Link awakening где марин

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

First appearance


(Hyrule Warriors series)
Songstress of Koholint Island
Dreamer Girl





"If I was a seagull, I would fly as far as I could! I would fly to far away places and sing for many people! . If I wish to the Wind Fish, I wonder if my dream will come true. " — Marin

Marin ( マリン , Marin ? ) is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Marin is a human girl who lives with her father, Tarin, in Mabe Village on Koholint Island. She is a good-natured girl who loves to sing and has a strong sense of morality and justice. Throughout the course of the game, Marin and Link apparently develop an attraction to one another, although this is never discussed, nor developed into a relationship.

Marin has one of the first major female roles in the Legend of Zelda series after Princess Zelda; aspects of her personality are found in later characters in the series, possibly as an homage. Strangely, some artwork for the game, as well as her trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee, depicts and refers to her as a talented harpist, something that is never mentioned in the game.




The surname Marin is believed to have been derived from the Latin word Marinus, a general term for subjects pertaining to the sea. This name could be a reference to her living on an island, or her love of seagulls.


Link caught in the storm

Link washed up on the Shores of Koholint Island

Link does so and fights his way through this early Dungeon. After defeating the Boss, Link finds a magical Instrument, the Full Moon Cello. Although Link does not know what it is at first, the Owl reappears and explains that this instrument is one of the Instruments of the Sirens . The Owl explains that Link must retrieve the remaining seven Instruments of the Sirens if he is to awaken the sleeping Wind Fish . Link , still full of questions about this strange world, must explore the rest of Koholint Island and find the remainder of the Instruments of the Sirens .

Later in his journey, Link arrives in Animal Village. The Owl had told him to venture into Yarna Desert to find an important item that will aid him. Unfortunately, a large, sleeping Walrus blocks his path. However, one of the six rabbit siblings of Animal Village tells Link that Marin and her beautiful voice can awaken those who hear her. Link returns to Mabe Village and eventually gets an Ocarina from the Dream Shrine. He finds Marin on the Toronbo Shores who tells him of her wish to be a Seagull so that she can fly around the world and share her songs with many people. She hopes that she can make this wish to the Wind Fish . Afterwards, Link learns from Marin how to play the Ballad of the Wind Fish on his Ocarina , a song of awakening. However, since it is not enough to awaken the Walrus , Marin tags along with Link to Animal Village . Marin decides to stay in Animal Village after the Walrus awakes, and Link finds the Angler Key in Yarna Desert .

Official artwork of the game

Sometime before getting the sixth Instrument of the Sirens , the Owl flies to Link and tells him to go to the Southern Face Shrine. When Link arrives there, he learns the horrible truth about Koholint Island . On a wall depicting the Wind Fish himself, the words read "TO THE FINDER. THE ISLE OF KOHOLINT, IS BUT AN ILLUSION. HUMAN, MONSTER, SEA, SKY. A SCENE ON THE LID OF A SLEEPER'S EYE. AWAKE THE DREAMER, AND KOHOLINT WILL VANISH MUCH LIKE A BUBBLE ON A NEEDLE. CAST-AWAY, YOU SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH!"

After Link obtains all eight of the Instruments of the Sirens , the Owl says that now is the time to awaken the Wind Fish . Link heads up the mountaintop and encounters the Wind Fish's Egg , in which the Wind Fish sleeps. With his Ocarina in hand and the other Instruments of the Sirens , Link plays the Ballad of the Wind Fish . The Wind Fish's Egg cracks open, and Link ventures inside.

The Wind Fish then fades away and says that they should awaken together, and commands Link to play the Ballad of the Wind Fish one more time. Link does so slowly, while Koholint Island and its inhabitants fade away. Link is then forced out of the Wind Fish 's room by a stream of water.

The sky above shines brightly as Seagulls fly overhead. Link awakens on a wooden board in the sea, part of his ship. Just as it was predicted, Koholint Island is gone and Link is back in the real world. As he recalls all of the events of his latest adventure, a shadow looms over him. Looking up, he sees the Wind Fish flying above him in the sky. Link smiles, realizing that he actually helped awaken the Wind Fish . Link 's dream journey had finally come to an end.

The Legend of the Wind Fish

Writing on the Wall in Southern Face Shrine

The Perfect Ending

If Link completes his quest without dying, an additional scene can be seen after the ending credits. Both versions of the game show Marin as a Seagull (or simply having Seagull wings) while the "Ballad of the Wind Fish" theme plays in the background. This may either hint that Marin had her wish come true and was "saved" from the fading dream world, or simply that Link was thinking of Marin and her wish of becoming a Seagull .

