Как добавить ботов killing floor 2

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Log in as server administrator:
adminlogin pass
adminlogin user pass

Add/Remove bots:
admin addbots [amount]
admin killbots
admin killbots [amount]

Kick/Ban a online player:
admin kick [playername]
admin kickban [playername]

Say message as admin (text appears in middle of player’s screen):
admin adminsay [your message]

Changes the current level to the specified level:
admin switchlevel [mapname]
admin switchlevel kf-farm.rom

Pause the game:

Game settings:
admin set Engine.GameInfo bAllowBehindView True/False
admin set Engine.GameInfo bAdminCanPause True/False
admin set Engine.GameInfo MaxSpectators [amount]
admin set Engine.GameInfoMaxPlayers [amount]
admin set UnrealGame.bot Accuracy [-1;0;1]
admin set Engine.GameInfo bAllowWeaponThrowing True/False
admin set Engine.GameInfo bChangeLevels True/False
admin set Engine.GameInfo bWeaponStay True/False
admin set Engine.GameInfo GameDifficulty [dificulty]

1.000000 (Beginner)
2.000000 (Normal)
3.000000 (Skilled)
4.000000 (Hard)
5.000000 (Suicidal)

Как добавить ботов killing floor 2

22 дек. 2015 в 11:46

Does anyone know if there is a way to add bots to a singleplayer game? Not like bots that actually play, just some bots which fill the open player slots in order to raise the amount of the Zeds and their life.

Thanks in advance for any help ..

22 дек. 2015 в 11:48

There should be a mod called "Fake Players".

Try and look it up.

22 дек. 2015 в 11:50 22 дек. 2015 в 12:50 22 дек. 2015 в 20:19 I would actually like some good bots for solo play. 22 дек. 2015 в 20:23 I would actually like some good bots for solo play.

The same person that made the bots mod for Killing floor 1 is working on it for KF2, however, it is going to be very difficult since the game before was based on the same unreal engine that powerd the unreal tournament games, so bot pathing and coding was already there. In KF2, he has to basically rewrite it all, which might not even work at all. He has released an experimental 1 bot mod, to keep up with the progress, keep your eyes on this thread.

I quote him, "So at the current state, bots are impossible to implement without Tripwire adding some kind of support for them in the base code of KF2."

EDIT: Added link for the actual mutator download, he has released an expermiental version.

23 дек. 2015 в 8:20 I would actually like some good bots for solo play.

The same person that made the bots mod for Killing floor 1 is working on it for KF2, however, it is going to be very difficult since the game before was based on the same unreal engine that powerd the unreal tournament games, so bot pathing and coding was already there. In KF2, he has to basically rewrite it all, which might not even work at all. He has released an experimental 1 bot mod, to keep up with the progress, keep your eyes on this thread.

I quote him, "So at the current state, bots are impossible to implement without Tripwire adding some kind of support for them in the base code of KF2."

EDIT: Added link for the actual mutator download, he has released an expermiental version. Thanks for that link, hopefully he can get them fully functioning!

Как добавить ботов killing floor 2

Да это действительно боты для второй части Killing Floor. Пока это первая версия, но автор будет доводить этот мутатор до ума.

- Они могут использовать правильные оружие в правильных ситуациях.

- Они могут использовать гранаты при большом скоплении мобов.

- Они могут лечить себя и других с шприца и медицинского оружия.

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