Persona 5 сколько дворцов

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Как и в Persona 3 и Persona 4, история развивается в течение одного года, и потому игрок должен совмещать жизнь обычного старшеклассника со спасением мира.

Протагонист живет на чердаке кафе Леблан, который предоставил ему Соджиро. Игрок может посещать различные места Токио, используя систему метро. Игрок может подрабатывать в разных местах и зарабатывать деньги, играть в видеоигры, проводить время с друзьями, посещать разные места, учиться, ходить в кино, играть в бейсбол, ходить в баню, заниматься рыбалкой, тренироваться в своем собственном доме или ходить в спортзал, изготовлять инструменты для битв, смотреть телевизор, пойти в клинику или аптеку за лекарствами. Определенное количество этих действий может повысить статы игрока: как социальные, так и боевые. В игре присутствует довольно большое количество мини-игр.

Система Уровни сложности

Во время пролога игрок может выбрать сложность между «Безопасный», «Легкий», «Обычный» и «Сложный». За исключением минимального уровня сложности, остальные уровни сложности можно изменить в любое время в настройках, как в Persona 4 Golden. Дополнительный уровень «Безжалостный» (самый высокий) будет доступен в виде бесплатного DLC. Если игрок никогда не сталкивался с серией раньше, рекомендуется не выбирать уровни выше обычного.

  • Безопасный: Получаемый урон: x0.5 — Урон: x2.0 — Опыт: x3.0 — Деньги: x5.
    • Если главный герой погибнет, вам будет предоставлена возможность оживить всю партию с полным HP и SP сколько угодно раз.
      • Выбор данной сложности окончателен и его можно сменить лишь на Новой игре+.
      • Критический и технический урон утроится в обе стороны (т.е и игрок, и противник, будут наносить утроенный урон).
        • Также блокирует смену сложности до завершения прохождения.

        Каждая сюжетная арка имеет свое подземелье под названием Дворец и имеет определенный срок, до которого его надо завершить, как в Persona 4. Если Джокер не завершит Дворец до крайнего срока, то это приведет к «ложному финалу». В отличие от предыдущих частей, в Persona 5 невозможно исследовать прошлые подземелья, поэтому необходимо как можно больше исследовать подземелья в доступное время.

        Одной из главных жалоб на предыдущие подземелья Persona заключалась в том, что они были скучными и генерировались однообразно в качестве коридоров с сундуками и Тенями. Persona 5 была разработана с учетом этих жалоб, поэтому все Дворцы, кроме Мементос, не генерируются случайным образом, они имеют уникальные элементы платформинга (прыжки вверх и вниз), головоломки, скрытые проходы и ловушки.

        Мементос — это то место, которое доступно после завершения первого Дворца. В нем вы перемещаетесь с помощью транспортного средства, в которое превращается Моргана, и можете собирать сокровища (из открытых или запертых на ключ на сундуков), сражаться с Тенями, которые присутствовали в уже пройденных Дворцах, и украсть сердца людей, указанных в просьбах на веб-сайте Phantom Aficionado (Phan-site, При-сайт). Погода в Мементос зависит от погоды в обычном мире, хорошей идей является исследовать подземелье в дни с плохой погодой, так как тогда вы получаете определенные преимущества в битвах.

        Если игрок устроит засаду Тени, то он получит право первого хода. Если же игрока заметит Тень и нападёт на него раньше, битва начнется не в пользу игрока. При этом уровень тревоги поднимется. За замеченным игроком будет следовать прожектор, который предупредит ближайших Теней об игроке. После победы в битве прожектор исчезнет. Если игрок успешно нападает из засады, то уровень безопасности немного снизится. Когда уровень тревоги достигает 100%, игрок вынужден покинуть подземелье. В следующий раз, когда игрок снова войдет в тот же подземелье, уровень тревоги упадет до половины. В отличие от Дворцов, Мементос не имеет уровня тревоги.

        Игрок участвует в стратегическом пошаговом бою с демонами под названием «Тени», использующие как приемы ближнего боя, так и магию. Игрок должен использовать своих персонажей в битве против боссов и теней и найти слабость врага, чтобы сбить его с ног.

