Как переводится глобал вилладж

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Ireland to Oxytown, Newcastle to Barnsley. ..I'll be looking at how our 6,000-plus languages and myriad accents are threatened with extinction as the global village becomes a reality.

Мы увидим, что наши 6000 с лишним языков и мириады диалектов находятся на грани вымирания, благодаря тому, что идея глобальной деревни становится реальностью.

..and how thousands of languages are now threatened with the rise of the global village.

и показать, что тысячи языков находятся в опасности из-за создания Глобальной Деревни.

global village — другие примеры

Ok, it's a global village era, so I'll start with English.

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global village

global village — ˌglobal ˈvillage noun [singular] COMMERCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS the idea that the world can be considered as one unit for business and communication purposes: • Information has become freely available in the global village of the 21st century … Financial and business terms

global village — n [singular] a name for the world, used to emphasize the degree to which everything is connected and each part depends on the others … Dictionary of contemporary English

global village — n. the world regarded as having become a single community by the effects of mass media, rapid travel, etc … English World dictionary

Global Village — I Global Village [ gləʊbəl vɪlɪdʒ; engl. »globales Dorf«] das, von H. M. McLuhan geprägter Begriff für die Folgen der weltweiten medialen Vernetzung. II Global Village [engl.], globales Dorf … Universal-Lexikon

global village — the world, esp. considered as the home of all nations and peoples living interdependently. [term introduced by the book War and Peace in the Global Village (1968) by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore] * * * … Universalium

global village — noun The world as a single community of interdependent inhabitants who are interconnected by contemporary technology, especially television and the World Wide Web. McLuhan believes that the world is rapidly becoming a global villag … Wiktionary

global village — /gloʊbəl ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ (say glohbuhl vilij) noun the inhabited world projected or perceived as a single community united by means of rapid and comprehensive information systems.

Перевод "global village" на русский

The global village to which we constantly refer should encourage us to expand human solidarity.

«Глобальная деревня», на которую мы постоянно ссылаемся, должна была бы поощрять нас к расширению солидарности людей.

We like to think of the Internet as a global village.

How true of the global village in which we now live.

Как это справедливо в отношении той глобальной деревни, в которой мы сегодня живем.

It can be done and, for the sake of future generations in our global village, it must be done.

Это возможно и во имя будущих поколений нашей глобальной деревни, и это должно произойти.

Given that we live in a global village, the effects of climate change are also felt in developed countries.

С учетом того, что мы живем в глобальной деревне, последствия изменений климата ощущаются и в развитых странах.

The underlying sense of equity and justice which informed the original Charter is somewhat overshadowed by events in the global village today.

События, происходящие в сегодняшней "глобальной деревне", несколько затмили собой чувство равенства и справедливости, которое лежало в основе первоначального Устава.

Every nation, race, religion, sect or tribe should have its rightful place in this global village.

Все нации, расы, религии, секты или племена должны занимать свое законное место в нашей «глобальной деревне».

In our global village, happiness for everyone is possible.

В нашей глобальной деревне можно обеспечить счастливую жизнь для всех.

We all face these environmental, health, security and immigration issues, because this is a global village.

Все мы, как жители глобальной деревни, сталкиваемся с проблемами в области окружающей среды, здравоохранения, безопасности и иммиграции.

For, as members of one global village, the successes and failures are all of ours.

Поскольку как у членов одной глобальной деревни успехи и неудачи являются нашими общими.

With these assets we are now part of the global village.

That underlines the need for a universal response to the challenges that the citizens of this global village face.

Это подчеркивает необходимость всеобщего ответа на те вызовы, с которыми сталкиваются граждане этой глобальной деревни.

For them, the concept of a "global village" is a pipe dream.

Here, the idea of the world as a global village, an indivisible whole, is perhaps most evident.

Здесь идея мира как глобальной деревни, неделимого целого, возможно, наиболее очевидна.

Urged on by the United Nations, the global village has become reality.

Благодаря усилиям Организации Объединенных Наций "глобальная деревня" стала реальностью.

The "global village" that communications theorists had foreseen 30 years earlier was taking shape.

Формируется "глобальная деревня", концепцию которой теоретики в области коммуникации предложили еще тридцать лет тому назад.

So the greatest challenge facing us, the United Nations, is the eradication of the slums of our global village.

Поэтому величайшая задача, стоящая перед нами, членами Организации Объединенных Наций, - искоренение трущоб нашей глобальной деревни.

We now live in a global village where all are interdependent.

PH: You know, McLuhan talked about the global village.

The world has gradually been reduced to a global village.

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global village

global village — ˌglobal ˈvillage noun [singular] COMMERCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS the idea that the world can be considered as one unit for business and communication purposes: • Information has become freely available in the global village of the 21st century … Financial and business terms

global village — n [singular] a name for the world, used to emphasize the degree to which everything is connected and each part depends on the others … Dictionary of contemporary English

global village — n. the world regarded as having become a single community by the effects of mass media, rapid travel, etc … English World dictionary

Global Village — I Global Village [ gləʊbəl vɪlɪdʒ; engl. »globales Dorf«] das, von H. M. McLuhan geprägter Begriff für die Folgen der weltweiten medialen Vernetzung. II Global Village [engl.], globales Dorf … Universal-Lexikon

global village — the world, esp. considered as the home of all nations and peoples living interdependently. [term introduced by the book War and Peace in the Global Village (1968) by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore] * * * … Universalium

global village — noun The world as a single community of interdependent inhabitants who are interconnected by contemporary technology, especially television and the World Wide Web. McLuhan believes that the world is rapidly becoming a global villag … Wiktionary

global village — /gloʊbəl ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ (say glohbuhl vilij) noun the inhabited world projected or perceived as a single community united by means of rapid and comprehensive information systems.

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