Как стать андроидом в minecraft matter overdrive

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

So Matter Overdrive has been updated for 1.12.2, and many things from the 1.7.10 version have carried over. This guide is meant to help you get up and running with the 1.12.2 version, and have a great experience with the mod. Here's what you'll need to know.

Initial Resources

Like most tech mods, you'll need resources to get started. Unlike most tech mods, however, this one is a bit later of a start, as you'll need at minimum an iron pick to gather the most crucial materials. Here's a quick list of what you'll need to get started:

  • Iron Ingots: About a stack really to get started, but more is always better.

  • Gold Ingots: Yes, some stuff needs gold. Upgrades, the Battery, and Machine Casings need gold, as well as the Matter Network Cable, Matter Scanner , and Fusion Reactor IO. I'd say a half stack is good for starters, but you'll need more as you expand.

  • Redstone: You're going to need some Redstone for most of your machines, as well as a few Pistons and such. When you get to machine upgrades and important components like Superconductor Magnets, however, your redstone consumption will go way up. Have a stack to get started.

  • Ender Pearl: Ah, Ender Pearls. Used for finding the Ender Dragon as the fabled
    Tritanium: The backbone of the mod's machines and items. You'll need a lot of this; a stack is good but more is better.

  • Dilithium Crystal : Needed for anything requiring energy. I'd say a stack to start, but you'll need more as you progress.

You've got the touch, you've got the POWAH

Right, when using machines that require power, you need to start generating it. Since Matter Overdrive's power generation is out of our reach currently, use whatever other tech mods you have to generate a steady stream of power until we can get enough tech built to manage either a Solar Panel or a Fusion Reactor. Once that's in, make yourself a Molecular Inscriber, it's the only way to proceed in this mod. Without it, you have no access to the mk2 and mk3 circuits needed for other advanced blocks.

And now for something completely different. sort of

While we are at it, let's talk about some of the other machines you can create right now. It's assumed in this tutorial that you haven't build them yet, but since I figure this is handy reference material, I will go ahead and tell you what most of those other machines do.

  1. You can build yourself a Matter Decomposer. It produces Matter Plasma, a fluid you'll need to replicate items. It needs 3 Tritanium Plates, a couple Sticky Pistons, an Integration Matrix, a Matter-Energy Conversion Matrix, and an Isolinear Circuit Mk3. Oh, and it also needs power. This doesn't throw anything at you that you haven't seen before.
  2. The Matter Recycler can recycle Matter Dust into its refined state for decomposition. The good thing about this is that it allows for a redo of the first decomposing cycle. The bad thing is that this does require power. It'll be extremely handy in the next section, but for now it's just a bit of utility.
  3. The Matter Replicator takes in Matter Network Switch, which connects machines in the same network.
  4. The Matter Analyzer is the block version of a Matter Scanner . The one difference it has is it can scan items as well as blocks, where the scanner can only analyze blocks. It is used alongside a Pattern Monitor to analyze blocks/items and store patterns in a Pattern Storage.
  5. There's also a Tritanium Crate you can craft now. It's just a chest surrounded by three Tritanium Plates.
  6. The Charging Station requires 2 Dilithium Crystals, but it doesn't actually produce power itself. What it does, however, is charge any androids which stand in it. This works out very well once you've become an android. However, you need a full set of android parts (head, arm, leg, torso) to get to that. We'll explore that in a later section.
  7. The Weapon Station is where you'll go to upgrade your Phaser Rifle, Plasma Shotgun, and Ion Sniper. New scopes, increased energy storage, and damage modifiers are all available.
  8. The Transporter can teleport you to another of itself in a different location, requiring FE/RF with each use. This can affect multiple entities at once, so a player on top of or next to you will also be teleported. You can even teleport your whole group to a special place if you so wish.
  9. The Star Map is a purely decorative block that serves no functional purpose but is nice decoration.

Как стать андроидом в minecraft matter overdrive

To become an Android, the first thing the player needs is to find a full set of

Android Parts are dropped by Rouge Androids and are used in the process of Transforming The Player into an Android.

After that, the player needs to find a Mad Scientist Icon

The Mad Scientist is the only one that can Transform the player into an Android. '>Mad Scientist. He can only be found in Villages. He will ask the player for the set of
Android Parts are dropped by Rouge Androids and are used in the process of Transforming The Player into an Android. '>Android Parts and will begin the process of Android Transformation. × After the Android Transformation the player WILL DIE.

When the Android Transformation is complete, the player will respawn, and will now be an Android.

That means that he can now use the android station block

The Android Station is used by Android Players to Unlock Abilities and manage body parts.

Android Station GUI


When a player is an Android, some of the benefits include:

The Rouge Android only attacks players that are not Androids, or if it's provoked.

Some of the harmful effects include:

Bionic Parts

Androids can also swap parts in the android station block

Getting matter overdrive android parts

Is there any quicker way to collect android parts? Androids spawn infrequently and drop android parts very rarely.
Is there any way to speed up the process?

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you could change the spawning rate from the config option.

or if you have EIO or MFR or DE you can just create your own spawner

What is MFR and DE?

IIRC there was a bug with the Twilight Forest that made androids spawn there in ludicrous numbers. Maybe try hunting around there? I remember getting a lot of parts when I last played with the mod.

We need to generate additional power

So you've gotten your power setup from another mod working, but find machines that requires quite a bit of power, or find that the ore processing center you've dreamed of is in itself a power-hungry monster. Enter the Fusion Reactor, a multiblock structure that will solve all your power needs, provided you feed it Matter Plasma, of course.

Firstly, you'll need a Fusion Reactor Coil, a Isolinear Circuit Mk2, an Isolinear Circuit Mk3, a Tritanium Plate, and a Machine Casing. When it is placed next to a Gravitational Anomaly (ideally with up to 6 Fusion Reactor Coils and Machine Hulls in the spaces shown, and a Matter Decomposer on the left and right of the controller will form a complete Fusion Reactor. From there, you can feed it blocks and items to consume, or use Fusion Reactor IOs to directly feed it Matter Plasma from a Decomposer. A good setup is an automated cobblestone generator feeding into the Decomposers via either pipes or hopper.

In conclusion, finally

There's a lot more to discover in this mod. Try making the various weapons, find crashed ships and other structures, fight a deranged Mad Scientist boss, and become an android with a friendly Mad Scientist found in villages. However, I think you have enough to get started. Refreshments are available in the ballroom next door. And so, ladies and gentlemen, I bid you adieu.

Matter Overdrive Android Interaction

How would being an Android interact with Blood Magic? Would everything still be compatible? I remember reading somewhere that being an Android prevents you from using armor enchantments, would this make my Bound Armor worse?

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but other than that they work.

Thats why a creative mode test world is a good place try it. Ive never played a pack with both in it and havent messed around with eaither mod much. There should be a creative item to build the alter called the alter maker. I also doubt the author of blood magic ever intended for you to use both mods together so its likley you are able to.

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