Щенячий патруль тундра кто это

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"Yes! Woo hoo! Snow day- Snow day!!" The pups cheered as they made their way up to Jake's Mountain. They were eager to get a little more play time- especially Tundra, who always got excited to see any sign of snow.

"Yay yay yay!" Tundra yelped, tail wagging happily as they finished their trek, hoping out of the vehicle and excitedly rolling in the fresh powder. Once she was done, her entire body was covered with white frost

The other pups laughed, jumping out of their vehicles, watching the husky as she enjoyed her romp in the snow.

"Hehe. You look like a powdered donut!" Rubble laughed, wagging his tail as he jumped into a small snowpile, joining her in rolling around in the cold slush. "Wahoo! Two powdered donuts coming up!"

"C'mon Rubble- let's go snowboard!" Cooper called from his Jake's cabin, grabbing two snowboards from the teen.

"Have fun little dudes!" Jake chuckled, adjusting his hat a bit. "I got a whole bunch for you other pups if you wanna join em!"

"C'mon Icee, let's go!" Tundra grinned, looking at her sister. The younger husky grinned, nodding her head.

"Ahaha! Sure! I bet I can beat you in a race!" Icee smirked as the two grabbed the boards, zooming down the hill. The sisters were head to head for a bit, then shifted back and forth for the lead. Icee, Tundra, Icee, Tundra, back and forth until Tundra heard a sound.

"Wait!" skidding to a stop, she turned around, flicking her ears. Icee laughed, shaking her head, giving Tundra a smirk.

"What, you afraid i was gonna beat ya?" She snickered, but then stopped as Tundra lifted her paw in the air.

"SHHHHH. I hear something. "


Tundra and Icee's ears perked up as they heard a yelp. A blur sped past them, almost knocking them over.

"What in pup's name was that?!" Icee barked in surprise as she watched what looked like a pup speeding down the mountain.

"Looks like someone who needs help!" Tundra barked, setting off quickly on her snowboard.

"Woah. I think you need to start on the bunny slope. " Tundra laughed, shaking her fur out once she got off of her board, taking off the helmet.

"Thank you..Thank you, thank you!" The pup barked, taking off his helmet as well and stepping off his board. "I got started too fast! Ehehe. " His words started to trail off as he got a good look at his savior. He chuckled and blushed- eyes going hazy.

"You're welcome." Tundra laughed, not even noticing the pup's sudden shift in tone. "It's what we do!"

"Wow! Nice save, sis!" The smaller gray husky barked with awe as she came rushing down the slope, sliding to a stop next to the two other pups beside her.

Tundra chuckled, giving Icee a wink. "It was nothing, Icee! So. What's your name? We should go back to Jake's cabin and get you checked out. "

"Chandler's my name

" The Vizsla grinned, wagging his thin, stubby tail. "And. What's yours. "

"Tundra! And this is my sister, Icee." She responded, getting back on her board. "C'mon, follow me. We can go the safer route." The husky laughed, turning to go back towards Jake's. Chandler just nodded, a goofy smile on his face as he followed Icee and Tundra back to Jake's cabin. He stuck close to Tundra's side, but she paid no attention to it, just assuming he was cold despite the thick winter jacket he had on over his thin red fur.

"Alright. Here we are." She smiled, turning her head to make sure he was still there, but then continued to walk forward with her younger half-sister in tow.

"Oh- C-cool! Nice place." Chandler mumbled, stumbling after her with a clumsy gait from his long, lanky legs. "So, what's your favorite thing to do? Do you live here on the mountain? You seem to know it pretty well."

"Heh. Well, i got a lot of things that i love to do! I live on the outskirts of town, but I do know the mountain like the back of my paw!" Tundra chuckled, looking around. "Hey Jake?"

She blinked in surprise, giving a small laugh. "Are you sure?"

"Of course! N-Now. Uhm. Icee, was it. Can I. Can I talk to your sister for a while?"

Icee narrowed her eyes suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "Uhh..Sure, I guess. I'm just gonna snowboard some more. See you later sis." She gave him a fake smile, then raced outside, looking back over her shoulder. "Mnh. I don't like this. I gotta find Rocky."

(Scene Change: Icee's Badge)

A few hours ended up passing by as Icee searched for Rocky, up and down the mountain, every cave and slope. Only to find him back at the cabin.

"Hehe. Hi to you too, Icee!" Smoky laughed, munching on a crunchy biscuit. "What's up?"

"Rocky. How. Are you not. " Icee flicked her gaze over to Chandler and Tundra, who were still just talking. ". You're not bothered by this?"

