Raft спринклер как работает

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

19 апр. 2019 в 2:50

I researched and built a sprinkler, added the battery and filled with sea water but I never see it activate, the sprinkler nozzle on the device never shoots out any water.

1. Where is the best placement
2. How far is it's radius
3. How do you turn it on or off?

why so compicated
it sprinkles one tile to the left, one to the right and 2 in front of these 3 tiles

Means 8 tiles + the sprinkler itself
I can make a screenshot in a few hours when i have a sprinkler

20 апр. 2019 в 0:39 There is a picture on the side of it that I assume shows it's water deployment radius. 8 squares watered, plus it's own square, in a 3x3 grid. As far as actually having it work, that I don't know yet. I am assuming that it automatically waters grass plots that need it, but I haven't actually gotten that far in this game yet. On my way to my first large island now so I should know in a little bit. 20 апр. 2019 в 0:53 Actually just tested it on creative real quick. You fill it up with salt water, and it will automatically water any plot in it's radius as pictured on the side of the sprinkler. It also waters the plot it is sitting on although I can't say for certain that animals can graze that plot since they don't eat on creative. It has a dial on the top showing how much water is in the tank so you'll need to keep that topped off. 20 апр. 2019 в 1:25

Okay, so there is no visual of it watering I guess? that's a shame. I would have hoped to see a visual representation of it actually working to know that it's still working and when empty you lose the visual.

I returned to non stagingbranch version (good that I made a backup as when I returned to the non - stagingbranch, my save wasn't usable anymore) but I don't recall seeing this diagram on the side of the sprinkler.

I'll check again when it makes it to the release branch.

Thanks for the reply.

20 апр. 2019 в 1:44 Oh there is a visual. It's not long or crazy fancy but it's like a shower head shooting out water. You can test it on creative if you want to see it. 25 апр. 2019 в 10:09 Didn't work for me. No visual even with the battery hooked up. May try again now that it's in the main branch. 25 апр. 2019 в 12:28 It took my fresh water instead of salt .. weird but ok 25 апр. 2019 в 12:33 It can take both, fresh and salt water.
The visual only appears when it's watering, and it only waters when something needs watering, so if nothing needs watering next to it, you won't see anything. 28 апр. 2019 в 4:58 I just tested it out and saw the animation. Its small, but enough I guess. Too fancy stuff might make the FPS drop again. Not much time to play these days, but I definitely need 3 more of this sprinklers haha 28 апр. 2019 в 9:29

The sprinklers might be my favourite addition to the game, it has cut my maintenance-time down so much. Ive got a 21x3 square field of grass using 7 sprinklers and 3 sprinklers running my potato-farm wich is also optimized for size. I was worried about battery-use but so far im gaining more copper than im spending.

No bugs so far, but I had no idea it runs on saltwater also, I've been using fresh water so far but this cuts my maintenance down even more.

29 апр. 2019 в 8:28 I'm currently using 2 sprinklers to water my trees. My tree plots are set in a line; each sprinkler hits 2 of them and are placed at each end. Also, I didn't know about using salt water either; I assume it would take longer to spray though. Lastly, they don't turn on or off; they just water your plots once there's water in the tank and a battery powering it. 29 апр. 2019 в 12:50 How does the sprinkler work with trees? The grass I understand since it's sitting on top of the plots. But, how does the sprinkler know to water the trees when they're in their own separate "containers"? I'll have to give that a try. The sprinkler has been a really good QoL addition.
29 апр. 2019 в 12:54

I believe it works the same as plots of grass, simply if a square within it's range can be watered then the sprinkler waters it.

So after planting a tree it will get watered the one time that is needed for trees.

26 мая. 2019 в 10:38

Doing a bit of testing with this. with the old shoe and some beets. If you are looking at the grid on the sprinkler, I have my shoes in the upper right corner of the grid. 10 shoes, 2 rows of 5, vertical, as far right on the grid as I can get them.
For reference:
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10

Shoes 1, 6, 7, 8 & 9 do not get watered.

I put up a half wall on one side of the upper edge of the grid and a whole wall on the other side.
I put two hanging plots on the half and four plots on the whole wall. ONLY THE BOTTOM TWO PLOTS GET WATERED. So, for the most bang for the water/battery, plant two hanging plots, and a bunch of shoes. :)

26 мая. 2019 в 10:44

Doing a bit of testing with this. with the old shoe and some beets. If you are looking at the grid on the sprinkler, I have my shoes in the upper right corner of the grid. 10 shoes, 2 rows of 5, vertical, as far right on the grid as I can get them.
For reference:
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10

Shoes 1, 6, 7, 8 & 9 do not get watered.

I put up a half wall on one side of the upper edge of the grid and a whole wall on the other side.
I put two hanging plots on the half and four plots on the whole wall. ONLY THE BOTTOM TWO PLOTS GET WATERED. So, for the most bang for the water/battery, plant two hanging plots, and a bunch of shoes. :)


Sprinkler is a Food/Water item in Raft.

Summary [ ]

Researched at the Research Table. After building one, place a sprinkler on the raft to water Grass Plots or Crop Plots. Waters a 3×3 area (see Gallery). The Sprinkler's water storage capacity is good for 30 uses. One Cup of water is good for six uses, meaning five cups of Fresh Water or Saltwater would fill the Sprinkler up entirely. Each object watered by the Sprinkler reduces its storage contents by one use. This means that a filled Sprinkler is able to water, for example, a single Grass Plot a total of 30 times before needing a refill.

In order to operate, the Sprinkler must be powered by a Battery. Each time an object is watered, the Battery is depleted by a single charge. It has a total of 50 charges, which means for every full tank of water, 30 out of 50 charges are used. This means that a single Battery is good for 1⅔ full tanks of water.

The Sprinkler checks every 5 seconds for a plant that needs watering, and activates whenever there is.

Since Update 12, the Sprinkler has a connection site for Water Pipes on the back, meaning that it can be connected via pipes to either an Electric Purifier directly or a Water Tank, allowing for its water supply to be automated. Battery swaps are still required though; these can be recharged with the Battery Charger also introduced in said update.

Блок управления мотором

Позволяет Вам контролировать все моторы из одного места


Блок управления мотором (Engine controls) — устройство управления мотором из любой точки плота. Чертеж устройства можно найти на сюжетном острове "Караванный городок" в палатке мэра. Крафтовый рецепт можно получить на рабочем столе, при этом игроком должны быть изучены ресурсы и предметы из которых он создается.


Спринклер автоматически поливает область размером 3х3 тайла, включая тайл, на котором находится сам. Имеет смысл разместить лужайки и другие грядки в этой области.

Схема полива

Для того, чтобы спринклер работал, требуется батарейка (аккумулятор). Она устанавливается в специальный слот.

Слот для аккумулятора

Также для работы спринклера нужна, очевидно, вода. Сверху расположен индикатор, показывающий текущее содержание воды. Вмещает 5 порций (чашек). Можно использовать как пресную, так и морскую воду. Видимо, внутри встроен какой-то фильтр, очищающий воду, потому что для полива из бутылки нужна именно пресная вода.


Спринклер (Sprinkler) - предмет, устанавливаемый на плот с целью полива любых грядок. Особенно полезен для полива лужаек.



Для размещения блока управления двигателем требуется пространство в 1 тайл в любой точке плота. Устройство имеет два рычага: для выключения мотора и смены направления вращения лопастей.

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