Как отключить снег в скайриме

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

This mod removes the Fake snowflake effect of Skyrim and adds REAL Snowflakes that are inside the Worldspace so they get Lit by Lights and effects and even with PHYSICAL Collisions - Especially noticeable with ENB's. Compatible with Vanilla, NLA, COT, PW, Purity, RCRN, ESS,SS

Author's instructions

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Version 2.12

  • Updated xEdit Script by removing the version check. This should fix the issues with the dev version.

Version 2.11

  • Forgot to rename the .seq files wich could result in not starting the mapweather fix quest

Version 2.10

  • Greatly Enhanced the Physical snow emitter Particle systems. Now snow should be more diverse and more dense. Afterall it depends how mouch spare resources your CPU and the Script engine has.

Version 2.00

  • -Added Support for Physical Snow (EXPERIMENTAL):
    Physical snow will be rendered in a certain Radius around the Player and normal Non physical snow is being used for distant snow. Physical snow will react on all inworld objects and collides with them. This resoults in creating a shelter effect as soon you are standing below a object.
    Physical snow though is EXPERIMENTAL. It will render alot of Snow emitters and the quality of the effect strongly depends on your Rig and the ammount of heavy scripted mods you already run with. As more laggy your scripts are as less script time there is to place snow emitters and as less dense the physical snow will be. At the moment i do recommend it for screenshots and short term plays becasue longterm Tests are still missing. Please have a look at the Bugs section for things that can occour.

Version 1.533

Version 1.532

  • Rewrote the install tes5edit script from scratch. It now does not require mtefunctions.pas and should be more detailed about any errors connected with the load order.

Version 1.531

Version 1.53

Version 1.51

  • added a .seq file for properly starting the mapweather fix quest.

Version 1.5

  • - Added new Blizzard weathers (only real noticeable when using Expanded Snowsystems, COT also includes 2 Blizzard weathers by default) and intensified current snow effects.
    - Added a mooving gravity source to the default medium and Strong snow so the snow changes the direction to make it look like wind changes.
    - Added Ash Effects for weathers of Dragonborn DLC (1 weather) and Climates of Tamriel Dragonborn (5 weathers)
    - completley overworked the installation routine. Thanks to Hishutup you now just have 1 esp that gets patched just like Real shelter with tes5edit and a script. That saves you some precious Plugin space and me some headache for future updates ;)
    - Added snow blow effects to Blizzard Med and Strong weathers.

Version 1.01

  • add missing line to the installer that rendered the Mapfix Script useless.

Version 1.0

Both straight donations and premium membership donations accepted

Welcome to Real Skyrim Snowflakes - aka Vivid Snow

What is this mod?
Real Skyrim Snowflakes differs from almost any other snowflake mod out there. It removes the fake Skyrim snow
particle system from the weathers and adds in-world snow particle systems (And optional PHYSICAL SNOW).
That way, snow gets lit by light sources
and effect lighting! It dramatically increases the feeling of snowy days & nights that way!
It also includes a fix for the Day 1 vanilla bug that visual effects disappear as soon the map was used!
(thanks to mattiewagg for the script!)
This Mod is part of the VIVIDIAN ENB Suite and available here as a standalone mod for better compatibility.
So far it does NOT add new Weathers but modifies Existing ones in your load order

Physical snow will be rendered in a certain Radius around the Player and normal Non physical snow is being used
for distant snow. Physical snow will react on all inworld objects and collides with them. This resoults in creating
a shelter effect as soon you are standing below a object. Physical snow though is EXPERIMENTAL. It will render alot
of Snow emitters and the quality of the effect strongly depends on your Rig and the ammount of heavy scripted mods
you already run with. As more laggy your scripts are as less script time there is to place snow emitters and as less
dense the physical snow will be. At the moment i do recommend it for screenshots and short term plays because
longterm Tests are still missing. Please have a look at the Bugs section for things that can occour.

