Rdr 2 кертис райл где найти

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Исследуя огромный открытый мир Red Dead Redemption 2, вы столкнетесь с множеством интересных (и немного тревожных) вещей. Иногда это плачущая жертва, которую укусила ядовитая змея; в других случаях это жуткое заброшенное здание, в котором можно. увидеть пришельцев. Но есть одна вещь, более ужасная, чем все остальные: вы предстоит искать очень страшного серийного убийцу.

Шаг первый: поиски частей карты

Чтобы активировать миссию по поимке серийного убийцы, вам необходимо найти три трупа. Возле каждого трупа вы найдете кусок карты. Трупы хорошо спрятаны, ищите место убийства по пятнам крови на земле или летающим в небе стервятникам.

Первое место убийства: к югу от Валентайна

Труп первой жертвы лежит недалеко от Валентайна. Следуйте по железнодорожным путям, идущим на юг из города; вам придется ехать прямо по железнодорожным путям, чтобы преодолеть обрыв. Вы найдете тело под следующей эстакадой. На скале вы увидите жуткое послание, написанное краской, а на одном из опорных столбов моста вы найдете отрубленную голову бедолаги. В устье реки находится первый из трех фрагментов карты.

Второе место убийства: К западу от Shady Belle

Второе место преступления можно найти в регионе Скарлетт Медоуз. Труп будет подвешен на большом дереве. Обойдите дерево сзади, чтобы найти отрубленную голову и кусок карты.

Третье место убийства: к юго-западу от станции Уоллес

Последняя жертва будет привязана к большой скале к юго-западу от станции Уоллес. Пройдите через ручей, перед вами будет скала на холме, вероятно, со стервятниками, сидящими на ней. Отрубленная голова и последняя часть карты находятся на небольшой скале слева.

Шаг второй: поиск убийцы

Собрав все куски в едино, карта даст вам расплывчатые инструкции, где находится убийца. На ней изображен мост со стрелками, ведущий в лес, полуразрушенная бревенчатая изба и код для кодового замка: 6-34-32. Если вы истинный поклонник детективов, то знаете, что убийцы обычно убивают в районах, которые хорошо знают и, возможно, живут неподалеку.

Для тех, кто хочет разгадать эту загадку самостоятельно: дальше будут спойлеры с местонахождением убийцы! Как оказалось, все заканчивается там, где все началось: убийца находится юго-западнее Валентайна в месте под названием Хижина Лакки. Если вы едете прямо с места убийства на станции Уоллес, перейдите реку и следуйте по главной дороге на северо-восток - это направление, показанное на карте. Поверните налево сразу после того, как пересечете мост, чтобы добраться до хижины. Если вы едете из Валентайна, просто следуйте по дороге из города на Запад.

С помощью кода, указанного в карте, вы сможете открыть дверь в подвал. Белый значок в виде вопросительного знака ("?") должен появиться на карте около хижины. После того, как вы хорошо осмотрите укрытие убийцы (лучше всего использовать фонарь), направляйтесь назад и осмотрите нож. Активируется заставка и подсказки, что делать дальше.

Как только вы доставите убийцу в офис шерифа в Валентайне, он нападет на шерифа. Используйте мертвый глаз, чтобы убить озверевшего убийцу и спасти шерифа. Вы получите за это награду.

Смотрите и другие наши гайды по Red Dead Redemption 2: огромная база свежих гайдов по игре на русском языке доступна в данном разделе.



Curtis has a father and a brother. He is seen helping them construct a house at Castor's Ridge in 1899. They have a small camp nearby.

Events of Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur can have several encounters with Curtis, his brother, and his father. In the first one, the brothers put up a wall on the front of the house and drop it, causing the father to berate them. He tells them to put it back up and then to back away before they make it worse. Curtis and his brother will go to their camp and lament their father's nagging.

In the second encounter, the camp comes under attack by a group of four extortionists, which Arthur can choose to fend off. If he does so, the father will thank him, and reveal that the men who attacked him and his sons did so because he refused to pay them protection money. He then returns to the house, where his sons are hiding, and asks them why they didn't shoot at the attackers, to which they claim that they don't have any guns.

