Pixel gun world почему закрыли

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

"Currently, we are finishing the open beta test and then we will start improving, refining and troubleshooting the game. We are planning to conduct an extensive test with a view to enhancing the game."

They never gave us when it will return. They never gave us when the test will conclude. All our lives have been changed because of this game, which brings us out of reality, washing our sad memories away. What did they do? Ended the experience and never promised us the time of return.

If you sign this, we can encourage them to bring it back. Our dreams. Our experiences. Our game. We just need enough to bring it back. The game we love.

Superheroes Update 3.jpg

Superheroes have arrived in Pixel Gun World! As well as their skins and powerful weapons!

  • Superheroes Skins (Attention! You can get these skins only in Bingo Chest!):
    • CAT LADY
    • ROBO
    • BOY
    • RIDDLE
    • SPRING
    • Superheroes Weapons:
      • UMBRELLA SHOTGUN - primary
      • CRYPTONIC BLASTER - back up
      • POISON IVY - back up
      • CRYPTONIC LANTERN - special
      • GRAPPLE GUN - special
      • PIXELRANG - heavy
      • MR. ICE - heavy
      • CRYPTONIC BOW - sniper
      • MIGHTY TRIDENT - melee
      • ELECTRIC GLOVE - melee
      • A new map in PGW – Parkour City:
      • Trophy system:
        • The new system of trophies is introduced. Now your experience is not only score, coins but also trophies and ultimately cups!
        • Fight invitation for clan's members:
          • If you are a member of a clan, you will be able to invite other clan's members when joining a fight.
          • Prize for a new level:
            • When reaching a new level (beginning with the second one), you will also get temporary weapons.
            • Bingo Chest:
            • Unique weapons:
              • ASSAULT MACHINE GUN primary
              • DUAL MACHINE GUNS back up
              • ELEPHANT HUNTER sniper
              • FREEZE RAY RIFLE special
              • MISSLE THROWER heavy
              • New unique gear added:
              • An opportunity to change or confirm a registration e-mail:
              • Inaction of players:
              • Lobby design:
                • Design of the game lobby has been improved: it has become more modern, compact and practical.
                • Tooltips:
                  • Some buttons now have hints, which appear when you point the cursor at them.
                  • Mysterious Box:
                    • Gods or glory! When you find such a box in any map, it's up to you to pick it up or not, as it can give you different bonuses or bring sure death.
                    • New Weapons:
                      • PROTOTYPE UP1 (available from the 7th level)
                      • LUCKY STRIKE (available from the 7th level)
                      • MARKSMAN (available from the 7th level)
                      • New Armor:
                        • Dragon Armor
                        • Wonder Vest
                        • Maps added: PARKOUR and ISLA DE LA MUERTE, NUKE and AREA 52, PARKOUR, TWO CASTLES and ISLA DE LA MUERTE
                        • Map removed:CARGO SHIP
                        • Mode removed: DUEL

                        Этот концепт или проект находится в ранней стадии разработки

                        Этот проект собирает отзывы от возможных покупателей, а также создает сообщество вокруг него. Если вам понравился этот проект, не стесняйтесь — оценивайте и добавляйте его в избранное. Голосование в этом разделе всего лишь позволяет разработчику понять, нравится ли его проект пользователям и как его улучшить. Это не означает, что проект будет распространяться через Steam.

                        Система Steam Greenlight прекращает свою работу. О новом способе публикации игр можно узнать из нашего блога.

                        Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

                        Этот предмет несовместим с Greenlight. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Greenlight.

                        Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

                        Этот концепт или проект находится в ранней стадии разработки

                        Этот проект собирает отзывы от возможных покупателей, а также создает сообщество вокруг него. Если вам понравился этот проект, не стесняйтесь — оценивайте и добавляйте его в избранное. Голосование в этом разделе всего лишь позволяет разработчику понять, нравится ли его проект пользователям и как его улучшить. Это не означает, что проект будет распространяться через Steam.

                        Система Steam Greenlight прекращает свою работу. О новом способе публикации игр можно узнать из нашего блога.

                        Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

                        Этот предмет несовместим с Greenlight. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Greenlight.

                        Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

                        Kung-Fu Theme

                        Update 2

                        Kung Fu PGW 2.jpg

                        New Weapons

                        • Shot-gun LAST KISS shoots an island of cute pink hearts that will not only perplex your enemy but also sweep him or her of his off their feet. Finish him off with another portion of sweet deadly shot.
                        • Sniper rifle DATER HATER – four shots, four deadly kisses. Kiss the enemies goodbye!

                        New Maps

                        • HEAVEN GARDEN – slender rows of trees, bushes and flowerbeds with beautiful flowers.
                        • KUNG FU VILLAGE – in a remote kung fu village the most talented kung fu masters live.

                        They can teach all the subtleties of eastern martial arts to anyone. And all the Pixel Fighters have a competitive edge – a wide range of kung fu weapons. Get armed and off we go!

                        Maps Deleted

                        • Coliseum
                        • Isla de la Muerte
                        • Walking Fortresses

                        New Skins

                        • TEDDY
                        • LOVING TEDDY
                        • PIXEL CUPID
                        • DEAD IN RED

                        Clans Growth

                        PGW is growing and developing, as well as the clans are.

                        From this moment on you are able to create 50 clans more. It means that in clan wars for survival as many as 150 clans are taking part! Only the best of the best will get its niche in the temple of fame: now in Top Clans window you will be able to see only the first 100 clans with the highest score. The rest 50 ones can be found by searching.

                        Clans Update

                        • Errors have been fixed, weapons characteristics have been improved, new maps and desired Clans have been added.

                        You will find all this and even more in current update!

                        Dash into Pixel Gun World and try all the novelties yourselves!

                        Here comes a long expected update!

                        Since this moment the Clans are launched in PGW!

                        Each clan can consists of only 10 players - members of the clan.

                        The clan's leader aka clan's creator is able to invite and expel players from his/her clan.

                        If you would like to join already existing clan - just apply for the clan that you like most.

                        The clans’ mailbox was created especially for your convenience. This is the place where you can check the status of your application: whether your request was accepted or not; the clan leader is able to handle incoming messages here.

                        All clans will fight for weekly clans rating. From now on, each clan's member fights not only for himself but for his/her clan as well.

                        Now you score points are not only for yourself but also for the whole clan.

                        And also, Clans’ War has started. The number of Clans in game is limited during Clans’ War. More details here.

                        It allows you to find out head-on who's stronger - you or your opponent.

                        You will face a random opponent, by choosing this mode and entering the battle.

                        Don’t waste even a second! Battle!

                        Other added features:

                        Now, the armor protects a player in the same way as in reality - it minimizes but not excludes the damage. The damage depends on the quality and the type of armor. These new features make the game more realistic and dynamic.

                        Explosion damage has been improved.

                        Explosion damage system has been changed. Now, damage depends on distance to explosion epicenter.

                        The maximum possible level for a player has been increased to the 20th level.

                        The possibility of upgrading of few selected weapons:

                        Each of these previously purchased weapons will be automatically upgraded to UP2!

                        Space Desert - the sandy planet somewhere far, far away, spotted with lots of cunning energy fields and narrow tunnels all over its surface.

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