My time at portia как заработать много золота

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

Чтобы разблокировать мотель и Южный блок, вам нужно будет пройти через историю «Мое время в Порции». Параметр построить мост к пустыне Юфола откроется после очистки WOW Industries.

После того, как вы построите мост, вам будет предложено построить пит-стоп для транспортных средств , а затем необходимо завершить еще три проекта развития , чтобы Южный блок стал пригодным для жизни.

Это легко займет несколько часов, так как вам, вероятно, потребуется измельчить несколько материалов, чтобы завершить Южный блок.

My time at portia как заработать много золота

23 янв. 2019 в 8:50

Honestly the best way to make fast money is to just do the most lucrative commission every day. I have 10 Civil furnaces going 24/7, so most of the time I have the supplies to immediately fulfill any commission. It takes a little investment on the front end, but I find myself swimming in Gol. Especially when missions come along with multiple things to be made but you can only make one at a time, I've made 10-20k in a day just hammering them out back to back to back to back.

In the short term, fishing all day isn't bad, but that just got nerfed.

The start is slow with that way of playing. I usually ask for the most lucrative jobs and since I have good production I do it before 11 or 12 of the day and the rest of the day or boy for supplies. 23 янв. 2019 в 8:56 23 янв. 2019 в 9:00

1 mining. Turn stone into stools to sell. Turn extra data discs into the church for irrigation stuffs to sell. Turn excess iron into swords to sell, ect. Endless money, all while looking for relics. 23 янв. 2019 в 9:06 mining. Turn stone into stools to sell. Turn extra data discs into the church for irrigation stuffs to sell. Turn excess iron into swords to sell, ect. Endless money, all while looking for relics. Iron sword makes you 245gols. Ingredients needed for Iron sword are 15 iron bars which sell for 14gols each and 4 animal bones which sell for 4gols each. So the raw material is worth 226gols. You make incredible 19 gols with one iron sword. You really swim in money and can buy the upgrades costing half a million with that incredible gain. Stone stools sell for 7 gols, you need 10 stone for one stool, 10 stone is worth 5 gols, you make 2 gols with each stool. Thes gains are insane. 23 янв. 2019 в 9:11 I personally find dungeon crawling an effective and fun way to make good money, especially when you unlock higher levels. But mostly because am getting lucky with engine drops and they sell for a good price. Another hint is never sell on weekends but during mid week which I seen the market price is high. 23 янв. 2019 в 9:27 There are already some great suggestions above (some of which I'll be using in the future!) but I enjoy fishing the most. After completing my chores, accepting a commission, and setting all the required parts to make, I ride out to the desert for wise fish and gladiator fish. By the next day, I'll have a hefty stack to sell to the Round Table. Normal wise fish and gladiator fish sell for 120-130 gols each; their emporor counterparts sell for 240-260. And it's not uncommon to snag a gladiator king fish that's worth 5000g all by himself. Make sure the market values are up that day! 23 янв. 2019 в 12:53

Kinda depends where you are in the game. Your options expand the more you play.

If you're just starting and don't have many resources or things unlocked, fishing is probably your best bet. Plus if you're just starting, figuring out fishing and doing the "fishing day" event can be very good (can do event 2x per day, 4 times totaly, need 200g per, so it's an 800g investment but you'll get a wide variety of fish and emperor fish out of it to sell, plus badges to get some event goodies)

Honestly the best way to make fast money is to just do the most lucrative commission every day.

In the short term, fishing all day isn't bad, but that just got nerfed.

I would agree that doing a commission every day and picking one you can finish same day is easy money, and easy to do once you get rolling. I haven't checked out fishing since the patch but I'm sure it's still easy money. Maybe a little less money but it's still money for doing next to nothing. This game isn't a fishing simulator so I find some of the reactions to this change to be comical.

Slaughter llamas and other docile critters til the "elite" version pops and slaughter them, get flexible fiber, buy the clothes from the clothing vendor that require flexible fiber, then sell them when the market is high (750 per for the low end, eventually you can sell the higher end pieces for thousands (higher end pieces don't show up til later)). When stronger slaughter whatever you like - the beefier the better (more flexible per elite - the flurpee (sp) elite seems to pop most frequently and slaughtering bats at the same time gets you other desirable mats). As a bonus you often get other sellable crap doing this - gear items you don't need and such.

Look thru your workbench craftables - it shows you how many you have of each thing and how many you can make - if you can make a lot of something, you have excess mats for that - review the mats so you don't burn up anything hard to get, review the gols the item sells for, craft a bunch where you can get away with it, sell to vendors when market is high. Don't sell raw materials themselves, craft something instead - look at the wiki to see what you can easily make with stuff (ex, you tend to pile up ungodly amounts of stone due to mining, make stools or tables out of it and sell those to ACG construction or Paulie).

