Rust exploring the wilderness что это

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

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Информация в списке друзей в Steam

Теперь вы можете следить за вашими друзьями в Steam. Если раньше в списке друзей можно было узнать только то, что ваш друг играет в Rust, то теперь можно узнать, чем Ваш товарищ занимается.

Если ваши друзья изучают какой-нибудь РадТаун, то под его никнеймом Вы увидите надпись «Exploring a monument». Если товарищи просто перемещаются по карте, точнее по дикой местности, то будет надпись «Exploring a wilderness».

Команда “global.richpresence” позволяет включать и отключать данную функцию. 0 – отключение, 1 – включение.

Дополненная информация в списке друзей в Steam

Дополненная информация в списке друзей в Steam

Rust exploring the wilderness что это

30 мар. 2019 в 16:59

Noob here. I wonder if you could give me a bit of advice on a good way to explore the wilderness efficiently.

I've tried a little but in my noobness I just see the food and daily wages ticking away as I wonder aimlessly without finding anything.

If there is a good guide, post or Youtube video about this, just let me know. I checked but struck out. There's been plenty of really good info on other topics that's been very helpful.

Thanks in advance!

30 мар. 2019 в 17:21

Planning! That's the key.

Make note of good trade routes in your seed. Hit them up as often as you can, get a good stockpile of money. Villages --> trade cities are great. I like to quest out of these places as much as possible early-mid game and swing by whenever I can. Pay attention to rumors at taverns as they can point you towards good stuff or even make buying supplies cheaper.

Food! Stock up on stuff like rations and wine before you leave, save unhold hearts you may have for the expedition and set out from a place w/ taxidermist to make the 15 day wine.

Max out on repair supplies before you leave so you can do several hard fights.

Keep in mind that you may only break even on any given expedition or a loss, but with luck (a fair bit of it) you can come back with either great stuff to sell or if super lucky, a decent famed item or two.

30 мар. 2019 в 18:40

You can poke your head into white mountains or hills for a second to get a lot of vision.

If you are worried about money then make sure you fight the camps you discover. They should give you enough loot to justify the trip. Orcs especially will usually give you more money than contracts.

30 мар. 2019 в 18:46

You can poke your head into white mountains or hills for a second to get a lot of vision.

If you are worried about money then make sure you fight the camps you discover. They should give you enough loot to justify the trip. Orcs especially will usually give you more money than contracts.

Finding and fighting Orc camps prior to day 15 is key to getting a good start as their weapons sell for $$$, they usually provide furs, and Orc Cleavers are great 30 мар. 2019 в 21:34

You can poke your head into white mountains or hills for a second to get a lot of vision.

If you are worried about money then make sure you fight the camps you discover. They should give you enough loot to justify the trip. Orcs especially will usually give you more money than contracts.

Finding and fighting Orc camps prior to day 15 is key to getting a good start as their weapons sell for $$$, they usually provide furs, and Orc Cleavers are great
Prior to day 15. I'm more trying to get everybody in raider gear at that point by using flails and knives to kill raiders. Orcs slice through thug gear like nothing. Raider gear is only a little safer, but going out into the wilderness at the beginning to find orcs seems dangerous. spearwall I guess 30 мар. 2019 в 23:07 I always explore when I get a near-wipe and wages are suddenly down. 31 мар. 2019 в 3:44
Finding and fighting Orc camps prior to day 15 is key to getting a good start as their weapons sell for $$$, they usually provide furs, and Orc Cleavers are great
Prior to day 15. I'm more trying to get everybody in raider gear at that point by using flails and knives to kill raiders. Orcs slice through thug gear like nothing. Raider gear is only a little safer, but going out into the wilderness at the beginning to find orcs seems dangerous. spearwall I guess
You will only find low numbers of Orc Young and Berserkers, easily handled by spears and ranged weapons. 31 мар. 2019 в 9:53
Finding and fighting Orc camps prior to day 15 is key to getting a good start as their weapons sell for $$$, they usually provide furs, and Orc Cleavers are great
Prior to day 15. I'm more trying to get everybody in raider gear at that point by using flails and knives to kill raiders. Orcs slice through thug gear like nothing. Raider gear is only a little safer, but going out into the wilderness at the beginning to find orcs seems dangerous. spearwall I guess arf orcs at day 15 = group dead in 3 rounds. c'mon it's impossible to fight orcs with clubs. 31 мар. 2019 в 10:00
Prior to day 15. I'm more trying to get everybody in raider gear at that point by using flails and knives to kill raiders. Orcs slice through thug gear like nothing. Raider gear is only a little safer, but going out into the wilderness at the beginning to find orcs seems dangerous. spearwall I guess

arf orcs at day 15 = group dead in 3 rounds. c'mon it's impossible to fight orcs with clubs.
There is a lot of ways to get quite strong quite early.
There is a lot of guys who powergame and manage to get riches and exp quite early.
Some people get tailored maps with great trading routes, meaning that with initial money and just 3 guys you can trade a lot and amass a lot of money in the very first days, then recruit a lot of guys with great gear and start killing everything they see.

