Set display name borderlands 2 что это

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

27 фев. 2020 в 17:09 "There was an internal error setting the display name" HELP

After the Feb. 27th update after I start the game I get a prompt to Set Display Name. My current steam name is already filled in but when I click on the submit button I get the error message: "There was an internal error setting the display name"

I have tried to put different names in but still get same error message. It will not let me close this dialog box and I have to manually shut down the game. Anybody else getting this?

Movie tweaks

Disable startup movies

WillowEngine.ini Find:

Disable story introduction movies

To avoid being forced to watch the story intro, the bus sequence, and the guardian angel sequence by renaming the corresponding files. Open the folder:

Rename these files:

Note that Steam users may find these movies are redownloaded upon release of an official patch. Temporarily renaming them back to the original names prior to letting steam download the patch should avoid this issue.

Disable ALL movies

If disabling ALL movies, including cutscenes, is desired then add this to the Target field of the borderlands shortcut:

It should look like this, but the rest may be different:

Borderlands steam movie.jpg


Interface tweaks

Disable voice chat

WillowEngine.ini Find:

Enable scroll wheel in text boxes

WillowInput.ini Find all:

Show hidden weapon/module stats

Note: As of Patch 1.0.1 item cards display the intended five lines of detail text.

Go in the borderlands folder and search for this:

  • Find gd_globals.XXX (depends of your game language) and create a backup of it.
  • Open gd_globals.XXX with notepad
  • Find:
  • Replace with:

Show FPS

WillowInput.ini Add beneath existing bindings:

If the above FOV binds have been added, it may be needed to either remove a FOV bind, or change F12 above to a different, unused key.

Show/Hide HUD

WillowInput.ini Add beneath existing bindings:

Show/Hide debug info

WillowInput.ini Add this to [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]:

The inventory needs to be opened at least once before this command works. It will show lots of debug information, most importantly every detail about the current weapon.

Show/Hide console window

Enabling the console requires advanced tweaking. Attempt this only if you know what you're doing.

In WillowInput.ini find

and change it to

The final step is to make sure borderlands doesn't check if the engine.u file has changed. This can easily be achieved with DrZed's ZBL Patch. Just extract the contents of the zip file to the 2K Games\Gearbox Software\Borderlands folder.

(tilde) will show or hide the console window and properly execute commands.

Toggle windowed mode

Adjust loot icon max distance

WillowGame.ini Change:

This changes how far away items on the ground can be seen (what type of weapon it is) when aimed at.

Graphics tweaks

Disable outline shader

WillowEngine.ini Find:

Different effects can be experimented with by disabling the other *PostProcessName options. Screenshot with 16xQAA Screenshot with AA and without outline shader

Note: This will also disable the SSAO shader, but allows motion blur to work if it is turned on in the INI and anti aliasing is off.

Enable VSync

WillowEngine.ini Find:

Frame rate limits and smoothing

WilllowEngine.ini Find:


For nVidia cards:

  • Download nHancer
  • Force AA for Borderlands.exe
  • Rename Borderlands.exe in Borderlands\Binaries to UT3.exe
  • Force AA in the CCC
  • (Steam users cannot do this with their versions of Borderlands.exe)
  • Download ATI Tray Tools and enable the option to always force AA no matter what the application is.

Most item icons will have purple glitched outlines when AA is on. On ATI cards, the outline shader is not smoothed. There is a quite large performance penalty when using AA in Borderlands, this is due to the shadowing technique used. Reverting to an older shadowing technique that is used in other Unreal Engine 3 games to can gain back some performance.

WillowEngine.ini Find:

Lower texture detail

WillowEngine.ini Find:

Change MaxLODSize of:

To any of: 2048,1024, 512 or 256 (Lower is faster, This will also save Video Memory).

Borderlands PC Tweaks


When joining a game, you may be sent the ini files of the host. This is one reason it is best to make the files read-only once you have edited them.

Any tweaks that have permanent effects on your save file will be noted with a star (*).

Before tweaking

This is important: Start Borderlands at least once before tweaking for the first time. Go to Options, and change a control - any control. This is necessary to build a binding list in WillowInput.ini

Next, back up all configuration files.

  • Making a copy of the Config folder inside the WillowGame folder is the simplest method.
  • The SaveData folder should be backed up as well. This is a good idea even if not editing your ini files, as save corruption is unfortunately common.

