Как перезарядить оружие в майнкрафте techguns

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The following can be changed while playing in the in-game config:

  • Enable Death Effects | Default=true | Enables/Disables all death effects.
  • Enable Gore Death Effect | Default=true | Enables/Disables death effects with gore.
  • Fixed Sprint FOV Multiplier | Default=1.15 | Changes FOV when sprinting, excluding any effect that affects speed (minimal impact on gameplay).
  • Lock Speed Dependent FOV | Default=true | Locks/Unlocks changes in FOV while sprinting (minimal impact on gameplay, unless another mod also locks changes in FOV while sprinting).
  • Particle Depth Sort Passes | Default=10 | Number of bubble sort passes per particle tick (minimal impact on gameplay)

Damage Factors [ ]

The following can be changed to change the damage multiplier NPCs and players face.

  • Damage Factor NPC | Default=1.0 | Damage done to techgun mobs by any weapon other than turrets. Can be increased/decreased to increase/decrease damage, respectively. Mobs by default receive normal damage.
  • Damage PvP | Default=0.5 | Damage done to players by any techgun used from another player. Can be increased/decreased to increase/decrease damage, respectively, with 0 turning PvP off (for techguns). Players by default take half the normal damage, likely to avoid spawn killing and stabilize damage so weapons are not overpowered.
  • Damage Turret To Player | Default=0.5 | Damage turrets do to players. Can be increased/decreased to increase/decrease damage, respectively. Players by default take half the normal damage, likely to avoid spawn killing and stabilize damage so weapons are not overpowered.

Disable Items [ ]

The following items can be disabled if provided already by another mod (all are true by default):

  • Lead Nugget
  • Steel Ingot
  • Fluid Recipes [ ]

Recipes that require fluids from both the techguns mod and/or another mod. More fluids can be added in the techguns.cfg file

Fuel Tanks [ ]

Fluids needed to fill a Chemical Laboratory. The default is lava if no fuels listed are provided and is removed by default if any of the fuels listed are provided (this can be changed in the General section).

  • Fuel
  • Refined Fuel
  • Biofuel
  • Biodiesel
  • Diesel
  • Gasoline
  • Fluid Diesel
  • Fluid Nitro-Diesel
  • Fluid Nitro-Fuel
  • Refined Biofuel
  • Fire Water
  • Rocket Fuel
Oil Fluids [ ]

Fluids considered as oil.

  • Oil
  • Tree Oil
  • Crude Oil
  • Fluid Oil
  • Seed Oil
Worldspawn Oil Fluids [ ]

Fluids considered as oil in naturally generated blocks

General [ ]

General in-game options that affect gameplay in survival.

  • Explosive Charge Advanced Max Hardness | Default=100.0 | Maximum amount of hardness damage an obsidian has a hardness value of 50, so Advanced Explosive Charges can break it by default.
  • Explosive Charge Max Hardness | Default=30.0 | Maximum amount of hardness damage an obsidian has a hardness value of 50, so Explosive Charges cannot break it by default.
  • Restrict Unsafe Mode To OP | Default=false | If set to true, allows only opped players to grief with certain weapons (i.e. Flamethrower).
  • Upgrade XP Cost | Default=20 | The base XP level required to use the Spawning [ ]

Techguns' Mob spawning features and rules.

Biome Blacklist [ ]

Biomes listed will not spawn any of the mobs from Techguns. It must be written with the ID for the Minecraft/mod biome (ex. minecraft:mushroom_island) in order to work.

Mob Worldspawn Distance [ ]

Maximum amount of blocks from worldspawn Techguns' mobs spawn in naturally generated structures with a certain danger level.

  • Danger Level 0: Default=500
  • Danger Level 1: Default=1000
  • Danger Level 2: Default=2500
Spawn Weight [ ]

Spawn Weight for all Techguns' mobs (Changing any of the values to 0 will prevent spawning of that mob).

  • Cyber Demon : Default=0
  • Zombie Soldier : Default=0
  • Nether Total Spawn Weight: Default=0
  • Overworld Total Spawn Weight: Default=0

Ore Drills [ ]

Features, rules, and configuration for Mining Levels [ ]

Determines which Mining Level is required for Ore Clusters .

  • Coal Ore Cluster: Default=0
  • Common Gem Cluster: Default=1
  • Common Metal Cluster: Default=0
  • Nether Crystal Cluster: Default=2
  • Oil Cluster: Default=2
  • Rare Metal Cluster: Default=1
  • Shiny Gem Cluster: Default=3
  • Shiny Metal Cluster: Default=2
  • Uranium Cluster: Default=3

World Generation [ ]

Configuration for world generation.

Structures [ ]

Spawning rules for certain structures.

  • Ore Cluster Structures: Default=true
  • All Techguns Structures: Default=true
  • Spawn Weight for Large Structures: Default=16
  • Spawn Weight for Medium Structures: Default=16
  • Spawn Weight for Small Structures: Default=16
Ore Generation [ ]

Determines which ores are and are not generated. All ores listed are generated by default (manually remove if provided by another mod).

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