Как играть за византию europa universalis 4

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Эта страница может содержать устаревшую информацию из игры, так как она актуальна для версии 1.9.2.

Этот инфобокс может содержать устаревшую информацию об игре. Последняя версия, для которой эта информация была актуальной, является 1.21.


−10% Стоимость советников +3 Веротерпимость к истинной вере

−15% Содержание наёмников

Восстановление деревень

+10% national manpower modifier +5% Модификаторы производства товаров

+10% Доход от налогов

Делегирование полномочий

−10% Стоимость стабильности

Византийское купечество

+10% Глобальное торговое влияние

Новая имперская армия

+5% Дисциплина

Восстановление Вселенского Патриархата

+3% Эффективность миссионеров

+1 Изменение престижа за год

Византия (Вместе с Западной Римской Империей) один из наследников Римской Империи. В начале у Византии всего три провинции в южной Греции и Афины в роле вассала, ну и на десерт, боязнь быть захваченной Османской Империей. Luckily it starts with the fabled city of Constantinople, one of the largest and richest in the known world. Any player daring enough to try this doomed nation must act quickly to secure alliances before the ever-expanding Turks turn towards it.


Этот раздел может содержать устаревшую информацию об игре. Последняя версия, для которой эта информация была актуальной, является 1.19.

The following decisions are part of the Purple Phoenix DLC. [1]

Как играть за византию europa universalis 4

Europa Universalis 4 / Европа Универсалис 4

Алексей Дьяченко

Алексей Дьяченко запись закреплена

Какие ачивки за Византию есть и расскажите о них, если не трудно.

Максим Лысенков

Базилевс-восстановить Ромейскую империю,то есть захватить эти провки.

Федя Полтавец

Выжить с османами по соседству. У меня ни разу не получалось

Нестор Кар

Федя Полтавец

Нестор Кар

Андрей Андрей

Честный, совсем не изи. Куча дрочилова с рестартами по дипломатии.

Нестор Кар

Роман Гурин

Вчера стартанул за нее, сразу же засоюзился с венграми и поляками, и все, сегодня турок уже нет на карте

Андрей Андрей

Честный, умение воевать тоже требуется приличное, если механики не знать даже венгры с поляками могут не помочь.
Потом нужно понимать экономику чтобы прям затащить.

Нестор Кар

Андрей, я это знаю на среднем уровне наверно и мне достаточно)

Андрей Андрей

Честный, я пробовал на казаках два раза без всяких рестартов дипломатических. Ничего не вышло совершенно - просто закатали османы)

Роман Твердой

Роман Твердой ответил Андрею

Андрей, мне тоже кажется легко,три раза играл за визу и трижды выживал

Андрей Андрей

Александр Дмитриев

Roman, а я с австрийцами и поляками. И в итоге не стало на карте меня, ибо это наверное самые худшие австрийцы которые могли бы быть, они военку не поднимали, сливались в горах и через реку, а так же разделяли своб армию и сливали по отдельности

Нестор Кар

Андрей, я это знаю на среднем уровне наверно и мне достаточно)

Роман Гурин

Роман Твердой

Роман Твердой ответил Андрею

Андрей, главное собрать орду союзников,типо сербии боснии поляков и венгров и в начале войны своей армией по фасту сыбаться в польшу,переждать мордобой и придти добивать слабых османов


Византия может быть возрождена православными странами с Греческой или Понтийской основной культурой. Шаблон:Decision


Кавалерский Крест Виктории

Заручиться поддержкой Скандербега не вышло - турки съели его почти мгновенно. Однако и один Хуньяди успешно справился с османскими войсками в первой нашей войне. И одной выигранной битвы хватило, чтобы взять Эдирне и забрать его себе по итогам мира. А больше ничего и не требовалось - контролируя оба пролива, в следующей войне я просто запер турков в Малой Азии и вернул себе Балканы. Соседи турков - поляки, мамлюки и венгры - тоже времени не теряли и уже к началу XVI века от Порты ничего не осталось.

Ну а дальше я просто спокойно ел всё, до чего мог дотянуться, и ни разожравшийся мамлюк, ни обнаглевшие венгры не могли этому помешать. Админ. идей не брал, сильно на войнах не концентрировался. Но, возможно, стоило - тогда я смог бы восстановить РИ. Сейчас-то уже точно Францию съесть не успею, она слишком разжирела.

