Rimworld мультианализатор как сделать

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Increases research speed when placed near hi-tech research bench and unlocks new research projects. Each research bench can only use one multi-analyzer.

Required Research Multi-analyzer Skill Required Construction 8 Work To Make 10,000 ticks ( 2.78 mins) Resources to make 40 + 50 + 20+ 8 Deconstruct yield 20 + 25 + 10 + 4 Destroy yield 10 + 12 - 13 + 5 + 2

A multi-analyzer is a miscellaneous structure which allows nearby hi-tech research benches to investigate even the most advanced projects on the research tree. Additionally, these benches gain a 10% Research Speed bonus. One multi-analyzer can boost any number of nearby benches at once, but the effects of multiple multi-analyzers do not stack.

Dryad Spawning

All castes will start off as an immature dryad that will spawn up to every 8 days according to an invisible bar. If there are empty dryad slots, a timer will show counting down to the spawning of the immature dryad. The timer will still run even if there aren't empty dryad slots and will be picked up once a new spot becomes available, either by a previous dryad dying or maintaining a higher connection status with the tree.

An unconnected tree will produce up to two immature dryads, which can immediately enter cocoons upon the tree gaining a connection.

Исследования из Высокотехнологичного верстака учёного


Dryads are connected to and spawned by a Gauranlen tree. They begin as immature dryads and then specialize into different castes:

    : These chunky helpers will haul things where they need to go. : Vulnerable but fearsome, the clawer specializes in damage dealing. : Slow but tough, the barkskin soaks hits for your other fighters. : Generates wood over time. : Generates herbal medicine over time. : Generates berries over time. : Produces Gauranlen sprouts to make new Gauranlen trees.


Once the research Multi-Analyzer is completed, it can be built by a builder with 8 construction or above in 10,000 ticks ( 2.78 mins) for 40 Steel, 50 Plasteel, 20 Gold, 8 Components.

Rimworld мультианализатор как сделать


15 июл. 2020 в 11:20 I'm not talking about "what does it do in the game" because it obviously says "increases research speed and unlocks new projects." but i'm talking about what exactly does it do to help research on a realistic level. i Presumably it substantially increases computing power. It's likely the difference between trying to compile data and with 8kb of cpu power vs. 8tb of cpu power. Without it any kind of meaningful breakthroughs would take centuries. 15 июл. 2020 в 11:23 Unlocks techs that are otherwise unable to be researched without it.
15 июл. 2020 в 11:29 Presumably it substantially increases computing power. It's likely the difference between trying to compile data and with 8kb of cpu power vs. 8tb of cpu power. Without it any kind of meaningful breakthroughs would take centuries. 15 июл. 2020 в 11:50 Unlocks techs that are otherwise unable to be researched without it. 15 июл. 2020 в 11:50 Presumably it substantially increases computing power. It's likely the difference between trying to compile data and with 8kb of cpu power vs. 8tb of cpu power. Without it any kind of meaningful breakthroughs would take centuries. 15 июл. 2020 в 11:59 That, and/or a sample analysis/processing system. Even "just" a good gas spectrometer and an electron microscope would accelerate research quite a bit. 15 июл. 2020 в 12:00 That, and/or a sample analysis/processing system. Even "just" a good gas spectrometer and an electron microscope would accelerate research quite a bit.
Combine that with an Oscilloscope, and you have the Multi-Analyzer :)
15 июл. 2020 в 12:02 Yep, exactly so. It's just shorthand for an entire support system =). 15 июл. 2020 в 12:25 That, and/or a sample analysis/processing system. Even "just" a good gas spectrometer and an electron microscope would accelerate research quite a bit.
Combine that with an Oscilloscope, and you have the Multi-Analyzer :) analyzes multiple things. why didn't i think of that? 15 июл. 2020 в 12:29
Combine that with an Oscilloscope, and you have the Multi-Analyzer :) analyzes multiple things. why didn't i think of that?
Well, I thought about answering with that line, but nah. lol
16 июл. 2020 в 1:43 It presumably gives computers running in Rimworld more multithread support than computers running Rimworld will ever get. 16 июл. 2020 в 7:56 It presumably gives computers running in Rimworld more multithread support than computers running Rimworld will ever get.

This was a clever comment - +10 Internetz Pointz! :)

(Though, didn't some multithread support get patched in recently? Or, was announced to be coming?)


Economic potential

There are 3 Dryads that offer creating items of value, the woodmaker, medicinemaker, and berrymakers. In terms of raw financial output, each berrymaker produces $38.2 raw wealth (before selling), and both the other variants make $30. For the maximum value from the components; Berry makers: selling raw berries is most efficient, as packaged survival meals or pemmican require meat to craft. Woodmakers: The raw wood is more valuable than chemfuel, since chemfuel takes 2*wood ($2.4) and 1 amount of work to create 1 chemfuel worth $2.3, however, it is worth noting that chemfuel is significantly lighter, so you can transport 16xsa as much to a nearby settlement to trade, seeing as most wandering traders don't buy wood nor chemfuel. Medicine makers: selling the herbal medicine raw is most efficient, since buying Neutroamine can cost $8.4 at most, the herbal medicine will sell for at least $6, and the cloth will sell for $2.7 at least(or cost $6.3 if you don't grow it), and the industrial medicine will only sell for $10.8 at the least. Even good social skills can only marginally drive prices to be more efficient.