Finally, make sure all file extensions can be seen.

  • If you're on XP, open a file browsing window and go to the Tools menu.
  • If you're on Vista or 7, press Alt inside a browsing window, then go to the tools menu.
  • Pick Folder Options
  • Go to the View tab
  • Un-check Hide extensions for known file types
  • Press Ok
  • If you're on Windows 8, click View tab and check the File name extensions checkbox.

Tweak format

Each tweak will be under the corresponding category, and will begin with the file to be edited. If there is a relevant forum thread, it will be linked as well.

Commenting INI file lines

Any line of an ini file will be disabled by putting a semicolon before it. An example of this is in the startup movies tweak.

Finding the borderlands folder

  • For Steam users, the game folder will be:
  • Otherwise, the folder should be in Program Files under a 2K Games or Gearbox Games folder. (Unless installed to a custom directory)

Creating a shortcut

Some tweaks or fixes requires modifying the shortcut to start borderlands.

If there is an existing shortcut, it can be copied for a back-up. Otherwise, make a shortcut to Borderlands\binaries\borderlands.exe

When told to modify the shortcut, right click it, and click properties. Most changes will be in the Target box. If the contents of the target box are quoted, make sure the end quote is always at the end of the executable, e.g.:

  • "C:\Program Files\Borderlands\binaries\Borderlands.exe" -nomoviestartup
  • Not: "C:\Program Files\Borderlands\binaries\Borderlands.exe -nomoviestartup"

For Steam users:

The same effect can also be achieved within Steam itself rather that creating a shortcut.

Simply right click on Borderlands from the games list, go to Properties, under the General tab there is a button for Set Launch Options. in the prompt that appears type -nomoviestartup click okay and close the properties.

Bindings changes

Unless otherwise noted, all pasted binds (E.g. FOV binds) must be placed AFTER the existing bindings. Existing bindings are located beneath the "WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput" section.

Another thing that may affect bindings is 'Word Wrap' in Notepad. When Word Wrap is activated, bindings which are inserted may not work properly.

Game tweaks

Increase difficulty

Increased ragdoll duration

( The Evil Dr. F's Note - 180 seconds on each gives you 3 minutes to play with your dollies before you have to find a new toy to kill.) ( Nicholas Steel's Note - This can cause Skags to continue to produce sounds after they've been killed.

Проблема с Borderlands2

Вот такая фигня каждый раз выскакивает. Кэш проверял уже много раз, не помогло.

Международная тоже самое пишет
Александр, спасибо большое! Удалил папку и игра пошла!

Попробуй удалить папку C:\Users\UserName\MyDocuments\MyGames\Borderlands2.
Там лежат сейвы и установки игры. Steam не найдя эту папку, создаст новую и запишет всё заново.
Сохранение игр при этом будет утеряно! Поэтому если они нужны, то скопируй куда-нибудь Папку . WillowGame\Savedata
На облако Steam конечно можно положится, но я ему пока не доверяю.

Да, кстати, попробуй запустить нормальную версию - международную. С русской всегда проблемы. Может международная нормально запустится и пересохранит параметры, тогда русская их найдёт.

Set display name borderlands 2 что это

1 мар. 2020 в 3:06 There was an internal error setting the display name

What the ♥♥♥♥ is this? At the start of the game in 0.1 sec i see message like cant connect to servers shist after a ♥♥♥♥in update ♥♥♥♥ u , i buy dis ♥♥♥♥ for playin are not wait when u can connect to me! fix dis ♥♥♥♥

Set Dispaly Name

Set your ♥♥♥♥ Display name:
There was an internal error setting the display name

1 мар. 2020 в 4:10 Looks like a shift account problem to me. Do you have one? You're not allowed to have spaces (and who knows what else) in your shift name. Check this. 1 мар. 2020 в 4:14 I reinstall game , delete folders in documents , delete save , change nickanme in ♥♥♥♥ on site of gaybox , i do all and dis ♥♥♥♥ not workin coz dis is ♥♥♥♥ update for steam-epic gay store 1 мар. 2020 в 6:29

Hey, I had the same problem but fixed it by going to the SHiFT website and signing in with Steam. Try it out, hopefully it will work for you too!

