Rewasd fortnite что это

Обновлено: 02.05.2024

Fortnite is a co-op sandbox survival game, developed by Epic Games and People Can Fly, published by Epic Games in 2018. Release date points to the fact, that Fortnite controller support is built-in the game. Fortnite often gets confused for Fortnite Battle Royale, they have different game mechanics. The second one — Fortnite Battle Royale — is a free-to-play battle royale game, that has awesome graphics and lots of cool gameplay solutions.
Fortnite belongs to the generation of games that have gamepad maintenance. But it can be inconvenient, or the game simply may not recognize your gamepad and you look for how to play Fortnite on PC with PS4 controller. That's why we propose an all-purpose solution for Fortnite controller support — reWASD. You can change the native layout, come up with completely new preset or just tune the gamepad behavior a little bit. How to play Fortnite on PC with Xbox controller is no longer a question with the best gamepad mapper!
Here are some cool the ready-to-go presets for Fortnite controller support, you can find them below. Remember, that you can change those settings a bit, to make the perfect solution of how to play Fortnite on PC with PS4 gamepad.

What if I want to use a regular layout mid-game?

Okay, bet, you’ll need a Shift modifier for that, preferably Toggle Shift even:

  • While Keyboard sub-config is opened, click on Shift 1 icon (on the top of reWASD window)
  • In Shift 1: list choose the key that you want to use as a switch, and click Toggle box near it
  • Now, pick A and D mappings one by one, and choose Do not inherit option from the list:

All done! Apply and test in game :) I’ve also made a Fortnite Double movement config, and Left Windows key is a Shift modifier in it. Make sure to download it and test in game!

Toggle Shift functionality requires a purchased Rapid Fire feature along with the Basic license.

Rewasd fortnite что это

Не хватает свободы с родным приложением Xbox Accessories при использовании Xbox Elite на ПК? Тогда попробуй reWASD. Он позволит назначить на лепестки не только стандартные кнопки, но и любую клавишу клавиатуры!

Четыре лепестка Xbox Elite дают тебе больше контроля во время игры. С помощью reWASD ты можешь назначить на них абсолютно любое действие и пользоваться преимуществами геймпада Elite даже в играх без родной поддержки Xbox.

reWASD изначально был разработан для переназначения кнопок контроллеров Xbox One. Мы создали приложение с учетом Xbox Elite, поэтому оно лучше всего подходит для тех, кто использует эти геймпады на ПК и хочет получить максимум от лепестков. Для тех, кто использует Dualshock 4 на ПК, есть еще одна изюминка: reWASD позволяет разделить тачпад на зоны и добавить к нему до четырех различных действий. И наконец, поддержка контроллера Nintendo Switch Pro появилась в reWASD 4.0, так что теперь вы можете использовать все возможности reWASD для этого геймпада.

А теперь reWASD позволяет использовать все его возможности и на PS4! Используя доступ к консоли через Remote Play вы можете играть на сторонних геймпадах (тот же Xbox Elite), а также клавиатуре с мышкой, переназначать управление как вам удобно и использовать мощный редактор макросов!

What is double movement in Fortnite?

Essentially, double movement is a mix of two inputs: keyboard (A and D) and controller (Left stick Left and Right). This helps players change the angle their character uses to run: if you use W+A or W+D, you run with a 45° angle. When using W+A+Left Stick left and W+D+Left Stick right, the angle changes to 30° towards the horizontal axis. One of the main benefits is a slightly better view on your surroundings, and a possibility to build items alongside your moving trajectory. That could save you from a bullet or two :)

Regardless of the benefits, it’s up to you to decide whether you need double movement binds in Fortnite or not, or what configuration you would like to use. We will help you with some troubleshooting information, and you can try this in game, just to see if this playstyle fits you.

I don’t want the input to switch while I’m in game

Get into Fortnite settings — Mouse and Keyboard tab. Make sure Lock input method as mouse setting is enabled:

How to enable Double movement in Fortnite with reWASD

How to enable Double movement in Fortnite with reWASD?

How to enable Double movement in Fortnite with reWASD

In November 2020, there were reports of changes towards Double movement for PC users: seems like the ability to map 2 keys to one action within in-game settings was removed. Times change though, as for one of the last posts on April 2021 from Fortnite team:

The spirit of our rules allow for players to reconfigure keybinds in a way that wouldn’t be possible inside the game, including double-movement on keyboards.
Fortnite Competitive Rules Clarification, Fortnite Team

This is the reason we decided to make this post: if you want to try Double movement in Fortnite, do it right, and let our team give you some suggestions! Here’s a brief table of contents:

Since we are configuring a Double movement config in reWASD, you will definitely need reWASD installed on your PC:

Double movement in Fortnite does not work

  • Open Settings in Fortnite, get to Mouse and Keyboard tab. Make sure the Ignore gamepad input option is disabled, and re-check in game:

How to enable Double movement in Fortnite with reWASD

    • Virtual Xbox 360 shows up as Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)
    • Virtual DS4 shows up as Wireless Controller
    • Virtual Xbox One shows up as Bluetooth XINPUT compatible input device
    1. Open reWASD Preferences, choose to Autostart the background agent; Restore remap state on startup and device reconnect; and Show tray icon
    2. Check your Windows Startup preferences: open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc shortcut), press More details, open the Startup tab and make sure that reWASD is enabled
    3. Once it’s done, open reWASD, ApplyDouble movement config to your keyboard, and restart your PC
    4. When the PC is back on, wait till reWASD Tray Agent launches and lights up green. Try to launch the game, and check if it picks up the input

    We hope this troubleshooting post answers the questions you have about Double movement in Fortnite with reWASD. If not, don’t hesitate to reach out to us in Discord text chat, on Facebook, or on reWASD Forum. Make sure to follow us on Pinterest, and YouTube to keep your hand on the pulse.

    What config should I download?

    Our community has plenty of Double movement Fortnite configs to choose from, make sure to visit the Fortnite community page. However, it appears that most of the configs that you will find there have a slightly different setup. If we jump into details, our users seem to remap the whole WASD to the Left stick (W and S unmapped, so you get only controller input from them; A and D not unmapped, so it comes out as A+Left Stick left and D+Left Stick right).

    We ran some tests, and it seems like the Double movement config we created permits your character to turn side to side a bit snappier. I think the explanation for that is that you don’t have that unnecessary amount of acceleration: since W and S are acting just like the controller stick, your character may take longer to turn from side to side. In the solution we offer, you have WASD acting normally, plus A and D having controller movement, which wins you that beneficial angle.

    Rewasd fortnite что это

    Никита Кагиров

    Никита Кагиров Спасибо, друк

    Avdeev Sanya

    Avdeev Sanya

    Егор Кусь

    Антон Брезін

    Антон Брезін

    ты или покупаешь клаву нормальную и качаешь ревасд, или покупаешь клаву в 3 раза дороже и получаешь тот же ревасд, только встроенный

    Антон Брезін

    Антон Брезін

    Антон, если забанят за ревасд, то и забанят всех кентов на вутинге. это один и тот же софт

    Александр Высоцкий

    Александр Высоцкий ответил Антону

    Антон, нет в ревасде есть хуйня и челы абузят аим ассист на мышке,уже банило людей за ревасд и много

    Максим Востряков

    Максим Востряков ответил Антону

    Антон, люди не только дабл мувмент юзают с ревасдом, они юзают аим-ассист как на контроллере

    Эрик Петерсон

    Эрик Петерсон ответил Александру

    Николай Брух

    Николай Брух

    Эрик Петерсон

    Эрик Петерсон ответил Николаю

    Артём Торгашов

    Артём Торгашов

    Антон, а меня забанят если я использую дабл мувмент x360ce и геймпад также подключаю постоянно меня еще с 14 сезона не банило

    Тигран Казазян

    Тигран Казазян ответил Антону

    Антон, по идее нельзя получить бан, потому что это просто эмулятор геймпада и чисто теоретически, игра просто распознаёт клаву, как геймпад. Но мне кажется, что эпики не оставят так просто аим ассист на пк и что-то сделают

    Глеб Кизякин

    Глеб Кизякин

    My W and S keys are not working after I Apply the config, what do I do?

    If you have imported the config from the community, make sure to check that the config has a Shift modifier (check the paragraph above to learn how to add one). Or, you can use Ctrl+Alt+Del shortcut to turn remap off, but you’ll need to reopen reWASD and reapply the config for it to work again. With Shift mode, the config is applied all along, which is comfy.

    Try to use Slots too, when you swap to another Slot where nothing is applied, you use the native layout. Autodetect is a great feature to solve this too, enable remap when Fortnite is in focus only.

    I want to make a Fortnite Double Movement config on my own, any advice?

    That’s quite an easy thing to do as well. Basically, what you need is to add Left stick left mapping to A and Left stick right mapping to D, without unmaps. Here are the detailed steps on creating your Fortnite double movement config:

    • Choose a keyboard device in reWASD’s bottom-left corner
    • Click on the menu in the top-right corner to Add a new Game profile (in this case the config is created automatically), or choose an existing one (and add a new config by pressing the + sign in the upper-left corner)
    • Now, click Add to create 2 new mappings for your keyboard
    • Set A on the left side, and assign Left Stick Left to it, make sure Unmap button in NOT highlighted
    • Similar step for the D button: choose D on the left side, and add Left Stick Right on the right. Check the Unmap box, it should not be highlighted. This is how your config should look like:

    How to enable Double movement in Fortnite with reWASD

    Done! Now, you can press Apply, and launch the game.

    This setup I described above required reWASD Basic license only.

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