Icee stuck out her lip, flopping down in a chair. "Puh. Just spent an hour running around the mountain for nothing then. " she let her head rest on the table, sticking her tongue out. Smoky stuck a treat on her tongue, making her laugh. "Heh. Thanks."

"Awwww, okay Ryder!" The pups in the cabin frowned, getting up out of their chairs.

"Sorry Chandler! Ryder says we have to go! If you live in town I'm sure we'll meet up again soon." She giggled, turning to see Rocky standing by the door.

"Yup! Heh. " Chandler looked over at Tundra, a smile on his face. ". Isn't she beautiful? Gosh. "

It was at this point that Rocky started to get anxious, some jealousy bubbling. ". Yeah. Yeah she is. And..Uhm. She's my girlfriend. Just so you know. " But Chandler wasn't paying attention to a word Rocky was saying, his attention focused directly on the Husky.

"I wonder if she'd go on a date with me.. Maybe I could thank her with a kiss for saving me." He droned on dreamily to himself as he then bounced over to Ryder and Tundra, who had pointed over at him. Rocky felt a growl rising in his throat, but Zuma put his paw against his chest to stop him from moving forward.

"Woah, Wocky, dude, calm down. Tundwa is loyal to you, you know that! Just let it go." The Labrador spoke calmly, petting Rocky's head in an attempt to get him to calm down.

"Hmph. He'd better not try any funny business. " The mixed-breed snorted as he watched Chandler hop onto Tundra's snowmobile with her, pressing close into her on the small seat, causing him to growl again slightly.

"Well I'm sure it'll be okay, big bro. He'll probably be gone once we go to bed tonight, since we have inspections and maintenance tomorrow, Tundra won't be able to hang out with him." Smoky patted Rocky's back, nodding slowly as he tried to get him to feel better.

". Yeah. You're right, Smoky. Let's just get back home. " Rocky sighed and got into his vehicle, anxiously watching Chandler and Tundra driving ahead of him. Tundra smiled and looked over her shoulder briefly, giving him a wave. Rocky started to smile, shaking his head as he started his truck and drove back to the Lookout.

(Scene Change: Rocky's Badge)

"So, what are we going to do now??" Chandler beamed, his eyes shining bright with wonder and excitement.

Tundra rubbed the back of her head. "Well. I promised Rocky that we'd watch a few-"

"Let's go play!! you guys have so many cool toys over there in your field! Please, please, Tundra?" Chandler was talking fast, hopping around Tundra like his paws were made of springs.

"Sure Wocky." Zuma smiled, patting Rocky on the back. "Wace you to the elevator!"

The other three pups grinned, taking off. "You're on!"

another hour or two passed before Tundra finally got back to the Lookout. She panted and shook her head, making her way to the elevator. "Finally. I hope Rocky isn't mad at me. " She murmured, about to step inside the doors, when she heard a sad voice call out behind her.

"I'm sorry, Chandler, but I was trying to tell you before that I had plans with Rocky..He's waiting for me upstairs." Tundra sighed, looking at the Vizsla pup with a frown. He gave her big puppy-dog eyes, tilting his head a little more with a slight mistiness in his golden eyes.

"Chandler you just spent half the day with me. "

"Please, Tundra. Just a little longer. "

"Yes! You're the best, Tundra!" He grinned and followed her into the elevator with pep in his step, large ears flopping as he bounced.

Tundra felt a headache coming on as she looked up at the top of the elevator, thinking to herself as she felt Chandler scooting closer: This is going to be a long night.

The pups watching television shifted their attention to the elevator as they heard a ding. Rocky started to wag his tail, hoping it was Tundra- finally coming up to spend some time with him. He grinned when he saw the Husky walk out, but it quickly faded when he saw Chandler close behind her.

His eyes said it all as Tundra sighed, noting the hurt that flashed in his expression.

"Huh? Oh, sure." He smiled and scooted at least a fraction of an inch away, causing the other pup to sigh in slight frustration. It took only mere minutes before the Vizsla was snoring against her back.

"He. He wants to go on a date with you, Tundra. He acted like I didn't exist and completely ignored me when I mentioned you were my girlfriend." Rocky muttered, his ears folding back against his head, eyes casting down to the floor a bit as he thought of the scenario in his head.

Rocky sighed, leaning into her. ". I hope so. " He looked at Chandler as he slept against the pillows, shaking his head slowly. "I really hope so. "

(Scene Change: Tundra's Badge)

Much to their distress, two days passed, and Chandler just seemed to get more and more attached. All the pups were playing around at the park when the familiar call of their owner popped from their badges.

"PAW Patrol! To the Lookout!"

