Как увеличить время зелья в майнкрафт скайблок

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Potions are consumable liquids which are brewed in Brewing Stands. They grant special effects when consumed.

Brewing [ ]

A Brewing Stand is required to make potions, which can be bought from the Alchemist for 30 coins each.

Potion brewing is similar to vanilla brewing, with Nether Wart turning water bottles to awkward potions, Glowstone Dust increasing its potency, and Redstone increasing its length. However, unlike vanilla Minecraft, Glowstone and Redstone can be stacked on each other (but only one of each kind)

There are some notable differences to how brewing works in SkyBlock, such as:

Potions are brewed by placing bottles in the lower slots and an ingredient in the upper slot. When a potion is brewing, the glass panes in the middle will flash orange and yellow. After 20 seconds, the potion will finish brewing.

Modifiers [ ]

After creating potions, players can add certain additional items to boost or alter their effect. Each effect can be combined with the others, although each effect can be applied only once.

If the Enchanted Redstone Block is added before the Enchanted Redstone Lamp, the potion duration will be extended to the 3rd level. However, if done the other way round, the duration will not be extended to the 3rd level.

Brews [ ]

The Bartender, the Melancholic Viking and Shifty sell Brews that can be used instead of awkward potions to boost the stat of a potion. These boosts work only on potions that already have the stat or are specified for use, and any percentage boost is to the potion's stats, not the player's.

Alchemy Experience [ ]

Only the first ingredient after the awkward potion affects brewing leveling XP. In some cases, players can get a tier V potion that is not in the recipe book by adding enchanted glowstone to a tier III potion, provided that the tier V version can be made without modifiers. Although the result will be a tier V potion, only the tier III XP reward will be awarded.

The Cost-Effectiveness of a potion is calculated using the ingredient's purchasing price. If there is no purchasing price available, the material price will be used instead. If there is neither, then the theoretical purchasing price used for calculation is 2.5x the selling price.


God Potion

God Potion.jpg

The God Potion is a ​​​​​​​​ Special Consumable Item that gives the consumer all positive potion effects and brews at max levels for a minimum of 12 hours (except for Regeneration - instead of level 9, it only gives level 8), which increases, depending on the user’s Alchemy level (parrot pet will increase the duration even further). Notably, the duration is not affected by the Potion Affinity Accessories, but it is by the Parrot Pet's fourth ability "Parrot Feather Infusion".

Как увеличить время действия эффекта зелий в Minecraft

Чтоб эффекты от зелий действовали дольше, вам нужно найти редстоун, а также иметь зелье, время действия которого вы хотите увеличить и варочную стойку. На какой глубине искать редстоун, написано здесь.


После того, как вы собрали все необходимое, достаем варочную стойку и начинаем продлевать время действия зелий. Для этого нужно сверху поместить редстоун, а снизу нужное зелье. Спустя несколько секунд получаем то же самое зелье, но с более продолжительным эффектом.

Legacy God Potions [ ]

God Potions bought before the City Project/Bartender's Brewery release have been renamed to "Legacy God Potions" and will work as before, granting all positive effects for 24 hours.

Mixins and Upgrades [ ]

Mixins can be bought from the Bartender and are used to upgrade God Potions to give them various buffs. There are four different Mixins: The Zombie Brain, the Spider Egg, the End Portal Fumes and the Wolf Fur. Each cost 150k Coins and is unlocked at a certain Slayer Level.

Potion Rarity [ ]

A potion's rarity is dictated by its potion level

Гайд: Как варить зелья в Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator

Книга рецептов для тех, кто не хочет разбрасываться временем и ингредиентами.

Гайд: Как варить зелья в Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator

Гайд: Как варить зелья в Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator
Гайд: Как варить зелья в Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator
Гайд: Как варить зелья в Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator

Обретшая внезапную популярность Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator, как нетрудно догадаться из названия, позволяет игрокам поупражняться в искусстве изготовления зелий.

Обманчиво простая система крафта всё же подкидывает испытания и требует немало времени на исследование границ познания. Так что в этом руководстве экономим время и ресурсы нетерпеливым алхимикам, предоставляя примерные рецепты зелий и их карту.

Это гайд для игры, находящейся в раннем доступе. Информация может быть неактуальной на момент релиза.

Как делать зелья II и III уровней

Здесь всё довольно просто. Чем лучше соотносятся пиктограмма зелья, изображённая на карте, с символом зелья, который передвигается в процессе варки, тем выше уровень получаемого продукта. Идеального совпадения можно достичь при помощи следующих ухищрений:

  • не измельчать в ступке один из ингредиентов, чтобы сократить путь зелья;
  • помешивать варево максимально аккуратно и медленно, чтобы не упустить момент;
  • подливать воду в котёл, чтобы зелье «откатилось» к центру карты.

Это довольно кропотливая работа, которая поначалу может потребовать большого количества ресурсов.

Так выглядят зелья второго и третьего уровней в процессе варки

Зелья второго и третьего уровней пусть и требуют больше ресурсов, но зато посетители лавки готовы отдать за них гораздо больше денег.

Если верить обещаниям разработчиков, то в дальнейшем покупатели сами смогут устанавливать требования по уровню к зельям. На данный момент они лишь намекают на то, что если им предложат зелье получше, то они могут раскошелиться.

Карта зелий в Potion Craft

Безусловно, поиск на карте необходимых эффектов и исследование — это важная и увлекательная часть игрового процесса. Однако к середине игры она может начать утомлять. Особенно, если вы изо всех сил экономите на материалах, чтобы наконец-то позволить себе алхимическую машину (кстати, у нас есть подробное руководство по ней).

