diamond Casino & Resort for her. Though Lester tries to turn down the job, Georgina convinces him that this is going to be the biggest challenge he's going to face, and that she's not asking for any money, "just as a favor". Upon hearing this, Lester tells the protagonist to purchase an Arcade Center to be used as a front for the heist, with him hiring staff, including his old friend Michael's son Jimmy, to make the purchase seem legitimate.

Later on, Lester meets up with the protagonist at their newly purchased Arcade center and run them through some basic business setup to get the place up and running before they can plan the heist in the basement. Lester remains behind the scene as heist planner and gives instructions on the Prep missions and eventually the heist itself. Once it's pulled off, Lester regroups with the crew on the roof of the building directly across from the casino to celebrate. Georgina then unexpectedly arrives and flirts with him, showing that she too has romantic affection for Lester, they eventually make-out passionately on the rooftop, while snogging, the protagonists silently walk away awkwardly.

Lester Crest


Lester Crest is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as a central character and the main deuteragonist in Grand Theft Auto V, and as a main character in Grand Theft Auto Online.

LCPD Database record






Анна | Big T | Брюси Киббуц | Chantelle | Шеф | Крис Формаж | Донна | Хао | Джей-Ти Бойд | Joyrider | Лерой | Little T | Гриб Хэнк | Рауль | Стэнли | Васкес | Честити | Фуфу | Никки | Сапфир | Ponsonbys Manager

Bootsy Collins | Camilo Lara | Jesco White | Lee "Scratch" Perry | Twin Shadow | Oh No


- Считается лидером Либерти-Сити Ордена Ангелов Смерти OMG.

- О нем мало что известно, кроме того, что у него серьезные проблемы с наркотиками.

Ограбление казино Diamond

Лестер наконец решает завязать с криминалом, однако ему назначает встречу через взломанный телефон игрока одна из Триад Лос-Сантоса, и ради личной мести казино Diamond, уверяя, что местная система безопасности является совершенной. Как и в большинстве ограблений, Лестер является координатором для игроков.

Интересные факты

  • В Grand Theft Auto Online услуга Лестера, связанная с объявлением награды за голову игрока, может быть применена против вас другими игроками. Несколько раз он даже об этом предупреждал игрока.
  • Может передвигаться без помощи костылей или коляски. Это можно видеть на протяжении почти всей игры.
  • Страдает от астмы.
  • Адрес электронной почты Лестера: "t34b4g99@eyefind.com".
  • Любимая радиостанция Лестера — Space 103.2, поскольку он переключает радио в машине Майкла именно на эту станцию, в миссии "Cleaning out the Bureau".
  • Лестер сильно похож на Келсо, персонажа из фильма "Схватка". И Келсо, и Лестер имеют физические слабости, и оба мужчины больше связаны с планированием ограблений, чем с их фактическим выполнением.
  • В блоке контактов у Лестера нет фотографии, что доказывает то, что он криминальная личность и никому не показывает своё лицо.
  • Утверждает, что в своё время "остался девственником" из-за увлечения игровым автоматом The Wizard's Ruin.
  • Во втором акте "The Doomsday Heists", во время побега из подлодки Лестер говорит "То есть, когда грабишь банки, а твой тупой и жадный друг предаёт тебя во время ограбления, он не насылает на тебя армию киборгов, чтобы уничтожить твой образ жизни". Возможно, он имел ввиду Майкла, ведь при первом знакомстве он держал на него обиду.

GTA Online

В Grand Theft Auto Online появляется в качестве персонажа, с которым при звонке можно взаимодействовать. С течением времени, игрок, позвонив Лестеру, может получить от него платные услуги:

  • Объявление награды за голову определённого игрока.
  • Избавление от звёзд розыска — $200 за каждую звезду (После полного завершения ограбления "Судный день", вне зависимости от уровня розыска, услуга станет бесплатной).
  • Скрыть игрока с радара — $500.
  • Показать скрытых игроков — $500.


Hey, it's Lest. ehm, JT! Ooh, we got trouble at work. Get over there or you'll lose product.
Лестер деанонимизирует себя во время кражи продукции.

Лестер разрабатывает анонимную сеть "Open Road" и вновь связывается с протагонистом, только что купившим байкерский клабхаус. Изменив свой голос сторонними программами и взяв псевдоним "Долговязый Джон Нагибатор", он помогает игроку приобрести подпольное предприятие и сбывать товар. Может случайно выдать своё настоящее имя, когда позвонит сообщить о краже продукции.

Relationships with other Characters

Michael De Santa- Lester first meets Michael at an unknown period of time and seems to be a mastermind in Michael's robberies many years prior. It was stated by Michael that he wasn't much of a friend towards Lester and after they've encountered one another during the events of the game, Michael decides to make up for that. He can often be seen sticking up for Lester when he can't defend himself from much stronger people, such as Trevor. However, that won't stop Michael from bullying Lester if he criticizes the former for his hypocrisy.

Trevor Phillips - Much like with Michael, Lester met Trevor at an unknown point in time. However, the two have a sort of antagonistic relationship with each other: Trevor regularly belittles Lester over his physical weakness and, whenever he comes up with a heist, will try to cheat him out of a cut; Lester views Trevor as incredibly idiotic and feels that his short-sighted recklessness in regards to planning his own heists will cause uncontrollable consequences to anyone connected to them.

Franklin Clinton - Lester developed a healthy relationship with Franklin over the course of their dealing with each other. While Lester was initially wary of Franklin, being the newbie in Michael's jewelry store heist crew, Franklin proved his worth, so much that Lester personally offers Franklin assassination missions to manipulate the stock market, one mission of which allows Lester to buy a luxurious house in Vinewood Hills for Franklin. Franklin's friendship proves to be crucial for Franklin in his times of need such as when he rescued Lamar, and later, Michael and Trevor.