1. This mod is not made for people who count every FPS or have a weak rig! It will render several thousands
of snow particles in front of you, so expect a FPS loss.
2. For Proper function you MUST change the iMaxDesired value in your skyrimprefs.ini [particles] section to at least 6000
(I personally recommend even 10000 but that depends on your Rig (GTX 670 here))
3. You need SKSE for the map weather fix to function properly!
4. This mod will start to make real sense when using a ENB, since the vanilla nights & particles in Skyrim are simply too bright for the
lighting effect to be seen well. Weather mods like PW / Purity help there.
5. ENB Particle settings now apply to the snow, so you must rely that the ENB author does sensible things to particles at night

Real Skyrim Snowflakes is compatible with Vanilla, Natural Lighting and Atmospherics, Pure Weather, Purity,
RCRN, Climates of Tamriel, Expanded Snow Systems , Supreme Storms, Weather Ambience Overaul.
Since True Storms does not include snow weathers, its naturally compatible ;)

0. Install Tes5Edit if you havent done so already. Here is a Video showing you how todo so: Click me
0.5 If you do not have Tes5Edit or you do not have >=3.1.2 then download it from Here
1. Follow the installer Instruction or copy the content of the data folder into your skyrim/data folder.
1.5 When using Mod Organizer - right click in the Realistic Skyrim Snowflakes - Vivid snow mod entry in
your list and click on "open in explorer"
1.6 NMM users need to have a look into their Skyrim/Data Folder
2. Copy the content of the Edit Scripts Folder to your Tes5Edit/Edit Scripts/ folder. (replace mteFunctions.pas)
3. Put Vividsnow.esp at the end of your load order
4. Run Tes5edit and leave all checkmarks enabled so it loads up your whole modlist. - that will take a while.
5. Right click the VividSnow.esp and press Apply Script
6. Select in the upper part the "Real snowflakes Patcher" and press Ok. - It might ask you to add Masters to Vividsnow.esp,
confirm that.
The script will now scan your modlist and add all Weathers that will be changed by Vividsnows to the Vividsnow.esp.
When done, close Tes5edit and accept the request that it want to save the Vividsnow.esp
The installation is now complete. Please Notice that you need to redo this procedure from scratch as soon
you remove or add Weather mods.

The recommended settings for particles can be
IntensityNight=0.4 up to 0.7
It greatly depends on your weather mod and the particle brightness of it.

What to Expect from your weather Mod
Because Vivid Snow does not add weathers you will experience Snow weathers just as intended by your Weather mod
here is a small list what kind of Snow Weathers are inside the diverse weather mods:

Vanilla, Purity, Pure Weather, NLA
Two snow weathers: Medium Snow, Strong Snow

Climates of Tamriel
Nine snow weathers: Lite Snow (1), Medium Snow (1), Strong Snow(5), Blizzard Medium (1), Blizzard Strong (1)

Expanded Snow Systems - Vanilla
Eleven snow weathers: Medium Snow (1), Strong Snow (1), Blizzard Lite (3), Blizzard Medium (3), Blizzard Strong (3)

Expanded Snow Systems - COT
Nine snow weathers: Blizzard Lite (3), Blizzard Medium (3), Blizzard Strong (3)

Supreme Storms & COT
One weather change - Strong Snow

-There can be leftovers of old particle effects stuck in the savegame - blurry particles in front of your cam.
In that case, open the console , type in FW 81a and save. Then restart Skyrim and load the saved game.
-If no particles are showing up during a weather (like loading into a snowy weather), skyrim failed to initialize the particle system
because the savegame didn’t have one. To fix this, force a snow weather with the FW 4d7fb command and save.
-Almost invisible or too dark particles may often be the result of wrong ENB settings.
-ENB Mist Bug: ENB has two bugs with particles. They Vanish when the MIST effect is too strong and they interact badly with
the volumetric Fogs on the mountains. There is nothing i can do about that, only your ENB mod Author.
Lag and Engine Limitation can produce either not to stop the snow from emitting (snow during no snowy days),
snow being frozen and not animated as well as snow falling though roofs sometimes.

