Как сделать хопер в minecraft

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Data values [ ]

NameResource locationFormTranslation key
Hopper hopper Block & Item block.minecraft.hopper
NameResource location
Block entity hopper

HopperResource locationNumeric ID FormTranslation key
Block hopper 154 Block tile.hopper.name
Item hopper 410 Item item.hopper.name
NameSavegame ID
Block entity Hopper

Metadata [ ]

In Bedrock Edition, a hopper uses its block data to specify its orientation and activation status.

A three-bit field storing a value from 0 to 5:

  • 0: Output facing down
  • 1: (unused)
  • 2: Output facing north
  • 3: Output facing south
  • 4: Output facing west
  • 5: Output facing east

Block states [ ]

Name Default value Allowed values Description
enabled true false
True if hopper can move items to and from its inventory.
When the hopper is being powered by redstone current, this is set to false.
facing down down
The direction the hopper's output points.
The hopper pushes items into containers in this direction only.

Name Default value Allowed values Description
facing_direction 0 0
The direction the hopper's output points.
The hopper pushes items into containers in this direction only.
toggle_bit 0 0
1 if hopper cannot move items to and from its inventory.
When the hopper is being powered by redstone current, this is set to 1.

Block data [ ]

A hopper has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

Obtaining [ ]

Breaking [ ]

To break a hopper, mine it with a pickaxe. Using any other item to break a hopper drops only the contents.

  1. ↑ Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Entity loot [ ]

A hopper can also be obtained by destroying a minecart with hopper.

Crafting [ ]

A hopper can be crafted from 5 iron ingots and a chest.


A hopper is a block that can be used to catch item entities, or to transfer items into and out of containers.

Usage [ ]

Hoppers can face down or sideways.

A hopper can be used as a container, as a crafting ingredient, and as a redstone component.

A hopper has an "output" tube at its bottom that can face down or sideways and provides a visual indication of which block the hopper is set up to drop its items into, if that block has an inventory. To place a hopper, use the Place Block control while aiming at the surface to which its output should face (Hoppers do not orient themselves automatically). To place a hopper directly on the face of an already interactable block, the player can sneak while placing the hopper. Attempting to place a hopper aimed on the bottom face of a block instead faces downward. With some blocks, such as the furnace and brewing stand, the hopper has multiple uses. A hopper does not change direction after placement, and it is not attached to the container it faces; the container can be removed or replaced, and the hopper remains unchanged.

Container [ ]

Hopper GUI showing the hopper's five slots of inventory at the top and the player's inventory below.

A hopper can be used as a container and has 5 slots of inventory space.

To open the hopper GUI, use the Use Item/Place Block control. To move items between the hopper inventory and the player inventory or hotbar while the hopper GUI is open, drag or shift-click the items. To exit the hopper GUI, use the Esc key, B button or circle button, depending on the device.

By default, the GUI of a hopper is labeled "Item Hopper". A hopper's GUI label can be changed by naming the hopper in an anvil before placing it, or, in Java Edition, by using the data command (for example, to label a hopper at (0,64,0) "Steve's Hopper", use /data merge block 0 64 0 ).

In Java Edition, a hopper's GUI can be "locked" (or subsequently unlocked) by setting the hopper's Lock tag with the data command. If a hopper's Lock tag is not blank, the hopper cannot be accessed except by players holding an item with the same name as the Lock tag's text. For example, to lock a hopper at (0,64,0) so that only players holding an item named "Steve's Key" can access the hopper, use /data merge block 0 64 0 .

Crafting ingredient [ ]

A hopper can be used to craft a minecart with hopper.

Redstone component [ ]

Flowchart of hopper logic

While a hopper is not powered by redstone signals, it operates with three functions:

  • Collectitem entities (free-floating items in the world) into its inventory from the space above it
  • Pull a single item into its inventory from a container above it
  • Push a single item from its own inventory into a container it faces

A hopper first attempts to push any items inside it. Afterwards, it checks if the block above it is a type of container. If so, it attempts to pull from it. Otherwise, the hopper attempts to collect item entities. Notably, hoppers can push to and pull from other hoppers, forming hopper pipes or hopper chains, which allow transporting items across several blocks and are further discussed below.