        Как и Persona 3 и Persona 4, если главный герой умирает в битве, игра закончится. Однако, если это была битва с боссом, вы можете перезапустить битву. Смерть в обычных сражениях перенесет вас в самую последнюю безопасную комнату.

        Передача хода

        Когда игрок сбил противника, появляется новая функция под названием «Передать ход», где игрок может передать ход союзнику, чтобы увеличить его силу.

        Когда все оставшиеся враги сбиты, это приведет к «Удержанию». Игрок может выбрать инициирование переговоров или Совместной атаке:

        • Переговоры: Игра возвращает старый способ взаимодействия с противником: переговоры, с помощью которых можно получить Персону, деньги или предметы.
        • Совместная атака: Все участники группы атакуют, нанося большой урон. Если все враги побеждены в этой атаке, игра покажет особый экран, зависящий от бойца, который сбил последнего врага и инициировал атаку.

        В отличие от традиционной JRPG, Persona 5 имеет улучшенный интерфейс, который предлагает ярлыки для основных команд, таких как атака ближнего боя, стрельба, навыки Персоны, предметы, защита и тактические действия (побег/анализ/смена персонажей). Вместо того, чтобы прокручивать колесо в Persona 3 или вертикальный список в Persona 4, в игре эти ярлыки выбираются определенной кнопкой, позволяя быстрее выбирать. Теперь игрок может менять членов команды во время битвы, хотя прежде игрок должен получить способность от Онлайн-функции

        Гильдия воров позволяет подключившимся игрокам делиться и получать информацию о том, какие действия они совершают. График показывает процентное соотношение всех действий онлайн-игроков: проникновение в Дворец, улучшение социальных показателей или прокачка связей с определенным персонажем. Также особенно полезно смотреть на статистику во время школьных вопросов и вопросов Доверенных, поскольку определенные варианты дают больше очков.

        Специальные издания

        В Японии

        Persona 5 была выпущена для платформ PlayStation 3 и PlayStation 4 в Японии 15 сентября 2016 года и стоила 8 800 йен.

        13 800 йен стоило особое издание в честь 20-летия серии. Содержимое:

        • Артбук
        • Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album (пять CD)
          • Диск 1: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
          • Диск 2: Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
          • Диск 3: Persona 3 (FES)
          • Диск 4: Persona 4 Golden
          • Диск 5: Persona 5

          Persona 5 (стандартная версия) шла в комплекте с ограниченным изданием PlayStation 4 Slim (1 ТБ), поскольку Sony объявила о релизе модели PS4 Slim в сентябре 2016 года. Комплект продавался за 39 980 иен в день релиза игры, что на 5000 иен больше, чем покупка самой консоли, но это экономило 3800 иен в сравнении с покупкой стандартной версии игры и консоли по отдельности.

          В Северной Америке и Европе

          Persona 5 выпущена на PlayStation 3 и PlayStation 4 в Северной Америке и Европе 4 апреля 2017 года. Помимо базовой игры есть два специальных издания для Северной Америки и Европы.

          Премиум издание Take Your Heart

          Эксклюзив для версии PlayStation 4 — издание «Take Your Heart», также известное как премиальная версия с наибольшим количеством контента, включает:


          • Soundtrack CD «Sounds of Rebellion»: Музыка Persona 5 от Шоджи Мегуро и Тошики Кониши. Музыка точно такая же, как и на диске Persona 5, который был в японском издании, за исключением того, что 20-й трек отсутствует.
          • «Morgana plush: Morgana The Phantom Thieves» — это не только талисман «Призрачных воров», но и член команды, а не кот! Премиум-издание включает эксклюзивного 4-дюймового плюшевого Моргану.
          • «Persona 5 Art Book The Aesthetics»: 64-страничный артбук в твердом переплете, полный концептов, эскизов, артов с персонажами и дизайнами Шигенори Соеджимы.
          • SteelBook: коробка для игрового диска для PS4, SteelBook с изображением главных героев.
          • Школьная сумка: эксклюзивная сумка, полностью повторяющая сумку, с которой ходят ученики академии Шуджин, в том числе и протагонист.

          SteelBook Стартовое издание

          Эксклюзивно для версии игры PlayStation 4, Atlus выпускает Persona 5 в специальном издании SteelBook Launch. Ограниченное издание, которое полностью повторяет SteelBook из «Take Your Heart» с главными героями Persona 5.

