Как искать оффсеты для aion

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

Free Aion Bot Project
i have some questions about how to find these offsets :


i have these adresses which are from aion 4.8.1 na client :
Need Some Explaining Here :
pGUIDInfoAddress = 0xE8A210 ( what i can read using this address ? )
TempHotInfoAddress = 0xAB75CC
ReactionInfoAddress = 0xAB8F5C ( what i can read using this address ? )
InventoryInfoAddress = 0xAB8DEC
TargetInfoAddress = 0xA626E0
EntityInfoAddress = 0xEB2444 ( what i can read using this address ? )

hope someone can give some instructions on how to find these offsets / addresses & how they look like . thanks in advance

Just rename exe file of Cheat Engine and the file with same name as exe with extension .sig. It helps you. Just rename exe file of Cheat Engine and the file with same name as exe with extension .sig. It helps you.

it's okay for attaching debugger i find the solution of CE Forum
cheat engine currently using Windows Debugger you need just to change it
to VEH Debugger & Check Breakpoints box / Threading it will resolve the issue
and i can attach debugger now without closing the game.

Hope Someone help me about the offests

Originally Posted by usernamenotfound

it's okay for attaching debugger i find the solution of CE Forum
cheat engine currently using Windows Debugger you need just to change it
to VEH Debugger & Check Breakpoints box / Threading it will resolve the issue
and i can attach debugger now without closing the game.

Hope Someone help me about the offests

Sorry, but no one will help you with non public stuff like entity map or ability list.

But stuff like "is player moving", is very easy to find. Just search for 4 bits 0, click autoforward key and search for 4. Stop running, search for 0 and so one .

Sorry, but no one will help you with non public stuff like entity map or ability list.

But stuff like "is player moving", is very easy to find. Just search for 4 bits 0, click autoforward key and search for 4. Stop running, search for 0 and so one .

why no one? i can share offsets from aionscript for example xD

I've Tried this (4 is moving & 0 is not moving ) but it's not static adress & i tried to find out the pointer for this address & it looks like ( wowpro64+E41C ) lol.

i have a bot which can do all functions ( Gathering / Grinding / Craft / Support / Questing ) & Works On Background & Multiple Clients ( mean you can bot more than 1 character using the same bot )
i will make it for free if someone help me, and i will keep it up-to-date as hard as i can.

i've find all the offsets need expect these .

someone told me you need to reverse casting spell to get the offset of the skill is owned or not
i need to read the skills list & length & each skill ( ID / cooldown / casttime / chains etc )

Sorry, but no one will help you with non public stuff like entity map or ability list.

But stuff like "is player moving", is very easy to find. Just search for 4 bits 0, click autoforward key and search for 4. Stop running, search for 0 and so one .

Hum Actually, i don't need someone who can share lol i need someone who can teach me "How" to find these things some peoples telling me that Cheat engine is not enough to find them , "IDA Pro" is used to find them but . so if someone know this stuff just pm me on skype

why no one? i can share offsets from aionscript for example xD AionScript , As far as i can remember it's a hack so it just using the attack speed / move offsets & X,Y,Z .. no ability list & entities? why no one? i can share offsets from aionscript for example xD

Yes, but you can't find them by yourself :P.

@usernamenotfound: Cheat Engine is enough for stuff like that.

Are you trying to find offsets on Aion Na x64?
Start Aion in x32 and it will be easier. However, here are the current addresses for "is moving":

Isplayermovingx32: game.dll + EA7960
Isplayermovingx64: game.dll+1309CD8

bar address:
x32: game.dll + E8A240
x64: game.dll + 12EAAA8

And well, I understand you. The thing is, it isn't very easy to find the entity map address without knowing what you have to search and it's not public, at least I couldn't find anything about that.

Yes, but you can't find them by yourself :P.

@usernamenotfound: Cheat Engine is enough for stuff like that.

Are you trying to find offsets on Aion Na x64?
Start Aion in x32 and it will be easier. However, here are the current addresses for "is moving":

Isplayermovingx32: game.dll + EA7960
Isplayermovingx64: game.dll+1309CD8

bar address:
x32: game.dll + E8A240
x64: game.dll + 12EAAA8

And well, I understand you. The thing is, it isn't very easy to find the entity map address without knowing what you have to search and it's not public, at least I couldn't find anything about that.

sure it's 32bit lol ^^ because windows kernel can only access 32 process modules ,

already got this lol : game.dll + EA7960
but when i'm testing the offest i was pressing "W" to move forward but it require "NumLock" for autoforward.

and this bar address indicate 0 when the bar is 1 then 1 when the bar is 2 xD maybe increment retard by 1

can you tell me how did you find the bar static address please or did your scan for a pointer for this ?

also when i've attached the SigScan Tool To Aion it Gives Me these Addresses :

pGUIDInfoAddress = 0xE8A210 (idk what is this)
TempHotInfoAddress = 0xAB75CC
ReactionInfoAddress = 0xAB8F5C (idk what is this)
InventoryInfoAddress = 0xAB8DEC
TargetInfoAddress = 0xA626E0
EntityInfoAddress = 0xEB2444 ( you mean i can read entity map from this address ? , it needs a pointer or not ? ) & how it looks like (byte,2,4,8 , array of byte , string , binary ?)

also by lucky search i've found this video of reversing entity list & idk if it's usefull

[Aion] Оффсеты и базовый адрес

"[Автоматизация] Люди, научите чайника делать ботов." - это неприемлемое название темы, переименуйте тему иначе она будет закрыта, а вам возможно будет выдан бан на несколько дней.

