Rdr 2 unknown error fff что делать

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

20 июн в 16:10

I keep getting this error message in the game a lot during the game play. It keeps crashing my game. It says "Unknown Error FFFFFFFF" (it has 8 F's). It usually happens while I am in the middle of the game doing free roaming or during missions.

20 июн в 18:04 Yeah I just started getting this myself too, it seems it's been a problem since April and supposedly cheaters can also exploit this bug to crash other players. From what I've been able to gather it's caused by the game trying to load the wilderness themed camp. It also sounds like RockStar is doing what they usually do and completely dragging their asses when it comes to actually fixing this. Currently all they do with support tickets is say it's something on the players end and is their fault/job to fix. I started playing RDO about a week ago, didn't have a single issue until today. 20 июн в 18:19 I did validate my files just now on Steam and even though they said nothing was wrong I was able to start and finish the job I got the error on 2 times in a row. Could be coincidence for all I know but at least for now I'm not crashing. 20 июн в 18:23 I just started getting this BS last night! All the fixes people are posting don't do ♥♥♥♥. 20 июн в 18:32 Here stopped giving this problem. I updated the driver version 466.77 which came out on June 10th and I've been playing for a week now and the error has apparently stopped. 20 июн в 18:35 Here stopped giving this problem. I updated the driver version 466.77 which came out on June 10th and I've been playing for a week now and the error has apparently stopped.
I Updated to 466.77 on the 10th and this error just started yesterday when I got back into RDO. 20 июн в 21:27 Yeah managed to play for a few hours then got this stupid ass error for the 5th time today now when going into deadeye. 20 июн в 21:28 Here stopped giving this problem. I updated the driver version 466.77 which came out on June 10th and I've been playing for a week now and the error has apparently stopped. Been running that driver since before I even started playing RDO. 21 июн в 0:15 Ok it sounds like a lot of people are having this problem. I did update my drivers to the latest version and I am still getting this issue many times. It is getting annoying. I am got this issue about 5 times in the past 8 hours I spent playing the game today. I hope they fix this issue soon. Thanks for your response everyone. PEACE. 21 июн в 3:07

I have been getting this error for the past few weeks too. It only happens if I have certain ability cards loaded. The only time I have been able to keep the game running is to take away all my abilities with dead eye only on paint it black. I will then add one ability with it, but switching out direct x didn't seem to do anything.

I updated my graphics card as well as scanning all the game files and rebooting. It's something to do with playing the bounty role when trying for a 3 star on the bounty board with certain abilities active. I would just try and remove all abilities first and see it that works? Not ideal but at least its a start if it works.

21 июн в 3:15 I also wanted to add that I get the crash everytime when I add the necessity breeds.
Horseman seems to be ok with the dead eye - paint it black active on my system, but thats all I can have active. It's throwing the dice it I try any other dead eye ability or other card with the dead eye. My system will crash if I'm trying to do a bounty board 3 star or activate dead eye at any point with those abilities active. I know it sucks to not use all the other cards but I'm hoping rock star will fix this issue on the next big update. 21 июн в 3:47 It's hackers from a certain country crashing the game. Rockstar in a rare instance of actually doing something fixed it for awhile but they've found a way around it again. 21 июн в 3:54 Everyone I play with got this yesterday. And I got it 4 times. 21 июн в 4:00

I have been getting this error for the past few weeks too. It only happens if I have certain ability cards loaded. The only time I have been able to keep the game running is to take away all my abilities with dead eye only on paint it black. I will then add one ability with it, but switching out direct x didn't seem to do anything.

I updated my graphics card as well as scanning all the game files and rebooting. It's something to do with playing the bounty role when trying for a 3 star on the bounty board with certain abilities active. I would just try and remove all abilities first and see it that works? Not ideal but at least its a start if it works.