          SteelBook имеет уникальную особенность, отражающую тему игры, хотя точно неизвестно, намеренно это было сделано или нет. Необходимо сделать снимок с включенной вспышкой.

          Persona 5 Royal - Palace Guides

          A complete list of palaces guides both in Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. This includes of boss and mini-boss enemies encountered per each palace.

          Persona 5 / Persona 5 - Palace Guides


          Persona 5

          A world within the Metaverse created by Futaba Sakura. The Phantom Thieves of Hearts plan a heist to steal Futaba's heart after making a deal with her to stop a group of hackers called Medjed that threatens to declare war against them. Unlike the previous Palaces, it is not formed from corruption of any sort, but from Futaba's distorted self-destructive desires, paranoia towards her deceased mother and her belief that her home would be her "tomb."

          It appears as a large pyramid surrounded by a city in the middle of a hot and sunny desert. The interior is cooler because of Futaba's cognition of living inside with air-conditioning. The pyramid is also an oxymoron because it is ancient yet full of technology, symbolic of Futaba's love for computers, hacking and technology. Instead of hieroglyphs, a lot of modern symbols and characters can be seen on the walls, such as binary or @ signs. It is guarded by Shadows resembling mummies. Murals that depict how Futaba's life was ruined also appear in the Palace, which seal her memories unless she investigates and overcomes their contents.

          The Phantom Thieves do not initially transform into their Thief clothing and do not do so until they enter the Palace itself for the first time, as Futaba does not think of them as threats until her agoraphobia strikes and she starts instinctively pushing them away. Shadow Futaba has been fighting for the control of Futaba's mind with the Sphinx, the cognitive existence form of Futaba's deceased mother Wakaba Isshiki that embodies the representation of Futaba's self-loathing and belief that her mother hated her.

          The party manages to reach the topmost floor of the pyramid and Shadow Futaba instructs them to send a calling card to the real Futaba. Unlike previous palaces, the Phantom Thieves deliver the calling card to Futaba and immediately enter the palace in the same day. Reaching the now unblocked summit of the pyramid, they confront the Sphinx that acts as the cognitive existence of Wakaba. While it seemed too mobile for them to target at first, Futaba enters the Palace and turns into its treasure, while Shadow Futaba transforms into Necronomicon and becomes her Persona, allowing her to create a ballista that allows the party to shoot the Sphinx down and attack it.

          The Sphinx was killed and the Palace collapses, with all party members and Futaba escaping safely. Futaba gets exhausted afterwards and goes to sleep, in which Tae Takemi is sent to check her. She states that Futaba's physical health is dangerously low. It was revealed that because of this drop of physical strength. Futaba is prone to sleeping for days and it is a normal reaction for her. When she wakes up, her distortions were cleared and she easily puts a stop to Medjed's hacking attack. She joins the Phantom Thieves as combat support, making her path to full rehabilitation.


          • Lockpicks needed: 3
          • Two locked treasure chests in Futaba's Palace contain the strongest male and female armors available from the Untouchable Airsoft Shop during Futaba's Palace, allowing the protagonist to save money on buying equipment for the party.
          • This is the first Palace where it is possible to gather the ingredients for the Eternal Lockpick. The party must gather 20 Aluminum Sheets from the Thief of Tablets and 10 Liquid Mercury from the Bearer of the Scales, however, the drop rates are low. Save often, as Anubis will regularly use both Bless and Curse instant kill skills on the party, and may successfully target the protagonist.

          On July 25th, the Phantom Thieves finally acquire the keywords to Futaba Sakura's Palace and are able to enter the area. Following a cutscene, the party will be directly in front of the stairs leading to the front entrance. Proceed into the Palace and follow the Great Corridor heading north to meet with Shadow Futaba.

          Great Corridor

          After another cutscene, the party will be forced to escape as Shadow Futaba will unleash a rolling boulder on them and the interior of the Palace will begin to seal itself, forcing to the Phantom Thieves to retreat for the day.

          Upon re-entering the Palace, there will be a door blocking the way forward through the Great Hall, so the party must exit the pyramid. Upon activating the exit door, Shadow Futaba will call the party back for a conversation. She will request that the party retrieve an item stolen from her from a bandit in the nearby town.

