Как сделать в майнкрафт в блендере

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Все ещё проще и гибче макса. Блендер намного легче заточить под свои задачи, особенно инди или начинающим разрабам, потому что можно без каких либо проблем написать аддон на питоне и делать всё что захочешь.
Не знаю, есть ли у макса подобный функционал, но для коммерческой разработки он немножко (лол) дорогой, а времени на изучение аналогичного функционала в нём уходит больше, имхо.
У блендера непривычный (но привыкабельный) интерфейс, но с этим можно жить. Still better than GIMP.

Надо просто правильно исходить из того, что тебе требуется от инструмента, а не сраться, что лучше, а что хуже.

How to Make Minecraft 3D Characters with Blender!



2. Open your Blender, now it will look like this:


3. Open the RIG in Blender, when you have opened it, then it will look like this:

4. Change the skin/Upload a skin


Drag the red-marked corner to left till it looks like this:



Then, at the right one, you push the red-marked button:


Then choose UV/Image Editor, then it will look like this:

Then, click at this red-marked button:


Now, instead of ''Render Result'', you must change to ''Char Skin.jpg''

If you don't want the regular ''Char Skin'', you can make your own skin, or find one, but now, i use the regular skin.


Paint the Skin color over the Eye Pupile, the Nose and the Mouth:


Now, you can replace the ''Char Skin.jpg'' with the one you got now:

Image - ''Replace Image''


Now, it's going to look like this:


Now, you can drag the corner side back to normal, and pose the character:


Then, click the ''Render'' Button


Now, click at the ''Render Image'' Button, and there it is, the final product!:



NOTE: Pop Reel, thanks! :D


Inserting Ingredients

To insert an item/block into the Blender, simply right click the Blender with it.

It will include the stack size too so be careful because drinks need the exact amount of ingredients.

Starting the Blending

To start the blending process, you want to make sure you have a valid combination of ingredients in the Blender.

To start it, simply be crouching and right-click the Blender.

Getting a Drink

Once the Blender has completed blending, you can fill a Cup with the drink from the Blender.

To do this, simply right click the Blender with a Cup.

This can then be consumed to fill your hunger bar. Different drinks fill more or less. You can't drink unless you're hungry.

Removing Ingredients

To remove an ingredient, simply right click the Blender with a bare hand. It will remove the last added ingredient.



There are five default recipes with the Blender.

How to Import Minecraft Worlds to Blender 2.8 and fix Blurry Textures on Map

Hi! It's Tigerpickering and I was wondering- has any of you seen that fixing blender minecraft maps and you have to use blender 2.79? Well this tutorial will help with that!

In Mineways, open your world. Wait for it to load and right click and drag while holding right- click.

Press "File" and "Export for Rendering". Name your .obj file. In this tutorial we are naming it "Nwwld". Then press the save button.

Now on the panel on the picture shown↓ you have to check the box beside what reads "Make Z the up direction instead of Y, change the Rotate model clockwise to 180, and change the Physical material to Colored & Flexible. Now press ok.

Now open Blender.
Now that you opened Blender, open the MCprep panel. Now press Mineways and OBJ world import. In Material Preview, the map is blurry, it looks like this:

Dun dun dun!!

Here's how to fix THAT. Click on Prep Materials and OK. Now it should look like this:

Congratulations, you have learned how to import and fix MC worlds for Blender 2.8!

Crafting recipe

The Blender requires 4 black wool, 4 glass panes, and an iron ingot.

Place the glass panes in the top left, top right, middle left and middle right slots, the black wool in the middle top slot and across the bottom row and the iron ingot in the middle slot.

Blender 1.12

The Blender is used to create drinks, which can be consumed and fill your hunger bar.

It can store up to six drinks. By default, the Blender comes with five different recipes (see below).

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