Expanded Snow Systems this will add Blizzard and other types of Snowy weathers to skyrim. (also available for Vanilla)
Weather and Ambience overaul this will overaul your Weather and Skyrim Experience at once
Wet and Cold - adds snow effects to NPC's, blinding vision effects in blizzards and much much more

Thanks to Hishutup for the Tes5Edit Installation script
Thanks to Kesta for the ongoing great work on the Physical Emitter Script!
Thanks to mattiewagg for the Weather map fix script
Thanks to Kesta and Grimy for adding ideas into the Map weather script

Also check out my other mods!

Fallout 3 / NV

Fallout 4

Зимняя версия

В зимней версии, как ни странно, на всей территории Скайрима наступит суровая зима.


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Установка: Используйте менеджер модов или поместите все из папки 0-Core в папку Data, а затем установите доп. модули (по желанию)

да круто что тут скажешь

Как отключить снег в скайриме

У меня постоянно идёт снег, не зависимо от времени суток и места моего пребывания. Даже внутри домов и ДАЖЕ в Апокрифе! Перед этим я пошёл на отмель Хакнира, там, соответственно погоде, шёл снег. Кстати у меня установлен мод на текстуры снега на одежде, когда вы находитесь вовремя такой погоды. Так вот, естественно я был покрыт этим снегом. Сразился с пиратами, получил задание "Печать Смерти", взломав сундук достал шлем, пошёл дальше - наткнулся на пещеру риклингов Фроссель. В ней как раз начал валить снег, но при этом я не был покрыт снегом, мои компаньоны (Серана и Карджо) тоже не были, риклинги тоже не были. И главное, перед этим я не устанавливал никаких модов и раньше такого не было. Модов у меня в основном на ретекстуры и разнообразие в мире. Ну и один большой мод Лунные Тропы. Все DLC и патчи (только официальные) присутствуют.


В этом моде автор объединил 3 свои работы, позволяющие вам кардинально изменить климат в игре.

Хотите чтобы в Скайриме наступило лето? Хотите побегать по тропическому Скайриму? А может быть вы любите снег и хотите чтобы он был повсюду? Тогда этот мод для вас!

Летняя версия

После установки на всей территории Скайрима наступит лето, снег полностью исчезнет из игры.


  • 1к текстуры для травы и земли
  • Из игры удален снег и лед
  • Добавлены зеленые осины
  • Много новой травы, кустов и цветов
  • Все ледяные пещеры теперь выглядят как обычные
  • Добавлено больше травы
  • Снежные растения получили новую расцветку
  • Убрана метель
  • Большинство животных обитающих в заснеженных территориях получили новые текстуры и были переименованы
  • Дополнительные файлы: чистое небо, водные растения, пышные деревья и т.п.

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Установка: Используйте менеджер модов или поместите все из папки 0-Core в папку Data, а затем установите доп. модули (по желанию)

Тропическая версия

Эта версия изменит Скайрим до неузнаваемости: теперь это будет тропический рай! Мод использует только очень качественные текстуры, а версия основана на летней, но переделана с нуля.

Так же изменится множество ландшафтов: автор переделал все регионы тундры в настоящие пустыни. Изменения коснутся и городов


  • Новые текстуры для земли (1к и меньше)
  • Новые растения и трава
  • Новые деревья из джунглей
  • Полностью убран лед и снег из игры
  • Ретекстур нордских руин в белый цвет
  • Ретекстур городов, деревень и некоторых зданий (например Коллегии Винтерхолда)
  • Изменена погода и освещение
  • Ретекстур животных
  • Добавлены новые животные
  • И многое другое!

