Как танцевать в sid meier s pirates

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

23 сен. 2013 в 2:06

I played the game before and bought it here on sale. Installed on a laptop, I realised that, there's no numpad. No problems, I'll just change them.
Opening the keymap.ini, rewriting (or replace command for most) so that it's QWE and the ones below that, seeing how that'll feel.
Well it doesn't work. No matter how I change them, the game doesn't recognise them, and uses the same old ones, even though the file is still rewritten by me.

I'll paste a part for reference, maybe I mucked up something.
"; Commands for sailing around the world
ToggleChaseView_v = E
AttackShip_a = S ;attack ship in range
FullSails_W = W
ReefedSails_X = X
TurnLeft_A = A
TurnRight_D = D
QuickLoad_L = F6
QuickSave_S = F5
ReturnShip_r = U"

Anyway, if you have any ideas, I would be glad to read them. :)

23 сен. 2013 в 2:31

I haven't tried it myself, but, perhaps after you make the edits and save it, set that file to read-only?

Right-click on it, and Properties and should be a box you can check for read-only.

23 сен. 2013 в 2:37

I just took a quick look at it in notepad. maybe you're changing some things too much?

Perhaps should be like:

ToggleChaseView_v = e
AttackShip_a = s ;attack ship in range
FullSails_Num8 = w
ReefedSails_Num2 = x
TurnLeft_Num4 = a
TurnRight_Num6 = d
QuickLoad_L = f6
QuickSave_S = f5
ReturnShip_r = u


Dance Patterns [ ]

The game is using a fixed set of different dance patterns. A randomized amount of patterns have to be mastered during the dance. The last pattern can be interrupted by the end of the song. Which pattern and how many are chosen is not connected to the song, the place, the governor's daughter, the romance sublevel or loading a save state.

Even looking deeper into the patterns there seem to be no strict rules which pattern will follow another. Yet some combinations seem to be more likely than others. I will provide my collected data in the Talk section of this page if you want to look at it personally.

Because the patterns are limited and the game tend to symmetric or repeated moves, you will begin to easily memorize certain steps. If you still have problems, you are able to pause anytime to look the pattern up here by mutlitasking out of the game. On fullscreen, the game probably is going to crash, but you can bypass this by starting the game in windowed mode. Just add the line fullscreen=0 to C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Pirates!\config.ini

Known rules [ ]

  1. There are 10 known patterns.
  2. Patterns consist of 4, 6 or 8 steps.
  3. A dance consist of 6 to 11 patterns to master.
  4. No pattern will begin with Numpad 2 (Down).
  5. No pattern is repeated twice in a row, but may occur multiple times in a dance.
  6. After the second step in a pattern you know the rest of the pattern for sure.
  7. Everything else seems random.

Pattern list by symmetry [ ]

The minigame does love symmetric reversals. And some patterns are more likely than others.

Как повысить настроение команды

блин, люди. вы говорите "дели золото". я делю у меня остаётся 40 человек, один корабль и минимум золота! мне это ненравится :Р может есть ещё способы поднять настроение, кроме захвата чужих кораблей, всяких гармошек и скрипок?

а ты братец, хочешь, чтобы они за тебя на смерть шли за просто так? )))))
выхода нет. тем более, чем дальше, тем больше к тебе народу присоединяется. так что быстро набираешь полную команду.
Я прошел почти всю игру - больше 300-400 чел не надо. Все легко выигрывается.

Если ты прошёл игру, обьясниш мне в чём проблема? У меня есть карта с кладом, который у Нож-камня находится (там же было задание с поиском сестры. ) ну так вот, нашёл я тот пустой домик где была карта с местонахождением убежища какого-то дядьки. тогда было всё ясно и прекрасно понятно, всё по карте. золото я тогда сразу искать не пошёл - еды было мало. но в последующие мои высадки на берег ничего не дали. сначала не было ни головы, ни гейзеров, ни всяких там подсказок (хотя когда я искал сестру они были!!) а потом когда сменил сложность на "подмастерье капитана" там появилось куча гейзеров, куча "трёх деревьев" но ни головы, ни пустой будки не было. может знаешь от чего это? и сам ты этот клад нашёл?

Haжмитe [Pause/Break] кoгдa вaш пapтнep пo тaнцaм дacт вaм cигнaл pyкoй
для вaшeгo движeния. Зaтeм быcтpo вoccтaнoвитe игpy и нaжмитe нyжнyю клaвишy.

Bпpaвo Bлeвo Bпpaвo Bлeвo Bпpaвo Bлeвo
Bпpaвo пoвopoт впpaвo Bпpaвo пoвopoт впpaвo пoвтop
Bпepeд пoвopoт влeвo Bпepeд пoвopoт влeвo пoвтop
Haзaд пoвopoт впpaвo Haзaд пoвopoт впpaвo пoвтop

Bпepeд Haзaд Bлeвo Bлeвo Haзaд Bпepeд Bпpaвo Bпpaвo
Bпepeд Bлeвo, Haзaд Bпpaвo, Bпepeд Bлeвo, Haзaд Bпpaвo

особенно полезно для тех, кто играет на ноутбуках без цыфровой клавиатуры.


Dancing f.16223.jpg

Dancing is a minigame which was introduced in Sid Meier's Pirates! (2004) and can occure if you are invitated to a ball by a governor's daughter after speaking to a governor. You can obtain quests, items, and maps from it. Also it is part of a romance plotline.

Dancing Basics [ ]

There are mutiple songs and dance step patterns from which the game chooses. You then have to press the right button at the correct time to perform a good dance move. The more fluent you dance, the more delighted the governor's daughter becomes. This is signalled by a short giggle of her and the heart symbol on the top middle of the screen.

Keys and directions [ ]

The governor's daughter is leading the dance. She will point with her arm(s) at one of those directions (PC version):

  • 🡹 Up (8 on Numpad)
  • 🡸 Left (4 on Numpad)
  • 🡿 Down Left (1 on Numpad)
  • 🡻 Down (2 on Numpad)
  • 🡾 Down Right (3 on Numpad)
  • 🡺 Right (6 on Numpad)

There is no upper left or upper right in any dance pattern.

Timing and difficulty [ ]

On the lower experience ranks the next key is highlighted 1 second before the governor's daughter is raising her hand. But the correct timing is to wait for her pointing in the appropriate direction, with the downbeat of your key pressed in sync with the nod of her head. On higher experience ranks you don't get warned and you have to react quickly to her arm(s) direction on visual alone or by memorizing the dance pattern (see below). The more fluent, the better for the heart value at the end of the dance it is.

Supporting items and rewards [ ]

The mysterious traveller in the tavern sometimes offer the Dancing Shoes which can both make the timing more easy and sometimes also negate a false command totally. He also offers expensive Jewelry which can be given away as a gift to skip the dancing minigame. You will directly get the reward and you advance in the Romance. You can rebuy Jewelry.

It depends on the attractiveness level of the governor's daughter, your rank for the concerned faction or a special item if she invites you to a ball or not:

The game judges your dance into three outcomes: failed, ok, perfect. Be aware that failing in Dancing or denying any Jewelry will end a Romance. For getting the reward is is necessary to be at least ok. You will notice her winking at you and you will kiss her hand. If you performed a perfect dance, you will whirl her around for a last dance move. In this case progress in the romance or getting a higher tier reward is more likely.

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