          Desert Town

          Once outside the pyramid, head east and up onto a raised platform to examine the town in the distance. This will transport the party to the next area. Once in the Deserted Town, the party needs to head to the southwest square. Following this, the party must follow the bandit until he runs back into the square. After a brief confrontation, the bandit will transform into the Raging Bird God. It is weak to Gun attacks, which will allow the party to easily take advantage to down him and follow up with All-Out Attacks. The party acquires the key item Stolen Papyrus after his defeat. Following this, head back to the Pyramid Entrance.

          Underground Cavern

          Once inside, meet with Shadow Futaba. Following the cutscene, the party will be dropped into a quicksand pit and will land in the Underground Cavern. Climbing the walls to the west in the area leads past a Treasure Chest containing a Seishiki Sword for Yusuke. Further upwards along the north wall is another Treasure Chest containing a Black Rock accessory. Going down a level from here and to the south leads to the exit door in the southeast corner, however, past that is an air vent leading to a Treasure Chest containing a Gale Cape. Now the party can take the door leading to the Underground Passage.

          Underground Passage

          Follow the passage around to the southeast corner, the Shadow standing guard to the north can be ignored. In the dead end is a Treasure Chest containing a Mind Choker accessory. The Shadow to the north cannot be engaged until an escape route has been secured, so follow the corridor near the chest to the west and up the stairs. The door at the top will lead back out to the Palace entrance. With an escape route secured, save as necessary and head right back in. Head for the Shadow standing guard in the Underground Passage.

          This will lead to a confrontation with the Coffin-borne God. He will immediately open the battle by transforming a party member into a rat. The Coffin-borne God is weak to Wind skills, so use those to strike at his weakness for extra turns. He will summon Slithering Snakewoman to assist him in battle, which can use Foul Breath to increase the party's susceptibility to ailments or Ominous Words to inflict Despair, which will KO a party member after three turns if left untreated. After defeating the mid-boss, the party can climb the sarcophagus head to proceed further into the Palace.

          The Phantom Thieves will enter a room with another large locked door and a Giant Bow. In the upper northeast corner is a room with a reflective panel and a cracked wall. Exiting the room and climbing onto the nearby ledge will lead to a button which will activate the giant bow and break a hole in the wall, allowing the light to shine through and unlock the large door. Continuing west will lead the party into the Chamber of Sarcophagi.

          Chamber of Sarcophagi

          Just in front of the party, the stone tablet reads "The light shed by the god of the underworld shall become the sign for those who traverse the pits." Climbing to the upper level will lead into a room containing a Mysterious Statue. When examined, the protagonist can opt to take a shining jewel from its hand. This grants the party the Abyss Gem which also causes Shadows to spawn from the sarcophagi in the previous room. Climb the sarcophagus along the west wall to proceed. In the eastern room before the door leading to the next area, there's another Anubis Statue with an Orb. Taking it grants the party another Abyss Gem. Heading through the door to the north leads into an upper level of the Great Corridor.

          Great Corridor

          There is another reflecting panel here and two stone pedestals. Placing the Abyss Gems in the pedestals will open the way forward and allow the party to jump down to the lower level. Climbing the stairs further leads to another large locked door with a Safe Room on the east wall and the way to the next area on the west wall. After saving as needed, head west into the Chamber of Rejection.

          Chamber of Rejection

          After a long corridor, the party will see Shadow Futaba telling them to follow her north, however, they will be unable to do so due to the floor trap. Proceed west and up the stairs. While following the path, the floor to the east will crumble, requiring the party to take the long way around. In the next room, moving along the platforms will need to another Anubis Statue holding the Rejection Gem. The party will be warned of a curse upon taking it. This curse manifests as an impassible arrow trap in the next corridor north. If taken, the Rejection Gem should be returned to the Anubis Statue to proceed. At the end of the next corridor is a button that disables the spike trap from earlier, allowing the party to jump down and proceed north after Shadow Futaba.

          There is a Treasure Chest behind the pillar to the north containing a Black Robe armor. Proceed into the western corridor. The following corridors eventually lead to a room in the northeast corner with a Treasure Chest containing a Spirit Belt. Just past this is an empty-handed Anubis Statue. After noting the lack of gem, Ryuji suggests finding one to place in its hand, the party must return to the previous Anubis Statue for its Rejection Gem.