The perfect ending varies between the original Game Boy release and the Game Boy Color release. In the original, a Marin with wings on her back will fly around the words "The End" while singing her song. In Link's Awakening DX, a full-colored image of Marin can be seen within the clouds, and her song will be playing in the background, although she is not the one singing. Shortly afterward, the image fades into a Seagull who flies away. In the Nintendo Switch version, it is largely similar to Link's Awakening DX, although Marin's image is animated slightly to have her briefly close her eyes and shudder in an apparent giggle before it fades away with a seagull flying past.


Inspiration for Aryll

In the character design notes for Aryll inside the Zelda Box's book, Eiji Aonuma said that Aryll was originally going to be named Mariru (マリル) to be similar to Marin and Malon from Ocarina of Time. As such, certain similarities between Aryll and Marin can be explained, such as their affinity for seagulls and the red hibiscus in Marin's hair that appears on a pattern on Aryll's dress. Coincidentally, similar to how Marin was mistaken for Zelda by Link in the beginning of Link's Awakening, Aryll ended up being abducted by the Helmaroc King due to it mistaking her for Tetra (who in reality was Zelda).


For most of Link 's quest, she can be found singing the " Ballad of the Wind Fish " near the Weathercock .

When the Wind Fish wakes up, the dream ends and everyone, including Marin , disappears. If Link manages to complete his quest without dying, Marin is seen when the end credits are over. In Link's Awakening, a winged Marin can be seen flying across the screen. In Link's Awakening DX, Marin 's image appears in the sky and then slowly fades, revealing a Seagull . In Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch, it's similar to Link's Awakening DX, although Marin's image is animated briefly to have her close her eyes and shudder slightly in an apparent giggle before fading away.

Other appearances

Subseries warning : This article or section contains information on a subseries within the Legend of Zelda series and should be considered part of its own separate canon.

Hyrule Warriors series

Marin was announced at Wondercon 2016 to be made an playable character in the second batch of DLC as part of the Link's Awakening DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors Legends. She fights primarily with various Bells, capable of summoning the Wind Fish and generating sound waves. Like most DLC characters, she has no role in the main story of Hyrule Warriors Legends. She can also be unlocked as a playable character in Hyrule Warriors.

Subseries warning : Subseries information ends here.

Other Appearances

Link's Awakening (Cagiva)

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Super Smash Bros. Melee

In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Marin appears as a Trophy. In this Trophy, her hair is blonde instead of red as depicted in her official artwork.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Marin — Spirit Battle Information

Marin — Spirit Information

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Marin appears as a Spirit with the ability Irreversible Controls, which grants a Fighter a resistance to Inverted Controls.

Hyrule Warriors

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Marin does not drop any unique Materials when defeated in battle. She instead drops Zelda's Brooch as a silver Material, or Zelda's Tiara as a gold Material.

Где узнать песни Ocarina

Баллада о рыбе-ветре

Руководство по пробуждению Линка

В зависимости от того, где вы находитесь по сюжету, она будет либо в Деревне животных, либо у флюгера в деревне Мейб.

Баллада о рыбе-ветре требуется, чтобы разбудить моржа, блокирующего вход в пустыню Ярна. Также эта песня нужна, чтобы разбудить Рыбу Ветра позже в приключении.

Мамбо Манбо

Руководство по пробуждению Линка

Выйдя из темницы, прыгайте в воду и плывите налево, чтобы войти в пещеру. Внутри вы найдете большую рыбу по имени Манбо, которая научит вас своей запоминающейся мелодии.

Мамбо Манбо невероятно полезен, так как в нем можно быстро путешествовать к открываемым варп-дырам по всему миру. Находясь в темнице, звон перенесет вас обратно ко входу в подземелье.

Лягушачья песня души

Руководство по пробуждению Линка

Идите к западному краю, который проходит вдоль деревни Мейб. Если вы пойдете на юг, вы увидите группу ям и пень с каждой стороны.

Прочтите первый знак и следуйте по стрелке к следующему. Вы должны продолжать читать знаки, как указано, чтобы увидеть лестницу. Спуститесь по лестнице.

Король лягушек Маму предложит вам послушать «неизданный отрывок» за 300 рупий. Дайте ему рупии, и он научит вас Лягушачьей песне души.


During a Nintendo Direct on February 13, 2019, an eponymous remake of the game was announced for Nintendo Switch. The remake was released on September 20, 2019.

Как получить окарину

1. Завершите Key Cavern.

Прежде чем вы сможете получить Окарину, вы должны как минимум пройти третье подземелье Key Cavern в Пробуждение Линка. Это потому, что вам нужны и браслет силы (находится в гроте бутылок), и сапоги пегаса (находятся в пещере ключей и используются в цветном подземелье), чтобы добраться до Окарины.

