Only non journey characters may enter a non journey world что делать

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

I get that only Journey Mode characters can enter Journey Worlds, I'm assuming (maybe incorrectly) that the powers the character has is a Journey Mode character.

But what I'm not entirely sure on is the decision to allow only Journey Characters in Journey World.

I'm sure Adventure maps will likely heavily come from Journey mode, so what's the point of giving characters god like abilities in adventure maps.

I'm not sure I understand the purpose. I mean I figure that being able to have one user as a God in Journey Mode, while the others don't have Journey mode abilities makes a lot more sense, than just everyone.

So I'm not entirely sure I understand the point.

I get that maybe it was to ensure everyone is on equal footing, if some troll wants it on master mode with x10 spawn rate, you would be kind of screwed, right? But that's why you have the option to bring Journey Mode Characters with those abilities to combat trolls in that fashion if you really care about it.

But I think it would've been more fun, to be able non overpowered characters into Journey mode worlds. I don't know if the technical aspects of journey mode prevented non journey mode characters, there could've been some huge technical issue that I'm not aware of, and that's fine.

But imagine the possibilities if one or two people had god like abilities in Terraria (Journey Mode) but also other players had no abilities. That didn't have duplication, they didn't have the ability to change the difficulty. I think there is merit in having a feature like that. Or maybe have the multiplayer host, be the only one who god like abilities while disabling the others Journey Mode powers. I just like the idea of one player being the narrator/god of a world while everyone else has to bend to the narrator's will so to speak

And for adventure maps, they don't use Journey Mode Characters and completely break the point of adventure map.

I realize that a player could just not use Journey Mode powers, but I don't know if I like how it has to be based on a person's personal character. I just wish there was a dummy character mode, of sorts that could be used in Journey mode worlds, but not have the powers.

I really hope this was set up the way it was because of technical limitations, like having journey mode abilities takes from both the map and character itself and thus the map breaks for characters not having the Journey Mode "abilities" or that a Journey Mode character cannot enter a non journey mode world, because there needs to be some kind of connection.

If it was to avoid grief, trolling, then I don't think that makes sense because if everyone has these abilities that would make things very chaotic. And if one person was being a ♥♥♥♥/jerk to everyone who didn't have these abilities, then I would say it would just make sense just to end the multiplayer session if you have an issue.

If there's no technical limitations, then I really hope an update (I don't know if this would qualify as a minor update or not, if its a major update then never mind) allows for the creation of characters that can enter Journey Mode without the abilities, then I hope that's considered. If it's too much of an update, and large updates will no longer be thing more than likely (this being the last big update), and minor updates are just bug fixes and maintenance, then that's fine, I guess I'll have to live with this as is.

I just think there's more benefit to being able to enter a journey mode world, but without the abilities, then forcing everyone to have these abilities. But maybe it was explained and I missed it as to why Journey Mode Characters and Journey Mode Worlds are so connected that don't allow leeway for non journey mode things. But as I said, logically I understand why Journey Mode Character cannot go to Non Journey Mode Worlds, I'm just not sure on the Non Journey Mode Characters unable to got to Journey Mode Worlds, unless its a technical issue.

19 мая. 2020 в 13:40

Logically, Journey mode gives access to limitless amounts of every item in the game after obtaining them a few times- This means that a journey mode character can just throw limitless materials at another player. Infinite platinum, infinite anything- It basically would become an ingame sanctioned save editor because people could just join a journey world and get literally anything. This also applies to journey World's, however; As a journey character could fill chest upon chest upon chest with items, Build afk traps of every type with no regard for hard to obtain items, etc- Once again, basically allowing any normal character to get anything with no issue.

Basically, if there is any consideration being made for why Journey Characters cannot go to a normal world, Then that same reasoning, by extension, applies to normal characters visiting a journey world.

I do see the issue you have with it, in the theme of adventure maps- But, Journey mode is basically a creative mode you have to work for.

19 мая. 2020 в 13:42

I think the whole reason is so that someone won't sprint through the game in Journey mode, put end-game items in a chest, then make a normal character so they can take the end-game loot to a Master Mode World and defeat the point.