In the third encounter, the father tells Arthur that he and his sons are nearly done building the house, but need some more supplies. Arthur can give him $100 or agree to deliver the supplies to him. Curtis doesn't appear in the fourth and final encounter, where the father informs Arthur that he sold the house and pays him back the $100 he gave to him during the previous encounter.

Кертис Мэллой


В какой-то момент до 1898 года Мэллой стал шерифом скотоводческого города Валентайн. Он серьёзно относится к своей работе и является справедливым и законопослушным человеком. Он в курсе многих проблем своего города и старается поддерживать в нём закон и порядок. Кертис также в какой-то период времени завёл любовные отношения с замужней женщиной по имени Red Dead Online

The ESCAPE of Curtis Royle 🥵

There’s a scrap of paper in an abandoned house South West of Braithwaite Manor that says a 27 year-old man by the name of Curtis Royle escaped from his master.

According to this note there’s a $200 reward for returning him to the Rhodes jail or to the slaver’s property in Shady Belle, Scarlett Meadows, Lemoyne.

Personally I want to find him (if you can), return him to the property of the slaver, cash in, brutally murder the slaver and set the man free.

Anyone have any knowledge about this? Can he even be found? Or is it similar to the missing princess situation?

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U can find him south of there on the shore dead w a note to his uncle. Or at least i think its him. But if not, after 27 years, he lives somewhere far far away happily

Yes, I think its him too. Its a slave (dead) with chains still attached to him. The master is long gone too.

I’ll go have a look for this, thanks

Well there was that old drunkard, Jeremiah Compson, from “The Iniquities of History” stranger mission.

(Found in Rhodes after Chapter 2)

He was a slaver. He had that secret basement and a journal full of slave names. I was happy to shoot him point blank in the face with my sawed-off shotgun.

So I was hoping there would be a similar situation with Curtis Royle’s slaver.

Edit: There was also that one specific fencer who had a basement with people chained up. That was about human trafficking which would’ve lead to enslavement.

I shotgunned him in the face too.

so here’s all the evidence we have. we have the note found from the body, the body, the photograph, and the newspaper scrap. we can conclude that the body is linked to the house because he mentions it in the letter. the photograph can be linked to the house as well because it looks identical to one of the houses sides. we know that. what’s puzzling me is two things. why are two different names stated in the letter and the scrap? one is Curtis, and the body’s name is Elijah. Elijah states in his letter he was captured after escaping from the Pennington family. although we don’t know who the pennington family is, it doesn’t rlly matter. what i assume is that he changed his name while trying to flee, which is likely because of the times that the gang has changed their names to stay incognito. so i guess we could leave it at that. as for the photograph, it doesn’t really make sense. we have no clue as to whether the family relates to the body. what confuses me is why they look so pleasant and untouched in the photo. as seen in the photo the house looks in way better shape, was this their house before? how do they play a role? elijah never stated a woman or a man in his letter. so. there seems to be some loose ends to this story that the player is meant to piece together, just like other houses with tragedies in the game.



The sheriff of Valentine, Curtis Malloy seems to take his job seriously and appears to be a just and law-abiding man who wants to keep his territory safe. He is aware of the many issues around the town and manages to maintain order for the most part. He employs several deputies, all of whom similarly take their job seriously and act professionally.

Sheriff Malloy had a romantic affair with a married woman named Moira Calthorpe and can be seen talking to her on a few occasions.

Events of Red Dead Online

The protagonist first encounters Sheriff Malloy at Painted Sky ranch, where is seen speaking with Clinton Arnsdale. Disgruntled with his unfortunate refusal to recover stolen property from Bob Crawfish, Clinton quickly turns to the protagonist and their posse to do so in his stead. Malloy expresses that they should proceed with caution but is ultimately unable to prevent the group from dealing with the situation by any means they see fit.

