Как пользоваться программой chaoslauncher для starcraft

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Hotkeys execute actions by pressing a key. Hotkeys are bound to predefined actions and cannot be changed mid-game. 1 For example, a Barracks will produce one Marine when the A key is struck. Because there is no mouse movement, using the hotkey is faster than clicking on the Marine icon after selecting the Barracks.

Note that any hotkeys listed in this article assume the default hotkey settings, using a standard American QWERTY keyboard. If you use an alternate keyboard layout through the Windows layout manager, hotkeys will function as if you were using a QWERTY keyboard, but will be relabeled to accommodate your keyboard - that is to say, if you have an A key where the Q key would be for QWERTY, most hotkeys will treat an A as a Q. However, keyboard layout changes made through other methods (registry editors like Sharpkeys, for example, or hardware-mapped keyboard layouts) are invisible to StarCraft 2's client, and you must adjust the hotkeys as necessary.

Hotkeys are stored in the account profile folder in your Windows My Documents folder. You can manually edit the hotkey file, and, although probably illegal for tournament play, there are a lot of fun tricks only possible this way. For example, more than 2 keys can be assigned to the same action. Although not considered a hack, this sort of editing is outside the scope of this article, and maybe breaks the wiki's rules anyway. Google it.

1. Hotkeys can be changed mid-game, but doing so in a multiplayer game is difficult, since the game is not paused. In single-player modes, however, it is easy. Try playing a Custom game against a Very Easy AI to try out new layouts without reloading every time.

Benefits of Using Hotkeys [ edit ]

A keyboard, although blunt, is a faster and more precise and exact instrument than a mouse; thus, hotkeys offer fast, precise, and exact execution of commands. A mouse must be navigated across the screen to execute commands; even assuming a very high DPI setting and perfect accuracy on the part of the player, clicking the mouse button still takes approximately the same amount of time as pressing a key. Thus, using a hotkey is always faster than using the mouse.

Imagine that the Red Player is using hotkeys, and the Blue Player is not. Let us assume that Blue is adept at using her mouse, and Red is equally adept at using his hotkeys. Blue's actions will typically take her 100ms (milliseconds; 1,000ms = one second) longer than Red. In a ten-minute game, assuming Blue has an APM of 120, her choice to neglect hotkeys adds up to 1.2 wasted seconds per minute. Very few players can control the mouse with the accuracy and celerity requisite to execute commands with only a 100ms delay over hotkeys; for most players neglecting hotkeys, the lost time balloons wildly out of control, and can be measured in minutes, not seconds.

Worse, certain actions can only be performed with hotkeys. For instance, control groups, base centering, and camera bookmarks are not accessible via the mouse. To demonstrate this, let's say that our two players are Terran, and have sent out an SCV to scout the enemy. While scouting they determine that they need more Marines.

Blue (who does not use the keyboard) would need to:

  1. look at the lower left quadrant of her monitor
  2. position the cursor over the minimap
  3. click on the minimap to reposition the camera
  4. look back at the main part of the monitor
  5. click on the Barracks
  6. look at the lower right quadrant of the monitor
  7. position the cursor over the command card
  8. click on the Marine button
  9. look back at the lower left quadrant of her monitor
  10. position the cursor over the minimap
  11. click on the mini-map to zoom over to her scout
  12. position the cursor over the scout
  13. click on her scout

Compare that to Red, who has assigned the 4 hotkey to his SCV and the 5 hotkey to his Barracks. To perform the same actions, he would just need to:

Red would not even look at his base. He would use 4 to select his SCV again, and could press 4 4 to center his screen on the SCV.

Clearly, Red's play will be faster and more efficient at all levels.

Definitions [ edit ]

Control Group hotkeys One of the most important aspects of Micro game is to create and to use control groups so that one can quickly control selected sets of units. StarCraft II allows the player to assign the top-row of numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) to groups of units or buildings. These groups can be redefined and reassigned at any time. Command hotkeys Command hotkeys are predefined hotkeys that execute a command or issue an instruction to a selected unit/building when pressed. Camera hotkeys The F5 through F8 keys are used to quickly zoom the main viewport to a specific location on the battleground. Press Control and the camera key to assign a location. Press the camera key to return to that location. You can assign a new camera location at any time, and it will overwrite the old one. Building / Unit hotkeys Starcraft II has several pre-programmed keyboard shortcuts to issue commands to buildings and units. This category of hotkey is defined during the startup of the Starcraft II client and cannot be changed mid-game. User Interface Hotkeys This category of hotkey includes shortcuts which control the game client itself as opposed to issuing commands within the game (for instance, commands to bring up the menu).

Group Hotkeys aka Control Groups [ edit ]

In StarCraft II the number keys at the top of your keyboard can be used to create up to 10 groups of units and/or buildings in order to quickly select multiple items.

Creating [ edit ]

To create a control group and assign a hotkey to select it:

At the top edge of the information area of your main window (at the bottom of your screen) you will see a graphic that shows the group number along with the quantity of units or buildings in the group.

Modifying [ edit ]

You can't remove units from a group, but you can re-define the group with new units added or current units removed.

