Как снять биокод rimworld

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

4 мар. 2020 в 18:34 1.1 introduced them, its not tied to the royalty DLC content. Essentially a biocoded weapon can only be used by one person, generally some invader. So in order for you to make use of that biocoded weapon you need to recruit the owner as well. Minor inconvenience when its a smoke launcher or a machine pistol, but could be infuriating if its a doomsday rocket launcher your sniper got for you with their expert headshot. Do you guys like this change? Do you think its fair and adds depth to the game in any way? 4 мар. 2020 в 18:57 Personally I don't quite understand it, with charge weapons a case can be made as how its so advanced it is biocoded, but i've seen current day snipers, SMGs, LMGs etc being biocoded, and I can understand that its to have the AI to help you with better guns without giving the player the best guns straight from the start, but the problem is, how do you explain a sniper current day being biocoded to refuse everyone else 4 мар. 2020 в 19:10 Personally I don't quite understand it, with charge weapons a case can be made as how its so advanced it is biocoded, but i've seen current day snipers, SMGs, LMGs etc being biocoded, and I can understand that its to have the AI to help you with better guns without giving the player the best guns straight from the start, but the problem is, how do you explain a sniper current day being biocoded to refuse everyone else

But in all seriousness, I don't quite know. The lore behind that one will need to be fleshed out further.

4 мар. 2020 в 19:16 4 мар. 2020 в 19:20 Ah yes, the bio-coded stone club (legendary). A mighty weapon indeed. 4 мар. 2020 в 19:20 Cash and traders are easy enough to come by, research as well. Buying or building weapons isnt really an issue. Maybe if you need to outfit 50, but by then biocoded likely isn't a limiting factor. 4 мар. 2020 в 19:27 I like it and enjoy the new rule to the game. It's also great for some mod ideas. 4 мар. 2020 в 20:09
Its different from tainted clothing. Atleast with tainted clothing you can wear it while incurring a mood penalty. Biocoded weapons can never be equipped. 4 мар. 2020 в 20:19 i like the concept, but it should be reserved for the super high tech gear really. 4 мар. 2020 в 20:25

I'm okay with it, it keeps players from relying on pirate/outlander/imperial raids to upgrade their gear too easily.

However, I wish biocoded weapons could be sold and that more weapons in general can be smelted down rather than destroyed.

4 мар. 2020 в 20:39 i dont realy mind, these biocoded weapons are quite rare.i just wish it was easier to spot these useless items. or that they would just fall apart when the owner died.
for now they clog up my stockpiles in my tribe , waiting for weapon smelting to become a thing. 4 мар. 2020 в 21:45 i like the concept, but it should be reserved for the super high tech gear really.

I can remember in the original Halo the grunts used to carry these plasma cannons that was like a plasma version of the rocket launcher. I always wanted to try one but they were all hard coded to explode upon killing the grunt. They eventually introduced the weapon in Halo 2 but for the longest time I was annoyed that they were inaccessible to the player in the original Halo.

The higher up you get in the tech tree the more sense it makes for it to be biocoded. I am hoping that greatbows and tribal weaponry are all immune to getting biocoded because that wouldn't make sense. But I wouldn't want every charge lance to be biocoded. maybe just the really nice ones. That would make the most sense. Excellent and above quality weapons should be the ideal candidate for getting biocoded if you ask me.

5 мар. 2020 в 5:30

So the new weapons are Soulbound.

Uh huh.
So install a new trigger and problem solved.

Nope they are Soulbound, you know its magic.

5 мар. 2020 в 7:16

Just another mechanic tied to the main goal . griefing simulator.

Its absurd that a backwater planet full of tribal's has access to this magical tech to apply to basic weaponry .

It is perhaps understandable for more advanced weapons , except then the tribal's shouldnt have access to them at all .

What happened did they find advanced weapons if so they were already bio coded and the tribal's shouldnt be able to use them , If they designed it then why are they stuck on this backwater planet when they have such advanced tech as to be able to make a basic rifle somehow so advanced it can track a biocode .

The entire premise is absurd on anything that is not advanced spacer gear . Its a trash balance decision if you dont want players getting a power spike by surviving a raid then just make it so weapons always break when they drop at least that can/could be explained in a reasonable way and not break immersion/require you to suspend disbelief over how it is implemented by tribal's .


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Как снять биокод rimworld

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Игорь Ромин

Игорь Ромин запись закреплена

Подскажите можно ли с трупов бионические части снять?

Слава Апушев


Нет конечно, как например сердце пересадить которое уже не бьется..

Миша Куруц

Бионику по идее можно бы еще было снять,но живые части тела нет.На альфе 8 можно снимать органы,но эта версия старая

Dan Kolosov

Dan Kolosov ответил Мише

Dan Kolosov

Dan Kolosov

Миша Куруц

Dan, Ну да,да,но бионику по сути и в новых версиях по логике снимать можно бы было,бионика ж не живая,логично же.

Ефим Бергельсон

Dan Kolosov

Dan Kolosov ответил Мише

Микки Стрелок

Забивай дубинками до шока, захватывай и пили на части

Миша Куруц

Рейдеров просто старайся либо скорострельным оружием *оглушать*,тоесть ранения по всем частям тела и от этого ужасная боль,либо же наоборот снапой в ногу,и потом протез ставишь/пилишь от другого раба.И тогда будешь вырезать с них что пожелаешь,даже если у них есть бионика.

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Внимание! Могут не совпадать с разными версиями игры :

What can you currently do with biocoded weapons?

These new biocoded weopons cannot be equipped by your pawns, so my first thought was they are useless.

I can smelt them though: A biocoded chain shotgun gave me x18 Steel.

Sending them as a gift via pods no longer gives a bonus. Tainted clothes still get accepted though.

Is there anything else I am missing? Are there maybe extra quests for them to hack them?

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