Как узнать зерно карты в transport fever

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

14 ноя. 2016 в 11:43

I know this has been talked about before. But, I'm putting my 2 cents in. Please list any good map seeds here.

Preferably flat and the resources making some kind of sense.

Here's the best I've come up with so far but it's far from recommended.

eNEV8cwk - midium map.

14 ноя. 2016 в 11:51 i thought the seed was created by your computer. which means even if we use the same seed, it won't be the same map on different computers.
I may be wrong on this. but this is what I heard. 14 ноя. 2016 в 12:02 I never heard that one before. As far as I know the map seed is generated by the game. And everyone will see the same thing. 14 ноя. 2016 в 12:33

The whole point of exposing the seed is to allow others to use the seed and get the same map.

Lets try something. Start a Free Play game. USA, Small, Flat, 1850, Easy, 1:2 ratio. Use the seed "palmtree". All lower case, no quotes.

You should get a map with Austin to the right of a central river with a stone quarry and construction materials factory just South of the city.

14 ноя. 2016 в 12:35 I've tried recreating maps with the same seed. the terrain remains the same, but cities and industries seem to be placed randomly. I've yet to do any extensive testing though. 14 ноя. 2016 в 12:38 Every time I start the game with those setting, I get the exact same map, city names and all industries.
14 ноя. 2016 в 12:45 Every time I start the game with those setting, I get the exact same map, city names and all industries.
Interesting. I'll test it again tonight. Tried the seed "H2O" (guess what I was trying for lol) - and the cities were in completely different places. Maybe I changed a setting somewhere and didn't realize it.
14 ноя. 2016 в 12:49 I will try this when I get home this evening and see.
But of course you would get the exact same results since the seed was created on your computer.
I state again that I don't know if what I said is right or wrong. it is just what I have heard from some who are quite a bit smarter than me on such things.
I surely hope a seed is exactly the same from one computer to another. I would love to play on the exact same map as others.
I will try "palmtree" tonight as see if it matches your map exactly.
14 ноя. 2016 в 12:54 That's why I suggested the test. Some people said they got different results on their PC but I know I've gotten the same exact start each time. I started the palmtree seed map several times cause I made serious errors on my inital starts before I had a good understanding of the differences between TpF and TF. 14 ноя. 2016 в 13:06

I tried it and got that exact map. I checked a handful of industries around Austin and they were in the same location as yours, too.

Of course, perhaps we have the exact same computer. :D

14 ноя. 2016 в 13:08 I got exact same map for that 'palmtree' seed so the seed thing isn't just decoration. =) 14 ноя. 2016 в 13:31 I got exact same map for that 'palmtree' seed so the seed thing isn't just decoration. =)
cool. good to know then.
I was apparently misinformed!
14 ноя. 2016 в 13:57 When we say seed in a game it's tottally different from a seed or algorithm a program creates for your computer let's say a security key, password, windows activation etc.
Transport Fever has a simple program that creates the same map ony any computer when you type the same seed characters/numbers. So palmtree will be the same map on any system. 17 ноя. 2016 в 10:52

Here are two map seeds that are better than what i've seen so far. Both maps are large one to three ratio.

yes that's right. they're not awesome maps but pretty good.

christmas, large 1:3

I just started this one but it's looking even better than the previous two.

17 ноя. 2016 в 11:06 17 ноя. 2016 в 11:30

Gives a nice map with a good river on all 3 sizes when set to a 1:3 ratio, flat. (the large map makes a rather funny ending for the river at the edge of the map)

I use a custom setting for the US set, and this does affect the generation.

Trains: USA
Town Names: USA
Roads: EU
Terrain: EU
Trees: USA (this one does affect the type of seed generation)
Environment: USA

There are certain settings (as I stated) that does change the generations slightly, especially with the town locations, however it doesn't seem to affect the map itself.

So if you change from Flat/Medium/Hilly you will still get the same map as everyone else, but your towns will be in different spots.

Семена для генерации

Игра позволяет для генерации карты использовать так называемые "семена". Может у кого есть значения хороших карт с удобным расположением ресурсов?

ты монополист. чем дальше везешь, тем больше получишь.
1) не ходить порожняком
2) не строить ж/д пути, пока нет стабильного высокого дохода
3) не задавать авиалинии более, чем между 2-мя точками

например: малая карта (америка) 1:1 1950год; сходу задал 25 линий на развоз всех ресурсов и товаров по 5 студебекеров на каждый (125шт) и за первые несколько лет сразу погасил весь кредит. А там уже можно строить все что душе угодно.

Transport Fever "Карта Юго-Запад России"

За неимением (надеюсь пока что) редактора карт в Transport Fever, делюсь картой, которую выдал генератор. География и расположение городов достаточно похожа на Юго-Западную часть России, что я в итоге и приспособил в ней. Начальный год - 1850. Карта - Маленькая 1:3. Сложность - Легко. Может кому будет интересно.

Transport Fever "Электровоз ЭП20"

Transport Fever "Transport Fever CE"

Transport Fever "Mercedes-Benz Citaro"

куда кидать в папку моды или карты?

А кто нибудь знает что означают буквы/цифры при генерировании карт ?

еще бы знать, как её установить? Да и генератор почему то редко выдаёт карты с большими озёрами((((

карту надо кидать в сохранения? Я так понял!

Карту необходимо поместить по пути, где хранятся сохранения: C:\ProgramData\Steam\, а далее путь относительно Вашего аккаунта Steam (ну или не Вашего:)), далее код игры, далее \local\save. То есть пример пути такой: C:\ProgramData\Steam\никнейм Steam\446800\local\save. Далее загрузить это сохранение c главного меню игры.

Как узнать зерно карты в transport fever

Денис Борцов

Не могу понять почему так, с добычи ресурсы начинаю возить на завод, первое время склады переполняются нехватет транспорта на перевозку, а потом добыча(нефть,уголь, зерно, бревна и т.д) встает и мои грузовики стоят в очереди месяцами

Денис Борцов

Один раз ферма зерно дала на один грузовик спустя год только

Дмитрий Прохоров

Андрей Вакуленко

всем привет помогите плиз разобраться с семафорами, что б поезда норм ездили и не тупили вот в такой ситуации:

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