If you play your cards right in the right map in the early start you can jumpstart a company that can face more challenges and grow exponentialy in the first days. Takes preparation and knowledege. My play style is more prone to leasure.

31 мар. 2019 в 10:09 arf orcs at day 15 = group dead in 3 rounds. c'mon it's impossible to fight orcs with clubs.

There is a lot of ways to get quite strong quite early.
There is a lot of guys who powergame and manage to get riches and exp quite early.
Some people get tailored maps with great trading routes, meaning that with initial money and just 3 guys you can trade a lot and amass a lot of money in the very first days, then recruit a lot of guys with great gear and start killing everything they see.

If you play your cards right in the right map in the early start you can jumpstart a company that can face more challenges and grow exponentialy in the first days. Takes preparation and knowledege. My play style is more prone to leasure. Well unless the map is very rare cheese, even trading takes a couple days per travel and gives less than 1000 gold with the starting 2000, in a couple week you can do like 5-6000 and then what ? You cant get hedge knights with that.

31 мар. 2019 в 10:13
Prior to day 15. I'm more trying to get everybody in raider gear at that point by using flails and knives to kill raiders. Orcs slice through thug gear like nothing. Raider gear is only a little safer, but going out into the wilderness at the beginning to find orcs seems dangerous. spearwall I guess arf orcs at day 15 = group dead in 3 rounds. c'mon it's impossible to fight orcs with clubs.
I think you underestimate the early game. It is easy to have a full line of spears and swords, with two ranged guys, an axe, and either maces or pitchforks by day 8 without doing anything special. Start a game and see how quickly you can collect basic gear. 31 мар. 2019 в 10:32 arf orcs at day 15 = group dead in 3 rounds. c'mon it's impossible to fight orcs with clubs.

I think you underestimate the early game. It is easy to have a full line of spears and swords, with two ranged guys, an axe, and either maces or pitchforks by day 8 without doing anything special. Start a game and see how quickly you can collect basic gear.
Early Orc camps usually come in a pack of 5 so your company should easily out number them. The X-bow will get 2-3 hits while they close, spears take a toll, and barring terrible luck you should have them. You may take losses but the brothers are so new that it hardly matters.

I usually fight Orcs before or at the same time as raiders. Goblins are early game killers - avoid them at all cost. Undead should be hunted at all costs as they provide good helms and good $$$. I'm not a fan or farming for armor as it is easy to acquire and the 1st crisis can be won with armor ranging from 80 - 115 and helms 140 or less.

edit - Undead camps can be dangerous due to Gheists, catching groups departing is the strategy of choice so you can see if they are present. Need a Banner before taking on Gheists unless you feel really lucky.

Модульные турели

Турели претерпели значительное изменение. Теперь игроки могут вооружить свои автоматические турели любым видом вооружения – будь то самодельный пистолет ЕОКА, или же мощный пулемёт M249. Патроны в турель помещаются те же, что использует активное оружие.

Крафт турели снижен с 50 единиц МВК до 20.

К обновлению разработчики выпустили видеоролик, в котором показали возможности новой турели. Ролик, конечно, не CGI, но выглядит неплохо. Ознакомиться с ним можете ниже:

Слава богу, турели не перенесли в том же виде, в каком они были на Staging Branch версии. Напомню – на тестовом клиенте можно было поместить в турель гранатомёт и ракетницу. На основном клиенте этого сделать уже не получится.

Rust exploring the wilderness что это

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"Welcome everyone to another video. In this video I meet up with my little cousin and get killed by him. One of my friends meets up with us and then she decides to play another game so, I then kill her.
I made another rust video before, and that was my first time playing and my experience.
I hope the editing in this video is pretty good, I got so used to making VRchat videos that I am trying to learn new styles of editing.

So, please leave a comment and give me some feedback, I'm seriously asking for comments that will help me with deciding how to editing or go about recording."

Что нас ждет в этом обновлении? Установите в вашу турель любое оружие для защиты базы, встречайте новые кольцевые дороги, дополненную информацию в списке друзей в Steam, статистику на экране смерти, а также оптимизация и другие улучшения.

Кольцевая дорога

В преддверии полноценного наземного транспорта было принято решение о перестройке дорог на острове. Теперь это не просто случайно сгенерированная тропинка, а полноценная дорога, по которой можно будет на транспорте добраться до любого РТ.

Теперь такие РТ, как «Супермаркет» и «Заправка» будут появляться вдоль этих самых дорог, а не где-то за тридевять земель от цивилизации.

На дорогах теперь невозможно строить. Сделано это для того, чтобы никакие игроки не могли оккупировать часть дороги и «Взымать плату» за проезд.

Кольцевая дорога в Rust

Кольцевая дорога

Изменение стоимости лошадиной брони

Деревянная броня у лошадей теперь имеет повышенные показатели брони – 35% вместо старых 20. Броня из дорожных знаков тоже получила аналогичный бафф – 50% вместо 40.

Статистика на экране смерти

Отныне на экране смерти можно узнать статистику вашей последней жизни. Помимо прожитого времени и никнейма убийцы, вы можете узнать такую информацию, как: пройденная/пробеганная дистанция, принятый и отхиленный урон, время в диких землях и на РТ, время плавания, полёта.

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