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The Unbelievable Tale of Lord Blackwood SCP -1867 - A Gentleman (SCP Animation) is based on "SCP-1867" by Djoric: .

Exposed: SCP Animation of anomalous organism SCP-1867 aka A Gentleman. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to Foundation Tales today!

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Based upon Lord Blackwood and the Great Tarasque Hunt of '83, this SCP tale takes place in 1883. After receiving a letter in the .

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Lord Henry Blackwood

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Full Name




Powers / Skills

Combat prowess
Intimidation genius
Magic tricks
Chemicals usage



Assassinate the government, Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. John Watson.

Rule over Britain (all failed).


Type of Villain

Lord Henry Blackwood is the main antagonist of the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes.

He was portrayed by Mark Strong, who also played Frank D'Amico in Kick-Ass, Thaddeus Sivana in Shazam!, Pinbacker in Sunshine, Heraclio in Justin and the Knights of Valour and Prince Septimus in Stardust.



Background and Arrest

Sir Thomas stated that he conceived Lord Blackwood with one of the women used in their rituals, not his wife. As he grew up, Blackwood becomes an evil person since his youth, and aspires to use the Temple of Four Orders' resources to dominate the world.

To achieve such a goal, he become an infamous mass murderer and occultist. However, in his latest ritual seen at the beginning of the film, Blackwood was eventually arrested by the police with both Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watts help. During the arrest, he nearly sacrificed a girl in a ritual which thwarted by Holmes and Dr. Watts. Blackwood attempted to give a final resistance when cornered with a long but thin glass spike on Dr. Watts, but is stopped by Holmes who was looking for the said spike. Just then, Lestrade and his men came and criticized Holmes for their recklessness whilst they took Blackwood away. Holmes argued that had they chosen to go with him together, the rescue attempt would have likely failed and they were hired by the girl's parents.

Request to Summon Holmes

During his stay in prison, he seemingly cast a spell on one of the wardens which caused the man to suffer the painful possession. This of course, caused the uproar in the whole prison due to the fact that the prison inmates greatly feared Blackwood and became panic, afraid to suffer the same fate. After the staff took away the possessed warden to the infirmary, the other warden cautiously asked Blackwood why he did this, and Blackwood replies that he wanted to meet Sherlock Holmes.

Execution and Supposed "Resurrection"

He was then sentenced to be executed by hanging, with Dr. Watts invited to check his body's condition after the execution. With no pulse on his veins, Dr. Watts concludes that he has died. However, a few days after his execution, Blackwood was reported to rise from the dead with the tomb seemingly destroyed from the inside by the immense force. The police, Dr. Watts, and Holmes were baffled with how this could happen. Whilst the police pulled the coffin out and Watts is busily creating the seemingly catatonic witness, Holmes examines the piece of rubble and even tastes it, in which he tastes something that appeared to be some sort of Egyptian adhesive made from the mixture of egg and honey that can be washed away by the rain.

When the police checked the coffin, instead of Blackwood's body, they found a small man whose body was already rotten and has been murdered 12 hours ago. The man is later revealed to be Reordan, in which Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watts goes to investigate his workshop. They later discovered many experiments under Blackwood's proposal for his next trickery in the workshop, but they unexpectedly also met Blackwood's thugs who arrived to destroy the workshop. The battle ensues, which unfortunately, also caused damages in the nearby harbor that led them into trouble with the police.

Sir Thomas and Standish's Assassination

Not long after Holmes had unexpected meetings with leaders of Temple of the Four Orders (secret magical fraternity with considerable political influence) where they asked his help to stop Blackwood. Blackwood seemingly cursed water that Sir Thomas (one of the Temple of the Four Order's leaders and Blackwood's father) used to take a bath in his bathtub, causing him to lose consciousness and drown, allowing Blackwood to take his ring. An investigation was held on the murder site on the next day. Holmes notices that the bathtub was drained by the constable out of respect, and feels that they might have unknowingly disposed of a possible clue from the water. After the last constable leaves the room, Sherlock begins tapping on the walls, and finally finds a latch that allows him to open up a hidden door. Behind the door is a small space with magic tools/symbols/etc. Holmes rifles through the items and picks up two skulls and a book of spells, which he slips into his coat pocket, believing that it might be helpful someday. As the constables come back into the room, he asks them if they've found the powder. They say yes and he leaves.