2. Отправляйтесь в Святилище Мечты.

Руководство по пробуждению Линка

Оказавшись внутри, вам придется мчаться по периметру комнаты, используя сапоги Пегаса. Земля под вами ломается, так что вы как бы торопитесь. Сундук с сокровищами на первой платформе содержит 100 рупий. Окарина находится на второй платформе, на пьедестале на виду.

Теперь у вас есть Ocarina!


Theory warning : This section contains theoretical information based on the research of one or several other users. It has not been officially verified by Nintendo and its factual accuracy is disputed.

Since Marin loves to sing and her father has a name similar to hers, it is possible that Marin and her father inspired the characters Malon and Talon from the later game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time; the two also bear a slight physical resemblance. Nayru, the titular Oracle from The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, shares Marin's ability to seemingly entrance animals with her song. Other characters that may have been modeled after her include Ilia from Twilight Princess (who like Marin is a Human female and potential love interest to Link) and Zelda from Skyward Sword (who is depicted as a harpist and singer like Marin).

Theory warning : Theories end here.

Timeline Placement

According to Encyclopedia Link's Awakening takes place between A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons.

В этом руководстве мы покажем вам, как получить Ocarina и как выучить все песни на Легенда о Зельде: Пробуждение Линка.

Рекомендуемая литература:


Spoiler warning : Plot or ending details follow.

Marin finds the shipwrecked Link on the beaches of Koholint Island

Having been shipwrecked on Koholint Island after a terrible storm, Link is discovered unconscious on the beach by Marin, who attempts to wake him, but to no avail. Link awakens in Marin and Tarin's house in Mabe Village. Confused after the accident, Link mistakes Marin for Zelda. After being told of Koholint Island by Marin and her father Tarin, Link heads out into Koholint Island to retrieve his lost sword. After Link returns to the village, Marin can be found near the Weathercock, where she sings a song known as the "Ballad of the Wind Fish".

Marin and Link talking at the beach

Later, Link encounters some trouble east of Animal Village in the shape of a sleeping Walrus that blocks the entrance to Yarna Desert. The animals of the village tell Link that the Walrus is fond of Marin's singing, so he travels to Mabe Village to find her. In Marin and Tarin's house, Link finds a note from Marin saying that she has gone to the beach. Once there, Marin tells Link that he was the first person from outside the island she ever met. She also tells Link of her dream of becoming a seagull, and fly away from the island to sing to people in other lands. After hearing about the Walrus, she allows Link to accompany her to Animal Village. During this time, Link can go to many places where the Photographer will take a photograph of him and Marin. This included watching the ocean from Toronbo Shores, a group photo with Tarin near the Weathervane at Mabe Village, and shortly after Marin and Link fell into a well at Mabe Village (with the last one humorously having her land on Link in a very painful manner). Marin is also skilled at playing mini-games, something she will demonstrate if Link takes her to the Trendy Game shop.

After waking the sleeping Walrus, she goes back to Animal Village and sings to the animals there. If Link obtains the Ocarina and talks to her, she teaches him the "Ballad of the Wind Fish". Marin seemingly stays in Animal Village until Link finds her stranded on a bridge on top of the Tal Tal Mountain Range. He rescues her by using the Hookshot. Her plan was to go to the Wind Fish's egg and make a wish to the Wind Fish. Before she is able to explain what her wish was, Tarin appears and tells her to come home with him.

After Link gathers all the eight Instruments of the Sirens, he plays the "Ballad of the Wind Fish", opening the egg of the Wind Fish. Inside, Link encounters and defeats the Nightmare DethI. After the battle, the Owl appears and brings Link before the Wind Fish, now free. For one last time, Link plays the "Ballad of the Wind Fish", awakening the Wind Fish. As all of Koholint was but a dream of the Wind Fish, the land and all of its people disappear; Marin is shown singing in Mabe Village as the world dissolves. However, in a secret reward ending, if a player completes the game without losing a life, Marin, with wings, appears on the "The End" screen after the player waits a short while. In the DX version, this is altered. Instead, a portrait of Marin shows up, then dissolves to reveal a seagull behind it. This implies that her wish to become a seagull to sing and bring joy to others was granted.

Spoiler warning : Spoilers end here.

Non-canonical appearances

Non-canon warning : This article or section contains non-canonical information that is not considered to be an official part of the Legend of Zelda series and should not be considered part of the overall storyline.

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Marin's trophy in Melee

Marin appears as a trophy. The trophy description states that she holds fast to the ideals of truth and honor, mentioning that if Link happens to steal something during his adventure, she will greet him by shouting "THIEF!"

Non-canon warning : Non-canonical information ends here.

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