Shrine of secrets dead by daylight что это

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

18 окт. 2016 в 7:50

The Shrine Of Secrets is going to be amazing. Now we no longer need to put a whole bunch of hours into playing characters we don't wish to play or feeding them a ♥♥♥♥ load of BP, just so we can get their Teachable Perks.

Loving the idea of this system and can't wait to use it.

18 окт. 2016 в 7:51 (Заблокирован) 18 окт. 2016 в 7:52 I have come from the future to warn you: the random nature of the Shrine of Secrets will mean that many, many players will be salty that they can't get the perks they're looking for. 18 окт. 2016 в 8:01 Mmm so excited, even though I already have my teachable perks 25000 BP is not something to be ignored! And for new players who are completely screwed by the fact they don't have teachables, they can actually get into the game alot better now! 18 окт. 2016 в 8:05 They added this feature so that, even if you don't buy the DLC, you can still unlock the perks. This keeps it from being P2P. 18 окт. 2016 в 8:07 They added this feature so that, even if you don't buy the DLC, you can still unlock the perks. This keeps it from being P2P. if meyers has an op power, it will be p2w regardless. (Заблокирован) 18 окт. 2016 в 8:23 Well by the time shrine is activated I'll have unlocked all teachable for 3/4 killers and 3/5 survivors. This system seems nice so I can focus on one character getting them to III-50. (Заблокирован) 18 окт. 2016 в 8:25 if meyers has an op power, it will be p2w regardless.
Also NOPE! because they will be some kind of Offering allowing you to play as Michael even though you do not own the DLC. it is going to be ultra rare but still you can play as him without buying him ;)
I wonder how that will work. It might end up just being something you consume in the blood web to unlock him for 1 match. Rather then a true offering. 18 окт. 2016 в 8:27 I have come from the future to warn you: the random nature of the Shrine of Secrets will mean that many, many players will be salty that they can't get the perks they're looking for. Hah yea I will not doubt it. As is I really like the idea behind the shrine. Esp since you could spend the shards on ones you already have and get BP for it. 18 окт. 2016 в 8:27 They added this feature so that, even if you don't buy the DLC, you can still unlock the perks. This keeps it from being P2P. if meyers has an op power, it will be p2w regardless. they said they wont do p2w so i heard that you can get the teachibles without the perks and of course you can play him with a ultra rare offering so its not p2w 18 окт. 2016 в 8:29
Also NOPE! because they will be some kind of Offering allowing you to play as Michael even though you do not own the DLC. it is going to be ultra rare but still you can play as him without buying him ;)

I wonder how that will work. It might end up just being something you consume in the blood web to unlock him for 1 match. Rather then a true offering. It might work that way.. It could also make it where you use what ever perks you have with who ever you used the offering on but turn you into Mike for that match.

I am thinking it will be the last one mentioned there not the first. Of course you might not be able to use the perks you have.. *shrug*

Who knows really. I prob wont find out for myself since I plan on getting the DLC as soon as it becomes available anyways.

Dead by Daylight

Сбрасываются каждую среду и показывают четыре новых бонуса, которых не было в святыне три недели назад.

Shrine of secrets dead by daylight что это

Dead by Daylight

4 июн. 2017 в 1:37 I haven't played this game in a longggg time, probably around half a year. What is this shrine of secrets thing? (Заблокирован) 4 июн. 2017 в 1:39 I haven't played this game in a longggg time, probably around half a year. What is this shrine of secrets thing?
Every game you get bloodpoints, as usual.
But they give you something new, for every minute you get 1 shard (besides your Bloodpoints) MAX 10 shards per game.
With these shards you can buy teachables from the shrine.
Even DLC ones you didnt buy.
If you have a perk and rebuy it you get awarded 25K bloodpoints.
Everything cleared out?
Also you can have MAX 1000 shards, after that you have to spend or they dont add up anymore.

