Как в watch dogs 2 добавить свою музыку

Обновлено: 01.05.2024

В последнее время, многие игроки интересуются, как добавить свою музыку в Watch Dogs. Пока что этого сделать нельзя, потому что в игровом плеере не предусмотрена функция заливки пользовательских плей-листов. Возможно, в одном из будущих патчей, разработчики исправят оплошность и добавят эту опцию, которая так полюбилась многим в GTA. На данный момент можно только определять мелодии, издающиеся из ресторанов, магазинов, находящихся во внутриигровом пространстве.

Можно ли вставить в игру свою музыку?

В видео у Логвинова было сказано что можно создавать свои плей-листы, этот функционал я нашёл, а можно ли свою музыку вставить? если да, то как?

у меня английская версия заходишь в Media app\Edit play list\ Remove all songs и потом через add song выставляешь себе плейлист

я про свою музыку, а не та что в игре

Дайте игре выйти?! Ну весь форум загадили. идите на водоем и купайтесь!

На торрентах почти неделю как появилась.

Долго думал куда засунуть тему в прохождения или тех вопросы, но это внутреигровой вопрос, так что кто знает как засунуть туда свою музыку (желательно на PS3) ибо там очеь хороший плеер в отличии от GTA а с той музыкой что есть скучно.

согласен! музыка понравилась ! хотя х поймеш че в игре со звуками и их тишиной. а музон мне понр.

Я тебе больше скажу, никто не додумался потому что у юбисофт ума не хватило добавить эту функцию в такую игру. Если в патчах не добавят я уже не знаю что об игре думать, игра хорошая, но забыть в такой плеер добавить такую функцию.

кроме гта в какой ещё игре можно было свою музыку добавлять?

Там должна быть возможность заливки песен. Когда открываешь телефон, рядом с плеером есть функция, когда на нее нажимаешь Выдает "ПЕСНЯ НЕ ДОСТУПНА". Возможно потому что песня не добавлена

Чуваки здорова, я как бы ни чего против не имею, но в WD можно добавлять свою музыку, в его мобиле, в самом низу есть приложение SeasonTreek или по другому, как-то. Я пробовал это сделать, но не знаю в какую нужно папку кидать.Может кто разобрался?

Как в watch dogs 2 добавить свою музыку

14 июн. 2014 в 11:08

Anyone figure out how to import custom tracks into the game? I'd like to be able to play my own music rather than the playlist provided in the game.

And no.. playing my music outside of the game doesn't count. I want to be able to hack the stereos in stores and have them blast Godsmack or Tool.

14 июн. 2014 в 19:54 Yes.. thank you for your pessimistic observation. But I didn't ask Ubisoft to add anything. I asked if someone figured out how to do it with what was already given. Glad to see people only read the title of articles and don't bother to read what the discussion post actually says. 14 июн. 2014 в 21:27 14 июн. 2014 в 21:39

Here's a step by step tutorial for custom music

Turn on computer, wait for it to finish booting, start watchdogs, go to video options select "borderless' on the resolution screen, alt-tab, start preffered music medium, set hotkey to play pause and skip, without minimizing, done.

(Not trying to be a ♥♥♥♥ , just messing around lol)

Seriously though, thats all you have to do, if it's possible in whatever music program you use set the hotkeys I mentioned so you can control it and pause it for cinematics or whatever.

I've looked into it, but it's a no go. There are no options to play custom music. 14 июн. 2014 в 22:17

Yeah, I think I remember reading that they didn't do it in GTA 5 because of copyright laws, and some artists not wanting their songs associated with the game.

Just do what I said in my prevvious reply, just need the hotkey to stop/play or just alt tab for cutscenes. I'm rambling

14 июн. 2014 в 22:42

Here's a step by step tutorial for custom music

Turn on computer, wait for it to finish booting, start watchdogs, go to video options select "borderless' on the resolution screen, alt-tab, start preffered music medium, set hotkey to play pause and skip, without minimizing, done.