          After retrieving the Rejection Gem, the party must take the long way back through the area while heading to the new statue. More Shadows will spawn along the path while the gem is in the protagonist's possession. Delivering the gem to the Anubis Statue to the north will disable the arrow trap in the corridor to the southeast, allowing the party access to another button. Pressing the button fires another giant bow to shatter the wall the beam of light is directed towards. Jump down and then climb the sarcophagi up to see a door back to the Great Corridor. There's a Locked Chest to the north before the door containing a Blitz Ring, Snuff Soul and Turquoise. Now proceed into the Great Corridor.

          Great Corridor

          The next room will have a Black Mural and a Reflective Panel, interacting with the glowing part of the panel will activate the mural. Arrange the panels so the bird is to the left, Shadow Futaba in the middle and the three men in suits to the right. This will cause the door in the Great Corridor to open, letting the party continue forward. Drop down and proceed past the door.

          There will be a new safe room to the west in front of the next door, with the way forward to the east. Save and enter the east door to enter the Chamber of Guilt.

          Chamber of Guilt

          A stone tablet in front of the protagonist reads "When red and blue align, an illusion will rise. Only proper guidance shall form a path." Continue along the path and drop down for another encounter with Shadow Futaba.

          Trying to follow Shadow Futaba will spring a boulder trap, preventing them from following along the same path. The boulder will knock away a sarcophagus near where she was standing, allowing the protagonist to crawl through a small hole to the other side. The party will end up in an open room with a Treasure Chest in the northeast corner containing Magic Ointment. Head up the stairs on the west side of the room, ignoring the disabled button.

          The glowing door to the north is locked, so examine the board to the east in order to kick it down and form a bridge to another door. Examining the tablet within gives the clue B01010 and unlocks a puzzle in the large room. The code relates to a binary code puzzle, with 0 representing the off position. Turn the first, third and fifth shining pedestal off the proceed up the stairs and press the button to unlock the door from earlier.

          In the next hallway, the path east is blocked by a spike trap, so circle around to the west to collect a Treasure Chest containing a Stamina Sash. Now proceed through the eastern door. Activating the red slab here will activate another puzzle in the main room.

          The next hint for the puzzle will be R01100 and B10011. On the blue side, switch the second and third shining pedestals to the off position. On the red side, switch the first, fourth and fifth shining pedestals from the red shining coffin (north) to the off position. Now press the button on the stairs. Pushing the button again will cause the boulders to form a path deeper into the Palace. Climb the sarcophagus near the small hole and head west through the corridor, following it until the door leading back into the Great Corridor.

          Great Corridor

          Activating the Reflective Panel here will start another mural puzzle. Arrange the pieces so that Futaba to the left, Wakaba in the middle and the car on the right. Once the door is unlocked, jump down and continue forward.

          There will be a new Safe Room on the east side of the hall before the new door. Save as necessary and proceed into the western door to enter the Chamber of Sanctuary.

          Chamber of Sanctuary

          There will be a Locked Chest in the southeast corner of the next room containing a Dogwatch Kimono, Black Rock and Turquoise. Proceed west and into the next corridor. Once the party reaches the giant hole, there will be a crawlspace to the west to go through. Go to the room to the south to find a button which frees of a Treasure Chest just north of this location containing Dust-crusted Gear. Head to the north end of this area and climb the wall to reach another button which fires a giant bow to break a wall further in. Now jump down and enter the crawlspace to the north to proceed.

          Continue north to reach a room with a stone coffin that can be investigated to reveal another button. Pressing this will open up access to another button in the room to the south with the crawlspace exit. Pressing the new button reveals a hidden room with another Anubis Statue. Taking the orb grants the party the Sanctuary Gem. Take the western door from the giant pit and follow the path.

          The party will come to a stone pedestal overlooking the giant hole. Inserting the Sanctuary Gem will form a path across the pit below. Jump down to cross the bridge and enter the eastern door. The party will come to a room with a Locked Chest containing a Retention Vest, Turquoise and Ruby. Now enter the door to the southeast to find another Safe Room. Save and continue onward to meet Shadow Futaba again.

