Как сделать стар платинум овер хевен в stands awakening

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

Stands Awakening, a new and improved version of the A Bizarre Day Modded game on Roblox, is based on the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime series. Stands are special manifestations that players can use to fight enemies, and this guide will list all the stands and how to get them in Roblox Stands Awakening.

There are many common stands that can be obtained automatically, but when combined they can create special and unique stands with extraordinary powers. Below you will find all arrow and item stands, including their combinations and drop chances.

How to Get All Item Stands in Roblox Stands Awakening

That's everything you need to know on how to get all stands in Roblox Stands Awakening. If you want to know more, then check out other Roblox related articles on our dedicated hub page.

How to Obtain

  • Arrow, 2% chance, it's shiny being a 1% chance
  • Whitesnake: Alternative Universe's Disc Throw (T)
  • Trading

Battle Strategies

Using Star Platinum

Using Star Platinum can be hard due to it being a close-ranged Stand and how there are a lot more powerful Stands/Specs, however you can master it, with enough training. It is recommended to use TSP though, as it is a buffed and overall better version of Star Platinum.

Using Strong/Heavy Punch

Strong Punch (or Heavy Punch) is one of your most useful moves. It should be used when your opponent is up close, and are doing damage to you, so you can knock them back, giving you time to combo them. It can also be used as a finisher, if your opponent is low, quickly use your R on them and you should win.

Using Star Finger

Star Finger is (by far) your most important combo move. It does pitiful and weak damage, but it trips your opponent, keeping them stunned for some time, without doing knockback to them. This allows you to easily combo them quickly, without taking any damage yourself.

Using Iggy Throw

Iggy Throw is your second most important combo move. It's slow and due to the animation taking a long time, it takes a while to fire, which can give your opponent tons of time to react and escape. It also has a quick despawn time. Despite this, it's a great combo move. It is recommended to use it after stunning your opponent with T. This can also be used by itself to start combos, due to it also tripping and stunning, and it does a lot more damage, making it somewhat better than Star Finger.

Timestop is your most OP move. It does no damage itself, but if you can combine all your moves in this time-stop state, you can easily win. Sadly, it lasts for only 2-3 seconds, rendering it useless if your opponent is far away. Time-stop Movement, is basically the same, you only get to move for 2-3 seconds. This does give you a good enough time to get away from the TS user, though.

Countering Star Platinum

Countering Star Platinum can be easy/hard, depending on their skill level. Most Star Platinum users are just new players, so you wont have to PVP them. Despite that, there are experienced SP players that if you underestimate them, you can die a lot.

Countering Barrage

Barrage is very easy to counter, as most of the time the SP user wont barrage you, as they can get killed in seconds. If you are low on health, or are stunned, however, things can change. It's best to stay away from the SP and trick them into using their barrage, then you can find an opening and quickly end them.

Countering Strong/Heavy Punch

Again, an easy move to counter. As SP is close-ranged, most of it's power comes from the fists. If you can escape them, however, then SP users can become very easy to kill. Rolling/sliding or teleporting is a good way to counter this move. You can also just back away when they use the move. Once they are tricked into using it, you can get an opening.

Countering Star Finger

Star Finger is very hard to counter. It has a lot of range, and due to the stun it can cancel a lot of OP moves. What to do, is to stun the user yourself so they can no longer use their T move for a couple of seconds. Then you can just barrage them or spam combo to win.

Countering Iggy Throw

Iggy can be hard/easy to counter depending on the user's skill level. Due to the slow animation and how hard the move is to aim, it can be easily countered by just walking away or rolling/sliding.

Countering Timestop

Timestop is the easiest move to counter. To counter it, watch for when your opponent uses the move and does the animation, then use your Stand Jump move (if your Stand even has one) and then run away. They cannot hit you in the air, unless they are using exploits. Even if they were to hit you midair, the damage wouldn't be fatal. If you have MIH/MOHE, however, then that's a whole other story, as you cannot Stand Jump with them. Despite that, you can just use your Flight to get away as their TS is short, and they aren't as fast as you.