(Not trying to be a ♥♥♥♥ , just messing around lol)

Seriously though, thats all you have to do, if it's possible in whatever music program you use set the hotkeys I mentioned so you can control it and pause it for cinematics or whatever.

Yeah, I think I remember reading that they didn't do it in GTA 5 because of copyright laws, and some artists not wanting their songs associated with the game.
I just hope they finally include this on the PC port. Playing custom music was a tradition on the PC GTAs.
15 июн. 2014 в 11:51

Custom music has nothing to do with copyright laws and artists not wanting their music associated with the game.

It's simply a money matter and whether or not it's worth spending money on the R&D to put in a custom music feature. I'm sure Rockstar will include a custom music station again as they have in their previous games.

But this is irrelevant. I asked if someone knew a way to get custom music into Watch_Dogs, officially or not officially, by means of modding files. I know in Left4Dead, you can modify music files and change them so that the theme songs for enemies play your own music instead, even though this is not a legitamte feature, it's still possible to do.

Yes.. thank you for your pessimistic observation. But I didn't ask Ubisoft to add anything. I asked if someone figured out how to do it with what was already given. Glad to see people only read the title of articles and don't bother to read what the discussion post actually says.

Oh I read it very well, thanks and you're welcome. I was doing you a favor and telling you no, you're wasting your time. The game is not made in a way to be manually customized in any way, which is why I said it's Ubisoft. All of their games, maybe to the exception of FC3, are solid builds which provide no access to modding.

You can cause glitches or mess with graphics, but good luck changing anything useful. You can even go as far as to find the songs, rip them but not find what plays them. I said never gonna happpen, because with Ubi it's a hit or miss. Either it is or it isn't. They don't care about suggestions unless it makes them $$$.

You did NOT just put godsmack and tool in the same sentence. 15 июн. 2014 в 14:09 You did NOT just put godsmack and tool in the same sentence.
I'm just thinking of random examples, don't start flaming about which bands are better, I don't care. Obviously Tool is a far better band, but that's subjective to personal opinion. And obviously not the point of my post. 15 июн. 2014 в 14:10 Yes.. thank you for your pessimistic observation. But I didn't ask Ubisoft to add anything. I asked if someone figured out how to do it with what was already given. Glad to see people only read the title of articles and don't bother to read what the discussion post actually says.

Oh I read it very well, thanks and you're welcome. I was doing you a favor and telling you no, you're wasting your time. The game is not made in a way to be manually customized in any way, which is why I said it's Ubisoft. All of their games, maybe to the exception of FC3, are solid builds which provide no access to modding.

You can cause glitches or mess with graphics, but good luck changing anything useful. You can even go as far as to find the songs, rip them but not find what plays them. I said never gonna happpen, because with Ubi it's a hit or miss. Either it is or it isn't. They don't care about suggestions unless it makes them $$$.
Yeah that's what I was afraid of.

7 сен. 2014 в 3:02 The game is not made in a way to be manually customized in any way.

Your right it was not made to be customized.

And actually that all started with this mod

But sadly i havent found anything like "custom music" yet

8 сен. 2014 в 8:45

I've asked this question here before, and started a thread over at Guru3D two months ago: 'Watch Dogs "Add your own music" mod. Where is it?' 3150 views of that question. 0 solutions.

WD game hint: "You can play your music or customize your playlists in the Smartphone's Media App."

Как добавить свою музыку в игру Watch Dogs 2?

Добрый день. Разработчики игры Watch Dogs 2 не предусмотрели в игре возможность вставлять в нее свою музыку. Более того, вы не сможете это сделать даже через манипуляцию игровыми файлами. Вся музыка игры зашифрована и запакована в один файл. Единственный вариант для тех, кто хочет слушать свою музыку - выключить ту, что звучит в игре, параллельно с игрой запустить аудиоплеер и слушать музыку через него. Кроме того анонсировался выход патча, который позволит таки вставлять в игру свои плейлисты.

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