1. Самое важное - захватить Эдирне. И забрать его себе. Больше в первую войну можно ничего не брать, лишь бы ко времени окончания перемирия турки были в Азии, а не шастали по Балканам. Последующие войны с турками можно выигрывать вообще без союзников, галерный флот - наше всё.
2. Кандар - вкусная цель. Мы можем клепать на него претензии с самого начала партии, и мы сильнее. Но жрать его, наверное, не стоит, лучше сделать вассалом. И в войны против турок поначалу с собой не брать, ничего, кроме минусов в варскор мы от него не получим, а зачем нам эти минусы нужны.


Византийские события крутятся вокруг ключевых городов таких как Никомедия и Антиохия. There are also some events about the influence that the court had over the emperor.


Необычная Византия [EU4 1.21.1]

Это не совсем ААР одиночной игры, так как начинался в МП-партии на Стратегиуме. Но после первой сессии (1464г.) я был изгнан за лаги на 3ей скорости, и решил продолжить сейв в одиночной игре. Посмотрим что из этого получится.

Итак, скажу сразу, игрок из меня так себе, и победить Османов, тем более игрока, мне показалось невозможным, потому на старте басилевс Ромейской Империи совершил неожиданный безумный финт, и, напав без повода на Слайго(Ирландия), поплыл и завассалил его, и воспользовавшись претензиями Слайго, еще и захватил провинцию по соседству, где благополучно осел.

Увы, Константинополь пал, хотя Южная Греция еще какое-то время была под контролем ромеев, а после, ввиду утери контроля, и огромного расстояния между новой столицей, была продана генуэзцам.

Греки прочно обосновались в Западной Ирландии, заключив союз с Англией. Вскоре они приняли унию с католической церковью, и ирландскую культуру, ведь ирландцы составляли большинство на захваченных землях. Однако правящим классом по прежнему были греки.

Вскоре, с помощью Англии, вся Западная Ирландия перешла под прямой контроль Империи.

Основные цели партии:
1. Сделать Византию самой могущественной страной и отомстить туркам, но. очень нестандартным путём. Переехав в Америку и заняв место США!
2. Обязательно с участием византийских ирландских протестантских казаков. Куда же без них.

В начале я не делал никаких скриншотов, так как не думал писать ААр, а после ничего и не происходило, я ждал, копил силы, принимал технологии. Первой веткой идей была взято Исследование, само собой.

Наконец, в 1486 году, была принята третья идея колонизации, а греческие моряки, пытаясь повторить путешествия испанцев и португальцев, обнаружили огромный неисследованный материк за океаном.
Basileia Romaion go bragh?


Этот раздел может содержать устаревшую информацию об игре. Последняя версия, для которой эта информация была актуальной, является 1.14.


As Byzantium is hopelessly outmatched by the Ottomans in the beginning, their only hope for survival is finding a strong ally in time before the Ottomans strike. It is advisable to set Byzantium's attitude towards the Ottomans to "threatened" to give their enemies more reasons to ally the player. The player should also have a Statesman advisor providing +1 diplomatic reputation to boost the relations enough for Poland (or Hungary) to accept the player's royal marriage proposal and later alliance. If such an advisor is not available, the player can either fire existing advisors until one appears (possibly taking loans in the process), or restart the game until the stars align.

The common choices for allies for Byzantium are Poland and Hungary. Ideally, they'll both have the Ottomans rivaled, and won't rival each other; this takes some luck, however, so be prepared to settle with non-ideal starts or reset the game a lot.

Poland offers more armies than Hungary, and if they take the Personal Union option with Lithuania, together with the vassal-swarm Mazovia and Moldavia generate. However, Poland is definitely not in a rush to help the Byzantines - they will be spending the first few years of the game attempting to expand toward the Teutonic Order's lands, and if declared on while they are still fighting, they won't offer much help. This is especially tricky if Hungary allied the Teutonic Order and decided to defend them, causing allies to exhaust themselves. Furthermore, Poland does not have a reliable starting general, making them lose most equal-numbers battles to the Turks' two-star general Hadim Sehabeddin.

Hungary, on the other hand, has less armies than Poland, but are closer and more often threatened by the Turks, making them normally an easier ally. They are also not going to get involved with any major early wars due to being in an Interregnum and soon a Regency (unless, of course, they decide to save the Teutonic Order from Poland). In addition, their general Janos Hunyadi's high skill can prove a big hassle for the Ottoman armies. In short, Hungary is low risk, low reward; Poland is high risk, high reward.