          After a brief meeting, the party will again face the Coffin-borne God, along with the Slithering Snakewoman and Cevern Snakeman. It will also continue to summon more Lamia as backup. After the battle, climb up the sarcophagi along the west wall to find another Anubis Statue with a Sanctuary Gem and them climb up to the north and follow the path until the protagonist reaches another stone pedestal.

          Place the Sanctuary Stone in the pedestal to form another path forward to the north, which eventually leads back into the initial room of the Chamber of Sanctuary with the large statues. There will be a Treasure Chest containing an Ignis Ring right before the doorway and another Treasure Chest in the southwest corner of the upper level in the next corridor will contain a Timeworn Armor. The path to the south leads back into the Great Corridor.

          Great Corridor

          The Reflective Panel here will begin another puzzle. Futaba and Wakaba take up the center of the image, with the computer chair and purple wings to the right and the computer on the floor and yellow wings to the left. The large door at the end of the Great Corridor will open to reveal another door covered in caution tape and a do not enter sign, resembling the door to Futaba's room. The group will need to leave the Palace in order to convince Futaba to open her door in order to open the way forward.

          After delivering the calling card to Futaba Sakura, the Phantom Thieves will immediately head into the Palace. Proceed through the Great Corridor to the now unlocked door to access an elevator activated by a shining pedestal. Take it upward. Shadows can spawn in the hallway leading to the boss and will always have the preemptive move due to the heavily increased security level.

          Chamber of Emptiness
          The party will end up in the Chamber of Emptiness and must make their way to the treasure above. The dead end to the northeast leads to a Treasure Chest containing a Balm of Life. The path to the northwest leads to the Palace Treasure. Entering the door at the end of the path will initiate the boss fight with the Beast That Rules the Palace. This section/page is incomplete. You can help the Megami Tensei Wiki by expanding it.


          After the Phantom Thieves had left their calling card for her, Futaba's own Shadow Self appeared into her room and Futaba used her own Metaverse Navigator to go into her Palace, becoming its Treasure in the process. Morgana realized this as soon as he saw Futaba while the others thought that the Treasure was inside a sarcophagus. After the Sphinx is defeated, Futaba leaves the Palace which then starts to crumble. When the sarcophagus is revealed to be empty, Morgana finally reveals that the truth about Futaba being her own Palace's Treasure. After the Thieves leave the Palace, Futaba is found unconscious and Tae Takemi is called to check up on her. But then Sojiro Sakura reveals that this has happened to Futaba every time she tires herself out and may sleep several days. Several days later, after making a full recovery and spending time with the Protagonist and his friends, Futaba permanently joins the Phantom Thieves as their hacker and combat support.

          Updated gear that becomes available once Futaba's Palace becomes accessible. Some gear will only become available after August 1st, when Persona itemization becomes available.


          • Persona 5 / Royal
            • Persona 5 (Manga)
            • Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers
            • Persona 5 The Animation
            • Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight


            Palaces (パレス, Paresu) ? are locations in Persona 5. They are isolated domains in the Metaverse, separate from Mementos.

            List of Palace Guides and Metaverse Dungeons

            Below is a list of dungeon guides for the each cognitive palace in Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. Click on a link to go to its respective dungeon guide page.

            Each palace has a specific theme and set of mechanics. When fighting their bosses, make sure you come in prepared and have proper items, personas, and equipment. Some persona have good resistance and absorb abilities against bosses which will make it much easier for you.


            Persona 5

            A Palace is a manifestation of "distortion", strong negative or corrupt thoughts that warp the perceptions of people into a hazard for themselves and others (for example, seeing all other people as living ATMs). According to Morgana, most people's negative and corrupt thoughts are blended together into the Metaverse in a location called Mementos, which is a Palace for all of humanity, as this game's iteration of the Collective Unconscious. However, particularly strongly distorted individuals manifest personal Palaces that is solely inhabited by their Shadow Self.

            Not all Palaces are formed by ill-natured individuals, as Futaba's Palace is fueled by Futaba Sakura's suicidal thoughts and repressed memories of her mother. This suggests that extreme negative emotions or psychological trauma can also cause a Palace to form. If the Palace is formed by said reasons, objects containing it will appear in their own Palaces as they represent subconscious knowledge, so it is possible for its owner to enter it and recollect or for other people to view them. The hosts of Palaces are often unaware of its existence, and if they were infiltrated by someone, they will not generate any adverse effects for its hosts in the real world until the Palace is destroyed or the host's Shadow Self is killed.

