Kill it with fire heatwave можно ли играть с другом

Обновлено: 16.05.2024

The spider - mankind’s most ancient and deadly nemesis. As a licensed Kill It With Fire exterminator, it’s time to fight back! Assemble your arsenal of increasingly excessive weapons, track spiders across suburbia, and burn everything in your path! HEATWAVE is a new free chapter with more weapons and new spiders!

To defeat spiders you must exploit their one weakness: FIRE. Or bullets. Or explosions, throwing stars, gettin’ smushed by stuff. pretty much anything, really. But that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy - first you’ve gotta find the spiders. Use state-of-the-art arachnid tracking technology to pinpoint your quarry’s location among hundreds of potential hiding spots - then, torch everything and smash the spider with a frying pan after it runs out. It’s the only way to be sure.


  • Dozens of weapons.
  • Creepy crawlies.
  • “Realistic” fire simulation system.
  • Gratuitous chaos and destruction.
  • Finally learn the truth about spiders.

The spider - mankind’s most ancient and deadly nemesis. As a licensed Kill It With Fire exterminator, it’s time to fight back! Assemble your arsenal of increasingly excessive weapons, track spiders across suburbia, and burn everything in your path! HEATWAVE is a new free chapter with more weapons and new spiders!

To defeat spiders you must exploit their one weakness: FIRE. Or bullets. Or explosions, throwing stars, gettin’ smushed by stuff. pretty much anything, really. But that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy - first you’ve gotta find the spiders. Use state-of-the-art arachnid tracking technology to pinpoint your quarry’s location among hundreds of potential hiding spots - then, torch everything and smash the spider with a frying pan after it runs out. It’s the only way to be sure.


  • Десятки видов оружия
  • Кощмарные пауки на любой вкус
  • "Реалистичная" симуляция огня
  • Необоснованный хаос и разрушения
  • Узнай всю правду о пауках!


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Пауки - самые древние и смертоносные враги человечества. Как настоящему дезинсектору "Kill It With Fire", вам предстоит дать им отпор! Собирайте арсенал чересчур разрушительного оружия, выслеживайте пауков по всему району и сожгите все на своем пути!

Чтобы победить пауков, используйте их главную слабость: ОГОНЬ. Или пули. Или взрывчатку, сюррикены, тяжелые предметы.. в общем, что угодно. Но это не значит, что победить будет просто, сперва нужно найти пауков! Используйте ультра-современный датчик движения чтобы как можно точнее определить то место, где прячется паук. Теперь подожгите все вокруг и преследуйте убегающего пауком со сковородкой. Это самый надежный способ!

Об игре


  • Dozens of weapons.
  • Creepy crawlies.
  • “Realistic” fire simulation system.
  • Gratuitous chaos and destruction.
  • Finally learn the truth about spiders.


  • Dozens of weapons.
  • Creepy crawlies.
  • “Realistic” fire simulation system.
  • Gratuitous chaos and destruction.
  • Finally learn the truth about spiders.

The spider - mankind’s most ancient and deadly nemesis. As a licensed Kill It With Fire exterminator, it’s time to fight back! Assemble your arsenal of increasingly excessive weapons, track spiders across suburbia, and burn everything in your path! HEATWAVE is a new free chapter with more weapons and new spiders!

To defeat spiders you must exploit their one weakness: FIRE. Or bullets. Or explosions, throwing stars, gettin’ smushed by stuff. pretty much anything, really. But that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy - first you’ve gotta find the spiders. Use state-of-the-art arachnid tracking technology to pinpoint your quarry’s location among hundreds of potential hiding spots - then, torch everything and smash the spider with a frying pan after it runs out. It’s the only way to be sure.

Требования для Windows

Необходим 64-битный процессор и операционная система.

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