Redstone signals [ ]

When a hopper receives a redstone signal (and is considered to be "activated"), all three functions stop. To avoid confusion over the terms "activated" and "deactivated", powered hoppers are often described as being locked and unpowered hoppers described as being unlocked. Hoppers can be powered by soft powered blocks, meaning a redstone dust trail pointing into a block touching the hopper locks it just as effectively as a redstone block or any other power component touching the hopper. When the hopper is unlocked during a redstone tick, it does not push or pull/collect during the same tick, but has a delay of 1 redstone tick instead.

While a locked hopper does not push or pull/collect items, it may still receive items from dispensers, droppers and other hoppers, and may have its items pulled out by another hopper beneath it. Hence, the item flow in a horizontal hopper pipe may be stopped by locking just one of the hoppers, but stopping a vertical hopper pipe requires locking two adjacent hoppers at the same time, such that both the pushing of the top one and the pulling of the bottom one are stopped.

A hopper does not output any redstone signals by itself, but its fullness can be read using a redstone comparator, which needs to be placed next to it and facing away from it. An empty hopper outputs a signal strength of 0 and a completely full hopper outputs a signal strength of 15. Notably, a single stackable item (16 or 64) outputs a signal strength of 1 and a single non-stackable item outputs a signal strength of 3.

In Java Edition, if the hopper being read is part of a horizontal hopper pipe, the comparator can individually read each item passing through the chain, because items are pushed through the hoppers one by one at a speed that is manageable by the comparator. If there is an uninterrupted stream of items, the comparator will not switch off in between items. On the other hand, in a vertical hopper pipe, some of the hoppers may never produce a reading above 0, even with a continuous stream of items, because pushes and pulls both occur in the same game tick: The hoppers' items get pulled out a single game tick after they're pushed in and this isn't measurable by a comparator, because comparators need measurements lasting at least 1.5 redstone ticks to produce a reading.

Collecting items [ ]

Hoppers collect groups of items all at once rather than collecting them as single items one at a time. As a result, hoppers can collect item entities much faster than they can pull items from a container. Pulling from a moving minecart with chest or minecart with hopper is even slower, since the minecart is not always above the hopper.

Pushing and pulling items [ ]

A hopper with a storage container above it (such as a furnace, chest, dropper, composter, or another hopper) attempts to pull from the container instead of checking for floating items above it, and hence can not collect items. A hopper always tries to push or pull items using the leftmost available slot. When a hopper is removing items from a chest, the items disappear from left to right. Similarly, when filling up a chest, the chest fills up from left to right. Hoppers prioritize pulling from the first slot of a container over pulling into the first hopper slot. If a hopper has stone in its first slot and nothing in its second while the container it is pulling from has chicken in its first slot but stone in the second, the hopper pulls the chicken from the first slot of the container into its empty second slot. However, if the hopper is unable to pull the chicken, such as if all slots are filled with stone, the hopper pulls the stone from the second slot of the container instead. Similarly, hoppers prioritize pushing from their first slot over pushing into the first slot of a container. If a hopper has stone in its first slot and chicken in its second while the container it is pushing to has chicken it its first slot but stone in the second, the hopper pushes stone from its first slot into the second slot of the container.

Push then Pull

Chest A is full of items while the hopper and Chest B are empty.

Item pushes and pulls are processed in the same game tick, but pushes are processed before pulls. In the schematic, the empty hopper first pulls an item from chest A as it cannot push anything into chest B. After the cooldown, the hopper first pushes its item into chest B before pulling another item from chest A, both pushing and pulling in the same tick, and the process repeats. The hopper stops pulling when A is empty, and stops pushing when B becomes full.

Hoppers also have a "transfer cooldown" time. After pulling and/or pushing items, a hopper waits 4 redstone ticks (0.4 seconds, barring lag) before pulling or pushing again (a transfer rate of 2.5 items per second, barring lag). A hopper that has an item pushed into it from another hopper also starts a 4 tick cooldown period, regardless of whether it pushed or pulled items itself. Item entities can be collected at any time without affecting the transfer cooldown time. The transfer cooldown and the Bedrock Edition collection cooldown are independent of each other.

Container interactions [ ]

Some containers interact with hoppers in specific ways:



Как сделать

Что сделать


Как сделать воронку в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 1

Воронка Как сделать воронку в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 1

Воронка Как сделать воронку в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 2

Как сделать воронку в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 3

Воронка Как сделать воронку в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 3

Как сделать

Что сделать


Загрузочная воронка используется для перемещения ресурсов или предметов из сундуков или печей над собой, в сундук под воронкой. Чтобы сделать загрузочную воронку понадобится сундук и железные слитки.