            All Palaces draw in Shadows, which help to protect them and fend off intruders, and cognitive existences projected by the host's interpretation of a real person or idea appear in the Palace. These existences are either passive, as in the case of Princess Ann in Kamoshida's Palace, or pose a threat to intruders, such as the Corporobo in Okumura's Palace. The stronger the person's corruption, the stronger the Shadows will be in the Palace. While cognitive existences do not affect their counterparts in reality, the Shadows still represent the unconsciousness there, so the Phantom Thieves of Hearts establish code names for all of their members to avoid identity exposure during their infiltration. Also, Morgana states that directly entering from the main entrance of a Palace is a no-go option for a Phantom Thief, since that will alert any Shadows inside the Palace to take action.

            To activate access to a Palace from the real world, it requires input for the Metaverse Navigator app with four pieces of crucial information, whether it's by either voice or typing: full name of the host, location of the Palace in comparison to the real world, title of the host, and the form the Palace takes. The Metaverse Navigator will afterward permanently remember the Palace (E.G: Perverted Teacher, Castle and Shujin Academy as Kamoshida's Palace's parameters) and remove it only if the location is no longer accessible. Palaces serve as the main battleground for the Phantom Thieves, and the ones explored each represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Deep within a Palace is a Treasure, a physical representation of the Palace owner's wicked desires or negative emotions, which is supposedly the root behind the owner's distortions. Once the Phantom Thieves of Hearts successfully infiltrate a Palace, find the treasure, and establish an escape route, they send a calling card to the owner in the real world in order for the Treasure to take on a physical form. Once the Treasure has been taken and the Shadow Self of the owner has been defeated, the Palace immediately crumbles and permanently disappears, and the host's personality will undergo a massive change. The Treasures can be taken into the real world and can be pawned off. For the Phantom Thieves, some of the Treasures are used to fund their activities.

            Generally, a Persona user cannot develop a Palace, as a Persona user almost always has a clear grasp of their desires, having tamed and trained their Shadow.

            The Thieves will have a deadline to complete a Palace each time it is unlocked. If this deadline passes, a game over scene will be triggered. Exploring a Palace takes out the entire day period, including nighttime. There will also be a deadline for the initial infiltration, the exploration round, sending a calling card to the target and stealing the treasure. Clearing them before the deadline is of utmost importance in a day's time, and should be performed before all other activities if possible unless the player has excellent time management or requires additional preparation. Clearing most Palaces takes 3 days, as one day after the exploration is required to send the calling card and the following day after doing so the Thieves will be forced inside the Palace to defeat its ruler and steal the treasure. Therefore, exploring a Palace during the last 3 days prior to deadline (Or in the case of Madarame (5 days), Niijima (4 days) or Maruki's (4 days)) will still result in a game over. Furthermore, after securing a treasure route, all party member Confidants are rendered unavailable until defeating the boss encounter(s). The only exceptions are Niijima's Palace and Maruki's Palace, whose deadlines are also the final exploration date, as the heist must occur on the final day for story-related reasons.

            In the cases of both the Depths of Mementos and Qliphoth World, both dungeons are cleared in just one day (both on December 24th), due to narrative reasons. While traversing through the Mementos Depths, the deadline of the re-arrest, reading "FEW" is shown, and when ascending the Qliphoth World, this will be replaced by the message “Day of Reckoning." After the protagonist sends the calling card to Maruki on February 2nd, and enters his Palace on February 3rd, the fixed message now reads “Day of Fates." During any of these cases, the deadline banner will remain that way until the boss encounter(s) were defeated.

            The party may revisit Palaces even after the treasure route is secured, as long as the treasure has not been stolen yet, as the latter action destroys the Palace.

            If the host's desires are destroyed by the intruder, usually by stealing their treasure, that person's mental state will deteriorate in the real world, and they will confess all their crimes in front of the public. If the host's Shadow Self is killed outright, the one in reality will suffer a mental shutdown, almost always leading to their death as well. This is key to the plan of Masayoshi Shido, who uses the talents of Goro Akechi in the Metaverse as a way to safely assassinate Okumura to advance his plan. The Phantom Thieves prevent the host's death by not killing their Shadow Self, instead persuading them to return to their true selves and confess their crimes.