"Ryder needs us!" The pups barked as they dropped what they were doing and raced towards the tower.

As Tundra started running towards the Lookout, Chandler stuck close on her heels. "Wait! Tundra where are you going? I thought we were going on a picnic?"

"If I can't make her stay. Then I'll just meet her there. "

A few minutes later Tundra and Skye were seen sliding down the slide and heading off towards Jake's mountain.

Tundra nodded, quickly making her way up the mountain road. "Me too, Skye, me too."

"Alright Skye, I'm on my way! Arooroo!!" She howled as she made her way up the slope, pressing the blue button on her vehicle. "Rawrf! Snow Plow!" The front of her vehicle morphed and shifted to make way for the plow. She easily blew through the snow-boulders. "Where to, Skye??"


"Chandler! Get away, it isn't safe!!" Tundra growled, petting the fox. Skye noticed the commotion going on own below and got a bit closer to the mountain, careful not to stir up any debris.

"Uh oh. " Chandler gulped, his tail tucking as he shuffled down the mountain path, slipping and sliding a bit on his way down.

Tundra let out a groan as she felt her body swaying in the air, still clutching the baby fox, who was curled up tight against her belly, whimpering and crying against her fur.

"Hang on, Tundra, you'll be okay." Skye murmured, whimpering a little bit as she activated her collar. "Rocky! You know how to work Tundra's vehicle, right?"

"Yeah. Why? What's wrong?? Is Tundra okay. "

Skye looked down at Chandler as she watched him scramble back towards the Lookout. She let a short growl escape from her muzzle before taking a deep breath, calming her nerves. "Um. I'll explain later! Just please have Ryder bring you over to the mountain! We need someone to bring Tundra's vehicle back. Remedy, i'm going to need you and Marshall prepared with your medical kits when I come back."

"OW! Wocky, dude!"

Skye couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at the brief chaos as the badge disconnected, then sighed as her gaze shifted down towards Tundra, who was dangling in her claw. As she set course back to the Lookout, she couldn't help but glare down at Chandler as she passed over him.

"That pup is in a world of trouble."

(Scene Change: Skye's Badge)

Remedy wrapped some bandages around Tundra's head and her right foreleg and back left hindleg while Marshall scanned her over with his X-ray screen. "Sorry..This might sting a bit. " She murmured as she sprayed some disinfectant spray on her cuts and scrapes, making the Husky wince.

"Ooww!" Tundra whined, pulling her paw back. ". Is anything broken, Marshall. "

All the pups turned their heads as they heard the elevator doors open. Tundra perked her ears, expecting Rocky to walk in. But no. It was him.

"You!" Tundra growled, shaking her head. "Chandler, I told you that you couldn't come with me! You put my life, as well as Foxy's, in danger!"

"L-Look. I'm sorry! I just wanted to see if I could help!" He rubbed the top of his head, then tucked his tail between his legs, getting closer to her. "You're just so nice and pretty, I didn't want you to leave! You're so much fun to be around!"

"I. I'm sorry, I just. I can't help it. " Chandler took a breath, sighing as he got even closer. "Maybe I can make it up to you?"

"You can leave me al-" Tundra stopped, eyes wide. Her body was frozen. It was like it refused to react to what was happening.

Just as Rocky had scrambled through the elevator doors. Chandler made his move. and kissed her.

Chase and Skye's jaws dropped as they watched the scene unfold. They exchanged a look of panic as Rocky's fur started to bristle on spot, his eyes flashing.

"What. Is. HAPPENING?!" Rocky howled, jealously blazing in his eyes as he launched himself towards the taller pup.

"Lemme go!! HE KISSED HER!" Rocky howled angrily, pulling in the other pups' grasps.

"C-Calm down, bro!" Smoky gulped.

"No need to get physical, Rocky!" Chase barked, helping the others pull him away from the target of his rage.

"I-I. " Chandler looked confused, his ears drooping flatter against his head. "I thought you liked me. Didn't you? You saved me!"

Chase yelped in alarm, barking quickly to activate his pup-pack. "Rawrf! Net!" His net launched from his pack and snared Rocky just as he got close to Chandler, a few inches away from his tail.

"This is for your own good!"

The other pups turned their attention back towards Tundra and Chandler.

". I. I was just. " Chandler sighed, sitting down sadly, his ears drooping as tears welled up in his eyes. ". I'm sorry, Tundra. I just. I've never had someone actually. care about me enough to talk to me. Let alone save me. I guess. I guess I was just overwhelmed by it. "

Tundra sighed, knowing how she felt when she was a stray on the streets, how sad and lonely it was and just how amazing it felt when she had a simple act of kindness shown towards her. ". I know it can be hard, and I'm sorry I don't return your feelings. We can all still be your friends, but you can't be hanging out here all day waiting for us and getting in the way."