4 июн. 2017 в 1:49 I haven't played this game in a longggg time, probably around half a year. What is this shrine of secrets thing?
Every game you get bloodpoints, as usual.
But they give you something new, for every minute you get 1 shard (besides your Bloodpoints) MAX 10 shards per game.
With these shards you can buy teachables from the shrine.
Even DLC ones you didnt buy.
If you have a perk and rebuy it you get awarded 25K bloodpoints.
Everything cleared out?
Also you can have MAX 1000 shards, after that you have to spend or they dont add up anymore.
What do you mean by 'if you have a perk and rebuy it you get awarded 25k bloodpoints' ? 4 июн. 2017 в 1:56 If you already unlocked a teachable perk and it's in the shrine, you can still buy it and you'll get 25k points.
For example you leveled up Trapper to level 50, so you have BS unlocked for all killers. If, at any point, BS is in the shrine you can buy it and get 25k points. 4 июн. 2017 в 2:00

4 июн. 2017 в 2:07 4 июн. 2017 в 2:08
I don't have a vac ban in the game so I'm good it doesnt matter from what game it is

4 июн. 2017 в 2:13 it doesnt matter from what game it is
That can't be true, surely :/ I'm getting shards from games 4 июн. 2017 в 2:13
That can't be true, surely :/ I'm getting shards from games u can get the shards but cant use them 4 июн. 2017 в 2:22 lol what did u smoked.
sure he can.
dbd don't use vac, it uses eac. it doesnt stop him from playing the game the shire just isnt working 4 июн. 2017 в 2:25 If this is the case, then it's a bug and it should be reported. 4 июн. 2017 в 2:27

That can't be true, surely :/ I'm getting shards from games
Just ignore Treadbolt he's just talking ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

The shrine spawns 4 teachable perks from any character in the game. 2 killer and 2 survivor teachable perks. If you already own the teachable perk that is in there, you can buy it and get 25-35k bp instead.

4 июн. 2017 в 2:30
That can't be true, surely :/ I'm getting shards from games

Just ignore Treadbolt he's just talking ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

The shrine spawns 4 teachable perks from any character in the game. 2 killer and 2 survivor perks. If you already own the teachable perk that is in there, you can buy it and get 25-35k bp instead. i have inroads to devs and have got 2 idiots banned before. the shire doesnt work if u have vac ban

4 июн. 2017 в 2:31

Just ignore Treadbolt he's just talking ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

The shrine spawns 4 teachable perks from any character in the game. 2 killer and 2 survivor perks. If you already own the teachable perk that is in there, you can buy it and get 25-35k bp instead.

i have inroads to devs and have got 2 idiots banned before. the shire doesnt work if u have vac ban
'I have inroads to devs' Yeah sure. and my dad is Gabe's best friend 4 июн. 2017 в 2:31

Just ignore Treadbolt he's just talking ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

The shrine spawns 4 teachable perks from any character in the game. 2 killer and 2 survivor perks. If you already own the teachable perk that is in there, you can buy it and get 25-35k bp instead.



Очки крови

Вы можете купить перки, которые у вас уже есть в святилище, за выплату в размере 150 000 очков крови.

Оно того стоит?

В большинстве случаев это вообще не стоит того. Не поленитесь и доведите своих персонажей до 40 ранга. Вы можете получить почти все умения, не используя храм.

Когда его использовать?

Когда вы на 100% уверены, что обучаемый перк из DLC доступен и что вы никогда не купите этого персонажа. Это позволит вам использовать перк без DLC.


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Shrine of secrets dead by daylight что это

29 мая. 2018 в 6:04 К примеру, я купил длс с пилой, это значит, те шесть перков (три у сурва и три у маньяка) не появятся в храме и могут быть случайно дропнуты в паутине на любом персонаже? И тоже самое, если я приобрету обучающий навык из храма, он тоже может выпасть любому персонажу, но до этого мне будут падать только те перки, которые привязаны к персонажу (именно "обучающие")?

- Покупка DLC никак не связана с храмом. Тебе всё равно придётся открывать перки либо прокачивая персов оттуда, либо покупая в храме.

- Храм работает на абсолютном рандоме. 4 рандомных перка каждую неделю.

- Покупка перка в храме как раз и означает покупку "обучающего навыка", т.е. теперь он может выпасть каждому персу в независимости от его личных обучающих.

(Заблокирован) 29 мая. 2018 в 6:41

- Покупка DLC никак не связана с храмом. Тебе всё равно придётся открывать перки либо прокачивая персов оттуда, либо покупая в храме.

- Храм работает на абсолютном рандоме. 4 рандомных перка каждую неделю.

- Покупка перка в храме как раз и означает покупку "обучающего навыка", т.е. теперь он может выпасть каждому персу в независимости от его личных обучающих.

Позволяет игрокам приобретать обучаемые перки, которые разблокируются сразу после покупки. В основном используется для перков персонажей DLC. Например, на момент написания этой статьи был доступен перк Ashes mettle of man. Также можно купить бэушные перки за очки крови.

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