Conclusion: if you're planning on making money off of dryads, berrymakers are the most efficient. They have only a slightly lower $/kg compared to chemfuel (chemfuel has $46/kg and berries $40/kg). They can also be sold to most settlements, and expire after 14 days. The main reason to choose wood over berries is if you cannot refrigerate the berries but for some reason can make chemfuel(in order to sell them in higher quantities, it is presumed the berries are frozen). This makes $11.46 (at 0 social trading advantage) wealth per day, per dryad. If you are pruning 2 trees with a 20 plant-skill colonist, they can support 8 dryads (working 11 hours a day), and thus make

$8.33 per hour of work, plus transportation. To maintain at least one dryad,

2.5 hours of work is needed per day, so more dryads per tree are more efficient than more trees.

(note that this only explores financial value, situational need will be more important if you plan on using the dryads for colony use)


Dryads will automatically have the Animals training up to their trainability level upon emerging from their cocoon. The barkskin and clawer dryads have an intermediate trainability, the hauler dryad has advanced trainability, and the rest have no trainability. They can only have their Gauranlen Tree's connected pawn as their master and can form bonds with their master. They do not require regular handling to maintain tameness or other skills.

They have a sleep need requirement and tend to sleep at nighttime, not maintaining a normal sleep throughout the day.

Dryads will attempt to put out fires on nearby Gauranlen moss that is in the home area.

Immature dryads will attempt to immediately form into a cocoon upon spawning, as long as their sleep need is met.

While not following a drafted pawn, dryads will meander nearby their Gauranlen tree.

Upon releasing a dryad to the wild, absolutely nothing will change, they remain connected to the tree and maintain their behavior. They cannot be re-tamed and your pawns will lose control of them.

Dryads cannot be assigned to any areas, and thus movement is only affected by proximity to their gauranlen tree, or if following a drafted pawn.

Following a drafted pawn, dryads will perform identically to other animals, they follow regardless of needs or health.


Dryads heal abnormally fast, and cannot bleed to death (though they still leave blood while bleeding). They cannot regenerate lost body parts on their own, but can fully recover after going into a cocoon to switch castes.

Dryads also have a button attached to the dryad(not the tree) to enter a healing cocoon, which will heal all present injuries to full (not including lost limbs)

Changing caste

Upon changing the caste of dryads on a tree, the connected dryads will form cocoons nearby and spend 6 days morphing into the new selected caste.

rimworld как исследовать

rimworld как исследовать

Также исследования можно исследовать на двух разных столах учёного. Каждый стол имеет фактор скорости исследования. Он зависит от:

  • Базового значения
  • месторасположение стола (снаружи/внутри)
  • чистота комнаты
  • Базовую стоимость проекта * Мультипликатор стоимости (в игре все указано)


The Multi-Analyzer is required for all research projects that can be traced to it. It provides a +10% research speed boost, comparable to lowering a 4000 Research point project such as Starflight Basics to 3636 research points at 100% speed. When trading before researching the Multi-Analyzer, look out for traders with plasteel and gold, or mine it out yourself.

The distance between the multi-analyser and the hi-tech research bench can be no greater than four tiles, or the multi-analyzer will have no effect.

Combat potential

Only Barkskin and Clawer dryads are capable of combat and will follow their tree's connected pawn into battle. The dryads cannot be brought off the map on caravans, nor loaded into pod launchers, therefore they can only be used for defense. They incur a -3 moodlet on their trees connected pawn upon death, and can bond with their tree's connected pawn, which can further increase this moodlet.

Between the two, both do what they are supposed to. Combat-wise, they are mediocre fighters, they can melee engage random targets, allowing your ranged pawns to sink in more hits. They are both prone to friendly fire, however, so be aware. They also have a small body size, making them harder to hit.

Barkskin dryads boast high defense. They have similar armor resistances as a thrumbo, with 60% sharp and 30% blunt, thrumbos have 10% more blunt armor and also 30% heat armor. Although this sounds good in theory, the barkskin dryad can only take 1 shot from most firearms before getting a bleed to death (they can't bleed to death), and about 3-4 before they get downed or killed, they do reflect a reasonable amount of shots. They do 3.16 dps and have 13% armor penetration. They are better against enemies with low armor penetration that uses sharp weapons and can melee engage enemies. Most ranged weapons have around 12-15% melee armor penetration, while decent melee weapons have 25-40%. Because of this around 23% of ranged weapon melee attacks get deflected, 23% get halved, and the rest do full damage. Good melee weapons will have around 80% full damage, the last 20% will either be halved or blocked. Ranged weapons have around 20-30% armor penetration, and will do full damage about 60-70% of the time, and halved or blocked the other times. So while the barkskin dryad does have an incredible natural tank in comparison to other animals, they are only slightly better for combat than most dogs, as they can tank more hits and do about the same damage. Note that they have more tank than your average tribal. Their armor is comparable to a mercenary. They will do their job and soak a few hits, but are really only useful as secondary cover, since they can block enemy shots while not blocking ally shots.

Clawer Dryads, while they are not very resilient, have extremely potent attacks, dealing 18 damage with 80% armor penetration, and very fast attacks, giving them dps roughly equal to a monosword. Furthermore, they stun enemies on their first attack, allowing them to get in up to four attacks before the enemy can strike back. While they are a poor choice for open massed combat, they can be excellent for use in cramped hallways, or when facing a small number of powerful enemies like centipedes or thrumbos. In testing, they are typically capable of 1v1 against most human pawns.

Conclusion: Even though they require a large amount of a pawn's time, without having to make food players may find them easier to keep than other pets. Additionally, if they die in battle a new dryad can take their place in about a quadrum, a full set of four can be replaced in 38 days.

Contrary to their individuals, all dryads have a meat yield of 3 immature dryad meat. The exception is immature dryads, which have 4.

Исследования из Простого верстака учёного

Gauranlen tree connection interaction

If there are more dryads than the "mother" tree can support (i.e. by going under the minimum connection limit to support a number of dryads) the dryad will "return" to the gauranlen tree. A dryad returning to the tree will not have any effect on the spawn timer.

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