Expanding [ edit ]

Grouping Buildings [ edit ]

Groups of buildings are defined in the same way as above, but the player selects buildings instead of units. The most common use for this feature is for the player to create groups of their unit creation buildings. For instance, a Terran may create a group of all their Barracks or a Protoss may group their Robotics Facilities together.

When a unit creation command is given to a group of buildings, the spawning of new units is spread evenly across the group. So if a Terran has their group of two Barracks selected and presses the A key twice, they will start spawning two new Marines, one from each Barracks.

Groups of building can also be set to use the same rally point by right-clicking on the location where you want the newly spawned units to move to.

Strategies for Using [ edit ]

The most common way to use your 10 hotkeys is to divide the keys into unit groups and building groups. Most Starcraft II players are finding that 4 unit control groups is usually sufficient; so keys 1 - 4 are assigned to unit groups while keys 5 - 0 are used for groups of buildings. You should experiment to find the key combinations which feel the most natural and easy to use for you.

Whatever scheme you select, it is best to be consistent. Muscle memory is most effective when each key always does the same thing.

Units may belong to multiple groups. For example, perhaps as a Terran player you'd like to have all of your Marines and Marauders move together as a unit, but when fighting, you'd like your Marauders to focus fire on armored units. You could assign all your infantry to group 1 then create group 2 with only the Marauders.

Summary [ edit ]


Starcraft "Карты, моды и программы для Starcraft"

Коллекция карт, модификаций, программ и прочего контента для Starcraft.


  • документация (прохождение, стратегия, чит-коды и т.д.)
  • изображения из бета-версии игры
  • курсоры мыши в стиле Starcraft
  • скины для winamp
  • скринсейвер в стиле Starcraft
  • дополнения:
    - Retribution

Установка Retribution.
Либо разархивировать iso-архив куда-либо и запустить setup, либо использовать программу типо Daemon Tools и загрузить ISO-файл в виртуальный CD-ROM.

Playing on Hamachi [ edit ]

Hamachi is a Local Area Network (LAN) emulator over the internet. People log on to Hamachi like MSN, but instead of chatting with each other, the connected computers now think they are on a single LAN. Since Brood War has LAN support, you can play games against each other on UDP via Hamachi (on a side note, this is part of the reason SC2 doesn't have LAN support).

The Chaoslauncher with ForceHamachi plugin let you play Brood War on Hamachi. An older version of hamachi is needed for it to function with Brood War. The Force Hamachi plugin does some nifty tricks, without it you can't play. Don't forget to play on UDP once you're logged onto Hamachi!

Install Chaoslauncher if you didn't already (see top of this page). Download the ForceHamachi plugin and put it in your chaoslauncher installation folder. Download and install Hamachi. Start Hamachi, and join TLnet//123 or TLnet2//123

Buildings / Units Hotkeys [ edit ]

StarCraft II has several pre-programmed keyboard shortcuts to issue commands to buildings and units. See Hotkeys per Race.

Supported Plugins [ edit ]

  • Universal BWL plugins
  • Universal BWP plugins
  • Universal DLL plugins plugin

Как пользоваться программой chaoslauncher для starcraft

Свершилось то, чего очень многие желали. Нет, не вышел StarCraft 2, и Xel'Naga не явили свой лик человечеству.

До этого момента, увы, пока еще далеко, и произошедшее событие носит куда более земной характер:

Причем, не просто переключать используемый игрой режим работы монитора,
заполняя свободное пространство экрана окошками статистики, как это
было в Lasgo Observer Pack, или просто черным цветом. StarCraft Resolution Hack действительно увеличивает игровое разрешение, позволяя видить игроку на своем экране значительно большую часть карты.
Запускается программа следующим образом:

1. Запускаете StarCraft

2. Нажимаете Alt+tab

3. Запускаете StarCraft Resolution Hack*, выбираете нужное вам
разрешение (лучше то, которое вы используете на своем мониторе как
основное. У меня, например, 1280х1024)

4. Жмете кнопочку Start, и вуаля!

* - под Windows VIsta требуются права администратора.

По умолчанию предлагается разрешение 1280x800, по заявлением разработчика наиболее оптимальное для данной версии.

Горячие клавиши для управления в полноэкранном режиме:

- F8 - переключение скорости игры (в сингле)

- F9 - Делает скриншот в формате .BMP и сохраняет его в папке с плагином.

- F11 - переключение между выбранным высоким и обычным 640x480 разрешениями.

- F2 - выход из программы, возврат к нормальному разрешению.

Ксожалению, не обошлось без недоработок и багов:

- Разрешение не держется в стартовом меню, бриффинг-румах, и при отображении на экране меню игры.

- При попытке сделать скриншот, игра вылетает с ошибкой.

- При использовании миникарты возникают некоторые глюки, с отображением
областей экрана, скрытых "туманом войны". Т.е. вы можете под него
"заглянуть", и даже при определенной сноровке увидив то, что творится в
стане оппонента. ^^

От части по этому, как следует из названия, данная программа является
хаком, со всеми вытикающими последствиями - ждать её внедрения на
популярных серверах, вроде ICCup не стоит.