That night on the same day, Ambassador Standish, the ambassador to the United States, arrives at a nondescript building that night. Standish is greeted by Lord Coward and other members of the Order, who inform him that Sir Thomas is dead. Coward then tells him that they're voting on a new leader, and has already appointed Lord Blackwood. Standish seems stunned, but Coward says that this is the natural order of things, and stating that Blackwood now powerful enough to make Britain regain its past glory, including winning back to the US. Blackwood appears, and says that the US is currently embroiled in post-Civil War turmoil and is ripe for the taking. He then sits down in the leader's chair.

Standish says that he will not stand for this, and decides to shoot Blackwood instead. Blackwood suggests he not do so. Standish ignores it, and pulls the trigger, and instantly bursts into flames, which shocks the other members. Standish leaps out the window and falls to his death, while Coward urges the other members to drink to their new leader. By this point, other members believe that he indeed gained dark powers and believed him.

Demoralizing Dr. Holmes

The following night, Watson and Holmes go for a meat factory near the Thames with clues that they gained from one of the bad guys that they fought previously. Upon their arrival, they found another lab similar to Reordan's as it full of scientific equipment, and a biblical quotation that refers to the end. As Holmes and Watson stalk around, Lord Blackwood, who has expecting their arrival whilst keeping himself hidden in shadows, warned Holmes that all of this would happen. Holmes and Watson back up against the wall with their weapons brandished, but they can't figure out where the voice is coming from. Blackwood's face suddenly appears in a crack in the wall behind Holmes and Watson, and both men jump, turn around and shoot at the noise.

However, Blackwood manages to get away, but not before revealed he has kidnapped Irene Adler to deter his plans as much as them and tied her up to the pig line for being butchered alive and packed, surrounded by flames. The duo managed to save Adler, and chases Blackwood. Unfortunately, Blackwood has prepared a booby-trap in the form of explosives with a wire as a trigger for the bomb: Due to him hitting a tripwire by accident, Watts yelled at Holmes to stop before a series of explosions rips through the building. Watson and Holmes are separated by blasts, so Holmes grabs Irene and tries to shield her to the best of ability. The explosions go on for some time, and Holmes finally blacks out. When Holmes finally comes to, the constable from earlier (the one that summoned him to Blackwood's grave and escorted him to Sir Thomas's murder scene) is shaking him. He tells Holmes that Lord Coward has utilized his powers and issued a warrant for Holmes's arrest. He also informs Holmes that Watson's doing okay, but Holmes must flee immediately. Holmes gets up and begins to run.

By this point, it seemed that Blackwood won, having successfully demoralized Holmes by nearly killed Watts with the explosions. For a moment, Holmes did lose hope and blamed himself for Watts' injuries, so much that he disguised as one of the doctors to aid him to nurse him back to health. This, however, doesn't last longer than Blackwood intended: While coping with the setbacks and misfortunes, Holmes, whom recalling everything he found so far, realized that the only way for achieving a breakthrough of the case was by understanding the kind of magic that Blackwood supposedly used with help of Temple of Four Order's spellbook and other mystical equipment that he took earlier. Not only that, Holmes later allowed himself to be arrested so he can get closer to Lord Coward and deduced Blackwood's grand schemes through Coward's belongings before escaped.

