Pathfinder kingmaker метамагия как работает

Обновлено: 02.05.2024

27 сен. 2018 в 12:45

Topic says it all: how can I use metamagic to improve my spells?

I've decided to try out Sylvan Sorcerer. I've read some info and guides on the internet and found some feats required to make it work. As such, I picked Metamagic: Reach as one of my level 1 feats.

However, I don't understand how I can "toggle" the metamagic on. There is literally no explanation about this in the game whatsoever. I've tried clicking everything and pressing the spell button with different keys to activate the Reach metamagic and buff my companion from range: it just doesn't happen. What am I doing wrong?

On the bottom right of your spellbook is the metamagic button. Click the button .You then You do actually need to be able to cast spells of a higher level than the original spell eg: three levels higher for maximise spells. You then make a "custom" higher cast level copy of the spell by combining the spell with the metamagic feat you want the spell to have. The spell then appears at the appropriate higher level tab as a selectable spell (as well as on your favourites tab) eg: the level one spell now also has a maximised version on level 4. You can delete the custom spell at any time. 27 сен. 2018 в 12:56


1 On the bottom right of your spellbook is the metamagic button. Click the button .You then You do actually need to be able to cast spells of a higher level than the original spell eg: three levels higher for maximise spells. You then make a "custom" higher cast level copy of the spell by combining the spell with the metamagic feat you want the spell to have. The spell then appears at the appropriate higher level tab as a selectable spell (as well as on your favourites tab) eg: the level one spell now also has a maximised version on level 4. You can delete the custom spell at any time. 27 сен. 2018 в 13:00 On the bottom right of your spellbook is the metamagic button. Click the button .You then You do actually need to be able to cast spells of a higher level than the original spell eg: three levels higher for maximise spells. You then make a "custom" higher cast level copy of the spell by combining the spell with the metamagic feat you want the spell to have. The spell then appears at the appropriate higher level tab as a selectable spell (as well as on your favourites tab) eg: the level one spell now also has a maximised version on level 4. You can delete the custom spell at any time.
Oh my god THANK YOU. I would've never noticed this little thingy in the spellbook! I do realize I need to be higher level to cast spells with metamagic (Reach requires +1 level), but still, the game says nothing about metamagic at all!
Thank you again, you saved me. 29 сен. 2018 в 18:08 11 ноя. 2018 в 18:14 So I am playing a sorcerer and I it's not showing me the new spell in my spellbook or on any of my hot bars 11 ноя. 2018 в 18:25 nevermind it just didn't load right after creating it 31 янв. 2019 в 9:14 sooo the metamagic function is not a feat in its own? meaning with out selecting a feat its pretty much pointless to use meta spells, or have them in that list?
31 янв. 2019 в 10:07 sooo the metamagic function is not a feat in its own? meaning with out selecting a feat its pretty much pointless to use meta spells, or have them in that list? You need to have selected one of the metamagic feats on lvl up. You can't do metamagic without having at least one of the feats except if you're using a rod, or using one of the universalist wizards x charges a day use x of those charges to do metamagic abilities. Once you've selected say empower then you need to click on the button on the bottom right that's beneath the spellbook. 31 янв. 2019 в 11:36 On the bottom right of your spellbook is the metamagic button. Click the button .You then You do actually need to be able to cast spells of a higher level than the original spell eg: three levels higher for maximise spells. You then make a "custom" higher cast level copy of the spell by combining the spell with the metamagic feat you want the spell to have. The spell then appears at the appropriate higher level tab as a selectable spell (as well as on your favourites tab) eg: the level one spell now also has a maximised version on level 4. You can delete the custom spell at any time.

Oh my god THANK YOU. I would've never noticed this little thingy in the spellbook! I do realize I need to be higher level to cast spells with metamagic (Reach requires +1 level), but still, the game says nothing about metamagic at all!
Thank you again, you saved me.

Note that you can also find (and buy) metamagic rods, which if you can obtain them, are far superior to using the feats as you get the same effect but dont need to take a higher level spell slot.

24 дек. 2019 в 9:47 What about using items that grant metamagic? I am trying to use Leviathan's Gift (the robes that allow up to 6 spells of up to level 6 to be maximized each day) and can not figure out how to get it to function.

24 дек. 2019 в 9:54 What about using items that grant metamagic? I am trying to use Leviathan's Gift (the robes that allow up to 6 spells of up to level 6 to be maximized each day) and can not figure out how to get it to function.