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Установка: Используйте менеджер модов или поместите все из папки 0-Core в папку Data

Weather Spell SSE

Этот мод добавляет заклинание "Изменение погоды" , которое позволяет вам изменять текущие погодные условия.
This mod adds the "Weather Spell" spell volume, which allows you to change the current weather conditions.

Credits and distribution permission

  • Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
  • Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
  • Modification permission You are not allowed to modify my files, including creating bug fixes or improving on features under any circumstances
  • Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  • Asset use permission You are not allowed to use assets from this file under any circumstances
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets

Author notes

Запрещено любое распространение без разрешения автора оригинального мода.
It is forbidden to any distribution without the permission of the author original mod.

File credits

- Автор - Sheo aka malli;
- Адаптация и перевод на русский - Froloff007 ака Фролоff_007.

- Author - Sheo aka malli;
- Adaptation and translation into Russian - Froloff007 aka Froloff_007.

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Этот мод добавляет в игру том заклинаний, который
научит вас изменять текущие погодные условия.
Найти его можно на барной стойке в таверне
"Спящий великан", которая находится в Ривервуде.

Доступны следующие погодные условия:
- Ясно (северное сияние ночью - опционально);
- Облачно (северное сияние ночью - опционально);
- Туман;
- Дождь;
- Снег;
- Гроза;
- Снежная буря;
- Совнгард - ярко;
- Совнгард - темно;
- Чёрный предел;
- "Зов луны" (квест Хирсина).

- Апокриф;
- Вулканический пепел - ясно (северное сияние ночью - опционально);
- Вулканический пепел - облачно (северное сияние ночью - опционально);
- Вулканический пепел - снег;
- Затмение;
- Каирн Душ.

Обычная погода - возвращает погодные условия для локации в состояние
"по умолчанию".

This mod adds a spell volume to the game, which will
teach you to change the current weather conditions.
You can find it on the bar table in the "Sleeping Giant Inn",
which is located in Riverwood.

The following weather conditions are available:

- Clear (optional aurora at night);
- Сloudy (optional aurora at night);
- Fog;
- Rain;
- Snow;
- Thunderstorm;
- Snow storm;
- Sovngarde bright;
- Sovngarde dark;
- Blackreach;
- Bloated Man's Grotto fog.

- Apocrypha;
- Volcanic ash clear (optional aurora at night);
- Volcanic ash cloudy (optional aurora at night);
- Volcanic ash snow;
- Eclipse;
- Soul Cairn.

Normal weather ==> sets the weather back to its default state.

- Skyrim SE и выше.

- Skyrim SE and higher.

- Установить мод с помощью НММ / МО менеджеров или вручную.
Распаковать архив на рабочий стол и скопировать его содержимое
в папку Data вашей игры в случае ручной установки.
Активировать .esp файл в лаунчере.

- Install the mod using the MMM / MO managers or manually. Unpack the
archive on your desktop and copy its contents to the Data folder of your
game in the case of a manual installation. Activate the .esp file in the launcher.

Этот мод является адаптацией одноименного мода для Легендарного
издания Скайрима. Я посчитал его достаточно интересным и в итоге
решил сделать адаптацию, но реальным автором мода является этот
человек. Я всего лишь перевёл мод и сделал пару кликов мышкой. Так
что всё вопросы по поводу распространения и использования файлов
мода направляйте исключительно ему. И самое главное -
огромное ему спасибо за этот прекрасный мод!

- Автор - Sheo aka malli;
- Адаптация и перевод на русский - Froloff007 ака Фролоff_007.

This mod is an adaptation of the eponymous mod for the Legendary
Edition of Skyrim. I found it interesting enough and eventually decided
to make an adaptation, but the real author of the mod is this person.
I just translated the mod and made a couple of mouse clicks. So all the
questions about the distribution and use of the mod files should be sent
exclusively to him. And most importantly - a huge thanks to him for this
wonderful mod!

- Author - Sheo aka malli;
- Adaptation and translation into Russian - Froloff007 aka Froloff_007.

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