Silent hunter 3 как играть по сети

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Moderator Join Date Jan 2005 Location Upper Peninsula of Michigan Posts 3,929

Could you post your question in English. Thank you.


Junior Member Join Date Mar 2013 Location belgium Posts 16

I ask hem , post your message in english.

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как потопить британскиий воспомогательный корабль вод.изм.13850т торпеды от него отскакивают,пробовал под разными углами,в настройках бракованных торпед нет
на море волнение с пушки стрелять нельзя? торпеды парогазовые
кому удалось замочить эту дуру и какими торпедами паровыми или электрич.

Я точно не помню. Но по моему электрические не оставляют след. Нет следа, нет беспокойств.
эффект неожиданности.
От торпед со следом корабли начинаю уворачиваться.
Правильно сказано. Желательно любую атаку на корабль проводить под прямым углом. Но лично я вместо контактного взрывателя ставлю магнитный. Он никогда не откажет.
Иногда контактные торпеды не срабатывают, особенно есл цель движется на достаточно высококй скорости.
И да, чисто из истории. Торпеды с магнитным взрывателем немецкие подводники всегда выставляли на глубину 1 м ниже чем киль. Торпеды взрывались вырывая часть обшивки. Что было очень эффективно.
если море относительно спокойное то такое срабатывает.
А вообще у любого корабля в хантере есть слабое место (Кроме линкоров, этих хрен потопишь)
подобные корабли можно топить попав торпедой прямо под трубу. Разрывает с одной.
Ну лично из собственного опыта, я контактный взрыватель вообще практически не выставлял. Если попасть танкеру, или большому грузовому судну, магнитной торпедой под киль, в нужном месте, то рвёт с одной.
Только один минус у магнитных, если не правильно выставишь глубину то пройдут под килем и не взорвуться.
И да, расстояние до корабля должно быть не менее 300 м.
В общем контактный взрыватель-херня

потопил токо при помоши БЧ,и боевой карты
шторм+быстрый ход.сам никак момент поймать не мог(сам где то час бился)атак две сигары залепил вот такие пироги!

Прямо в бок под прямым углом на малой глубине хода торпеды с контактным взрывателем. Паровая или электрическая - неважно.
В шторм пушка на подлодке не работает.

Следует установить глубину хода торпед (желательно 2-3 торпеды) на полтора метра ниже киля цели и не забудьте включить магнитный взрыватель. При большой волне лучше ставить на 1 метр ниже киля, т. к. есть вероятность, что в момент прохода "сигар" под килем, судно может слегка приподнять на волне и магнитные взрыватели не сработают.

Ещё один хитрый способ торпедной атаки. Первой запускаем электрическую торпеду, которая движется со скоростью 30 узлов, а через некоторое время производим запуск газо-паровыми торпедами с установленной максимальной скоростью. Смысл таких манипуляций в том, что в момент подхода или детонации первой торпеды, у корабля будет крайне мало времени начать маневрировать (делать зигзаги), ведь парочка быстрых торпед будет уже слишком близко. Тем более если этот корабль громоздкая цель. Если удастся первой торпедой поразить ходовую часть судна, то шансы успешной атаки "догоняющих" торпед возрастут многократно.


Junior Member Join Date Mar 2013 Location belgium Posts 16

I ask hem , post your message in english.

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Silent hunter 3 как играть по сети

Silent Hunter III

18 июн. 2015 в 19:40 Will I be able to play with people who have the steam version in multiplayer while I have the disc version? ( on a third party server ) 19 июн. 2015 в 2:48 I don't know, if the versions are the same you should be able to. 19 июн. 2015 в 11:22 okay, what version is steam on right now. And is anyone playing the multiplayer for SH3 or SH4?
20 июн. 2015 в 1:27

For SH3 you will need a 3rd party program to connect to the internet via LAN. There are no Ubisoft servers any more for the game, silly as it is. Unless you call some buddies over and do a LAN set up at home, This would be a option. I used before, played some wolfpack missions with others, it was fun. The program is called Tunngle, I got it through here..

I do not know if SH3 would work on a LAN through the STEAM network like Left 4 Dead dose.
You would have to test that one with someone on your friend list, But it proably dosen't.

As for SH4, you got me there, I am just getting into that game myself.. So I don't know that one.
You may want to check on the fourms at subsim since silent hunter lives there.