Sure, there are third-party cheat programs and downloadable maps to circumvent this by letting you cheat free items in anyways, but this would just be a bit too cheaty to overlook and the devs can actually prevent it reasonably unlike a cheat map.

19 мая. 2020 в 14:06

Logically, Journey mode gives access to limitless amounts of every item in the game after obtaining them a few times- This means that a journey mode character can just throw limitless materials at another player. Infinite platinum, infinite anything- It basically would become an ingame sanctioned save editor because people could just join a journey world and get literally anything. This also applies to journey World's, however; As a journey character could fill chest upon chest upon chest with items, Build afk traps of every type with no regard for hard to obtain items, etc- Once again, basically allowing any normal character to get anything with no issue.

Basically, if there is any consideration being made for why Journey Characters cannot go to a normal world, Then that same reasoning, by extension, applies to normal characters visiting a journey world.

I do see the issue you have with it, in the theme of adventure maps- But, Journey mode is basically a creative mode you have to work for.

I see your point but I don't know if it matters that much, given the point of Journey Mode anyway, I don't know if matters, because with the right mod, you'd definitely get lots of free things anyway on normal maps, and with Tmodloader being DLC for Terraria. I don't know. I just fail to see why normal characters would be barred from entering Journey mode because its cheaty. I mean if you're going to "cheat" in regards to a hardcore master mode character why wouldn't you do it in Journey Mode anyway? Like you're going to cheat in the best armor best weapons then go to a new map with these new found toys and weapons and cheat your way. Is there any reason to prevent that. Like even Youtubers, perhaps doing some kind of speed run, it would be obvious they are cheating since there shouldn't be any obvious edits or cuts, so obviously cheating.

I fail to see why preventing cheating would be the primary point of this reasoning over a technical reason. Since I would prefer to do everything in Journey Mode anyway.

But a way to remedy this, would to be able to create a dummy character that can ONLY enter Journey Mode but lacks the abilities of Journey Mode, that could work. Or at least have it so a normal character is locked to Journey Mode maps.

I just can't understanding anyone caring. Like I just fail to see why anyone would start a normal world map, then go to Journey Mode maps and get items to enter non Journey World Maps and try to argue that it would be legitimate, rather than going into a map that already has everything (maybe even one you made yourself) in a normal world. I just don't understand how downloading a map would be more cheaty than just going into a Journey World Map since it's technically the same principle anyway.

Like what would even be the point? If you're going to cheat, you're going to cheat. It doesn't matter if your taking resources from a map you made that has all the items, then going into a Journey Mode world where you get all the items anyway.

It would be the equivalent of a billionaire instead of using his own money from his bank account, going to a bank he owns and robs it to get money he already has access to, and its technically "legal" in this hypothetical example (AKA not real life legal) because he owns it (or I guess technically it is his money but its also not his money). Oh good he got $100,000 from robbing a bank he owns and spending it on a car rather than spending the more amounts of money he has by being a billionaire.

I just think preventing cheating would be a ridiculous reason to not include the option of making it so a character doesn't have Journey Mode character abilities rather than forcing abilities on a person in Journey Mode. There has to be a way to benefit from a Journey Mode World without having Journey Mode abilities.

Like I said Multiplayer and Adventure Maps would heavily benefit from having players not have Journey Mode abilities.

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Сохранение (\"Креативный\" персонаж в Journey Mode) Terraria

Only non journey characters may enter a non journey world что делать

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Как запустить режим «Путешествие» (Journey)

Чтобы запустить режим «Путешествие», вам необходимо создать персонажа со следующей настройкой:

Учитывайте, что персонажи, созданные таким образом, могут сыграть только в режим «Путешествие»

Учитывайте, что персонажи, созданные таким образом, могут сыграть только в режим «Путешествие» Учитывайте, что персонажи, созданные таким образом, могут сыграть только в режим «Путешествие»

Затем, в меню создания мира, проставьте следующую настройку:

Режим «Путешествие» (Journey) в Terraria 1.4 — бессмертие, изменение времени и бесконечные предметы

После вы можете зайти в созданный мир. Сразу обратите внимание, что у вас есть определенный набор предметов:

  • Железный короткий меч;
  • Железная кирка;
  • Железный топор;
  • Железный молот;
  • Посох Финча (Finch Staff) — призывает птицу, которая сражается вместе с героем;
  • 100 факелов;
  • 100 веревок;
  • Волшебное зеркало;
  • Молодые крылья (Fledgling Wings) — позволяют высоко прыгать и плавно парить, избегая урона от падения;

Самое интересное заключается в панели администратора (открывается на кнопку «C»), позволяющей получить возможности, которые в обычной игре были бы читами. Давайте разберем каждый пункт по порядку.