"But. But where will i go. " He whimpered, looking sadly up at her. ". I'm a stray. Where will I live. "

Tundra looked down, thinking. Slowly, a smile came to her face. ". I know the perfect place."

(Scene Change: PAW Patrol Symbol)

The pups made their way through the town in their vehicles, Tundra carefully maneuvering with her injured paw as Chase Rocky still in his net, making sure he wouldn't be driving angrily. Soon they made their way up to a small house on the outskirts of Adventure Bay, close to Foggybottom, but not quite in that part of the town.

"Just. A friend's place. " Tundra smiled a little, knocking on the door. "Noelle?"

The sound of a lock unclicking was heard as the pups gathered behind Tundra and sat down, watching as the door slowly opened. A little girl peered through the door. "Tundra? What are you doing here? Early visit?" The girl giggled, kneeling down to scratch behind the Husky's ears and give her a belly rub.

"It's just a sprain, I'll be okay. " Tundra smiled, choosing to leave out how the sprain had occurred in the first place. Irritating or not, she decided Chandler deserved a second chance. ". This is Chandler." She gestured her good paw towards the Vizsla, who looked up shyly and started wagging his tail.

"H-Hi.." Chandler whimpered, smiling nervously at the young girl. "Do. Do you like reading. I used to read the newspapers and magazines that people would leave in the park. "

"I've never played it. But I'm sure I could learn. Baths? I don't think i've ever had one. " Chandler beamed, his tail wagging more and more as Noelle brought him into her lap.

"Hehe. I could teach you and give you a bath. Daddy!" Noelle turned her head towards the open door. "Daddy come out here please!"

There was a sound of grumbling and the sound of a leather chair squeaking and heavy footsteps that echoed down the wood-floor halls. A tall, but slightly bulky, man opened the door wider, looking down at his daughter and the pups. "Well hello again. " He smiled a little, leaning against the doorframe. "What brings you pups over to our home?"

"This is Tundra's friend, Chandler! Can he please stay with us, dad? Pretty please?? He has no home!!"

Her father scratched his chin, rubbing at the stubble as he thought about it. ". I'll have to ask the landlord. " He sighs, looking down at Tundra and rubbing her head softly. ". I suppose I DO have to make it up to you. Alright honey. He can stay."

The pups and Noelle all cheered in delight, and Noelle hugged her new pup tightly, grinning widely as he nuzzled back against her.

Tundra smiled a little and shook it, nodding slowly. "It's okay, Chandler. Just remember not to kiss any other pups before getting to know them first!"

"Especially her!" Rocky snorted from the back of the pack, his arms crossed as he pouted.

Laughing, the other pups slowly congratulated Chandler on his new home. Noelle and Tundra kept talking for a bit before they decided to go back to the Lookout- Tundra and Rocky's sprained paws starting to ache. They hopped into their vehicles and started to drive off, waving as they went.

"Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!" Chase grinned, looking over his shoulder.

Though while the pups nodded their heads in agreement, they all secretly hoped that they'd never. ever. have to save Chandler again.

Свити Роял

Свити Роял Рисовать в традише, фоткать, обрабатывать до чисто-белого и красить на телефоне

Аня Макарова

Свити Роял ответила Ане

Катя Панфилова

Катя Панфилова запись закреплена

Свити Роял

Катя Панфилова

Катя Панфилова

Свити Роял ответила Кате
Свити Роял запись закреплена

И решили они редравнуть. Кхм, думаю, некоторые (живые) ещё помнят Пинк. Короче, я её нехило так переделал
Если вы вообще застали этот период, то наверняка помните, что раньше она была розовым пуделем, у неё не было истории и вообще она получилась случайно с:
На данный момент история и характер прописаны, вид изменён, нафига я это пишу, группа мертва, бензин кончился, Крыс. (Свите тя не туда понесло)
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Tundra's Admirer

Tundra Title Admirer.jpg

After saving a pup while off-duty, the pup starts to hang around her, following her around- stuck to her like glue. After she has to leave for missions- he starts to get clingy, even putting himself in situations just for her to rescue him. Will she be able to get a break from the clingy fanpup before Rocky loses his cool?


Семилетний мальчик. Мечтает попасть в Щенячий патруль. Внук мистера Портера. Командир «Мини-патруля Алекса». Тоже сплагиатил Щенячий патруль.

