Как стать солдатом в military simulator roblox

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

Militsya was a Police enforcement in The Soviet Union, They do everything from Patrol the town to Arresting Criminals.

Duty as a soldier.

Your duties as a soldier is to defend the border, operating procedures, and participate in events.

This information can be found in the TSU discord.


1) Do not beg for enforcement points here.

2) Do not leak anything here.

3) Do not impersonate people

4) Do not vandalize this page(Ruin this page or just spread false information)

The Red Army

The Red Army is the backbone of the Soviet armed forces. They serve as defenders of the homeland, and aggressors for new land.

The Red Army has over a million members currently.

Enforcements system [ ]

Enforcements system is promotion system in-game, Can be obtained by attending trainings, Events, Time in-game and buying enforcements

30 minutes -> 2 hours = 1 enforcements

3 hours -> 4 hours = 2 enforcements

5 hours -> 9 hours = 3 enforcements

10 hours -> 18 hours = 4 enforcements

19 hours -> 22 hours = 5 enforcements

23 hours+ = 6 enforcements

Как стать солдатом в military simulator roblox

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Артем, исследователи не могут хранить оружие, их сопровождают охранники или мобильно-оперативная группа (MTF)

Ranks and benefits [ ]

Enforcements system are basically level up system in this game. To rank up you need enforcement

Militiaman (M.) [ ]

Requirement: 1 enforcement (Instant rank)

Benefits: Able to move around authorized area, a clearance 1 keycard. | Militsya Flag (V1)

Same benefits as v1(v2)

Senior Militiaman (SM.) [ ]

Requirement: 2 enforcements (30 minutes)

Benefits: Tokarev 33(V1)

Subunit Leader (SL.) [ ]

Requirement: 10 enforcements

Benefits: PPsh-41, Clearance 2 keycard(v1)

Same benefits as v1(v2).

Starshina [ ]

Requirement: 20 enforcements

Benefits: Nothing new.

Sergeant [ ]

Requirement: 35 enforcements

Benefits: Nothing new.

Junior Lieutenant (JLT.) [ ]

Requirement: 45 enforcements

Benefits: NCO morph (V1) |

Lieutenant (LT.) [ ]

Requirement: 60 enforcements

Senior Lieutenant (SLT.) [ ]

Requirement: 75 enforcements

Benefits: Last rank through enforcement. AK-74. (V1)

Last rank through enforcement. (V2)

Captain+(CO) [ ]

Как стать солдатом в military simulator roblox

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Duties [ ]

Militsya units members duties is to Stop robbery or Crimes, Protecting posts, Taking down KOS and AOS and participating in the event.

Honor system

For more information refer to: Honor

Honor system is promotion system in-game, which can be obtained by attending trainings, events, time in-game and buying honor. Be carful because honor can be taken away if you have broken any rules. Rules can be found in Trello located in the TSU discord.

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