Online Protagonist - Lester is the main contact for the Online Protagonist and usually hires them for heists. Initially Lester's behavior towards the Protagonist was awkward as he didn't know how to deal with their silence. Later on Lester's faith in their skills increased to the point that they were the go to contacts for Lester during the Doomsday Heists which unlike other heists, the fate of the world was at stake and so required skill and talented individuals. Lester remains in contact with them even outside of major heists as he will help the Protagonist under the name of LJT during MC activities.

Лестер Крест / Персонажи

Лестер Крест (англ. Lester Crest) — один из центральных персонажей GTA 5. Гений планирования, компьютерный «червь» и любитель несмешно

В прошлом Лестер работал над ограблениями с Майклом и Тревором. Из-за проблем со здоровьем (опорно-двигательной
системой) ему приходится ходить с тростью. И хотя он физический недееспособен, голова у Лестера работает

Не выходя из дома, он может взломать любой сервер в мире, заработать пару миллионов на бирже
и посмотреть веб-камеры всех женщин в интернете (без их ведома, естественно).

Лестер владеет самой ценной информацией, а его острый ум позволяет замечать самые
незначительные мелочи, которые, в итоге, играют огромную роль при ограблениях и делают его
мозгом большинства операций.

Ввиду махинаций на биржах и заказных убийствах, в которых ему помогают другие герои игры, Лестер вынужден
вести скромную жизнь. Однако в его финансовом благополучии сомневаться не приходится.


Despite Lester's physical disabilities, he makes up for this with a genius-level intelligence, a masterful expertise in technology and computing and a sharp eye for detail, which is what makes him an excellent planner for the various heists he has pulled off throughout his life. He is also an avid video-gamer, and is a particular fan of Righteous Slaughter 7.

Lester is, by his own admission, socially awkward and reveals to the GTA Online character during the Fleeca Job that he's not the best conversationalist and rarely meets people in person. When he meets people online and arranges to meet them in real life, he will show up but unseen by his dates and Lester instead will watch them from afar. Sometimes he likes cracking bad jokes that end up in unanswered laughs, showing his inability to deal with people outside the business or the online life.

Lester is very well informed on world politics and the machinations and details of corporate activities. Using this knowledge, he has previously been involved in stock fraud and corporate assassination.

You see, I like my scores like I like my dates: across the street and unaware they're being watched.

On Lester's Lifeinvader page, a message from a girl asking about his true age can be seen, implying that he fakes his age in order to talk to younger women, with Trevor referring to him as "Lester the Molester". Lester admits to Franklin that he hacks girls' webcams to watch them and after the The Bureau Raid (Fire Crew approach), he says he will "reverse engineer a webcam and spy on those sorority girls again". It is possible that he is bisexual, as a folder entitled "Gay porn" can be found on his Facade computer, however, this may also be a way to "troll" people. Lester possibly believes that the Illuminati is watching him as he has an Illuminati poster in his house, and this may possibly explain why the windows of his house are covered up.

Интересные факты

Брэд Снайдер / Персонажи

Брэд Снайдер (англ. Brad Snider) — второстепенный персонаж GTA
5. Не смотря на то, что в игре он появляется только два раза, его герой крайне важен для
сюжетной линии.

Брэд — старый друг Майкла Де Санта и Тревора Филипса. В 2004 году они вместе участвовали в
ограблении в Северном Янктоне, которое закончилось
провалом. Водитель был убит своими же людьми. Полиция устроила
засаду и схватила раненых Майкла и Брэда, лишь Тревору удалось скрыться. По официальной версии Брэда
приговорили к заключению, а Майкл скончался от полученных ранений.

Следующие девять лет Брэд переписывался с Тревором из тюрьмы, где жаловался, что он
единственный, с кем тот может общаться. Посетители по условиям заключения не разрешены.
Немного позднее, когда Тревор объединяется со старыми друзьями — Майклом и Лестером, Брэд находит душевное равновесие и
призывает Тревора сдаться властям.

В итоге Тревор узнает правду: Брэд не выжил при ограблении и был похоронен в могиле Майкла (который
остался жив). Майкл понимает, что письма Тревору писал агент FIB Дэйв
Нортон, который не оставил попытки поймать Тревора. Позже, несмотря на отговорки Майкла, Тревор
летит в Северный Янктон, где вскрывает могилу и окончательно убеждается, что Брэд уже давно мертв. Это
сильно повлияет на дальнейшие события в игре.

Соыбтия GTA Chinatown Wars

Судя по событиям Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars , примерно в 2009 году , Лестер состоит в отношениях с Мередит . Однако она изменяет ему с частным сыщиком Лестером Лероком , который проник в банду с помощью Хуанга Ли, чтобы получить информацию об информаторе ФВБ . Их совместный статус после этого события неизвестен.


Лестер, родившийся в Сан-Фиерро , был арестован пять раз: за хранение контролируемого вещества (в 1988 году за метамфетамины и в 1993 году за героин), за нападение в 1989 и 1992 годах и за кражу личных данных в 2005 году .

В 2008 году Лестер также написал книгу, в которой подробно описал свой опыт в качестве члена «Ангелов смерти». Он также написал книгу об Ангелах Смерти под названием «Ангелы Жизни» под псевдонимом «Арни Лестер» и в сотрудничестве с Фредом М. Нельсоном. По книге, очевидно, будет снят фильм о Вайнвуде.

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