  • Синонимы: Воронка / Воронка / Загрузочная воронка
  • Версии Майнкрафт: 1.17 / 1.16.5 / 1.16.4 / 1.16.3 / 1.16.2 / 1.16.1 / 1.16
  • ID: hopper

Как сделать плавильную печь

Здесь указано, как сделать плавильную печь в Майнкрафте. В рецепте крафта указываются необходимые ингредиенты и их расположение в Minecraft.

Чтобы сделать плавильную печь в Майнкрафте потребуются: 5 железных слитков, печь и гладкий камень. Данные ингредиенты нужно разместить на верстаке, в соответствии с рисунком ниже. Чтобы открыть верстак нужно нажать правой кнопкой мыши на установленный верстак.

Что можно сделать из hopper

Hopper очень редко используется в игре Майнкрафт для создания других предметов, и есть всего 1 рецепт с использованием данного ингредиента. Из hopper можно сделать только: загрузочную вагонетку.


Как сделать

Где найти


Как сделать поводок в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 1

Поводок Как сделать поводок в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 1

Как сделать поводок в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 2

Поводок Как сделать поводок в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 2

Как сделать поводок в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 3

Поводок Как сделать поводок в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 3

Как сделать

Где найти


Поводок пригодится при создании ферм любых животных, с его помощью игрок может привести за собой животное. Взяв поводок в руку, нужно кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши на животное, тогда поводок одним концом привяжется к животному, а второй будет в руке у игрока. Поводок можно привязать к забору или ограде.
Если игрок отойдет от животного на поводке слишком далеко, то поводок порвется и выпадет.
Удобно иметь поводок при себе в путешествии на лошади, так как может встретиться водоем, через который лошадь проще перевести на поводке.
Чтобы получить готовый поводок, игрок может убить ламу торговца, при этом может выпасть поводок.

  • Синонимы: Верёвка для животных / Lead / Лассо
  • Версии Майнкрафт: 1.17 / 1.16.5 / 1.16.4 / 1.16.3 / 1.16.2 / 1.16.1 / 1.16
  • ID: lead

Поводок в Майнкрафте

Sounds [ ]

SoundSource Description Resource locationVolumePitch
??Once the block has broken dig.metal ?1.2
??Falling on the block with fall damage fall.metal ??
??While the block is in the process of being broken hit.metal ?0.75
??Jumping from the block jump.metal ??
??Falling on the block without fall damage land.metal ??
??Walking on the block step.metal ??
??When the block is placed use.metal ?1.2

Плавильная печь

Как сделать

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Что сделать

Что даёт


Как сделать плавильную печь в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 1

Плавильная печь Как сделать плавильную печь в Майнкрафт | Скриншот 1

Как сделать

Где найти

Что сделать

Что даёт


Плавильная печь - это рабочее место Крестьянина-бронника.

  • Синонимы: Blast furnace
  • Версии Майнкрафт: 1.17 / 1.16.5 / 1.16.4 / 1.16.3 / 1.16.2 / 1.16.1 / 1.16
  • ID: blast_furnace

Плавильная печь в Майнкрафте

Как сделать hopper

Здесь указано, как сделать hopper в Майнкрафте. В рецепте крафта указываются необходимые ингредиенты и их расположение в Minecraft.

Чтобы сделать hopper в Майнкрафте потребуются: 5 железных слитков и сундук. Данные ингредиенты нужно разместить на верстаке, в соответствии с рисунком ниже. Чтобы открыть верстак нужно нажать правой кнопкой мыши на установленный верстак.

Как сделать в Майнкрафте

Как сделать поводок

Здесь указано, как сделать поводок в Майнкрафте. В рецепте крафта указываются необходимые ингредиенты и их расположение в Minecraft.

Есть несколько рецептов, как можно сделать поводок в Майнкрафте. В итоге вам потребуются следующие ингредиенты:: нити и сгусток слизи. Данные ингредиенты нужно разместить на верстаке, в соответствии с рисунком ниже. Чтобы открыть верстак нужно нажать правой кнопкой мыши на установленный верстак.

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