Именно так выглядит меню администратора

Именно так выглядит меню администратора Именно так выглядит меню администратора

Режим «Путешествие» (Journey) в Terraria 1.4 — бессмертие, изменение времени и бесконечные предметы

В недавнем обновлении разработчики добавили новый режим «Путешествие» (Journey), который позволяет играть в Terraria так, как вы хотите. По сути, это что-то вроде гибкой настройки, где можно сделать игру очень легкой, а персонажа бессмертным. Или наоборот, выставить все настройки сложности на максимум. А еще можно избавить себя от утомительного сбора ресурсов. Также вы можете попасть в секретный мир и получить уникальные штаны.

Режим бога и возрождение врагов в персональном меню силы (Personal Power Menu)

Самый первый значок позволяет включить/выключить режим бога (бессмертие). Второй увеличивает диапазон размещения блоков (Placement Range). Третий необходим для настройки возрождения врагов (Enemy Spawn Rate Slider). Можно как отключить, так и повысить этот показатель в 10 раз.

Разница между нормальным (Normal) и увеличенным (Increased) радиусом размещения блоков

Разница между нормальным (Normal) и увеличенным (Increased) радиусом размещения блоков Разница между нормальным (Normal) и увеличенным (Increased) радиусом размещения блоков

Сохранения к играм

В этой категории мы собираем самые разные игровые сохранения, которые нам присылают пользователи и которые нам удается найти в свободном доступе. Если вы не можете пройти какой-то момент или просто потеряли свои сохранения, вы всегда можете воспользоваться нашим архив, скачать файл сохранения игры и приступить к игре. Конечно, мы всегда указываем авторов файлов, когда это возможно.

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Terraria — Сохранение (Самый лучший персонаж на мага)

Terraria — Terraria: Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 11.10.2017]

Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы - читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.

Если вы хотите облегчить прохождение Terraria, то можете воспользоваться нашим файловым архивом. Здесь собраны только проверенные и работоспособные файлы для игр, которые можно скачать бесплатно.

При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик. Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.

Terraria → Файлы

Terraria — Сохранение ("Креативный" персонаж в Journey Mode) » Сохранения » Читы

Как получить много денег и неограниченное количество предметов. Меню дублирования (Duplication Menu) и исследования (Research Menu) на панели администратора

По сути, именно эти две возможности и позволят получить неограниченное количество предметов. Но стоит понимать, что сходу ничего не выйдет. Чтобы получить доступ к бесконечному запасу определенного предмета, необходимо найти его и собрать достаточное количество. Далее откройте меню исследования (Research Menu) и перетащите предмет в ячейку:

Режим «Путешествие» (Journey) в Terraria 1.4 — бессмертие, изменение времени и бесконечные предметы

В нашем примере мы поместили 36 геля. Нижняя цифра показывает, сколько всего этого предмета необходимо, чтобы он добавился в базу. Нажав на кнопку «исследовать» (Research), прогресс изучения геля станет «36 из 99». Добавив потом еще 63 единицы этого предмета, он будет доступен в неограниченном количестве в меню дублирования (Duplication Menu). Там и будут появляться все добавленные через меню исследования (Research menu) предметы. Вам лишь останется в меню дублирования (Duplication Menu) выбрать необходимое и перетащить в инвентарь:

Режим «Путешествие» (Journey) в Terraria 1.4 — бессмертие, изменение времени и бесконечные предметы

Поэкспериментировав с механиками, мы смогли в один щелчок мыши добавить в инвентарь 100 медных монет, 999 древесины и 999 желудей. Таким образом, можно обеспечить себя всем необходимым без лишних трудозатрат.

Сохранение ("Креативный" персонаж в Journey Mode)

Сохранение (

"Креативный" персонаж для террарии 1.4, который никак не прокачан кроме того что доступны все предметы.

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