Poe exerted attack что это

Обновлено: 26.07.2024

and how does Infernal Cry interact with (exerted) attacks?

In the example of Infernal Cry, there seem to be two different things that happen:

What does it do to these 4 attacks? More damage? Buffs?

"Exerted Attacks Trigger Combust the first time they deal a Melee Hit"

So one of the above quoted "4 melee attacks" will trigger Combust, ok. But what about the following 3 attacks?

Maybe someone can enlighten me. Thank you very much in adavance.


You have to just read the gem to know exactly what effect an Exerted attack would have. Nevertheless, here is the new Exerted Attacks mechanics:

Last but not least, a warcry will never, ever, Exert:
> A Channeling attack skill (Cyclone, Charged Dash, Blade Flurry. )
> An attack supported by Multistrike, Awakened Multistrike or while under the effect of a Echoing Shrine, or any other effect that will let you repeat an attack

Now, for Infernal Cry:



Malice Supporter

You have to just read the gem to know exactly what effect an Exerted attack would have. Nevertheless, here is the new Exerted Attacks mechanics:

Last but not least, a warcry will never, ever, Exert:
> A Channeling attack skill (Cyclone, Charged Dash, Blade Flurry. )
> An attack supported by Multistrike, Awakened Multistrike or while under the effect of a Echoing Shrine, or any other effect that will let you repeat an attack

Now, for Infernal Cry:

Thank you very much! That was perfectly explained. Now I understand it. That makes the "Exerted attacks deal x % increased damage" very interesting.

Infernal Blow and Exerted Attacks Questions

1) If I use infernal cry, does the new berserker warcry acendency node give the 50% more damage boost to both the infernal blow AND combust? What about the secondary damage from the corpse explosions? What about the charged debuff explosion?

2) If i use both infernal cry and intimidating cry, does the double damage from intimidating cry apply to infernal blow AND combust? What about the secondary damage from the corpse explosions? What about the charged debuff explosion?

3) What if I threw in a shockwave support? Would shockwave get exerted/boosted by any of the above?

Thanks in advance!


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Infernal cry: Exerts next 4 attacks. Covers enemies it "hits" in Ash, efficacy depending on the Power of all affected enemies. If an affected enemy is hit by a melee hit, just the first time it will trigger Combust, which *should* be an Attack with natural phys-to-fire conversion. If they die while being affected, they explode for x% maxLife as fire damage

Intimidating Cry: Exerts next 2 attacks, causing them to deal double damage. Enemies it "hits" will have their physical damage reduction lowered by up to 30%, depending on the overall Power of all enemies in range

Shockwave support: Makes the supported attack only usable by mace/scepters and staves. Every melee hit with the attack will consume 1 shockwave charge in order to release a shockwave, which *should* be an Attack. Shockwave behaves now like a trap, gaining 1 charge every second, for a maximum of 4

Infernal Blow: convert physical damage to fire, applying a charged debuff to the enemies directly hit by the strike (ancestral call or skills that make Strikes hit more than 1 enemy will count their target as "hit directly"), and a uncharged debuff to any other enemies (hit by, say, melee splash). When an enemy reach a limit of 6 charged debuff, or dies, it will "discharge" all charged debuff stacks in order to deal fire damage to it and nearby enemies. Enemies that die while affected by a charged or uncharged debuff will explode on death, dealing 6% maxLife as FireDamage

"New berserker ascendancy": if the Zerk has less than 25 rage, performing a Warcry will grant him 5 rage per 5 of its power. If the Zerk has at least 25 rage, performing a warcry will sacrifice 25 Rage. If the Zerk sacrificed recently his Rage with this effect, all Exterted attacks he will perform will have 50% more damage

Extra note: corpses can explode multiple times if affected by multiple explosion-related modifiers
Extra note: explosions are "secondary damages". Secondary damages are neither attacks nor spells nor DoT - they are Secondary damages. A secondary damage can (now) be evaded, dodged or blocked, and cannot be naturally reflected

1) Since Infernal Blow is an Attack and combust appears to be an Attack, they will be both affected by the 50% moreDamage if your Infernal Cry sacrifices rage. Since the Secondary Damage is a Secondary damage and the charged debuff appears to be a secondary damage, they will NOT be both affected by the 50% moreDamage if your Infernal Cry sacrifices rage

2) Since Infernal Blow is an Attack and Combust appears to be an Attack, and assuming your intimidating cry will Exert at least 2 attacks, they will be both affected and will deal double damage. Since Explosion and debuff are Secondary damage, they will be not

3) since Shockwave appears to be an attack, it can be Exerted. If you support Infernal Blow with Shockwave and make it Combust, make sure you can Exert at least 3 attacks with your Intimidating Cry

What does "exert" actually do?

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Each warcry says what it does to attacks it exerts.


For the more technically minded

701.38a: To exert a permanent, you choose to have it not untap during your next untap step.

701.38d: "You may exert [this creature] as it attacks" is an optional cost to attack (see rule 508.1g). Some objects with this static ability have a triggered ability that triggers "when you do" printed in the same paragraph. These abilities are linked. (See rule 607.2g.)

I am playing a bleed/earther quake build. I am using fist of war. I kind of get how fist of war works, a giant thing is summoned which my attack and enhances it right?

this build as a few exerted attack buff passive skills, i do use enduring cry. can anyone explain to me how these all work together ! please and thank you

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I think the simple answer is that after you do a warcry the next X attacks will be exerted (boosted somehow by the cry). The number X and the boost depend on the type of cry. There should be a little number on the warcry icon showing how many attacks are left.

Not sure how/if they stack and what that math is. But I tried to have them all up and let them exert as many attacks as possible before crying again because some gain power the more attacks get exerted before you cry again.

think of exert as a charge; once you cast the cry giving exert, your next few attacks will have those buffs

seismic cry - gives 4 exerts and each attack after deals 30% more dmg. so once you cast this, your first attack does 30% more, 2nd does 60% more, 3rd does 90% more, 4th does 120% more

intimidating cry - gives 2 exerts and each attack does double damage.

you can combine these two cries for most damage by casting seismic, "waste" the first 2 exerts by attacking, then cast intimidating. now you have 2 attacks left that does 90% more x2 and 120% more x2.

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