Служит первым помощником пирата Сида Свашбакла. Появился в серии «Морской патруль: Щенки спасают Щентлантиду».

Юный представитель породы немецкая овчарка, выполняющий функции сотрудника полиции.

Earl of Barkingburg

Граф города Гавкенгбург. Появляется в серии «Операция Гав: В поисках короны».

Daring Danny X

Каскадёр. Появился в 3 сезоне в серии «Щенки спасают Дерзкого Дэнни X».

Сноубордист и горный рейнджер. Обладает своим горнолыжным курортом. В честь него названа гора, на которой расположен курорт для горнолыжников.

Лабрадор-ретривер шоколадного цвета, выполняющий функции водного спасателя.

Кошка Кейти. Часто попадает в разные неприятности.

Cap'n Turbot

Друг Райдера и друг по переписке. Живёт в джунглях. Имеет попугая по имени Матея. Появился в серии «Щенки и переполох в джунглях».

Подруга Райдера, высококвалифицированный ветеринар. Обладает навыками груминга. Располагает салоном для животных. Имеет кошку по имени Калли. Иногда помогает Райдеру и Щенячьему патрулю в спасательных операциях. Влюблена в Райдера, но скрывает это.

The Kitten Catastrophe Crew

Отряд котят-хулиганов под руководством мэра Хамдингера, главные враги Щенячьего патруля. Их цель — испортить жизнь в Бухте Приключений. Появились в серии «Щенки и котята-шалуны». Своим внешним видом похожи на щенков Райдера и оснащены таким же снаряжением.

Щенок породы английский бульдог, выполняющий функции строителя.

Жизнерадостный далматин, выполняющий функции бойца пожарной охраны.

Повар и официант. Владелец кафе. Владелец названного в честь его кафе. Дедушка Алекса.

Mayor Goodway

Мэр Бухты Приключений. В серии «Щенки спасают мэра Гудвей» в конце серии появляются семья Гудвей: племянник Джулиус, племянница Джустина (также упоминается как Джулия) и брат Густаво. Её пра-пра-прадедушка был первым мэром, его памятник стоит в центре города. Она очень активная, массовик-затейник, по её инициативе в Бухте Приключений устраиваются разнообразные праздники: Хэллоуин, День Дикого Запада, Праздник в честь дня сбора урожая, День благодарности Щенячьему патрулю и др. Каждый год участвует в гонках мэров. Имеет курочку по имени Цыпалетта.

Mayor Humdinger

Мэр города «Фогги Боттом» и капитан команды «КОТОстрофа». Главный антагонист. Заклятый враг мэра Гудвей. Впервые появился в серии «Гав-гав и вперёд». Сплагиатил Щенячий патруль.

Робо-версия Калли, создана Мэром Хамдингером. Появляется в серии «Щенки спасают кошачье шоу».

Princess of Barkingburg

Принцесса города Гавкенгбург, хозяйка Свити. Появляется в серии «Операция Гав: В поисках короны».

Командир и наставник Щенячьего патруля.

Механический щенок, сконструированный Райдером в 1 сезоне.

Щенок породы бордер колли, отвечающий за ремонт и переработку отходов.

Королевский щенок породы уайт-терьер. Имеет розовый ошейник, который является пультом управления её игрушечного лягушонка Басби, и рюкзак-трансформер (в сериале не упоминается откуда он у неё, но он похож на рюкзаки Щенячьего патруля). На голове носит розовую диадему. Впервые появляется в серии «Операция Гав: В поисках короны» и последующих сериях цикла «Операция Гав», в которых выступала как главная антагонистка.

Грациозная девочка-щенок породы английский кокер-спаниель, выполняющая функции авиатора-спасателя.

Щенок породы басенджи, выполняющий функции рейнджера джунглей.

Фермер. Имеет большое поле кукурузы и пасеку. В серии «Щенки спасают свадьбу» женится на фермерше Юми.

Farmer Yumi

Фермер. Работает на своей ферме. В мультфильме никуда не выходит за пределы фермы. В серии «Щенки спасают свадьбу» выходит замуж за фермера Эла.

Francois Turbot

Французский фотограф, который может быть суетливым. Является кузеном Капитана Палтуса и любит животных. Утверждает, что его кузен неправильно произносит свою фамилию.

Девочка-щенок породы сибирский хаски, выполняющая функции горного рейнджера.

Ace Sorensen

Авиатор. Ровесница Райдера, авиатор, кумир Скай. Впервые появляется в серии «Щенки спасают пилота». Также упоминается как Летуньянсен.




  • Marshall
  • Rubble
  • Chase
  • Ryder

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