If the player has chosen to be honorable, they will later meet Sheriff Malloy in his office at Valentine where he will be arguing with Marshal Tom Davies. With an incarcerated Alfredo Montez claiming his gang will stop at nothing to break him free, Malloy will reluctantly agree with the outlaw and advocate for his release in exchange for hopefully preventing the impending attack. However, Marshal Davies abruptly executes Montez in his cell, much to his astonishment. After the Marshal successfully repels the raid alongside the combined efforts of the posse of gunslingers and citizens of Valentine, Sheriff Malloy subsequently thanks and rewards them for saving the town.

Events of Red Dead Redemption 2

The player can collect two bounties from him: Benedict Allbright and Ellie Anne Swan. After the latter is delivered to him, Sheriff Malloy says that he will take a break from posting bounties in order to take care of law and order on the streets.

Aside from this, the player can also turn in the Killer Prostitute to him. He is grateful and will reward the player $12 for their efforts. Sometime later, she is publicly hanged in the town, and Sheriff Malloy announces her crimes on the gallows before ordering the floor to be released.

Additionally, the player can also take the serial killer Edmund Lowry Jr. to him. When Edmund is untied, Malloy takes him into a jail cell, but Edmund attacks him. With Sheriff Malloy on the ground trying to defend himself, the player can kill Edmund and be rewarded $20 by Curtis, or refrain from doing anything, in which case, Sheriff Malloy eventually manages to kill Lowry Jr. himself, and the player will not be rewarded with anything.

At some point, he can also be heard having an argument with Moira on the second floor of the sheriff's office, where she demands an end to their relationship and continually insults him. Sounds of someone being strangled can be heard in the room immediately thereafter and Moira is not seen again, suggesting that Sheriff Malloy killed her.

He can also be seen during a random event in Valentine where he oversees the hanging of an unnamed criminal.

Curtis Malloy maintains his position as Valentine's sheriff by 1907.



Curtis will be friendly to Arthur if he interacts with him. He seems to respect his brother and father, and will lament the latter's nagging after he berates him and his brother.


Curtis has dark, middle-parted hair. He is the older than his brother. His outfit consists of patched overalls, red shirt and brown boots.



Curtis Malloy has a rough exterior with a no-nonsense and somewhat vengeful attitude towards others, whether it be lawbreakers in the town or a lover trying to break up with him. He is generally strict and unsympathetic to others, becoming irritated if the player follows him or goes near him and remorselessly executing the Killer Prostitute, seeing it as nothing more than his duty to the town. However, Malloy can also be kind and grateful at times, thanking Tom Davies and the others for saving the town, voluntarily giving the player money for turning in the Killer Prostitute, as well as giving the player money and his sincere gratitude for saving him from Edmund Lowry Jr..


Sheriff Malloy has a Nevada hat, and on his face, there are multiple scars; he also has a long mustache. He wears a white shirt and, on top of the shirt, a blue wool vest with a golden clock chain hanging from it, and on top of all that a trench coat with the sheriff badge in the area of ​​the heart. He also has a leather belt with a leather holster, some grey corduroy trousers, and a pair of simple leather shoes. By 1907, Malloy appears to have gone grey and has more facial hair, sporting a thicker mustache and a beard.

Curtis Malloy


Sheriff Curtis Malloy is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online.

Red Dead Redemption 2

В свободном режиме игрок может выполнять задания по охоте за головами , доставив Мэллою Бенедикта Олбрайта и Элли Энн Суон . Помимо этого, игрок может также сдать ему Американские мечты» игрок также может доставить шерифу серийного убийцу Эдмунда Лоури-младшего. Когда Эдмунда развязывают, Мэллой собирается посадить его в тюремную камеру, но Эдмунд резко нападает на него, и перед игроком стоит выбор — вмешаться или бездействовать. Пристрелив Лоури, игрок будет вознаграждён 20 долларами. Если ничего не делать, шериф сам застрелит Эдмунда и в злости откажется вознаграждать игрока.

Также в один момент можно услышать, как Мэллой спорит с Мойрой на втором этаже офиса шерифа, где она требует прекратить их отношения и постоянно оскорбляет его. Сразу после этого в комнате раздаются звуки удушения, что наводит на мысль о том, что Мэллой её убил.

К 1907 году, немного постаревший Мэллой до сих пор является шерифом города

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