Austria, the Mamluks and Aragon might also rival the Turks and become a viable ally, but Austria is hard to sway due to border distance, the Mamluks won't provide Poland's numbers nor Hungary's general, and Aragon can really only send ships - rarely men.

Other minors around the player, such as Wallachia, Serbia, Bosnia, Trebizond, Theodoro and the Turkish minors in Anatolia are good cannon fodder - the extra few thousand armies can change the battle. Some of these are also good options for vassalization later due to same religion. However, note that it's not always ideal to ally them - Wallachia may rival Hungary, Serbia often rivals Byzantium, Bosnia is further away and always allies Serbia, Albania tends to be attacked extremely early (first half of 1445), and Trebizond/Theodoro might pull the player to war against the large Crimea and Qara Qoyunlu hordes.

Albania deserves a special mention as it, firstly, usually allies Hungary and joins Ragusa's Trade League however it still gets attacked by the Ottomans. Allying it can cause you, Hungary, Albania and Ragusa to be attacked by the Ottomans, though this is risky as Albania may not give you land. Secondly it has a 5/5/5/0 ruler-general who can really help crush the Ottomans.

The time before the war can also be used to fabricate claims on the Ottomans or improving relations with Athens to speed up the integration process later on. Byzantium does not have much income or force limit in the beginning, but building the army up to the force limit may provide a little edge in the inevitable war.

Early expansion outside of the Ottomans is also very difficult as the Ottomans often warn Byzantium. Venice and Genoa can be fabricated upon for their Greek islands. In some cases, Venice will take Albania which can be taken with support of Hungary, and provide a bridge to Serbia. Alternatively, supporting rebels in the Greek provinces might cause separatism, particularly in Negroponte (Venice's island next to Athens) and Chios (Genoa's islands connected to Anatolia) - this will cause the provinces to defect to Byzantium.

Первая Война

Getting attacked by the Turks is not hard - send them an insult and claim their land through the diplomatic feedback. Then constantly harass them by embargoes and fabricating on Asia Minor and Bulgaria. Eventually they'll get angry enough to attack, causing allies to join in immediately, turning them into an easy prey. If they decide to take too long, at some point the allies will join a call to war (if playing with Cossacks, once again, 10 favors is all that's needed - should take a couple decades, so be patient). Keeping army maintenance low can help the economy thrive, but if the Turkish armies are visible in the border, raise it back. In case the Purple Phoenix DLC is enabled, expect gain a couple extra monarch points along this period; use them to get a good general.

It is important to capture as much territory as possible in the first war, mark Byzantium's interest in that territory before the war begins, though avoid setting common provinces of vital interests - Poland might want Silistria, and Hungary, Vidin. Byzantium has many cores in mainland Greece, particularly Edirne, Kastoria, Selanik, Thessaly, Yanya. Rushing Edirne whenever possible during the battles is key, for not only it's more valuable than most other provinces, it also is the Ottomans' land bridge to the Balkans, capital and most important fort. Taking it will increase warscore, and create a safe bubble in the Balkans to stackwipe Ottoman armies. Defending Edirne and Constantinople is also easy due to the large strait crossing penalty.

Should the war be a success, Edirne is the priority - then, after it, the core Greek provinces splitting Constantinople from Morea, based on development. If everything goes well and somehow the strait was crossed, taking Kocaeli and it's fort is a great idea, for it's a fort and buffer to Constantinople and the strait (and, with Purple Phoenix, a couple bonuses from the Nikomedia Reclaimed Event will pop up). However, it will be hard to cross the strait without a massive navy of galleys. If there's some Warscore left, Albania is well-developed, should they have already annexed it, Burgas is a decent extra buffer for Constantinople, and Silistra's development is nice too - worth noting that, if the Turks do not own the Greek and Bulgarian coastlines nor Albania, they'll be completely locked out of their Balkan territory, making them super vulnerable against anyone, especially rebels.

During the war, the player should observe closely their ally's attitude, and rather end the war a little early than risk fighting the Ottomans alone. Oftentimes the Mamluks lay a claim on ottoman border and coastal territories, or Karaman and Candar set out on a reconquest against the now-weakened Turks by the war. Sometimes, even Qara Qoyunlu might jump in for the free land. The player should keep their army out of harm's way, unless it is possible to turn a battle with the few men the player has.

If the Ottomans declare war before the player has secured an alliance, their ally is too weak due to being in another war, their ally peaces out too early, or the Ottomans end up winning the war, it is best to restart the game. Byzantium on its own is no match for the Ottoman army.