Star Platinum


Star Platinum is a close-ranged Stand with incredible strength, speed, precision, but only having a range of 2 meters. It also possesses enhanced eyesight, breath and durability. At the end of Stardust Crusaders, Star Platinum awakened the ability to stop time. Similar to The World, Star Platinum is able to stop time for 5 seconds.

Star Platinum is C+ Tier in Value and B Tier in Combat.


Star Platinum strikes the target with a weak punch. This has a very low cooldown. Star Platinum throws a barrage of punches that deals 5 damage per punch while screaming "ORA ORA ORA!". This has a short cooldown. Star Platinum strikes the target with a heavy punch while screaming "ORA!" dealing 30 damage. This has a low cooldown. Star Platinum extends his fingers to strike the target, dealing 25 damage and ragdolling them. This has a low cooldown. Star Platinum grabs Iggy and throws him at the target. Anyone hit will be dealt 65 damage. This has a 30 second cooldown. Star Platinum stops time for 2 seconds. This stops everyone from moving entirely. Stands such as Gold Experience Requiem can reset this move, cancelling it. This has a high cooldown. Star Platinum lets the user temporarily walk in stopped time. This must be used while time is stopped for it to work. Star Platinum uses its immense strength to leap into a distance with its user.

Как сделать стар платинум овер хевен в stands awakening

Михаил Чигир

Михаил Чигир

Даня Глеков

Dzhe Vekus

Пока не стоит трейдить, как по мне он сейчас ценен и нужно чуток подождать. Если уж сильно хочется обменять сейчас то я думаю стоит оверпрайсить и смотреть в сторону Shadow The World, Карса, Black & White King Crimson и Manga King Crimson. Retro The World Over Heaven конечно неплох, но опять же на данный момент его можно получить, а Retro Star Platinum Over Heaven - нет.

How to Get All Arrow Stands in Roblox Stands Awakening


Current Evolutions

    on Star Platinum = Star Platinum: Over Heaven on Star Platinum OVA = Star Platinum: OVA Over Heaven (1/20 chance) on Star Platinum = Star Platinum: OVA on Star Platinum = Jotaro's Star Platinum on Star Platinum OVA = Jotaro's Star Platinum: OVA

Deleted Evolutions

Как сделать стар платинум овер хевен в stands awakening

Владислав Ибрагимов

Владислав Ибрагимов

Владислав Ибрагимов

Владислав Ибрагимов

Друг заюзал после этого забагался и умер. А DIO’s Skull исчез

Владислав Ибрагимов

Владислав Ибрагимов

Назар Ботюк

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Кирилл Будаев

Кирилл Будаев

я люблю джоджо игры но эта так мне не понравилась.для меня yba красивее,_,

Владислав Ибрагимов

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Кирилл, я тоже так думаю, меня просто друг заставил попробовать.

Кирилл Будаев

Кирилл Будаев ответил Владиславу

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Дима Таран

Дима Таран

кто может дать мне пж череп, я ищю уже 3 день по нескольку часов и не нахожу

Женя Зубков

Лол, я его находил и думал что так должно быть, потом сделал с помощью него dtw ova

Пьяная Сороконожка

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Islam Turgunbek

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Islam, тутор короче 1 тебе нужен the world 2 используй shiny arrow пока он не станет белым потом dio diary и потом череп дио

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Саша Сашов


Star Platinum is a humanoid Stand, resembling a tall, well-built man of similar proportions to Jotaro, If not more muscular, it also oddly represents Jonathan Joestar. In colored art, It's skin is often a hue between purple, blue, green, and small bits of gold. Its face and body have varying colors ring the distinction between its hair and head. The spaces under its eyes and on it's cheeks and chin are a darker color and divided clearly from the space around it's nose and mouth. It wears a cap on it's chin, and a metallic headband in three pieces, the central piece of which is shaped as a vertical ellipse. Initially, it's facial features were very similar to Jotaro's.


Easy Combos

Medium Combos

Hard Combos

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