Persona 4 как рыбачить

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Гайд и прохождение Persona 4 Golden — как получить удочку

Гайд и прохождение Persona 4 Golden — как получить River Guardian

Гайд и прохождение Persona 4 Golden — как получить River Guardian

Гайд и прохождение Persona 4 Golden — как получить удочку

Отдайте мальчику то, что он попросил и он передаст вам Божью коровку, которую надо отнести даме в ночном пабе, находящемся в Central Shopping District. Отдайте ей жука и она подарит вам рыболовный крючок.

После этого, в дневное время суток, отправляйтесь к старику, стоящему у реки Samegawa. Отдайте ему крючок и взамен он оставит вам удочку.

Гайд и прохождение Persona 4 Golden — как получить River Guardian

Прежде всего вам понадобится удочка, а узнать как получить ее вы можете в нашем гайде. Если кратко, то вам нужно получить Божью коровку и отнести ее даме в Shiroku Pub, чтобы получить рыболовный крючок.

После того, как вы получите удочку отправляйтесь на берег реки Samegawa к старику. В качестве приманки вам надо будет испольовать Inaba Jewel Beetle, Жемчужину Инаба, которую можно найти в храме.

Рекомендуем ловить Речного стража в дождливые дни, когда вокруг приманки будут заметны большие брызги. Как только вы их увидите можете смело тянуть удочку, ведь Речной страж клюнул на уловку.

Persona 4 как рыбачить

Persona 4 Golden

25 июн. 2020 в 9:30 I saw some people already can fishing at river on May. How they do that? What should I do. I'm in New Game+ btw. 25 июн. 2020 в 9:36

Give a drink from the vending mashines to the bug-boy at the shrine, take the ladybug he gives you to the bar at night, agree to feed her fish, she'll give you a fish-hook, take it to the old man standing by the river and he'll give you a rod.

You can now go fishing.

25 июн. 2020 в 9:38 25 июн. 2020 в 9:39

Give a drink from the vending mashines to the bug-boy at the shrine, take the ladybug he gives you to the bar at night, agree to feed her fish, she'll give you a fish-hook, take it to the old man standing by the river and he'll give you a rod.

You can now go fishing.

But you need a redgolden fish to give to the lady shrine at night right? As far as i can remember you can't get that fish at that month. 25 июн. 2020 в 9:40

WOW Hey now, I said ladybug, not ladyboy, this is set in Japan, not Thailand. *COUGH*

Give a drink from the vending mashines to the bug-boy at the shrine, take the ladybug he gives you to the bar at night, agree to feed her fish, she'll give you a fish-hook, take it to the old man standing by the river and he'll give you a rod.

You can now go fishing.

But you need a redgolden fish to give to the lady shrine at night right? As far as i can remember you can't get that fish at that month. I honestly am not sure, I never was much into fishing, but I think you need to give fish to the lady only to do your own bug catching, but you can just exchange drinks for bugs and bugs for crumbs with the boy at the shrine, so you don't really need to. 25 июн. 2020 в 9:43

Give a drink from the vending mashines to the bug-boy at the shrine, take the ladybug he gives you to the bar at night, agree to feed her fish, she'll give you a fish-hook, take it to the old man standing by the river and he'll give you a rod.

Persona 4 как рыбачить

Persona 4 Golden

2 июл. 2020 в 7:10 I’ve managed to get the fishing rod but I’m a bit confused on how to use the computer controls to reel in the fish and I need it to complete the guardian quest, any help would be appreciated! 2 июл. 2020 в 8:04 I think you can use the keyboard arrows to control the bar and then another button to reel it in. 2 июл. 2020 в 12:45 2 июл. 2020 в 12:51

Also a tip for the gaurdian and sea gaurdian i discovered when playing, obviously when fishing in the rain. look for the big splash, so cast and if you don't see the big spash in the ripples, cancel that way you can save your fish attempts if your trying to catch it. Then cast again, if you see the big splash in the ripples it means it's the gaurdian.

I didn't seem to catch any other type of fish with the splash in the ripples, so I think that means it's the gaurdian.

2 июл. 2020 в 12:53

Also a tip for the gaurdian and sea gaurdian i discovered when playing, obviously when fishing in the rain. look for the big splash, so cast and if you don't see the big spash in the ripples, cancel that way you can save your fish attempts if your trying to catch it. Then cast again, if you see the big splash in the ripples it means it's the gaurdian.

I didn't seem to catch any other type of fish with the splash in the ripples, so I think that means it's the gaurdian.
Also, i think you have to use that shiney Inaba beetle for the river gaurdian and you can buy the bait, genji beetles I think, from the sunday shopping program, which are used for the sea gaurdian. so keep an eye out for those on the shopping program if you don't want to try to catch them with the net.

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