С уважением, Модератор раздела.

Перед созданием темы настоятельно рекомендую раз 50 перечитать правила относящиеся к этому разделу и потом переименовать ее в соответствии с шаблоном. Одна попытка.


1.Качаешь CE (желательно 6.1 и русификатор) , как узнать при помощи автоит не знаю)
2.Устанавливаешь и находишь нужное тебе адрес значения (тут я много опустил в надежде, что это все сами умеют)
3.Сносишь значение в рабочие поле (я про ту таблицу что снизу)
на нужном тебе адресе жмёшь правй кнопкой и там выбераешь "Точка отсёта на доступ" соглашаешься в диалоге на присоединение отладчика.
4.Появится окно в котором будут нужные тебе данные (инструкции), если данные не появятся сразу чтонибудь делаешь чтобы значение изменилось, тогда обязательно плявятся.
5.Выбераешь инструкцую. и Жмёшь "Больше инфо."
красным будет выделено значение чтото вроде ECX+100500
в данном случаи 100500 это офсет
в таблице нижу смотришь чему равен ecx, желательно куданить записать эти значения
6.Возращаемся в гравное окно CE настраиваем поиск :ставим галочку на НЕХ размер 4 bytes .
Вписываем в поле значение ECX и жмём поиск.
7.Ищим в результатах поиска зелёненикий адрес , это и есть базовый адрес .

Как вычислить offset значения?


Моё личное предположение - это значит, что адрес в виртуальном и физическом пространстве памяти используется без смещения. т.е. оффсет значения нет и не может быть.

Хотя после долгой перекопки этой софтины нашел вот что, к каждому значению в редакторе памяти можно применить "Pointer scan", а тот находит кучу указателей, которые хоть все можно переместить в окно для работы и у каждого указателя есть свой оффсет:


Что это значит - ничего не понимаю :wacko:
Если все-таки найдется базовый адрес, то данное значение будет вычислятся одинаково верно находится на всех компах.
AION bot developer

Отследил CE адрес ХП моба. Проблема в том, что он постоянно меняется, а когда я попытался дисасемблировать, мне выдало сл:

в строке с моим адресом. А теперь вопрос: что с этим делать? )))
Как я понимаю, если адрес со значениями меняется, то надо искать оффсет и искать по оффсету, верно? Какой тут оффсет, что это вообще такое?


Отследил CE адрес ХП моба. Проблема в том, что он постоянно меняется, а когда я попытался дисасемблировать, мне выдало сл:

в строке с моим адресом. А теперь вопрос: что с этим делать? )))
Как я понимаю, если адрес со значениями меняется, то надо искать оффсет и искать по оффсету, верно? Какой тут оффсет, что это вообще такое?

Aion Offsets

playerID = Game.dll+0xA77814 (int, 4 bytes)
AreaName = Game.dll+0xA7A168 (utf-16 string on 64 bytes)
AreaID = Game.dll+0xA7808C (long on 8 bytes)
maxHealth = Game.dll+0xA82424(4 bytes)
serverID = Game.dll+0xAB2918 (1 byte)
entityList = Game.dll + 0xa826e8 (pointer)

PlayerX = Game.dll + 0xA79D40
PlayerY = Game.dll + 0xA79D44
PlayerZ = Game.dll + 0xA79D48

for entities:
EntityID = 0x20
EntityX = 0x274
EntityY = 0x278
EntityZ = 0x27c
EntityLvl = 0x32
EntityHealth = 0x34
EntityName = 0x36
EntityName2 = 0x7C(name of the owner for pets)
EntityLegionID = (not checked)
EntityLegionName = (not checked)
EntityState = 0x218
EntityFurtivity = 0x277

huhu wollt mal fragen ob schon jemand neue offsets hat.und der bot schon wieder l�uft
danke I just can't figure out the correct offset for PlayerHasTarget. Can someone help me please ? I just can't figure out the correct offset for PlayerHasTarget. Can someone help me please ?

you mean the one with 0 = no target and 1 = target ?

ill post the CT file tonight. got everything now .

but i want them to make a sticky. pain to search it on the first page

Mods pls cleanout and sticky this again pls

Aion Client Vers. Offest:

full list of most used values

Attached Files
Aion_vers_1.9.0.1_Offsets.zip (1.3 KB, 258 views)
thank for sharing , hwo to use this offset , its bot or hack , ? because i say is CT file . thank for sharing , hwo to use this offset , its bot or hack , ? because i say is CT file . its a cheatengine file. its meant for the coders to update
their bots. can some Post the offsets as a Editor File ? I cant work with Cheat Engine.

This is so so use full..
Can't thank you enough bro. Very Good Job!!

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