21 июн. 2015 в 15:23

For SH3 you will need a 3rd party program to connect to the internet via LAN. There are no Ubisoft servers any more for the game, silly as it is. Unless you call some buddies over and do a LAN set up at home, This would be a option. I used before, played some wolfpack missions with others, it was fun. The program is called Tunngle, I got it through here..

I do not know if SH3 would work on a LAN through the STEAM network like Left 4 Dead dose.
You would have to test that one with someone on your friend list, But it proably dosen't.

As for SH4, you got me there, I am just getting into that game myself.. So I don't know that one.
You may want to check on the fourms at subsim since silent hunter lives there.

If you are getting into silent hunter, dont get 5. The servers are down and noone plays it. It is a buggy mess. If you want to get all the mods and you are tolerant, you may like it. 23 июн. 2015 в 15:48 If you are getting into silent hunter, dont get 5. The servers are down and noone plays it. It is a buggy mess. If you want to get all the mods and you are tolerant, you may like it.

Oh I have SH5, but not through steam. I don't like the ideal of haveing to be connected to the internet 24-7 to play it, I already tried to fix the issues with the U-boat to make it work right, but once I did, I would be at 100m in silent speed and the U-boat would continue to sink anyway and not stop even at full speed. And there was some other issues, seems like nothing can be done to reslove it except weapons fixes.

In short, I am very much done with SH5. How ever in SH4 for what I have played and some modding experaments it seems it would be the worth while game to play over SH5. It's a shame too, I liked the ideal of walking around and all over the boat..

Silent hunter 3 как играть по сети

Silent Hunter III

18 июл. 2015 в 5:12 I've just started playing and am loving it. I have a friend who is interested in trying out co-op too, but I don't really understand how it works. Can someone explain it to me? Is it like single player but with a friend? 18 июл. 2015 в 6:06 Cooperative multiplayer is a type of multiplayer that does not involve active competition between the player-controlled parties and as such usually takes place computer-controlled parties. Typically cooperative mode is distinguished from simply setting up a multiplayer match aganst bots in that it is based on the single-player experience, as is the case with Silent Hunter III, in which the level of fire control technology offerred does not allow meaningful player-vs-player combat. 19 июл. 2015 в 12:35

In MP you log on the Ubisoft server were you join other U-boat Captains to play on MP maps working togeather as a wolf pack(togeather). How ever. The Ubisoft servers are no longer available.. So it can only be played through LAN. There is a program called tunngle, and here you will be able to play with others over the internet useing LAN via Tunngle.

It is fun to do. I do not know if it is possable to play on the Steam net work via LAN, but some games I have on steam I played on the LAN for privet net work and some how other steam members had join it. It may not work the same for SH3..

20 июл. 2015 в 20:15

In MP you log on the Ubisoft server were you join other U-boat Captains to play on MP maps working togeather as a wolf pack(togeather). How ever. The Ubisoft servers are no longer available.. So it can only be played through LAN. There is a program called tunngle, and here you will be able to play with others over the internet useing LAN via Tunngle.

It is fun to do. I do not know if it is possable to play on the Steam net work via LAN, but some games I have on steam I played on the LAN for privet net work and some how other steam members had join it. It may not work the same for SH3..

Thanks, this was the kind of answer I was looking for. How does time compression work? 20 июл. 2015 в 23:47

When I was doing so through tunngle I didn't see any real difference than when I did it on a LAN with a buddy. Or did you mean in time compression like we do to get to a grid? dosen't work.

When you do MP, a game map is selected, then you work togeather as a wolf pack taking out the enemy ships. There is no "we all are leaving differnt ports" so there is no time compres.

how ever that would be cool to do. I guess if everyone had the time to waste, like a weeks worth, you could make a grid senerio and leave the same port togeather. Just it will take the real world time to get there..

11 окт. 2019 в 10:21

When I was doing so through tunngle I didn't see any real difference than when I did it on a LAN with a buddy. Or did you mean in time compression like we do to get to a grid? dosen't work.

When you do MP, a game map is selected, then you work togeather as a wolf pack taking out the enemy ships. There is no "we all are leaving differnt ports" so there is no time compres.

how ever that would be cool to do. I guess if everyone had the time to waste, like a weeks worth, you could make a grid senerio and leave the same port togeather. Just it will take the real world time to get there..

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