Pikunikku где найти 3 яблоко

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Таинственный камень - второстепенная миссия в игре, находится в Долине.

Чтобы получить миссию, прыгните на место кабины, направляющей ко 2 зоне. Там будет секретный проход. Пройдите в него и сломайте камень. За камнем будет дыра. Войдите в неё. Внутри стоит стол с чашками и чайником, а рядом на стуле лежит камень. Прыгните на стол. Он сломается, а камень на стуле расстроится, из-за того, что вломились в его дом, да ещё и оставили без чая. Камень скажет, что единственное, что может улучшить ему настроение - это игра в прятки, и пропадёт. В первый раз он будет прятаться на билборде Саншайна, второй - на мельнице, а третий - на облаке.

Pikunikku где найти 3 яблоко

Coop sounded real nice, so I hooked up a Nintendo controller into my Mac. But it doesn't work. If you say player one is keyboard and two controller, player two just sits there. And even in Adventure mode I can only walk around with the controller, the interaction with the environment doesn't work either. I've set up the controller in Steam, under parameters, but that didn't do it. Any advice.

Simplistic graphics, simplistic story, simplistic puzzles. This is a kid's game. Very cutesy but I can't recommend it for anyone over the age of 7. Co-op was fun but I can't recommend it for that half-hour.

im at the start of the game and i just beat the baskick ball thing and went on top of the house of the baskick ball dude to talk to a black bird baby and then it auto saved the game so i quit the game and when i came back to play it later i started on the roof of the baskick ball house but i cant move im using a keyboard if that helps and the arrow keys are working everything on my keyboard is working but when i continue the game i cant move can someone please help me.

Very chill game, very simple but well made visual style and pretty honest humour. You should get it on sale, you'll have a pleasant little afternoon :)

I'm pretty sure a lot of the stuff is procedurally animated which is something I'm a fan of too.

To the Vault

Now we ready to go to the moon vault.

Go to the vault entrance under the first village (yeap, you need to fall into a well) and put all apples into a weigher.

Enter the vault.

Oh no! Here are no treasures! Don't worry. Something special waiting for you at the end of this cave. Complete all challenges to reach the end.

Пропавшие птенчики

Пропавшие птенчики - второстепенная миссия в игре, находится в Долине.

Чтобы получить миссию, найдите дом художника, затем запрыгните на зонтик на нём и транспортируйтесь на облаках к гнезду, где лежат яйца. Сломайте их пинками. После того, как вы сломаете все яйца, прилетит маман птенчиков. Она скажет вам, чтобы вы вернули её детей обратно. Первый птенец будет находиться на доме матери-основательницы, а второй - на доме художника.

Pikuniku - How to Obtain Scary Mask and Collect All Apples

Guide how to collect 3 apples to open mysterious vault under the first village.

Collecting All Apples

First Apple

First apple you can find in first village on a tree behind the shop.

Second Apple

Second apple you can get as reward for hide-and-seek game with a stone in first village.

Find stone in his house inside a cave on the bottom of career left from village.

Find him a few times. He will hide in village except last one, so feel free to kick each stone you see.

For a last one, you need to obtain water hat by defeating the second robot (main quest).

Go to the greenhouse to the right of the painter's house and pour water on the flower that hasn't bloomed.

Now you have an option to reach clouds above the village by climbing the flower stalk.

Climb up. You will see stone on the cloud.

Game is over, take your reward.

Third Apple

Last apple you can get from huge bird.

Find a nest on the cloud above the first village (on the left from stone after game).

Break all eggs to scare birds. Mother-bird will arrive after it. New quest here!

Find two birds in the village. Both of them on a surface level. Talk with them to force them returns to big mama.

Go back to big mama too. "To big for my beak" apple is your now.

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