Final Showdown And Final Death

As Holmes gets the scope of Blackwood's evil plan, Houses of Parliament started the meeting with Lord Coward announces the return of Lord Blackwood to the disdain, fear, and disgust of most of the room. Blackwood says that they need to join together, and believers will revive England, etc., and claimed that he has summoned dark powers to aid him in his cause as well as guaranteed that all non-believers will perish. Parliament members then started to leave, but members of the Order make to stand at the doors and link arms, to prevent everyone else from leaving. It seemed that Blackwood intended to summon death fog that spew out from air vents, but he activating a machine loaded with poison gas. As he pressed the button, nothing happened: The machine was rigged by Holmes, Watts, and Adler after a brief struggle, with Adler, goes to take the machine away and flees, somehow ended up on the scaffolding for a partially completed Tower Bridge. Blackwood notices her and give chase before catching up with her, took the machine away, and knocked her onto another scaffolding piece below.

With only Holmes stood against him, Blackwood and the eccentric detective fought, and Holmes managed to have Blackwood on his mercy with a rope tied on one his legs which connected to a log that fell onto the water below due to the fight and weighed him, resulting in his hold on the wooden floor for his dear life. Taking his time, Holmes tells Blackwood that he figured out that all of Blackwood's "magic" is just well-plotted scientific tricks(see Blackwood's Schemes below) before saving him by cutting the rope with an axe so that he would be hanged again.

Blackwood, undaunted, reaches for the axe to kill Holmes, but damages they inflicted onto the surrounding area due to the fight triggers chain reaction that caused him trips off a scaffolding and landed onto chains that supporting scaffoldings below. As Holmes watches, the chains unable to hold his weight and he fell. To make matter worse, one of the chains unexpectedly ensnared his neck and as a result, Blackwood was hanged to his death. The death was ironic, considering the plans for the original execution.

Невероятная история лорда Блэквуда SCP-1867 - Джентльмен (Aнимация SCP)

SCP-1867 - это аномалия Безопасного класса, также известная как Джентльмен.

SCP-1867 - это разумный неоновый морской слизень, способный телепатически общаться с людьми в радиусе пяти метров. SCP 1867 идентифицирует себя как лорд Теодор Томас Блэквуд, британский исследователь и естествоиспытатель, хотя такой человек не фигурирует ни в каких официальных записях. SCP1867 использует набор слов и стиль, соответствующие Англии конца девятнадцатого века, и неоднократно заявляет о прошлых подвигах и достижениях, включая участие во Второй опиумной войне, экспедиции в отдаленные регионы мира и встречи с различными редкими существами и народами.

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Невероятная история лорда Блэквуда SCP-1867 - Джентльмен (Aнимация SCP)

SCP-1867 - это аномалия Безопасного класса, также известная как Джентльмен.

SCP-1867 - это разумный неоновый морской слизень, способный телепатически общаться с людьми в радиусе пяти метров. SCP 1867 идентифицирует себя как лорд Теодор Томас Блэквуд, британский исследователь и естествоиспытатель, хотя такой человек не фигурирует ни в каких официальных записях. SCP1867 использует набор слов и стиль, соответствующие Англии конца девятнадцатого века, и неоднократно заявляет о прошлых подвигах и достижениях, включая участие во Второй опиумной войне, экспедиции в отдаленные регионы мира и встречи с различными редкими существами и народами.

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Видео Невероятная история лорда Блэквуда SCP-1867 - Джентльмен (Aнимация SCP) канала Объяснение SCP - История и Анимация


Blackwood was arrogant, egotistical and callous. He was insidiously reclusive and had a tendency to brag that he was cleverer than Sherlock Holmes. He was very intelligent and had a talent for science and illusions, specializing in physics and biology. He was treacherous and his callousness is evident when he self-righteously murdered John Standish to complete the pattern of his plan and to gain the trust of his fellow conspirators at the Temple.

Ironically, his last words were "It's a long journey from here to the rope!", but only seconds later he ended up falling from the construction site of the Tower Bridge during his climatic face-off with Sherlock Holmes, a chain curled around his neck and severed his spine, choking him that his neck broke at once.

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