Go ruin diving or grind hazardous ruins - you should be doing this anyways to get relics, materials, ores, etc - you tend to get extra crap you don't use/need in terms of ACK chips (only need 1 of each), books, gear items - again - save this crap up and sell it when the market is high to maximize gains.

Over time you tend to pile up stuff like data discs that you no longer really need - find a way to convert that to cash (buy things with discs from church and sell them, for ex). Got too many event badges and don't want/need the rewards? Same thing use badges, sell the junk.

Avoid spending money foolishly. Don't buy things you can reasonably gather (since playing the game is why you bought the game). Work up relations with key people. You want to work on Gale specifically early and until you get the 25% discount on land purchases to save a TON of gols. Once you get to iron you can make tea tables easily and get 8 points per day with him easily. Before that make him red tea. Gust is another good one (to save on house/facility purchases/upgrades) (and Albert to save on mat requirements). The market will dip as low as 70% - try to be patient for things you want to buy, like chicks/cows, seeds, salt, etc - buy at the cheapest price to save some gols. Some things in the game are expensive, like pigment - but you can handle that yourself - learn how (buy rainbow flower from church and blend your own).

Later on you can build a coop and raise chicks - buy for 100 or less, let them grow to full size, sell for 600. Cows you can buy as cheap as 155ish when the market tanks, and sell for 1850ish fully grown. These are slow to mature but all it takes is some wheat/whatever to keep them fed and you otherwise ignore them (well, clean the pen until you have Ack/other doing that for you).

One key is patience - buy low, sell high. It can take days for the market to hit the spot you want/need - wait for it - there is no rush in this game. As someone who used to always make goofy amounts of currency in every MMORPG I ever played, I can tell you that the main reason people can do that is leveraging the impatience of other players. Don't be that player. Don't be lazy and impatient. :)

My time at portia как заработать много золота

На днях в раннем доступе Стима появилась симпатичная игрушка My Time At Portia. В связи с этим появилась необходимость написать гайд по My Time At Portia и предоставить несколько советов по крафту, золоту, ресурсам и инвентарю. Это необходимо, чтобы новички быстрее освоились в игровом процессе и быстрее влились в окружающий мир. Если игра покажется вам интересной, то обратите внимание на другие гайды My Time At Portia, где ГайдГейм расскажет про все секреты игры.

My time at portia как заработать много золота

My Time At Portia (Официальная локализация)

Варвара Постникова

My Time At Portia (Официальная локализация)

Дмитрий Малых

Какой максимальный уровень? Можно ли прокачать все перки?

My Time At Portia (Официальная локализация)

Fin, Максимальный уровень 99, то есть очков для навыков вам дают 98. Только 2 ветки можно прокачать максимально.

Владимир Семчёв

Возле своей фермы стоит ящик, я так понимаю это ящик для продажи как в той же стардивали. А как собственно его использовать? Поподробней расскажите, а то кнопки Е и Лкм не работают.

My Time At Portia (Официальная локализация)

Владимир, Позвольте уточнить, вы про ящик который возле почты?

Владимир Семчёв

My Time At Portia (Официальная локализация)

Владимир, Это ящик ресурсов, туда складываются все готовые ресурсы. Каждое утро с этого ящика, вы забираете ресурсы.

Владимир Семчёв

My Time At Portia (Официальная локализация)

Владимир, Вот так это выглядит, когда в ящике что, то есть. Только тогда вы нажимаете на кнопку "Е".

Владимир Семчёв

My, а, так это ящик для заказа ресурсов. Я думал туда можно свое что то пихать)

My Time At Portia (Официальная локализация)

Владимир, Для этого можно создавать свои ящики. :) Так же если у вас есть Ак, он вам будет помогать собирать изготовленные ресурсы, и класть в этот ящик.

Владимир Семчёв

Анастасия Акмиксамова

My Time At Portia (Официальная локализация), здравствуйте, игра говорит, что мрамор можно добыть на каменоломне, но я не могу понять, где она
Всю голову поломала, туплю

Эдуард Великанов

Анастасия, это не совсем точная формулировка как английской, так и русской версии. Нужно разбивать киркой соответствующие камни - они темного цвета, находятся снаружи городских стен или возле озера в Разрушенной пустоши.

Золотой женьшень использует

Главное преимущество Золотого Женьшеня в том, что Хлопковые ламы влюблены в него. Вы можете использовать золотой женьшень, чтобы поместить его в ловушки, или даже подарить его хлопковым ламам. Кроме того, и Гейл, и Иссак любят золотой женьшень.

Помимо отлова лам, продукт не очень полезен, но, в отличие от яблок, вам нужно всего лишь поместить в ловушку один золотой женьшень, чтобы он заработал. Если ловушка не ловит ламу, то на следующий день вам нужно будет положить свежий кусок Золотого Женьшеня, так что не забудьте запастись этим при следующем посещении магазина Yeye.

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