Последуйщие Шаги

Assuming the player won the first war and gained a good amount of territory, they should be able to fabricate claims on Albania, Serbia and possibly Ragusa. Afterwards, Bosnia, Hungary and even Venice may be valid expansion targets, depending on how the political situation in the area evolves. It is advisable at this point to expand into the Balkans as quickly as possible without triggering a coalition, while waiting for the truce with the Ottomans to end. All these wars are best fought without Poland-Lithuania (or Austria), as this ally will most likely be needed for the second war against the Ottomans. The player should also seek more allies, such as Venice or Austria (Hungary will likely become hostile due to the player's expansion in the Balkans).

The player may also consider expanding in to the Black Sea - notably Theodoro, Georgia, Circassia and possibly Crimea - if alliances and navy strengths allow, and if claims or trade conflicts can be fabricated.

It is worthwhile watching the situation of the Ottomans while waiting for the truce to end, while fabricating as many claims as possible - after their initial defeat, they may be attacked by other powers in the region, and potentially even broken. If they are very weak, it is best to attack as soon as the truce is up - otherwise, it may be worthwhile to wait until they are bogged down in another war against a sizeable foe, ideally against the Mamluks, Muscovy (through an alliance with Crimea) or Qara Qoyunlu, before attacking together with the player's ally (or allies). It is important to make sure that the player's allies are not only willing to join the war, but are also at reasonable military strength, and not distracted in other wars.

The goal of the second war should be to break the Ottomans completely (if that was not achieved during or after the first war). This can be achieved by breaking their alliances, dragging the war on until the war exhaustion is so high that separatist rebels start to appear, other enemies attack them, and splitting their territory further by taking the right provinces.

The player's first idea group should likely be either Religious (for the Deus Vult CB and to enable conversion of Muslim territory), Humanist (for the heathen tolerance and religious unity) or Administrative (for the -25% coring cost and mercenary cost reduction).

Средняя игра

After securing both the Balkans and Anatolia, the player has a variety of expansion opportunities. The player may conquer the Italian region for their rich provinces. Northern Italy leaving the Holy Roman Empire will likely make such conquest much easier. Conquering Rome is also one of the requirements for restoring the Pentarchy - and as long as the player stays Orthodox, they will not incur a relationship penalty for owning it. On the other hand, with the Ottomans broken, Byzantium can now truly restore the Roman Empire by conquering the remainder of Anatolia and the Middle East, and even the Maghreb. The Black Sea is also rife with expansion opportunities, and Crimea, Georgia and Circassia should pose little challenge militarily.

Venice will likely turn hostile at some point, so it is best to conquer their provinces early. This will also allow the player to control the Venice trade end node. Controlling Constantinople, Ragusa and Venice will increase the player's trade income significantly. Naples, if they become independent, have a relatively weak dynasty, and the player may be able to form a Personal union with them. They can also be a useful ally in the player's wars in the Mediterranean in the meantime.

Finally, the player may convert to catholic (see Rebel conversion) and become Holy Roman Emperor, or wait until religious peace and become an Orthodox emperor. A colonial play is also possible, once the Italian region is secured and the right ideas are unlocked. For this, it may be best to conquer either Maghreb or Iberian territory early.

While expanding, it is important to note that the player's initial allies will be less willing to join the player's wars the further away from Europe they expand. It may be difficult to find allies among the Sunni nations, but Muscovy may make a useful ally for expanding North East, as long as they do not rival the player, and as long as the player is able to ally them (which may be difficult if they rival Poland).

It is also important to pay attention to the decisions and missions. The player reaps a significant army tradition reward that can be triggered by decision (the "Triumph for ____" decisions) once the player conquers certain regions (Greece, Anatolian coast, Balkans, Asia Minor, Italy), and there are a number of missions on old Byzantine holdings (see also Purple Phoenix missions).

The second and third Idea groups the player chooses will largely depend on play style and luck. If they have the military points to spare, a military idea group (Quantity, Offensive, Quality or Defensive) is advisable. Influence ideas (for quicker vassal annexation and reduced AE) or Diplomatic Ideas (for extra diplomat and improved relations) as well as Exploration ideas are certainly possible. The player may also choose Humanist (if they have not chosen Religious)


Byzantium's missions are focused around reconquering the former territories of the Empire (including Italy), as well as a special mission to restore the Orthodox Pentarchy by converting all five major Christian cities to the Orthodox faith, upon which the Papal Controller mechanics for Catholics will be permanently disabled.

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