            While exploring the Depths of Mementos, the Thieves learn that the Shadow Selves they have reformed (except for Kunikazu Okumura who has been killed due to Akechi’s actions) have in fact returned to the Prison of Regression that lies within the Depths of Mementos, where the majority of the Shadows lock themselves behind bars, embracing the deadly sin of sloth - specifically, due to their fear of disrupting societal order in any way. Masayoshi Shido’s Shadow Self reveals that Palaces are formed by the Shadow Selves of chaotic elements who escaped from the Prison of Regression and are locked inside personalized Palaces as a result. (In other words, to form a personalized Palace, one needs a distorted and powerful desire for controlling and terrorizing others, to the point that the Prison of Regression can't contain them.) However, the Palace Rulers also help to keep all those still within Mementos locked away by their own hands, as these people terrorize others into remaining "safe" within the Prison of Regression. This is the true reason why the conductor of the Metaverse incidents sends the protagonist into Palaces to clean those people's distorted desires up as a part of his game, as changing their hearts does not actually reform them but keeps them silent.

            With his defeat, Mementos is erased for good without its master to sustain it. And since Mementos is the source of all other Palaces, the entire Metaverse is sealed off from reality, free of distortions.

            Persona 5 Royal

            In Persona 5 Royal, The protagonist possesses his own palace known as the Thieves Den, which acts as the game's gallery room.

            On October 3rd, the protagonist and Morgana accidentally stumble into an unknown Palace with fellow student Kasumi Yoshizawa, where she awakens her Persona Cendrillon.

            After the collapse of Mementos, if the protagonist maxed out the confidant of Takuto Maruki prior to 11/18, the party, along with the entire general public bar the protagonist, Akechi, and presumably Kasumi, found themselves suddenly living in a different reality where all their desires are real, such as Morgana living as a young human, Futaba's mother being alive and well, and Ann's friend Shiho back at Shujin Academy. While the rest of the Thieves appear to be content, Akechi knows that something is odd and requests that the protagonist investigates with him. Kasumi can sense the strange unknown palace from before and offers to join in as well. The three investigate the matter by infiltrating the mysterious Palace. They eventually learn that its owner is Takuto Maruki, and that he's the one responsible behind the alterations of people's reality, and, as revealed by him, how Kasumi is really her sister Sumire Yoshizawa, who wanted to believe she was Kasumi after her untimely death. Maruki's Palace itself was formed out of his grief over the suffering of his girlfriend, Rumi, and subsequently the desire to end the suffering of humanity as a whole.

            Maruki's case of developing a Palace differs greatly from previous situations, and is the exception to several rules on how Palaces work. One such instance is that Persona users cannot have Palaces, however, Takuto Maruki also uses a Persona of his own, Azathoth, which eventually evolves into Adam Kadmon. Additionally, instead of his Shadow self, Maruki himself is the one who operates the Palace (as opposed to his Shadow), even if he himself believed it to be a real location, at least before Akechi explained it to him.

            After checking on the other Phantom Thieves and taking back Sumire from Maruki, including a battle with her own insane, grief-stricken Persona which is only won thanks to the sudden reappearance of the rest of the team, the now ten Phantom Thieves reunite to investigate the new Palace. Once the treasure route is discovered and the protagonist personally gives Maruki his calling card on February 2nd, they confront him and his Persona, Azathoth, followed by Adam Kadmon on the next day. They eventually succeed in defeating him, changing Maruki's heart for good and destroying his Palace. As a result, everything returns to as it should have been before Maruki's alterations.

            Persona 5 Strikers

            At first, when visiting Shibuya's Jail, the Phantom Thieves mistook it for a Palace due to stumbling into the Metaverse by inserting a keyword into EMMA.



            Futaba's Palace

            Futaba's Palace, also known as the Pyramid of Wrath, is a location in Persona 5. It is the Palace of Futaba Sakura.

            List of Palaces

            In Royal, the protagonist possesses his own palace known as the Thieves Den. It is not meant to be explored and possesses no shadows; however it acts as the game's gallery room and can be entered without affecting the time of day.


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