Как скрафтить салис мундус

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

Salis Mundus is an item added by the Thaumcraft 6 mod. It can be used in various recipes and is the first item to be crafted in Thaumcraft.

Strange Dreams [ edit ]

"I had the strangest dream last night.

In the dream, I took three of those strange glowing crystals I've been finding and ground them with a handful of redstone in a bowl, using a piece of flint.

The crystals had to be of different types, but if I did it properly then the result was a strange, glowing dust.

In the dream, I took the dust and sprinkled it on a bookcase, but the dream ended before I saw what happened.

I wonder, should I do what the dream showed?

I have the impression that the dust was going to reveal something wondrous, but dangerous."


Любой вис-кристалл может быть использован в рецепте, хотя они не могут быть одинаковых Мелочи

  • Salis Mundus на латыни означает "Мир соли", а не "Соль мира", поскольку salis (соль) в родительном падеже, тогда как mundus (мир) в именительном. "Правильное" название предмета было бы Sal Mundi.

Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC BY-NC-SA 3.0, если не указано иное.

Salis Mundus (Thaumcraft 6)

  1. ↑ Requires the proper multiblock structure to be set up (see relevant page)

Salis Mundus (Thaumcraft 6)

  1. ↑ Требуется постройка правильной многоблочной структуры (см. соответствующую страницу)


Для крафта вам обязательно нужно собрать любой вис-кристалл и получить книгу "Странный сон".

Так же для крафта подойдут и другие виды кристаллов, но нужно чтобы все они были разного типа.

Thaumcraft 6/Предметы/Salis Mundus

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Salis Mundus - предмет, добавляемый модификацией Thaumcraft 6.


Any Vis Crystal can be used in the recipe, though none can be of the same Trivia

  • Salis Mundus, in Latin, means "World of Salt", rather than "Salt of World", as salis (salt) is in genitive case whereas mundus (world) is in nominative case. The "correct" name of the item would be Sal Mundi.

Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC BY-NC-SA 3.0, если не указано иное.

Thaumonomicon Entry [ edit ]

First Steps

"Who would've thought that a few sprinkles of dust could have created this marvellous book? It is mostly blank, but it hints at a powerful new form of magic: Thaumaturgy.

Firstly I will need to study the magical world that has been shown to me. For that I will need a tool - a Thaumometer the book calls it.

A normal crafting table won't do however since the magical energies I need to channel while crafting it are quite delicate. A sprinkling of Salis Mundus on a mundane crafting table should solve that. The book has taught me the proper incantation to use it so it should be a simple matter.

To keep myself on track I will make a list of all requirements that need to be met on the first page of the new entry."


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