Unknown Error FFFFFFFFF

Что значит скачал пиратку? Качай лицензию и накатывай кряк с заменой.
1. Скопировать содержимое релиза в любое место на вашем жестком диске.
2. Скопировать содержимое папки Crack в папку с игрой
3. Запуск игры с файла Launcher.exe в главной директории игры

Я сделал это, и launcher загрузил несколько гигабайт данных + windows спросила меня, хочу ли я установить Microsoft c++ (что-то в этом роде) и еще несколько файлов. Я все принял, запустил игру, и она сработала! :D

Исправление ошибки Unknown Error FFFF:

Если говорить кратко и быстро, все что вам надо, это зайти в папку мои документы, далее в папку Rockstar Games и полностью удалить папку под названием Red Dead Redemption 2. Готово, можно заходить в игру и проверять.

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Исправление ошибки Unknown Error FFFF в Red Dead Online

После выхода сегодняшнего обновления «Кровавые деньги» для Red Dead Online многие игроки столкнулись с довольно частой и надоедливой ошибкой, игра вылетает с надписью "Unknown Error FFFF". Мы решили разобраться в этом вопросе и в процессе получилось найти видео с решением данной проблемы.

Rdr 2 unknown error fff что делать

Red Dead Redemption 2

14 дек. 2019 в 7:16 14 дек. 2019 в 7:49 14 дек. 2019 в 16:33 Just got this while trying to lead my posse from the online menu. Crashed my game. I got this randomly also. Never happened before moonshiner update. Must be something they have to fix within the game code. 14 дек. 2019 в 21:40 15 дек. 2019 в 0:05 15 дек. 2019 в 1:02 15 дек. 2019 в 2:38


I've genuinely never understood how companies with hundreds of millions of dollars and hundreds of people's worth of manpower push out products that perform this badly.

Blows my mind every time.

16 дек. 2019 в 21:02 I purchased game on 8 dec and haven't been able to play so far. tried all ways suggested e.g updating drivers disabling ani virus but nothing works. since update it changed to this error but still cant even load the menu. so frustrating
16 дек. 2019 в 21:23 I purchased game on 8 dec and haven't been able to play so far. tried all ways suggested e.g updating drivers disabling ani virus but nothing works. since update it changed to this error but still cant even load the menu. so frustrating
yeah, they broke the game for pc when moonshine went live Yup, since the moonshiner update, whenever i idle in the shack for a few minutes.

I've genuinely never understood how companies with hundreds of millions of dollars and hundreds of people's worth of manpower push out products that perform this badly.

Blows my mind every time.

It's simple . These decisions are not made by the actual programmers, they are made by MBAs what wouldn't know a bit from a byte, an electron from a proton and their own azz from a hole in the ground .

17 дек. 2019 в 1:54

It's simple . These decisions are not made by the actual programmers, they are made by MBAs what wouldn't know a bit from a byte, an electron from a proton and their own azz from a hole in the ground .

true, but what i dont understand is that there has not been a singel hotfix for the problems that came with moonshine looks like if it dont break the game for xbox or ps they dont care 17 дек. 2019 в 2:10

I was "surprised" that they planned two major updates so close :

"GTAO Diamonds' Casino" and "RDRO Moonshiners".

They were already overhelmed by issues since RDR2 launch. or it's their new slogan
"We are experiencing unusually high contact volume at this time and are working to respond to requests in the order they were received. Thank you for your patience."

Hello guys, I had the same problem (error FFFFF) and I think this can helps:
1) open Rockstar launcher
2) click "settings", then (on the left side when you see your games) click "Red dead etc."
3) choose "verify game file integrity"

I did it and launcher downloaded few gigabytes of data + windows asked me if I want to install Microsoft c++ (something like that) and few more files. I accepted everything, launched game and it worked! :D

Rdr 2 unknown error fff что делать

Александр Казанцев

Александр Казанцев

Могу сказать решение, но скорее всего не понравится. Купить в егс с использованием купона за 1000 рублей

Денис Рыбалко

Александр Колодин

Александр Колодин ответил Денису

Подскажешь как ты её решил то?)),прост я в замешательстве сам хер знает что это вообще.

Денис Рыбалко

Александр Колодин

Александр Колодин ответил Денису

Хм вот это пипец как странно ибо я скачал репак от FitGirl,где уже типо кряк стоит и в целом надо ток скачать установить и запустить.

Алмаз Валиев

Алмаз Валиев ответил Денису

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