The robe ability will be in the hidden ability tab, just above your quick bar. You can then drag it to your quick bar. You just click on it and your next spell(s) are going to be maximize with no penalty.

Its a very strong robe, you can use the robe maximizing ability + a empower rod at the same time. Like a empower + maximizing chain lightning at level 11.

16 апр. 2020 в 20:17 This is not really helping me. I've got a lvl2 sorcerer and while I've got a version of flames and magic missile for level 4 I'm literally not seeing it absolutely anywhere that I can cast it. How am I even supposed to be able to cast these? They're still only showing up as lvl1 even after I went to the metamagic tab and wrote the lvl4 spells to my book

16 апр. 2020 в 21:08 This is not really helping me. I've got a lvl2 sorcerer and while I've got a version of flames and magic missile for level 4 I'm literally not seeing it absolutely anywhere that I can cast it. How am I even supposed to be able to cast these? They're still only showing up as lvl1 even after I went to the metamagic tab and wrote the lvl4 spells to my book

A spell that is augmented with metamagic become a higher level spell and need a higher caster level to be use.

For example, metamagic empower augment the damage by 50% but also augment the spell level by 2. A empower magic missiles will become a spell level 3 and a sorcerer will need to be caster level 6+ since it's at that class level they get access to that spell level.

16 апр. 2020 в 21:40 Metamagic isn't a low level thing since you don't have the slots to cast it really, You can start to get the feats but its more of plan now to use later choice. 16 апр. 2020 в 22:19 17 апр. 2020 в 8:43 This is not really helping me. I've got a lvl2 sorcerer and while I've got a version of flames and magic missile for level 4 I'm literally not seeing it absolutely anywhere that I can cast it. How am I even supposed to be able to cast these? They're still only showing up as lvl1 even after I went to the metamagic tab and wrote the lvl4 spells to my book

A spell that is augmented with metamagic become a higher level spell and need a higher caster level to be use.

For example, metamagic empower augment the damage by 50% but also augment the spell level by 2. A empower magic missiles will become a spell level 3 and a sorcerer will need to be caster level 6+ since it's at that class level they get access to that spell level. Wait so in other words it's completely ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless. Well ♥♥♥♥. So in other words literally the only point of this thing is if you're multiclassing and took
no wait based on the description of what you're saying it needs to be actually classed in sorcerer up to that level.

Pathfinder kingmaker метамагия как работает

Pathfinder: Kingmaker

28 фев. 2020 в 4:09 Интересует если на заклинание наложить к примеру эффект Усиления а потом использовать предмет (пояс,скипетр и т.д.) который накладывает Усиление то эти два усиления сложатся каким-то образом или одно усиление будет подавлять другое?

Sorry for english.

Empower feat + maximize feat = yes it work

Empower feat + maximize rod = yes

Maximize from Leviathan's Gift robe + empower rod (+feat) = yes

Empower rod + maximize rod = no

28 фев. 2020 в 8:16

Как применять метамагию?

Собственно, вопрос в названии темы, взятие перков на метамагию ничего не дает, нет ни контекстного меню, ни выбора метамагических заклинаний в списке более высокоуровневых, как это было в NWN, ровным счетом-ничего, кроме сфер над собственно заклинаниями(число сфер равно числу изученных метамагических приемов)
Но както заполнить эти сферы я так и не смог.

Эту функцию не добавили?. Или они автоматически усиливаются? Или это тут работает както по другим правилам? Помогите плиз.

Метамагия с жезла - как пользоваться?

Стибрил в пещере средний метамагический жезл длительности. И как им пользоваться? написано "Три раза в день можно удвоить длительность. "КАК? Тыкаю вкладку метамагии в книге заклов и ни чё нет. Ну то есть закл можно выбрать но ни как ни модифицировать. У меня две идеи
1)Что бы пользоваться этим жезлом, нужно самому иметь соответствую черту.
2)Мне доступен 2 круг заклов. А сколько "длительность" накидывает кругов? Может в этом проблема?

Алексей Линник
включаются жезлы на вкладке стоек и псевдозаклинаний(средняя вкладка) ну или левая вкладка спредметами на поясе-левой кнопкой, после этого все заклинания, которые могут приобрести данную черту-приобретают её, даже появляется в книге заклинаний соответствующий значек над ними, и думаю да-нужен круг заклинаний повыше, по сути жезлы как обычная метамагия работают
ЗЫ. АБСОЛЮТНО такая же тема уже создавалась, на нее я давал АБСОЛЮТНО аналогичный ответ

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