1 мар. 2020 в 7:00 Whaddaya mean? On shift site i login with shift account. What has steam to do with it?
Being there I see a linked steam account. So what did you do exactly? 1 мар. 2020 в 7:30

Well personally I had to make a new account due to my old email not working. So when making a new one I chose the option to make an account using Steam. Then I just started the game and it let me choose the display name that I wanted. But I don't think making a new account is required..

If your shift account is already linked to Steam you could try to unlink and link it again to see if that works. If that or setting a display name in your profile settings doesn't work, I don't know how else to fix it. :(

1 мар. 2020 в 7:56 1 мар. 2020 в 7:58 1 мар. 2020 в 7:59 Maybe try to unlink?))) But im scary dat i cant to sign in again , just maybe they really have some troubles with servers after patch. 1 мар. 2020 в 8:24 Unlink and sign again , still not workin , dats problem of gearbox , they do something wrong in update 1 мар. 2020 в 8:39

Hmm yeah, it's strange that it's not working. Perhaps this worked for me because I made a new account from scratch, but that shouldn't be needed..

You could try sending them a support ticket if you haven't already. In the mean time, if you play alone you can still play single player if you use Steam in offline mode.

1 мар. 2020 в 8:41 Yeah i try to play without connection get in world turn connection back and dis ♥♥♥♥ tell me dat i cant connect to their ♥♥♥♥ service , i want to play together in all way 11 мар. 2020 в 0:54

Step 2
Completely close down Borderlands 2.

Step 3 (Optional?)
Re-verify files through Steam.

Step 4
Re-open Borderlands 2. Accept EULA. Enter your name. (It should now show "Name is already taken")

Step 5 Re-link your SHIFT account on the website.

Step 6 Attempt to type your name in again. It should let you in.

TL;DR these are the steps I took that worked for me on Borderlands 2 on Steam. YMMV.

Controls tweaks

Set middle click to toggle zoom

WillowInput.ini Add beneath existing bindings:

This allows zooming out with the right mouse button as well.

Change right click to toggle zoom

WillowInput.ini Find:

Add beneath existing bindings:

Do not change the right button behavior at the same time as adding a middle click button to do the same thing. The binds will conflict.

Ultra low/high mouse sensitivity


Near the end of your Bindings block, add:

Change xx.xx as needed

Disable mouse smoothing

WillowInput.ini Find the following under Engine.PlayerInput:

Low sensitivity aiming


Near the end of [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput], add:

Throw active weapon key

WillowInput.ini Add beneath existing bindings:

Hold crouch instead of toggle

WillowInput.ini Under:

Camera tweaks

Adjust FOV (Field of View)

WillowInput.ini Find:

Add after existing bindings:

FOV 70 (Key F9) is the default FOV
FOV 95 (Key F11) is for 16:10 screen
FOV 101 (Key F12) is for 16:9 screen

Force FOV to update

There are two common ways of doing this.

  • Bind your FOV to the forward movement command (Can cause stuttering while driving a vehicle)
  • Bind your FOV to the sprint command

FOV Vehicle stuttering workaround

Unfortunately this workaround involves hitting one extra button upon entering / exiting vehicles.

Add before existing bindings:

Change move forward / sprint to include your FOV settings:

X will now toggle your move forward / sprint between your FOV and the default. When you are running around on foot, use your FOV; when you enter a vehicle, hit X to force all movement to the default FOV (thus preventing any stuttering while driving). Hit X again after exiting the vehicle to re-enable your FOV.


Try editing the DefautInput.ini file in Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config using the same code as above, but following the rules in the .ini (dot before the command).

Try something like this:

Change the FOV to your desired FOV.

NOTE: It will reset your Input config.

Third person camera

In WillowInput.ini -- Forum thread, Find:

Add after existing bindings:

F1 will toggle between first and third person. Change this to your desired toggle button.
RightMouseButton should be changed (2 times) to the zoom button.

Using the mouse scroll wheel will zoom in/out of the perspective camera.

Alternative input scheme (with Third Person Sprint fix)

F1 - Toggles cam modes

W - Forward movement in FPS

Space - Forward movement in TPS

Q - Melee Attack For camera position:

In WillowGame.ini, under [WillowGame.WillowPawn], find and change value of:

CameraScale is the distance between character and camera (z axis)
CameraScaleRight: x position of the camera (put -x for left)
CameraScaleUp: y position

Disable/Adjust weapon bob

WillowGame.ini Find:

Change to whatever settings you like.

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