Developing Plugins [ edit ]

If you have more questions contact MasterOfChaos.

Included Plugins [ edit ]

    by MasterOfChaos by MasterOfChaos by MasterOfChaos by XeNotRoN by Tec27 by Python_Max

Camera Hotkeys [ edit ]

By default Starcraft II allows the player to bind the F5 through F8 function keys to focus the camera on an area of the map. Note that there are more than four camera hotkeys available. Cameras five through eight can be defined in the Hotkeys panel of the options menu.

Creating [ edit ]

To save a location as a camera hotkey:

Using [ edit ]

Pressing F5 through F8 will focus your screen on the section of the map which you have bound it to. The most common uses for camera hotkeys include:

  • Expansion bases
  • Enemy locations
  • Chokepoints

Vigorous, dynamic use of camera hotkeys offers the potential for exceptional efficiency in issuing commands and attending to the battlefield, independent of highly mobile control groups, and not subject to the vagaries of the Backspace key.

Backspace focuses the camera on your town structure (Command Center, Hatchery, or Nexus, or derivatives thereof). If you have more than one, Backspace cycles through them one by one. Note that Backspace will not focus on floating Command Centers or Orbital Command Centers, and will focus on town structures even if they are devoid of resources (e.g. exhausted expansions, macro hatcheries, etc.).

Spacebar focuses the camera on the location for the last event notification. Pressing it again cycles through recent events.


Chaoslauncher is an open source third-party launcher for StarCraft that allows the user to inject any universal plugins.
To add BWP plugins, simply install AdvLoader in a separate folder and the plugins will show up in Chaoslauncher. Copying BWP plugins into the Chaoslauncher folder will not work!

Some plugins may need administrative privileges in order to work, this can be done by right clicking on Chaoslauncher.exe and running it as admin.

Using older StarCraft versions [ edit ]

First download the old StarCraft executables (See BWreplays on using old Versions).
Then extract these to your StarCraft directory.
After a restart Chaoslauncher displays all available versions in the combobox on the bottom.

Using the ICCup Antihack [ edit ]

First make sure you are using and no earlier versions. Then copy the iccscbn.icc from the iCCup Launcher folder to the Chaoslauncher folder. After a restart Chaoslauncher will display a new version called ICCup 1.16.1 in the versionlist on the bottom. If you select this version, only whitelisted plugins compatible with ICCup can be enabled.
Warning: There is no official permission from iCCup to use third-party launchers.

Command Hotkeys [ edit ]

Command hotkeys are pre-defined hotkeys which execute a command or issue an instruction to a selected unit/building when pressed. There are general hotkeys which apply for all races and there are race specific hotkeys which issue commands to the buildings and units of that race. In the Micro (StarCraft) section we discuss many of the key and mouse commands which can be used to position your units for attack.

A couple of highlights from that section are worth pointing out here.

Attack / Attack-Move [ edit ]

The A (Attack) key is an overloaded hotkey. If you press A and then click on an enemy unit or building, your selected units will attack the enemy. If you press A and then left-click somewhere on the map, your selected units will move toward that location, engaging any enemy units they encounter along the way in combat.

Also, pressing A and then clicking on one of your own units/buildings will force your selected units to attack yourself. This can be useful when one of your buildings is accidentally blocking your own units from advancing.

Stop / Hold [ edit ]

Pressing the S (Stop) hotkey will stop your units in their tracks whether they are moving or not. This comes in handy when you didn't "A-move" your units and they suddenly encounter resistance along the way. A unit which has been stopped will still pursue enemies if necessary.

Stopped units can be baited to move from their location. If you're trying to block a ramp or other chokepoint with your units, you should use the H (Hold Position) hotkey instead. This command forces them to hold their ground instead of pursuing enemies that are moving out of range.

Patrol [ edit ]

P hotkey is used for Patrol. A unit on patrol will effectively perform an attack-move (or just moving if unit cannot attack like Observer) between its location and the point that you tell it to patrol to. Just like a normal attack-move, the unit will automatically engage any enemy troops that it encounters, unless it has no way to attack them. If an enemy opens fire on the patrolling unit and it has no way to counter-attack, the patrolling unit will run and lose its patrol route. Complex patrol routes can be established by holding Shift while creating the patrol route. The patrol will go from point to point, as per normal queue commands, and return to the point of origin after reaching the last destination, then begin the entire patrol circuit again.

Return Resource [ edit ]

Terran and Protoss players can optimize construction commands by selecting a worker holding minerals. Issue the build command to that worker by holding Shift pressing C . After the worker has finished that building it will return the resources and resume mining. This will not work for Zerg players because Drones become their structures.

Adding tools to the traymenu [ edit ]

You can add your own tools to the Chaoslauncher traymenu to make them easily accessible. You add these entries in the Tools tab of Chaoslauncher. Each tool consists of a name which gets displayed in the tray menu, the path to executable which should be opened, and a parameter string which gets passed to the executed tool.
You could also add the path to your LastReplay.rep to the parameter field, so BWChart automatically opens this replay.

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