Так что если вы из тех, кому уже надоело мотаться в поисках эффекта для Зелья левитации, то карта вам очень пригодится. Если же вы сами хотите всё узнать, смело пролистывайте дальше.

Гайд: Как варить зелья в Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator

Рецепты зелий в Potion Craft

В целом игра позволяет сварить зелье, дающее один и тот же эффект, при помощи разных ингредиентов и ухищрений. Вот только на страницы книг рецептов бережливых алхимиков, разумеется, попадёт только наиболее экономичный рецепт.

Оптимизация маршрута движения зелья во время его изготовления — отдельное удовольствие, которое идеально иллюстрирует развитие любого навыка. Однако если у вас не так уж много времени и ресурсов на то, чтобы искать идеальный рецепт самостоятельно, могут пригодиться наши заметки. Ну, или хотя бы они помогут вам справляться первое время, потому что мы привели рецепты с наиболее простыми ингредиентами (а их на всё не напасёшься).

Information [ ]

If the player dies under the God Potion effect while not having a Booster Cookie active, they will lose all their God Potion effects.

The God Potion does not count down while offline, unlike the Booster Cookie, so the duration will go down only when the player is online, just like any other potion.

Using another God Potion while the player still has the previous one's effects will reset the timer to 12 hours + 1 hour per

4.16 Alchemy level. For example, if the player has 1 hour of potion effects from a previous God Potion and uses another God Potion, the potion effects will last for 12 hours + 1 hour per

  • Using any regular potion (i.e., any potion that is not the God Potion), while having a God Potion active, will have no effect. The effects the player has, and the time left on them will not be affected, even if the potion is a lower potency then what is currently active.

Splashes [ ]

Splashes were player-hosted events where someone used splash potions to give multiple people effects at once at a fraction of the cost-per-person.

With the 0.9 Community Center Update, these have decreased in popularity heavily due to the addition of the God Potion which can provide all these potion effects at a more efficient cost. However, it is still common for players to splash themselves and their teammates with a potion at the beginning of a Dungeon, since their God Potion would be paused and inactive.

Effects [ ]

To toggle specific effects, go to the SkyBlock Menu -> Booster Cookie -> Toggle Potion Effects.

The God Potion gives the player the max tier of all of the positive potions and buffs for its duration. This includes:


Potions [ ]

There are two kinds of potions:

  • Buffs , which give positive effects and stat boosts
  • Debuffs , which give negative effects and stats

Potions give time-limited Buffs or Debuffs when used. Potions do not stack. Using a potion will set the timer/potency of that effect, to what you consumed. The only exception to this, is the God Potion, which takes precedence over all other Buff effects, and cannot be altered by taking a different length/strength Buff potion.

Upon death (except to the void on a Private Island), all potion effects are lost. Having a Cookie Buff active prevents loss of potion effects.

Entering a Dungeon pauses and stores all existing potion effects the player has. The player can then receive potion buffs separately within Dungeons; however, only 1 potion may be consumed or splashed per run.

Base potions [ ]

Icon Potion Obtained through Usage
Water Bottle Water (source) No effect when drunk, used to make awkward potions and weakness potions
Awkward Potion Nether Wart No effect when drunk, used for other potions
Brews Purchased from Bartender It can replace the Awkward Potions as a base in some potions. See above for details.

Duration [ ]

Obtaining [ ]

List of Potions [ ]

Vanilla Potions [ ]

Vanilla potions have no unlock requirement to use before brewing. Their recipes can still be found in the Recipe Book.

(in Health per Second)

(in Strength)

Grants invisibility from players. (Mobs will still attack)

(in Health per second)

Non-Vanilla Potions [ ]

These are custom potions that require certain collections to be unlocked its recipe before being able to brew it.

(in Increased Mining Speed) (functions as vanilla haste on Private Islands.)

(in Jump Boost Level, Speed)

(in Damage per Second while on fire)

(in +% Knockback)

(in Speed, Damage per Second)

(in Health, Speed)

(in Crit Chance, Crit Damage)

(in Chance to Miss)

(in Speed, Chance to Miss)

(in Mana per second)

(in Health and Mana)

(in Blindness Level)

(in True Defense)

(in Pet Luck)

(in Mining Fortune)

Non-Brewable Potions [ ]

The following potions cannot be brewed and must be obtained in other ways. However, they can still have their level and duration increased using modifiers like normal potions. They can also be made into splash potions like normal potions.

Icon Potion Cost Effect Stats Type
Spirit Spooky Festival
1 Green Candy
Grants an increase in Speed and Crit Damage .

(in Speed and Crit Damage)

Skill XP Boost Potions [ ]

These potions can be obtained only from Gifts. Each of these potion's duration is always 12/24/36 Minutes, depending on its level.

Most modifiers won't work on Skill XP Boost potions, but an Enchanted Redstone Lamp will modify them by increasing their level to 3 and duration to 36 minutes (plus Alchemy level bonus), regardless of the base level of the potion. If one non-Skill XP Boost potion is brewed along with 2 Skill XP Boost potions, the effects of Glowstone and Redstone will apply as normal.

Icon Potion Source Effect Stats
Farming XP Boost Gifts Earn more Farming Experience +5% +10% +20%
Mining XP Boost Earn more Mining Experience
Combat XP Boost Earn more Combat Experience
Foraging XP Boost Earn more Foraging Experience
Fishing XP Boost Earn more Fishing Experience
Enchanting XP Boost Earn more Enchanting Experience
Alchemy XP Boost Earn more Alchemy Experience

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